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The Rod of Power: Prelude with the Numan
The Rod of Power: Prelude with the Numan
The Rod of Power: Prelude with the Numan
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The Rod of Power: Prelude with the Numan

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PublisherXlibris US
Release dateJan 13, 2009
The Rod of Power: Prelude with the Numan

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    The Rod of Power - Duane Heppner

    Copyright © 2009 by Duane Heppner, Paul Twitchell, and

    The Real Universal Guides.

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    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

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    Prelude With The Numan

    A Very Special Meeting

    Real Truth

    A Sincere Thank You

    The Gods Of The Holy Grail

    Real Freedom A Trucompleteness

    The Great Writer

    In The Beginning… .

    Here’s To Your Health And Awareness

    Our Five Bodies

    You’re Dreamvisions

    Nuworlds To Discover

    Real Education The Nu School Of Real Awareness

    A Nuview

    About The Author

    About The Book


    There has never been a time in HumanHistory like right Now. The unaware people of the earth are very fortunate to have the assistance of Rebazar Tarzs and The Real Universal Guides whom they do not really know as of yet, but that is where I come in as The NUMAN. It is my Great Adventure to provide The NU Presentation and all The RealBenefits that come with what I am here to do. The basic choices that all of us have is whether we want to go for The Real Adventure and have a life full of RealAwareness or stay with a social lifestyle of drama that will continue to decline even though the so called experts say everything will work out. Everything does eventually work itself out here, especially when the physical body ceases to function, but the fact remains that you are still on earth for more lifetimes to come with no Real Freedom in sight even though you may believe otherwise. There is no guarantee that in the future there will be someone here to make this opportunity available, because it takes lifetimes of intensive training to handle The Rod of Power. What I have to offer is The Unique Opportunity of Real Freedom, which can only be vaguely hinted at by The REPSystems, but can never be truly accomplished with the transparent marketing plan they have devised for the general public. The fun part about what I am presenting is that you can prove it to yourself when you have the courage to do so. It really does take a SpecialCourage and willingness to allow a RealGuidance to take place into The Unseen Universes that have not been explored by the physical scientists or the great intellects of the past or present. Real Freedom is a TruBeingISness that earthly humans are not familiar with. Humans are more adapted to the persistent story tellers of ancient times that have made sure their interesting tales of make believe live on through the course of time and events to secure a constant stream of supporters without a will of their own.

    I want to share a TruInsight that is not normally considered. Because all of us have free will to choose whatever we want in our lives, we also have the disadvantage of not paying attention to What IS Real and what is being demonstrated to all of us all the time. The TruReality that is not of the considerations that have been established by the human mind and is not recognized how IT continually demonstrates a reference to ITSELF in our everyday lives. And so it is and has been through the process of trial and mainly error, humans have determined an entity greater than them selves to manipulate the circumstances of the material worlds beyond their control. This idea has been established by the fact of the hardness of a turbulent living environment all of us experience here, and so according to the limitations of a human vehicle that cannot possibly perceive a TruRealness, society has decided to produce and accept the ‘floating idea’ of gods in the sky watching over all of us. In a way this is true, and that is because of the fact the lords that govern The Two Heavens of Man really do like mankind to worship them and support the idea they are the ultimate experience everyone is looking for. But here is something so much better, and that is instead of worshiping a god that has proven to play both sides like the soldiers in battle praying their god will destroy their enemy, which both sides are determining, how about a definite position with The TruReality that is like the sun shining overhead, and that is shining upon all and asking nothing in return. The Sun is The Great Symbol of The IS for the earth and as a person realizes their relationship with what it is demonstrating they will come to see themselves as a Unique Being of Light. And with this eventual position comes a TruCompleteness that can never be accomplished on earth without The Real Connection to The Real Universes.

    There can be no real definition to The TruReality that IS. The TruReality that is of such a Pure and Fine Realness and continually demonstrates ITSELF in a position of PurBeing. One of the fun ways to consider IT would be like the shadow of a butterfly as it moves along, and as you look up to find its whereabouts all you see is light. The sun in the sky is a good example of how this TruReality actually IS, and that is by simply Always Being Now and providing light for all. The sun is a demonstrating example of The TruReality, something in the great distance that we will always be reaching for, because there will forever be a constant expansion of our perception of what The TruReality IS. The mind of man has decided something complex and actually frustrating to rule over him, his historically invented gods, because he lacks RealGuidance as to What IS Real. Even with the events of a so-called spiritual past that has taken place by those icons who have been exalted to be from the ultimate, for the most part the contrary is true, and that is they were only able to contact the lords of The Astral and Mental Worlds and bring about some form of vague information concerning anything beyond this world that can apply here. And so it is that mankind has been trapped by what has been determined as ‘belief.’ Belief is a comfy idea, but not Real Freedom. The Real Universal Guides are direct to The TruReality, The ALL IS, and only they know the way out of The PsycRealms and into The Real Universes of Real Freedom where there is no returning to a material body ever again. Everyone here is under the ‘Matrix Rulers,’ The Space Gods and The Lords of Karma, not to mention The Authoritarians that control all mental and emotional stimulus that can be found within The PsycRealms and the material worlds. Mankind does not have free reign here, but has been persuaded to accept what he sees with his physical eyes as the only position of living there is, and so he has once again imprisoned himself in The Passing Dream.

    A strange place to visit is the earth and human history proves this. Of course the earth is not all bad, just like your car when it has a full tank of gas, but all the lower cycles must come to an end at some time, something like the game of ‘musical chairs.’ Of course all those who have been here a long time, thousands of lifetimes that is, seem to think this place is unique. As one becomes used to being here they forget to see through all the solidness that is always before them which is really made from RealLight. All TruLife IS Light, The RealLight that is a TruAliveness the humans of this world know little or nothing about. Humans only know candle light and other forms of energy that relate to their material lives and the ‘dualistic spiritual light’ from The Two Heavens of Man and the gods that rule them. I am here to help guide those who are ready to experience The RealLight of The IS, a Being SoReal that IT cannot be comprehended by the imagination of the masses that have invented their ‘Personality Gods.’ There are endless positions of Real Freedom in the unlimited vastness of the never ending expansiveness with The TruReality of The ALL IS. My task is not easy nor is it easy for one to accomplish Real Freedom during this lifetime for those that are looking for a way out of The PsycRealms. So many humans are of the same nature as the old movie, ‘Planet of the Apes,’ where the apes rule over all and also humans, and it definitely does show up with those who are still into the conspiracy, brutality and hostileness, still considering these archaic ideas as a way of life. The rulers of this world are constantly proving how manipulative and coercive they are and displaying their main interest with being bored and brutal.

    Life on earth is about RealSurvival and learning to perceive the instructions Life ITSELF is always providing through some form of demonstration, but The RealVU will not happen here for most people, simply because they are not interested in What IS Real, there interest lies with the phenomena of gaining something that will not last. There will be millions that will constantly go by the wayside and become eliminated by some means The Authoritarians are deciding, because human nature demands that a person look to the rigidness of their rulers. Cause and effect are constantly at play here and there must always be a balancing of the scales no matter what a person decides. The TruUniqueness that is provided by The Real Connection to The TruReality is that IT enhances everything in our lives, in other words IT completes us like nothing else with everything we do and want. The Truness of IT is not the back and forth drama relationship of love and hate that has been a lifestyle for everyone here, but an eventual balancing of all the misconceptions that have been introduced and plagued people for lifetimes. Even The Gods of Man have constantly displayed their love and contempt for mankind and all the silliness he has come up with. It all breaks down to a RealEducation of TruUnderstanding as apposed to just being born here and trying to make ends meet. Mankind is always searching for his TruCompleteness and has actually proven to himself he has not found it, yet his arrogant ego will not admit it openly.

    The main reason we are all here is to learn TruHumility, a humility unlike anything this world knows of. The Great Secret of Life is TruHumility, but it is not as easy as one may think, not at all. I will constantly hint at what it takes to be with The Real Universal Guides that provide The Real Connection to The SoundLight Reality of The ALL IS, but a TruIntent must be established within a person to start The Great Journey and Fun Adventure I have been asked to produce at this time. While I am here I will use various means to contact as many humans as I can, because I already know they are looking for me to provide something recognizable, so they may understand and perceive their own TruBeing. The Great Invented Doctrines of this world have never revealed The TruNature that each one of us IS. They have formulated persuasive programs for people to look to and accept as Real, they have provided everything except for The Secret of TruBeing. Again, this is where The NUMAN comes in, because without a focal point here this world must try and figure out what is being shown from The ALL IS, which will most likely be misinterpreted as the existing Systems of Belief have constantly demonstrated since the yawning dawn of man, and so the idea of ‘belief’ has become a way of life here.

    Through the course of creative events the people of earth have decided to have gods of their making overlook everything they do, and so mankind has fallen prey to his own causes and must continually deal with the effects until he is willing to be shown What IS Real with the assistance of The Real Universal Guides. The Arrogant Rulers that continually ploy the public for agreement have the greatest burden to bear when it comes to future lifetimes and all the torture they will be going through when they reincarnate in their deformed bodies, because of what they are deciding Now. Of course they believe their cover-up of documented policies, rules and regulations they enact will save them, because in their minds they are among the privileged to do whatever they want for them selves and to others. A lifetime here is really very short and all the accumulated experience from a lifetime is really very minute, yet the exaggerated ego of the intellectually trained is such that they perceive them selves as having conquered all obstacles. When the final hour of their departure comes from this life and they are escorted by The Angels of Death into some area of The Astral Worlds, the first heaven that humans relate to, they will be escorted to their sentencing and live out their existence in whatever situation they created, mainly what they did to others and not the fine surroundings they may have had on earth. Then one day they will return in a new body with a new mind and begin the slow process of waking up to the material worlds once again and not remembering they were here before. Only this time they will be trying to climb out of the hole they made in their previous life.

    To most humans what I am describing here is some sort of a ‘belief’ as to believe or not believe. This is how humans think, black and white, thinking they really have a choice. It is true we can choose whatever we want to, but there is only one TruReality and IT has nothing to do with the whims and god’s humans have created. Now on the bright side, because of what mankind has established as a foundation into oblivion, the unaware souls of this world have provided me with a lot of adventurous writing material and a creative way to present The RealCure for ALL. Very rarely do people pay attention to their surroundings let alone their own mind that has created all of their finely tuned restrictions which are usually categorized as a ‘belief.’ Most humans love their restrictiveness and constantly wallow in them. Humans have been taught to be secondary to those who have forced their will upon them and to also fear their oppressors, and so a great psychological standard has become established and most people do agree to it, because they do not want to be thought of as different. It is not a matter of being different, but actually learning to Be Real and Free. But to accomplish something that is not of this earth there must be someone who can provide all that is necessary, and so I have been asked by Rebazar Tarzs and The Real Universal Guides to be The NUMAN. I will be standing atop a Great Mountain of Light in The Real Universes and waiting to see who will have the courage to start the climb. This Unseen Mountain of Light has been shown to those that have the heart to attempt The Real Journey back to The IS. Ask Rebazar Tarzs and Paul Twitchell to show you, they are always around and having fun.


    When I had just finished submitting the fourth book of my Adventurist Series to Xlibris Publishing, which is the updated Book Two, A Journey to Real Freedom, I soon after had a RealSide Experience with Rebazar and Paul. I was taken to this far out place amongst gigantic mountains as far as the eye could see. They flew me over this wonderful colorful area and we soon landed on a huge precipice overlooking a magnificent turquoise blue ocean. We then walked onto a very large stone like lightly colored deck that jetted out from this high position. There was no railing, just a straight drop off to what I would guess to be miles down. They led me into a very beautiful and very big dome structure that had two large doors to the entrance. The doors automatically opened as RT and Paul led the way in. As soon as we entered there was a round of applause from all The Beings inside. They were all cheering and laughing like it was a big party. As I walked in I began to clap also, because I thought this was a reception for RT and Paul.

    I stopped for a moment to allow the appearance of Rebazar and Paul take place, but to my surprise Yauble Sacabi and Gopal Das came forward from the thousands of Real Guides that were standing all about as Yauble said, MR. NUMAN, this is all for you dude, as he shook my hand and so did Gopal Das, then turned to The Real Guides and did a thumb up in the air.

    I just stood and watched like a kid with his first trip to DisneyLand in awe. I felt the great support of these Wondrous and TruBeings acknowledging me for what I was doing on the earth. It has always been hard for me to accept gifts and so I was very humbled by what was taking place as I watched them.

    MR. NUMAN, you are just about ready to test your presence in the public once again and all those caught under The Dark Rulers, said Yauble. "The last time we asked you to tell the world that you were The NU Living Guide was when Paul gave you The Rod of Power for the first time and Harold was possibly going to come forward like a man and step aside, but we really didn’t think he would, because Joany has him by the seat of his pants. And so now we have a big surprise for them and all the other little pansies that have sucked up to Harold and Joan, plus The REPSystems all these years. It was a big test for you

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