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The Energy Pyramid: Twenty Steps to Enlightenment
The Energy Pyramid: Twenty Steps to Enlightenment
The Energy Pyramid: Twenty Steps to Enlightenment
Ebook173 pages2 hours

The Energy Pyramid: Twenty Steps to Enlightenment

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"The Energy Pyramid is about spiritual truths to live by, helping you to assimilate these truths for you, for where you are right now, through examples, meditation and affirmations. As each step is accessed sequentially, your energy grows and so does your ability to follow your life path, to live your souls purpose. You become the living, walking, talking example of spirit in action as you follow your path. Joy and passion become daily emotions experienced and expected. This is truly how we become the best we can be.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateAug 21, 2006
The Energy Pyramid: Twenty Steps to Enlightenment

Phoenix Rising Star

Phoenix Rising Star is following her life path with joy and passion. With over twenty years of experience as an intuitive, a teacher, and a healer, she is currently in Sedona with her life partner, Leon, working as a psychic and a healer, and teaching workshops. She wrote The Energy Pyramid in two weeks, compelled by her inner guidance to put the words to paper. Since that time, she has been living her Energy Pyramid, following her inner guidance wherever it takes her, knowing it’s always for her highest good. For more information, visit her websites: and

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    The Energy Pyramid - Phoenix Rising Star

    Copyright © 2006 by Phoenix Rising Star.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

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    Step 1

    Step 2

    Step 3

    Step 4

    Step 5

    Step 6

    Step 7

    Step 8

    Step 9

    Step 10

    Step 11

    Step 12

    Step 13

    Step 14

    Step 15

    Step 16

    Step 17

    Step 18

    Step 19

    Step 20




    The Energy Pyramid was written in two weeks. Using my journal of six months and meditating daily to receive guidance for each day’s writing, I was compelled to work for twelve to fifteen hours each day. I knew I had to write this. Spirit (my word for God or Source) wouldn’t allow anything else. The two times I tried to stop and sleep after twelve hours of writing, I wasn’t able to relax. I had to go back to the computer and continue working. And at the end of two weeks, Spirit told me to put it away for a few months.

    Little did I know how much effect The Energy Pyramid would have in my own life. I suppose there was the naïve thought that this book was created to help others. I didn’t realize how much it would help me.

    Enlightenment, for me, has meant living my life with the highest of spiritual intent and following the guidance of my meditations and prayers, knowing that the information I received was for my highest good and highest healing. Sometimes that was difficult to follow. Like when my meditations told me it was time to give up my teaching job of twenty years. I wasn’t happy where I was anyway, but it was safe. I had an income. And benefits. Still, I recognized I needed to follow my guidance and quit.

    Spirit told me I’d be all right financially. I would always have enough to live on. And I have. Even though some months are lean, I always have enough.

    I created my business, Personal Energy Transformation, as a result of my meditations. Certainly the name evolved that way, and so has the purpose of my business. Gradually it matured into a consulting/counseling business that helps empower and educate people to help themselves. Using a variety of alternative methods, such as clinical hypnotherapy, shamanic journeys, guided meditation, and psychic readings in a conservative Midwest community was both challenging and rewarding.

    When I realized I was involved in a relationship that neither acknowledged nor supported my spirituality or my lifework, I cried and asked Spirit for help. Two hours later, while snorkeling, my hand dragged in the sand, and something grabbed it. When I jerked away, my wedding ring fell off. That ring hadn’t been removed from my finger for over ten years. At first I couldn’t believe the synchronicity. Eventually I left the relationship.

    I helped create an international healing center in the rainforest. Even though the structure of the center fell apart due to lack of management and funding, my lessons from this were enormous and exhilarating at times.

    Continuing to trust Spirit, I next learned I was to move from my childhood home to the Southwest. My angels assured me everything would be fine. They would help me find a job and a place to live, and my life would be so much happier. I would even meet the man of my dreams, my life partner, after I moved. What more could I ask for? That led me to being a psychic, a medium, and a healer in Sedona, Arizona, and to meet my life partner at a facilitator training for the Flower of Life Merkaba Meditation. He has since moved to Sedona, where we are teaching, healing, and serving humankind together.

    Each time I think I know where the last chapter of The Energy Pyramid is taking me, my life gets more complex, richer, deeper, and more connected to Spirit than ever before. And I take another leap of faith and find myself in the next golden spiral of life leading to enlightenment.

    May your life be equally enriched and rewarded by following your energy pyramid to enlightenment, wherever it leads you.

    To Understand This Book

    The Energy Pyramid is composed of twenty steps or lessons and organized into five levels for convenience and function. The steps are best studied sequentially in order to provide the most powerful growth experience. Each step consists of a brief description of the lesson, my journal entry and personal example, a meditation to bring a deeper understanding of the concept, and an affirmation to cement the idea in one’s consciousness. Short and direct, each step uses simple language to put ideas into action.

    Some people prefer to read the meditations, aloud or silently, or they may be taped prior to use. Affirmations can be said frequently during the day or attached to the refrigerator where they will catch the eye.

    It is my belief that as we work through each step and level, learning those lessons we need in this lifetime, applying our knowledge, and living with and loving Spirit, or our higher power, we can raise our personal and collective energy levels and surpass our life goals in order to do Spirit’s work.

    We can indeed be the best that we can be.

    A Brief Description of Each Step

    The Self Level is our physical level, where we work at basic living and discovering our purpose.

    1.    Our physical priority step incorporates our survival needs and interaction with the physical world. We recognize that we need to do more than exist, and our confusion lies in knowing what.

    2.    Our emotions are the feelings we experience as we move beyond mere existence. When we allow ourselves the luxury to feel, we begin to recognize our feelings and fears.

    3.    Our cognition is the connection between our feelings and our reactions. Understanding our connections is the first step to changing our reactions.

    4.    Love and relationships are the life cycle of all living things. We must give love in order to receive it. We have a responsibility toward our relationships.

    5.    Communication of Spirit’s love and truths manifests in our individual ways.

    6.    Spirit’s gifts develop as we recognize our lifework with and for Spirit. We can use these gifts to demonstrate Spirit’s love and compassion and to help others.

    7.    Spirituality is believing and understanding where we are in Spirit’s plan and what we need to develop in order to be our best.

    The Soul Level involves living life beyond the survival stage. There’s an awareness that we are here for specific purposes.

    8.    Our intentions of living a good life as an appropriate role model, aligning our intentions with Spirit’s, and staying aligned are for the purposes of being the best we can be.

    9.    Our protective layer not only keeps us from harm but allows us to confront our fears that interfere with our life’s purpose.

    10.    Our individuality is the understanding and acceptance that we are all unique. We all are here for the same purpose, doing Spirit’s work, but each of us does this in different ways.

    11.    Empathy represents our understanding of each other’s roles, purposes, and life lessons in order to help us have acceptance of and compassion toward others.

    12.    Our divine gifts utilize Spirit’s gifts in higher, more intensive ways than the sixth step. Helping others serves our divine purpose with Spirit.

    The Group Level explores a higher order of emotions, ideals, and beliefs that help us recognize we are all in this together; no man or woman is an island.

    13.    Our collective consciousness is the understanding that whatever we do affects everyone else in the world. Every action has a reaction. Every reaction affects all of humanity. It is only by uniting and working together that we help each other become the best we can be.

    14.    The panoramic view stands for our past lives, our future lives, and how they are part of our present. This includes people, conflicts, and issues that have incarnated with us in the past and present, and possibly again in our future.

    15.    Our purity is a measurement of which lessons of humanity we’ve learned and what is left to learn.

    16.    Truth and justice assist us in our collective and individual roles. We must speak of the basic truths that govern mankind and speak out against injustice.

    The Entity Level utilizes a higher order of Spirit’s helpers, such as rocks, plants, and angels, to accomplish our goals.

    17.    Unconditional positive regard toward others is necessary for people to grow. Understanding another’s behavior, acceptance of the action as one possible behavior under the circumstances, sending the message of acceptance, and making sure that message is received are part of this process.

    18.    Our spirit helpers are more than just friends helping friends. These helpers may include rocks, trees, birds, butterflies, insects, reptiles, mammals, angels, and other spirit guides that are ultimately guided by Spirit to help us be our best.

    19.    Our higher self is the part of us that directs us to be our best through our highest actions and purpose.

    The Spirit Level is the acknowledgement of the Spirit in each of us, the spark of love that lives forever.

    20.    Spirit’s eternal flame is the attainment of a complete and intimate understanding of our lifework, our true purpose, and how to utilize this to the highest degree so that we can become the best we can be.


    The Physical Priorities

    The Self Level

    When all our physical needs are met, we are comfortable. We have enough to eat, we sleep well, our various clothing fits, and we have shelter from the elements. Maybe we even have creature comforts in owning a house, a car, and possibly a vacation home.

    We are comfortable.

    Until that funny feeling appears in the pit of our stomachs, the sense of unease or disquiet. That voice of restlessness that says, There must be more.

    And there is.

    Only it isn’t the material world of possessions we need.

    It is our souls’ restlessness that keeps us searching for more.

    It is our hunger, our desire to be good, to be the best we can be, that gives us the feeling of unease.

    We forgot about being good.

    We were so busy getting married, working on our jobs, raising our kids, remodeling our house, etc.

    We forgot why we’re here.

    If we ever really knew.

    Our physical priorities are activated when our soul’s question, Isn’t there more to life than this? is raised.

    It is activated when we truly want to know the answer, when we become desperate enough to actually take the time to find the answer.

    Is there more to life than this?

    Why am I here? How do I become the best I can be?

    From my journal, February 12, 1996:

    I was feeling really fragmented and decided that nothing in my life was working right. I was physically safe and had plenty to eat, but I was restless in my job. It wasn’t fulfilling. I felt I wasn’t getting respect for my work and ideas. I felt frustrated with my supervisors. They were obviously short-sighted for not recognizing my abilities and promoting me!

    So feeling frustrated and restless and not knowing what else to do with my time, I decided to read a new book on angels and how they intervene in lives.

    I felt I had nothing to lose by reading it.

    As I was reading, I felt I was getting closer to figuring out my personal problems. Some of the passages seemed directed at me. The book mentioned how many times angels would intervene when asked for with honest intent, how they listen to prayers that are sent up and try to answer them, and how meditation could help access the angels and bring them nearer to help individuals with personal problems.

    Hmm, I thought. What do I have to lose?

    I struggled to meditate for a while. Based on a suggestion from the book, I sat with my legs crossed in front of a lighted candle and had soft music playing. Attempting to empty my mind and

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