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Anything Impossible Is Possible
Anything Impossible Is Possible
Anything Impossible Is Possible
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Anything Impossible Is Possible

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We all have a story to tell this is my story, and its a story that was written from the heart. This is about my search for my biological family and the reunion. I hope you enjoy this and to all adoptees that read this, I hope it brings you some understanding of who you are and that we can believe that anything impossible is possible.

Anything Impossible is Possible is about my search for my biological family and how after 8 years we met. There were many obstacles during my search, and there was a sense of betrayal from the family of my adopted mothers side for me to know the truth. It wasnt easy but I was determined to keep going and find out who I was and where I came from. During my search I learned a lot about myself, and that helped me continue my journey.

Every time it looked like things werent happening, I would remember a saying when the world says give up, hope whispers try it one more time. That helped me keep going and bad thoughts went away.

My kids were a big part of my desire to keep going. I wanted to leave them something to know who I am and how I grew up. The values my adopted mother instilled in me at a young age made me who I am as an adult. I lost my adopted father at age 14, and that made me grow up very quickly. As difficult as that loss was for me, it made me a strong individual, and I am grateful for the love they both gave me for they were my true parents.

No one can understand the feeling of voidness I had for years and it was due to the unknown answers of who I was. Once I found my biological family all those feelings went away and I was happy with my life. I have had other bumps in the road, but I no longer suffer abandonment issues, the feeling of insecurity and voidness in my soul.

This is my story and why I am a true believer that anything impossible is possible.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateAug 12, 2011
Anything Impossible Is Possible

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    Book preview

    Anything Impossible Is Possible - Miriam Limon


    Miriam Limon

    Copyright © 2011 by Miriam Limon.

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2011913974

    ISBN: Hardcover 978-1-4653-4821-0

    ISBN: Softcover 978-1-4653-4820-3

    ISBN: Ebook 978-1-4653-4822-7

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    A Little About Me . . . .

    Las Margaritas

    My Adopted Parents

    Labor Camp

    Finding out I was Adopted

    The Search . . .

    Apaseo el Grande

    The Big House with the Arches

    Mother Paul

    Father Geronimo Cabrera

    The Search Has Really Begun

    The Reunion

    The Funeral

    The Family at the Table

    Mother Leonor

    My Siblings

    Never Let That Light Die

    The Moment I Knew Something Was Over . . .

    Death . . . . You Can’t Get Away From It . . . .

    Conclusion—Where I Am Now . . .


    I am a worrier . . . I worry about everything that could, would and will happen. It’s amazing how you live your life based on how you grew up. I always felt a fear of abandonment and insecurity and it all began with my childhood. There was a feeling of voidness that couldn’t be filled. After I found out that I was adopted—the truth, the feelings still stayed and there were times I felt like I was floating in space and never touching ground. Everyone around me knows where they belong and who they are. I, however had unanswered questions and no one was interested in helping me answer them.

    This is my story of how I began my search for my biological family, and how it ended 8 years later.

    I am a true believer that anything impossible is possible, and this is why . . . .

    A LITTLE ABOUT ME . . . .

    I was born on April 25, 1964—that is what my birth certificate says, but I doubted that for a long time. After I found out about my birth the birth certificate seemed inconsistent with the date it was recorded. I think I was born around August, 1963.

    Some people have two sets of parents, I have two birthdays. I say that because once I found out about being adopted, my friends and I would joke that I had two birthdays. They would wish me a happy birthday the first part of August and on April 25th.

    I always wanted to have a lot of siblings but it was just my brother and I. My mother had a daughter when she was young but she never lived with us because of the big age difference. Her oldest daughter was a year older than me, and the other 3 brothers followed. I saw her daughter, my niece more as a sister and we grew up together. She lived in Mexico but spent every vacation with us in the U.S. I have nice memories of she and I growing up, I loved her very much.

    My brother was shy and quiet. I was his protector where ever we went, especially in school. My mother would always want me to take care of him even though he was a year older than me. Something happened when he was born and he was malnourished when my parents took him. I don’t think he ever got out of that, whatever happened during the days he was born, I think impacted his life. He is a good brother and I love him.

    I have always been a strong willed person with a hard temper. I loved my adoptive parents very much, but I was afraid of my mother. She was very intimidating and controlling, so what had to be done her way happened, otherwise she would get very upset. I couldn’t make my own decisions even in simple things, like what clothes to wear, or earrings to pick out. That hurt later in life as a teenager and adult, but I got through it with my strong willed personality. It affected our relationship somewhat, but we managed to make peace with each other later in life.

    I missed a lot of things that kids my age did when I was growing up. My mother would not let me have friends over or any sleepovers. I couldn’t stay at a friend’s house, and no one could call me after school or weekends. We never celebrated Halloween because she didn’t want any kids to come to the labor camp to trick-or-treat. We never had any traffic since we were in a commercial area, but my brother and I were never allowed to go to our friends house and trick-or-treat. This became my favorite past time to celebrate with my kids, and I would always go all out at the house and with my costume. It was a fun event I enjoyed I think more than the kids did. School sports events were out of the question and the worst event to miss out for a teenager was the prom. I also felt I had a lot of things that others didn’t have therefore I should be thankful to have had loving parents, but there were things that my brother and I missed out and it shouldn’t have been that way.

    I remember when I had to work on a project or book report and it took me a few hours to complete. My mother would make me turn off my light at night and not finish it. She would say that I needed to work on school work at school not at home. The bathroom was next to

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