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Man's Complete Guide to Paradise in Thailand
Man's Complete Guide to Paradise in Thailand
Man's Complete Guide to Paradise in Thailand
Ebook156 pages2 hours

Man's Complete Guide to Paradise in Thailand

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About this ebook

If ever there is a place on earth for a man that was as close to
perfect as possible, it would have to be Thailand. This is a land that
has all the ingredients he could ever want for a life in paradise.
A tropical beach lifestyle on a reasonable budget with all your
favorite activities, incredible food, spectacular scenery, and beautiful
women surrounding you. You might think it sounds too good to be
true, but this dream can absolutely be a reality, and this book is your
insight to the many options you will have in Thailand. The information I
have comprised has been test proven to guide a man to what I like to
call the vacation of a lifetime. Whether you just need a break or are
looking for a place to retire, this book will show you the way to get your
own piece of paradise.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateJul 7, 2009
Man's Complete Guide to Paradise in Thailand

Chris Hamilton

I’m a man not unlike many others of the world who are tired of paying their so-called debt to society. Unbelievable pressures put on us to keep up with what it cost to have a good life in a Western country—trying to afford things you can’t afford and working nonstop and probably forever trying to do it. I wondered if I would ever be able to retire happy and content. A dilemma I faced in life until I found out about a place called Thailand. I then gave it all up; I traded it all in once I learned there really is a place on earth that is a dream come true. All my frustrations about the uncertainty of my future in my own country were alleviated by a retirement plan in Thailand. Even if you are not ready to go to this extreme, someday you might, and you owe it to yourself to go and see what I have discovered.

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    Man's Complete Guide to Paradise in Thailand - Chris Hamilton


    Complete Guide






    Copyright © 2009 by Chris Hamilton.

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    Introduction to Thailand

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7



    To Kenny Gutierrez for his assistance in research on the many locations visited. Thanks for all the help and inspiration on the development of Man’s Complete Guide to Paradise in Thailand. It’s been great to travel with you, and I look forward to seeing you in the future back in Thailand.


    If ever there is a place on earth for a man that was as close to perfect as possible, it would be Thailand. This is a land that has all the ingredients he could ever want for a life in paradise. A tropical beach lifestyle on a reasonable budget with all your favorite activities, spectacular scenery, incredible food, and beautiful women surrounding you. You might think it sounds too good to be true, but this dream can absolutely be a reality. This book is your insight to the many options you will have in Thailand. The information I have comprised has been test proven to guide a man to what I like to call the vacation of a lifetime. Whether you just need just a good break or are looking for a place to retire, this book will show you the way to get your own piece of paradise.

    A no-nonsense, straight-to-the-point, short-and-sweet guide on exactly what you want and need to know, where to go, where to stay, what to do, how to do it, what to say, how to say it. All the questions and fears of the unknown addressed ahead of time to make your adventure to the Far East go as smooth as Thai silk.

    Also, realistic application to the different expenses, you will come across. Every range of budget will be addressed to make each and every individual see the way to making this an affordable tropical paradise. I have tips on what to expect for the short- vs. long-term traveler all the way to the man seeking retirement and investment options.

    All this while we explore Thailand’s top-ten premier destination stops and the many activities that this tropical paradise has to offer. A place that is completely diverse from all-night, big-city party stages to quiet, secluded beach getaways and everything in between. All this while constantly being surrounded by some of the most exotically beautiful women found anywhere in the world.

    Whatever your choice of lifestyle and activities is, it can be found in Thailand. This book is your road map to making it happen. Read and absorb this information, and you will immediately start to see the path to paradise.


    Introduction to Thailand

    There comes a point in every man’s life when he reaches a crossroad. It seems that when he reaches his late 30s to early 40s, the restlessness of what one wants to do for the rest of his life begins. For the man who has preferred to settle down with a career and a family, the urge may not be as great. For the rest of us, however, the midlife crossroad has us contemplating the future and what to do with it.

    If you are single, divorced, or ready for a change, no matter what your age, I recommend you take a trip to Thailand. A break in your everyday life pattern is waiting for you there in what I like to call the vacation of a lifetime.

    Not only is Thailand waiting to show you this incredible holiday, but you will immediately begin to see doors that can open for you to a possible early retirement in this tropical paradise as well. Possible because Thailand has remained such an economical environment to live in, especially compared to what most foreigners are used to paying to visit or live in a resort type of area in other parts of the world. What do I mean by paradise? I mean living a beach-type lifestyle on a reasonable budget with endless interests to keep you entertained.

    Everywhere you go in Thailand, you are surrounded by some of the most incredible scenery found anywhere on earth. You have every type of day-and-night activity you could imagine, friendly locals, incredible food, and some of the most beautiful women on earth to share this affordable tropical paradise with.

    Personally, I reached my life’s crossroad at the age of forty. I was becoming bored with everything and more and more fed up with my job and society. I felt as if there was something more that I wanted to do with myself than to just live out my life in my current situation. This then is when I decided to make my first trip to Thailand. It wasn’t long that I was there before it hit me that this was exactly what I was looking for, a perfect getaway with an exciting future to look forward to.

    I have since returned to Thailand many times and have learned many things. Now I plan to settle and retire there. The knowledge and information I have accumulated on this exciting lifestyle is something that should be of interest to everyone.

    Certainly, there are more men out there who might find themselves in the same situation I found myself in. A time when you had to make a choice in life with thoughts of uncertainty about the future. Wondering if you will ever be able to retire happy, comfortable, and content. I know in my country, the ability to even survive has gotten almost impossible with the cost of living. Then in 2008, when the economic crisis hit the world, I knew for sure I would never be able to afford any kind of decent retirement in my country. Overcoming my crisis came by finding my own niche in Thailand and led me to true happiness. This then became the inspiration behind the writing of this book.

    I know there are many books on Thailand that are already out there that offer guides for travel through the country. Sure, they were written on the subject, but not from the personal standpoint I give it from. We explore and detail the country’s top-ten destinations for the single man to visit or retire at. So not only do you enjoy yourselves while you are there, but also you’re able to learn how to succeed there in the future. Sure, there have been many books written on Thai women’s love affairs with foreigners, Thai history, and vacation spots. None of them, however, offered the real-life experiences and hands-on documentation I give for getting around, fitting in, and living there.

    This book focuses only on the best places in Thailand for a foreign man to be with all the knowledge you will need and all the insight you will want to know about any one of the top-ten locations.

    This book is a road map to getting you there and to guide you through it all efficiently. I researched all top-ten destinations personally to give you the ins and outs, ups and downs of each location before you even step foot off the airplane.

    From all-night, big-city party scenes to secluded tropical island getaways and everything in between. There are stops for every age-group and activities, hobbies, and entertainment for every desire. I have destination stops for enthusiasts of scuba diving, golfing, rock climbing, beach going, partying, and of course, relaxing. All this while we apply realistic expenditures for all ranges of budgets for both the short-term traveler all the way up to the man seeking retirement options and investments properties.

    Once you have digested some of the thoughts that I have written about, I will promise you that even after just a short time, you will start to entertain thoughts on ways to spend more time in Thailand. Whether it be adjusting your work schedule or selling everything you own and moving over to start a new life, you will quickly start to see the ways you can live here on a grand scale for a reasonable budget.

    All questions and fears of the unknown are answered in this one book. It has all the information you will need to get you started at any of my top-ten destinations.

    You perception of Thailand might be one that it is a third world country. True, there are many areas of poverty here. For the most part though, it is a second world country, and in many cases, it can be rated a first. Thailand is the most advanced and modern country in Southeast Asia. Thais have many of the same amenities and facilities you are used to in your own country. By their advancements and using the incredible landscapes Thailand is blessed with, they have done well to capture a large tourist industry.

    They have the best conditioned and most paved roads found anywhere in Southeast Asia. All their prime tourist spots have five star resorts as well as numerous other modern hotels, bungalows, guesthouses, condominiums, and houses. Accommodations in all price ranges are available for short- or long-term stays. In addition, great investment opportunities for houses and condos can be found at the more popular tourist destinations.

    If you like a variety of activities surrounding you, Thailand has them all. Daytime things to do include the following: scuba diving, snorkeling, deep-sea fishing, cigar-style boat rides, golfing, and exercising at gyms or outside. Beach activities include as follows: swimming, sunbathing, Jet Skiing, parasailing, windsurfing, surfing, sailing, sea kayaking, Frisbee, and volleyball.

    Other activities you will find yourself doing are shopping, eating, drinking, reading, napping, massage therapy, bowling, pool lounging, walking, running, billiards, motorized parasailing, rock climbing, sightseeing, go-cart racing, horseback riding, zoos, elephant trekking, cave exploration, motorcycle riding (endro and street), hiking, mountain biking, white-water rafting, riverboat trips, and island trips.

    Nighttime activities at most locations offer dozens of beer bars to attend, all full of beautiful Thai women to meet. Also, go-go bars, clubs, disco tecs, karaoke bars, and restaurants are everywhere with some venues going all night long. Other great nighttime activities are Thai boxing, live music, cabaret shows, Thai dance, and martial art shows and sex shows.

    There are many options when it comes to getting around Thailand. It can be done by walking; a variety of taxis; renting cars, jeeps, trucks, SUVs, scoters (motorbikes), street and endro motorcycles, boats, and bicycles.

    As you can see, there is plenty to see and do in Thailand. It is quickly becoming one of the more popular spots in the world for a holiday. Families, couples, groups, and single men from all over the world come here because there is such a variety of attractions and activities to do. Catering to every age-group and keeping every type of budget in mind.

    Throughout the book, I try to keep my points short and sweet to efficiently put you in the right spot for the right price, knowing the information in this book will save you time, money, and hassles. At each stop, I will recommend several accommodation options that vary

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