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The Traveler Volume 1
The Traveler Volume 1
The Traveler Volume 1
Ebook127 pages2 hours

The Traveler Volume 1

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In reading this book you will find it to be very unique, end very different from most books you have ever read. The Traveler is a true story, of a woman whose name was celled out by the voice of God, three times. A woman who has been set apart and called out. In reading this story, it will reveal how God, step by step dwelt with her, alone the paths and journey, he set for her travel. This is the reason, this book is titled, The Traveler Volume 1. In writing this story, it will allow you to know that their are true and real people who walk the earth as a Traveler, one who go, do, and speak as God tells them to do.

You will find this book to be heart warming with great pain, end long-suffering, and in the end you will find the Prophetess to come out a winner in the end. The story of the Traveler, will touch your heart.

Their is the light end the light is still standing and that light is God.

I do hope this small book will be strength to all of God's people hear on this earth. I hope and pray that it will give you proof that some where on this earth, there is another traveler of God who is going through some of the same evils that has been put upon you as well. Evil, in such a manner, that we as a people cannot talk about. But see the demons in the people on these jobs, and churches, and on the streets day by day.

This book is also a way of trying to alert God's people how these evil demonic people work through other people. And how they use other people upon you, and against you, and how they can cause people to hate you, through their powers of telepathy. Yes, they are evil. So many of you are destroyed in finances, marriages, and jobs, and you never knew how, or what hit you. Yes, you have been made to suffer, and never knew the enemy was with you in your own homes, listening to you praying aloud.

Listening to your telephone conversations, watching you and destroying you, from the inside of your very homes. So, we must let our words be few, and seasoned with grace. In Other words, let us be careful what we say, when we speak. Because, these evil people are there in our homes, watching us, and we cannot see them, because we are of God, and in God. Don't Fear them, but rather God in heaven, who is able to kill both body and soul in hell!

PublisherXlibris US
Release dateSep 18, 2006
The Traveler Volume 1

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    Book preview

    The Traveler Volume 1 - Mary Talbert

    The Traveler


    Volume 1

    Mary Talbert

    Copyright © 2006 by Mary Talbert.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    This book was printed in the United States of America.

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    As you read this book, you will

    find a young woman who was chosen by God as a Prophetess, to serve God and to be used by God for his own purpose. A woman who has been allowed to have many experiences in God, in such a manner that very few people on this earth have had the honor or privilege to experience. These experiences, are similar to the same way God used Jeremiah, Moses, and the prophet Samuel. Everything you read in this book is true, and has actually happened in the life of the chosen One. This experience was very rare, and very painful, hard and full of long suffering.

    This book was written so that men and women on this earth and throughout the whole universe shall know that God yet has someone on this earth that he communicates with in the same manner as he did in the days of old.


    PART I











    Iwas born on the eight day of December

    in nineteen forty-five (December 8, 1945), in a place known as Berkley, California. I can remember there was a time in my very early childhood, I was sitting in a baby stroller or a buggy and I was crying, and no one would come to see about me. As I looked in front of me, there was a large mass of a bright light, so bright that it glowed with radiance. During this time I had no idea what that was, nor did I know what it meant.

    Later, on, about the time I was three years of age, my mother and father had divorced, so my mother moved to a place known as Little Rock, Arkansas. As I grew up, I became distant from my father because of the lack of communication. Mother worked hard, both on her job as well as at home. I had an older brother at the time, about two years older than my self. So, he watched over me and took care of me while mother would be away at work. We lived in a three room house. Some people used to say a house where you can stand outside and see straight through the whole house, the front room, living room, and the kitchen. We did not have a bathroom, only the outhouse (toilet) outside near the back alley.

    We didn’t have luxury or fancy things at the time, but we kept plenty of food and clothes to wear. We would even boil hot water on the stove in the tea kettle whenever we needed boiling water. My mother would can vegetables and plenty of fruits in the summer months so that we would have a supply of food for the winter months. I used to hate when the time came for canning food. I can still remember how it was-slicing pears, apples, peaches by the basket loads and my hands and fingers would get so tired. Whenever we need to wash, we had those old number two and number three bath tubs (round tubs) to wash our clothes in, and we washed with what we used to call a rub board.

    We used lye soap to wash with. As time passed by, we finally became a little modern, (smile) mother finally bought us a washer machine, the old fashioned kind with the wringer at the top. I used to get my hands caught up in the wringer, if not, the clothes would get all twisted up. I wondered if this would work. Mother bought our first linoleum for the living room floor. At that time linoleum was just like carpet.

    One day mother called me and my oldest brother into the house, and she wanted to talk to us. She asked us how we felt about having a new father in the house, because she wanted to get married again. I didn’t like the idea very much, I guess because I was the baby or the youngest of our family, mother had given me more attention all those years. Finally, mother was married, and I began to like my stepfather.

    He treated me as though I was his real daughter. I can remember when he and I would eat out of the same plate. It wasn’t until he and my mother had their first son that I became hurt and jealous. He was a beautiful baby boy, and he was born with a tooth in his mouth. Mother had to give a lot of attention to the new baby, not knowing I felt neglected. Later, she began to recognize the envy and jealousy of the new baby, so she let me know that I was still her baby too. (smile) I was raised up in the Methodist A.M.E. Zion Church most of my life from childhood until I became an adult. Which teaches Holy Living. I even sang in the church choir and traveled for my church all during my youth.

    I loved working in the church. I always looked forward to choir rehearals. My mind all through childhood was always on God, and loving a Christian Life. All my years in High School, I was very active and very popular. As business manager of our High School Dance Club, I enjoyed shopping and picking out various materials for costumes and taking care of the financial part of the club. I even ran track and became part of a winning team. As a member of the (NHA) New Homemakers Of America Club, we Learned how to cook and sew for ourselves, as well as good grooming. Dramatics Club was one of the most interesting activities of all. After graduating from Senior High School, I received a four (4) year scholarship to attend Livington College, in North Carolina. I was happy and looked forward to attending college.

    Suddenly, my mother became ill and had to have a serious operation. So I made the decision of giving up my education to get a job and take care of my brothers and sisters. One day as I was standing in front of the kitchen stove, I smelled something burning. My oldest brother was with me at the time and he also smelled something burning. All of a sudden we realized that my clothes were on fire. I panicked, started running for the front door, screaming and completely out of my mind. My oldest brother ran as fast as he could, trying to catch me before I could reach the front door, because it was freezing cold in the winter and the wind was blowing very hard. Finally, he caught me, knocked me out with his fist, and tore off my burning clothes and wrapped my body up in a blanket. At that time, I was beginning to realize that God was with me and in my life.

    That next summer, mother took a load of the neighborhood kids and myself to the park for a picnic. Everyone seemed to be having a nice time. As I was sitting alone beside the swimming pool, one of the young men jumped into the pool, his feet hit my body, I fell over into the pool, knowing I couldn’t swim. I began struggling for my life. As I was underneath all that water, my mind was functioning very well. I realized I was at a point of death. I began to call on the name of Jesus. All of a sudden, a large wave bounced my body up against the wall of the pool and I began reaching up to pull myself out of the water. My whole body was shivering from so much fright. Once again, God began to reveal himself to me the second time. My mind was beginning to realize the presence of God with me, but not that completely at the time.

    As I grew up into adulthood, I continued to work hard every day. As time past, I became engaged to a young man who graduated from the same high school as myself. Later, the Vietnam War broke out and he was drafted in the Air Force. I used to pray for him continually because of the war. I can remember when he wrote me and told me about how he had seen so much sickness and disease, and how he had seen the largest looking green bugs, bugs he had never seen here in our country (United States) before. As time passed, we broke our engagement and I continued working. Several years later I was married, had a son and moved to St. Louis, Missouri in 1967.

    We moved to St. Louis with ($8.00) eight dollars in our pockets. We lived in a two bedroom apartment. I cooked on a two eyed hot plate. I cooked a lot more on that hot plate than I do on my stove today. In 1968, I began working in a well known department store in the downtown St. Louis Area. I worked as a saleslady and cashier. During this time my husband was causing a lot of problems in my life. He drank alcohol very heavily and stayed out late at night. This went on for several years of my life, and having a small child was twice as hard. So, one day I made up my mind, I would give all my problems to God, because the burden was too hard for me to bear. So, I went to a church for the first time, and I told the people at this church I wanted to receive the Holy Spirit. They gave me instructions and I obeyed their instructions. On the 9th day of January in 1972 (1-9-72) I could feel the presence of God all around me and all over me. Finally on the 12th day of January, 1972 (1-12-72) I received the Gift Of THE HOLY SPIRIT.

    And I began speaking in an unknown tongue as the Spirit of God gave utterance. On the third day I received the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit felt like a rushing mighty wind all inside my belly and all throughout my lungs, so much so that it controlled my tongue as I was speaking in an unknown tongue. In reading the Book Of Acts in the Bible, Chapter 2 says, "And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind and it filled all the house where they were sitting. And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them and they were all filled with the HOLY GHOST, and began to speak with other tongues as the Spirit gave them Utterance.

    This was the most wonderful feeling I had ever had. After I had received the HOLY SPIRIT, it wasn’t until about two months later, as I was standing in the middle of the department where I worked, that the voice of God from heaven spoke to me and said, YOU LEAVE THIS JOB. God Spoke to Me in such a way that I had no doubt it was God himself in heaven That same night I went to Church. The Church I was attending was having a revival. As I was sitting in the Church Service, The Preacher who was Conducting the revival looked at me, pointed out his hand

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