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Taking the Sell out of Sales: Discover How You Can Overcome the Fear of Selling
Taking the Sell out of Sales: Discover How You Can Overcome the Fear of Selling
Taking the Sell out of Sales: Discover How You Can Overcome the Fear of Selling
Ebook143 pages1 hour

Taking the Sell out of Sales: Discover How You Can Overcome the Fear of Selling

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About this ebook

Taking the Sell out of Sales is the merging of two worlds-sales and personal development. You will explore the new possibilities that can be created by shifting your perspective, adapting new thought processes, and implementing new methods for both your personal development and your selling practice.

Don't let fear hold you back from getting your message, product, or service out into the world, or don't let your slump in your business or career keep you from finding fulfillment.

PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateOct 21, 2014
Taking the Sell out of Sales: Discover How You Can Overcome the Fear of Selling

Natalie Klun

Natalie Klun has worked in sales for twenty years. Through her experiences working in this competitive industry, she has discovered a method leading to purpose and fulfillment in the place least expected—sales. Natalie owns and operates a real estate company in Vernal, Utah, where she resides with her husband and her dog, Manee.

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    Taking the Sell out of Sales - Natalie Klun

    Copyright © 2014 Natalie Klun.

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    ISBN: 978-1-4525-2102-2 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4525-2104-6 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4525-2103-9 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2014915379

    Balboa Press rev. date: 10/08/2014




    Chapter 1 It’s Quite Simple … It’s Service

    Chapter 2 Finding Your Passion And Your Purpose

    Chapter 3 Become The Ceo Of Your Life

    Chapter 4 Confidence

    Chapter 5 Rejection

    Chapter 6 Falling In Love With Me

    Chapter 7 Let Your Light Shine

    Chapter 8 Spread The Word! Spread The Love!

    Chapter 9 What’s Next

    To my family and friends who have supported me, believed in me, encouraged me, and love me.

    To all the teachers who have taught me along the way through the journey of bringing this work to life.

    To those who know they have a purpose in this world, may this book bring you a piece of what you are searching for while you are on your journey.


    I have dedicated myself to a mission to shine my light among my sales colleagues around the world. I am taking an opportunity through this book to share something that is profound and yet simple. As I reflected on many of my life experiences, it wasn’t until recently that I discovered a powerful insight to lead with an intention of service in all I do. This new awareness has brought about tremendous changes in my world.

    I have been in sales for almost twenty years. As I reflect back upon my time in this competitive industry, I realize that, during my diverse exposure to a multitude of sales processes, I have not actually enjoyed the selling aspect of sales as much as the service facet. It has always been a great thrill for me to utilize my knowledge and expertise to be of service to those in my community. It wasn’t until recently that I finally realized the power of our intentions and applied that to my business model as the owner of my own real estate brokerage.

    I have experienced the many ups and downs that are an inevitable part of being a salesperson. It’s not uncommon in our industry to meet many money-motivated individuals. In fact, I am one myself. But I found that, in focusing my intentions on service versus what’s in it for me, my business increased tremendously. I realized I was in a state of receiving when I was giving what I had to offer. I firmly believe that you can take the selling out of sales and be tremendously successful. I have experienced it and been inspired to share this invaluable knowledge with those who have devoted their lives to this roller-coaster ride of sales.

    Over the past two decades, I have gained experience in a large variety of commercial environments such as hotel sales, securities, financial planning, insurance, and estate planning services. And now today, I work in real estate sales and property management. I have gained a vast amount of expertise and can share valuable insight through personal examples of how to find the power within to shift one’s awareness from me to we.

    I have lived firsthand the changes that can occur when you do what you do best with the intention to be of service. I believe we can all channel the direction of our thoughts, actions, intentions, and words to translate them into a highly successful career and life purpose. It is my desire to share what I have learned and continue to be of service to others seeking the same balance and clarity I have found.

    The world is shifting into a higher consciousness. We are looking for more inspiration and purpose in all areas of our lives, including perhaps the oldest form of interaction, sales. It’s important to update old or antiquated ideals in this vocation to keep pace with our own spiritual growth. We all have an opportunity to serve in our individual and unique ways, that is, to contribute to our world and the people in it. My purpose is to help lead in the transition required in an industry that no longer benefits from ego-based sales tactics to one that allows for balance and fulfillment for everyone involved and helps others bid farewell to the fear of selling forever.


    I’ve had the pleasure of working in the sales industry for almost twenty years. During this time, I’ve participated in countless training programs, all of which left me with the nagging sense that something was missing. I was told what to do, how to do it, and when to do it, but this aggressive menu of high pressure sales tactics left me feeling disconnected from my customer and frustrated by the sales experience. Through my many trials and tribulations in this industry, I discovered that a key ingredient is missing in all of the sales techniques being used in today’s market.

    In my view, the current model for business sales is flawed because it only focuses on material outcome. The energy behind this mentality is a recipe for failure because, to be truly successful, abundance needs to come in both material and emotional balance for both you and the client. Having a clear intention of service, utilizing the law of attraction, and implementing higher awareness techniques to open new doors can create this balance.

    Taking the $ell out of Sales helps bridge the growing disconnect between the sales arena participants and their clients within this expanding industry. Instead of asking How many sales can I make? we should be asking How may I serve? This question will help you make a critical shift from an ego-based career in sales to a life calling filled with purpose and fulfillment. Instilling this type of positive energy into your work can only result in the natural development of a business and life that dreams are made of.

    Every person on this planet has the ability to be on a path of purpose, happiness, and opportunity. In Taking the $ell out of Sales, I will be demonstrating that the key ingredient of a successful career in sales is to be of service to others. Being of service to others, without any attachment to the end result, allows us to be in a receiving state with the universe. To create this shift in our perspective, I like to stress the importance of looking through the we lenses instead of the me lenses.

    Within each chapter of Taking the $ell out of Sales, I will be identifying central obstacles and challenges present in this industry, along with key ingredients that will pave the way for becoming a successful and a fulfilled salesperson. Chapter topics include service, purpose, passion, balance, self-love, confidence, rejection, sharing, allowing, and an action plan.

    Within the above themes, I hope to provide valuable lessons that will allow you to look within and see a way to change your reactions to the various obstacles that many of us often stumble upon while on our journey to finding success.

    Each chapter will close with an easy process for dealing with these everyday occurrences using my interactive 4 × 4 Method. This technique works by utilizing four concepts—challenge, clear, change, and create—and multiplying them by the factor of four powerful steps. Not only will this method engage you to become involved in the process of change, it will also provide a clear and easy template for magnetizing life-changing thoughts.

    It will be a fun and easy way to clear out the old and bring in the new.


    It’s Quite Simple … It’s Service

    The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.

    Mahatma Gandhi

    Service is the essence of our purpose. Service is the opportunity to channel the universe and contribute to making the world a loving and better place. It’s time to take a step back and reevaluate the intention behind what we do in the sales world and the opportunities we are overlooking by not leading with the intention of service.

    Let’s break down service into the following categories and tap into the process of converting our intentions to be of pure service:

    •  Intention

    •  Quality vs. Quantity

    •  Your Day Job (AKA Business)

    •  Community, Personal, and Universal


    In the sales world, the foundation for our everyday activities is focused on being productive, increasing sales, expanding our client base, and growing the pipeline. Based on my observations and experience in the sales industry, I’ve determined that money is the driving factor for most individuals. Money is a good motivator, but in

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