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Uncovering The New U: Change Your Mind, Change Your Circumstances!
Uncovering The New U: Change Your Mind, Change Your Circumstances!
Uncovering The New U: Change Your Mind, Change Your Circumstances!
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Uncovering The New U: Change Your Mind, Change Your Circumstances!

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UncoveringTheNewU is a call to action memoir for the woman looking to identify their own strength and power to live ON purpose and intentionally. This interactive, empowerment memoir shares practical shifts & principles to do just that! International Master Trainer & Life Coach SheNesia Ewing reveals challenges caused by single motherhoo

Release dateJun 23, 2018
Uncovering The New U: Change Your Mind, Change Your Circumstances!

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    Uncovering The New U - SheNesia Ewing


    I would first like to give honor to God for providing me with the required strength to scale through the struggles I came across over the years. It is because of my faith that has pushed me along as far as I have come.

    I would also like to thank my mother Delores Hopkins for believing in me and always pushing me to go further than the hurdles that stood before me. U supported me, encouraged me, and laughed with me. U even cried with me during the times I didn’t know whether to give up or keep going. Despite sacrifices made, U stuck with me and I thank U for that, I appreciate U, and I love U.

    Furthermore, I would like to thank my father, Willie Hopkins III, for teaching me to be headstrong. U taught me the true meaning of the saying, God didn’t build us to break, He built us to build! Forcing me to work hard for whatever I desired in life. Thank U, Daddy!

    Above all, I would like to thank my Husband, Fred Ewing. My love, U have given me more than I deserve. I appreciate your love, sacrifice, care, and willingness to not just get me through but make it through with me. I appreciate the support through the long nights and the encouragement to keep going and not quit in this process. U believed in me, and I can’t thank U enough for choosing me to be your life.

    To my brother Will, man U are the best brother a sister could have. We have been through somethings and I need U to know that I appreciate every moment we’ve shared good and bad. It is because of your constant belief in me that I can do anything, that I am going after just that. I made a promise and I am keeping it. See U at the top. I love U!

    To my son, Xavier; U have also given me the courage I needed to get where I am today. One day, I hope U will understand the purpose of all my sacrifices. They were made to help U understand that the sky is not just the limit, but a new starting point for higher greatness in life. I love U with all my heart never forget that!


    To my S.H.E readers (Strong, Healthy, & Empowered), I thank U for purchasing my first self-published book. I pray that U will be motivated to trust in yourself and your abilities to know that anything is possible. There is nothing in this world that can’t be accomplished by U if U continually push through the circumstances. U can begin by changing your perspective to see your oppositions as OPPORTUNITIES.

    Every day U work towards your goals and dreams brings U closer to birthing your purpose and living for that purpose intentionally. Trust yourself and remember that every challenge is simply a test of your efforts and the strength already domicile in U. So, USE IT! Use it to your advantage because it’s YOURS. Nothing in the world will come to U if U don’t believe in who U are, what U stand for, and what U desire to achieve.

    I hope that U find this book an eye opener that just because your success was delayed that it isn’t denied. Nothing can deny U but U. It is in those challenging moments where if I could turn back the hands of time I would not, because I would not be where I am today, and I can now teach others how to avoid getting there.

    Nothing in life comes easy but it is what we work so hard for that we seek reward and gratification. Remember to Uncover the new U, change begins with U; but for change to begin, U must change your mind to change those circumstances.

    Challenges make you discover things about yourself that you never really knew.

    ~ Cicely Tyson


    The Bricks They Threw

    I would not have thought that my life would be where it is right now. When I was 13 years of age, I used to tell myself that I was going to law school. And not just any law school, but one of the top law schools in the country. And also to find an amazing husband who would give me all that I could ever want, these which include the desire to have 13 children. As far-fetched as it may have sounded, I only have one biological brother, one living god brother, and sister, and one deceased. I think just like most of us, I desired the American Dream; large family, white picket fenced home, and a progressive career. Did U once have the same vision in your life or something different than where U are now? I can only begin to imagine where U wanted to be and just how different things are right now.

    Whenever I begin to look back over my life, I am always very confident that I am right where I am supposed to be. As a woman, I know that I was put here, right now, in this place for a reason. The highs and lows of life forced me to fight for the spot that I have in life currently. I’ve experienced rape, alcoholism, homelessness, repossessions, abusive relationships, neglect, being talked about, brokenness, depression, and so much more. Knowing how I grew up, I had the strength inside to do whatever I had to do to be the best version of myself every day. I knew I could be the mother I was designed to be, and the wife I was cultivated to be. And I was positive it would happen one day.

    My social support system wavered most of my life. I found it true that when people show U who they are, BELIEVE THEM. I had more people against me than for me, and it was discouraging. I had to understand that it was me all along who needed to believe in me! How often have U told someone that U didn’t need their stamp of approval on something, knowing deep down U wanted it? I happened to have said it repeatedly and even backed it up with the expression of confidence on my face, but inside, it never existed until now. It wasn’t until I understood me, that I noticed the people in my circle where only there just because of me. Despite the storm, I didn’t give up, I didn’t fail, and my faith didn’t waiver. My experience was my testimony, and my oppositions became my opportunities.

    I don’t know about U, but I am always annoyed with the common saying that some things are better left alone than said

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