Wavelength One: A Physics/Metaphysics Translation of Biblical Phenomena
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Wavelength One - Carlis Vernon
Copyright © 2011 by Carlis Vernon.
Library of Congress Control Number: 2011918509
ISBN: Hardcover 978-1-4653-8019-7
Softcover 978-1-4653-8018-0
Ebook 978-1-4653-8020-3
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Carlis Vernon
Biographical Sketch
Credits or Assumptions
The Apple of Eden
Alpha History to Omega Prophecy: Abraham
Abortion is the Argument;
The Issue is Right of Decision!
The Atom
Broad Way Christians
The Book and the Little Book
Breath: Creative Risk-Taking
Miraculous Births
First Cause
Choice and Ordered
Capacitors and
The Deceit of All Deceits
Forgiveness, the Jesus Way
Wavelengths of Hell
Wavelengths of a Halo
Light and Darkness:
The Same Thing
Love and Law:
Not’s and Shalt’s of Truth
A Mother Life-Form
and a Beast Life-Form
The Physics of Oneness
The Eunuch Principle
Pray Without Ceasing
Parallel Universe
Revelation Introduced
Sound Wavelengths
Samaritanship Vs. Guardianship
A Willing Will
Wavelengths Theory
The Architecture of Why
Carlis Vernon
Biographical Sketch
As a 10-year-old boy, Mr. Vernon was enrolled in Gilbert School of Art and Mechanical Drawing; at age 13, he was enrolled in Southern Pilgrim College Academy. He continued his education in biblical ministries at Owosso Bible College and subsequently pastored several churches. In continuing education, he attended Wake Forest University, Davidson Community College, Mitchell College, and Embry Riddle Aeronautical University. He received diplomas in Real Estate, Music Conducting, Human Resources Management, and Industrial Safety. He is a licensed private pilot.
He has served on several boards of directors of professional and religious interests. He specialized in Christian Education, serving as Christian Education Director, General Sunday School Superintendent, and Bible teacher. He served as Chairman of the Board of Wesleyan Education Center, as well as Chairman of the Board of Carolina Christian Counseling Center.
Being interested in the sciences, he became a field engineer in laboratory design, working with schools, colleges, universities, nuclear labs, and private scientific laboratories. He also served as a Sales Manager, Director of Human Resources, Product Engineer and Design Manager, and Vice-President of Operations.
He was appointed by President Reagan to serve on a special aviation study committee. He belongs to the North Carolina Writers Network. He is acutely aware of wide differences of opinion on subjects of common interest, especially religious, that are apparently in conflict with the educational system. In his private research, Mr. Vernon discovered a new track
that changes the basis of biblical translation and interpretation establishing a new relationship which melds religious and secular knowledge. His theory of Wavelength is a result of that research. Mr. Vernon’s critical thought outside of the box
captivates those inquiring minds who have appetites for understanding and discovery.
Credits or Assumptions
The King James Version of the Bible was used as the primary biblical reference. The New International Version was used as the secondary source in other references.
Strong’s Concordance with the Hebrew and the Greek word definitions is used throughout, and the numbers in parentheses (0000) are Strong’s reference numbers. Strong’s as a published reference work is not individually noted throughout, but in all word studies as noted Strong’s is given credit herewith: Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1979.
Where definitions in English are used, they are taken from the published reference of Webster’s Encyclopedic Unabridged Dictionary: New York: Gramercy/Random House, 1996. In certain cases and as noted, other references may be used.
Also, significant usage of Smith’s Bible Dictionary has been used, as well as Vine’s which is keyed to Strong’s number system.
The Catholic Encyclopedia: Harper San Francisco, 1995, has been extensively used as accurate explanation of Church history and thoughts on theological subjects. The 38-volume set of The Early Church Fathers: Peabody, MA: Hendrickson Publishers, 1999, has also served as research source and definition of the various doctrinal issues unavoidably encountered.
A bibliography is included elsewhere of other published books or works that may have had causal definition of the various scientific and religious subjects.
So I turned my mind to understand, to investigate and to search out wisdom and the scheme of things.
Ecclesiastes 7:25
I believe the serpent of Genesis is an electromagnetic spectrum phenomenon. The person of the wavelengths (in the same genre as we say man of the cloth, referring to a minister) is the intelligentsia scientist who wants to play god. The greatest mistake we laymen can make is to accept carte blanche the argument of non-Christian or anti-God positionalists (the serpent of Genesis) who use plausible and often correct information, but with the seed of deception in convincing us, the laymen, that we should deny our faith and believe that we in ourselves can be our own god.
Francis Crick, Nobel Laureate, said it eloquently in his book The Astonishing Hypothesis. History has shown that although a category may sound very plausible, it can, on occasion, turn out to be both misconceived and misleading.
WAVELENGTH is a reality-check based on current scientific discovery replacing the philosophical interpretation which the Church Fathers embraced for lack of any other reality facts or information. WAVELENGTH removes the default by the Christian Church and establishes a level playing field based on 21st Century vocabulary to defend the vision of inspired writers. Science, with each new discovery, is playing catch-up; and, for all too long, Science thought they were setting the pace.
John L. Casti, in his book Paradigms Lost said, Eternal questions have a nasty habit of remaining eternally impenetrable when left to the lofty plane of philosophical discourse.
The opposing point of view places eternal value on the application of discovery rather than on the structure birthing the value of the true nature of mankind.
Science says we are unique because we are an integral part of the machine of being. Philosophy/Religion says we are unique because we are the whole point and product of the machine of lifeness. Neither approach or point of view is enough to simply state, I am.
One says I cannot be if I don’t understand the what of I am.
The other says that the fact of I am.
is no conclusion and must be defined to verify the why of I am.
Open minds discover great truths.
Science seems to have a problem reconciling the episodes of physical phenomenon which have scriptural origin. The struggle is intense because of the defensiveness Science has built in, trying to separate inspired writings from scientific discovery. If only one would relax and allow discovery from whatever source, especially the thing they resist the most. Instead of debating the translations and interpretations of literal application, why not search for the possible discoveries from application of the various and related events, i.e., what if we asked the question of the metaphorical meaning of Adam and Eve in The Garden, the building of the Tower of Babel, and The Flood? Are these three different ways that God is or has plotted a greater scientific/religious truth?
If we accept the theory of transcreation, then we can accept time before time, space before space, and matter before matter. The door between the before and after was The Big Bang, more correctly called The Transcreation. Creation is a philosophical embellishment of the act of beginnings. Nothing begets nothing, and something begets something. Is God, God, because we have decided that creation defined as making something from nothing is superior to any other plausible explanation of beginnings? Would not the Godness of God and His relationship to life be far greater and more significant if God actually took energy of Himself and transformed it into existence, by a plan created in God’s own consciousness? We will call it transcreation since God transformed something from something, into something different, by a plan or act which never existed or occurred before. This is not to be confused with the term evolution
Before we condemn evolution with our blanket of prejudice, we ought to remember that in all life-forms there is a period of development before birth, followed by a period of maturing after birth. Let’s call it intelligent design. We must also remember that there are boundaries for every life-form. We must also remember that all life-forms become an integer of a greater plan (somewhat like the food chain concept). Evolution in its purest sense is comparable to creation in its purest sense, just hypothetical.
In the great debate between Theology and Science, both have an enormous amount of fact on which to state their cases. Unfortunately, Science in presenting its evidence often mixes theoretical hypothesis to support its point of view. Theology likewise in its zeal to protect its turf has through its Church dogma often claimed more than the Bible gave; therefore it is difficult to distinguish between what is Bible and what is Church.
Either the Bible is greater in metaphor, or it is in error in its literalism. The truth is, the Bible is both literal and metaphorical. Even the author of Genesis suggested truth other than literal in Genesis 2:16-17 where he wrote that God commanded, of every tree in the garden you may eat freely. But of the tree of knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for on the day you eat of it, you shall surely die. Literally applied, Adam and Eve should have died the same day, but we know that Adam lived for another 930 years (Genesis 5:5). Therefore, the fact of the statement was metaphorical and referred to spiritual death. As one digs deeper, this event unfolds the additional phenomenon of salvation. Rightly dividing the word of truth is no easy task of simplistic literal application. One must tripsie
back and forth between physical-literal and the mystical-spiritual to enjoy the fullness of its meaning. The original transcreation of human life in its perfection, and to future life in mirrored perfection, requires and offers the same dualistic movement, literally back and forth between the physical and the spiritual.
Beguiled by the Mystique
In the beginning of the Christian Era, religions of the world had been based on the application of mysterious phenomena and natural phenomena, of which its substance was not understood. Then reverse reasoning began to occur as Science became reflective of religious writing. The best of intelligence of that day applied their knowledge based on the literal translation and application of inspired writings from the centuries before them. It was an honest endeavor. However, as we look back, we see the emergence of verifiable science which is based on the hard evidence of discovery. Unfortunately, the Church continued to be beguiled by the mystique of the earlier Church or worship phenomenon. The Church’s translation of those early inspired writings were translated using the vocabulary available at the time. It is the continued use of antiquated vocabulary enhanced by the mystique of the supernatural that beguiles the Church today. The early Church is exonerated; but the modern Church stands condemned as today’s knowledge and vocabulary demand a new translation from those inspired writings of old.
Possession of knowledge is an adversary of mystique;
Possession of mystique is an adversary of knowledge.
The Church had defaulted to Science for discovery of truth. It is now time for Science to discover that biblical writings define today’s scientific discoveries, albeit in the only vocabulary available to it at the time. The Church should stand proud knowing it was in possession of truth all along. It is now time to translate the visions and dreams of the inspired writers, using today’s vocabulary. Antiquated literalism is now replaced with discovered truth and application.
However, do not be surprised to discover that scientific discovery will be the vehicle that gives Religion its new birth. Science was playing catch-up when it thought knowledge was its private property. Today’s vocabulary proves that the biblical writings said it first.
Accepting redefinition will not be easy for some. For two-thousand years, Church doctrine has been embellished and polished, embellished and polished again, and again and again, as it tries to equate the mystique as an equal to discovered knowledge. It is ironic that the Church possessed the knowledge and truth from which Science took its cue. As Science discovered truth in application, the Church preserved its metaphor as literal application. Now the Church must redefine itself using the discoveries of Science; at the same time, Science must admit that inspired writings of old discovered the truth first, but in a language (vocabulary) it did not understand.
The I am’s
have my attention.
1. God is Alpha. His name is I am. God is the stem cell of all existness. He, amongst whatever else He is, is a body, a mass of incredible massless energy, a pulsating, glowing, dynamic, flashing cauldron of power bursts. From that body, He took of His own Self, and in Heaven’s own particle-accelerator, smashed that part of Himself and transformed His energies, defined as light, into mass called heavens and earth and all that is in them. Man literally is a part of God’s transformed body. In reality, God was a transformer rather than a creator (see definitions). God has always existed, therefore creationism of matter is a moot point. God has allowed man to use His body for man’s own comfort and/or convenience, by man turning mass into energy (heat, foods, etc.), or to particle-ize His mass for structuring. In Him we live and move and have our being!
It now appears that man is being allowed to discover how to convert energy back into mass by atom-smashing. God is saying I will let you discover some more of Me.
God cannot be destroyed, whether He is energy or mass or both. Therefore man, good or evil, cannot be destroyed. Only movement, location and activities can be controlled.
2. God, angels, and other massless life-forms move in our midst unseen, in some created or existing medium or wavelength of the energy spectrum which we do not naturally see. This includes massless (spiritual) movement, and also mass (physical) movement. In the New Heaven and the New Earth, Christians will have unrestricted movement in both worlds, while the evil will be restricted to the environs of black fire, i.e., radiation, without free movement.
3. The electromagnetic energy spectrum is a vital and integral form of life interactions, both physical (mass) and spiritual (massless). Miracles and supernatural wonders utilize this vehicle or medium. When the elements are in harmony, miracles and wonders do occur. It is also possible that Evil can use this same alignment for evil purposes, as non-believers also are recipients of miracles and wonders on both occasions and/or randomly. This harmony is agreement in the choices, which begins with the neuronal cells reflecting a harmonic between a mass and energy. Faith is the process employed in the alignment of the choices/harmonics which triggers the supernatural. One’s commitment and his comparable works, agreeing with God’s implant and agreeing on the object of need, is required to bring into the harmony, all the harmonics necessary for the ordered actions.
The mass of individual life-forms are a specific mathematical sum which places that form onto a discrete harmonical scale. Apparently, only one life-form was endowed with a soul, i.e., an identical massless form which also is placed on that same harmonical scale. The uniqueness of that creation gives choice, i.e., the architecture of purposed consciousness which no other life-form can exercise. The whole idea of religion or deistic faith is triggered by a third factor which activates and/or demands a residual, i.e., harvest of the choice consciousness, and that is an audible of that life-form which places itself on the side of Good or Evil. If that choice is of the same harmonic as the mass/massless harmonic, that life-form is called faith. If that choice is of harmonical discord (a selfness rather than an otherness), then that life-form is not accepted into duality of existness with perpetual freedom, but rather is restricted to isolation of reverse lifeness, called perpetual death.
God’s transformed (created) world is infinitely larger and infinitely smaller than most of us have ever perceived. Time is infinitely faster and infinitely slower than we can imagine. Speeds are infinitely faster and infinitely slower than we can relate to. All creation or being is designed to interact in absolute harmony with itself. When the harmonics is out of phase, evil things happen. When the harmonics are in phase, dynamic things happen. The mind needs to be prepared to entertain enormous numbers or quantities, enormous speeds and distances, both in space and in atomic size. Mass and energy are interchangeable. Reality is interactive between the physical and the massless (parallel world).
Definition Without Vocabulary
Why was it necessary for the greatest authority of the New Testament Church, in defining the parameters and essence of the Church, to use made-up, fictional stories to describe the architecture of existness and relationships? Jesus replied to the Apostles that it was the only vocabulary that would be understood by those who would seek answers after his departure. The parables therefore must be multi-layered to correspond to the level of learning for each succeeding generation.
But what about the inspired writings of the Apostolic Fathers? The vision and dream is not unlike the Old Testament writings where the same question was valid. God said, with my servant Moses I may speak direct, but to all others I must speak in visions and dreams. The format for expressing inspired discoveries, both current and future, remains the same. Apparently then, what is given to us and what we discover ourselves is multi-layered to the level of understanding and application of the one, or the many, seeking answers to the existness of things and the order of lifeness.
Single-layered truth is more associated with law, or the legality of institutional architecture. The literalism lends itself to the thou shalt/thou shalt not, or similarly to the position of I don’t need to know. Unfortunately, the Church has defaulted to secular discovery for answers to life’s questions. The question is not whether man is getting too smart for his own good, but whether the discovery of truth is in affirmation of God, or in affirmation of man. Is that too simple for man to understand?
Theologians and scientists have been concerned about the relationship of Science and Theology because of the latest developments in Science regarding ecology, genetic engineering, and cloning. Some believe there should be no limits placed on what man can discover and control. Some believe that limits should be placed on man’s invasion of God’s Creation. Regardless of the perceived religious value systems, there is an interdependence of mankind and his environment, along with a dependence on the singularity of Alpha and Omega, God.
There has been much discussion on the use of metaphor in Scripture. Simple faith chooses to accept the writings literally within the definitions of his present knowledge. The inquiring mind insists on the unlimited questioning of things. These two schools of thought are obviously divided on the acceptance or rejection of metaphorical meaning. A qualified review will in fact show that Scripture is both literal and metaphorical. Man’s problem is for both learned men of Science, and learned men of Faith, who have the ability to recognize the literal and the metaphor, to examine with an open and unbiased mind the many Scriptures of potential duality.
Findings should show that inspired men wrote things without recognizing the potential of their inspiration. It has only been recently that scientific knowledge has brought forward the fuller meaning, both literal and metaphorical, of scriptural writings of the past 4,000-6,000 years. There was no way these ancient writers could have known the full meanings of their revelations or inspirations. There was no language or vocabulary at the time to support interpretation outside of the literal or spiritual application of their day. The inspired writings, by virtue of their quality and excellence, required the relevance of the original time frame, yet maintaining its quality and relevance for succeeding generations for all time. Otherwise, the authenticity of being truly inspired becomes suspect.
Religionists have forced scientists into pursuing their field from a position of disproof, while scientists have forced religionists into a dis-faith of Scripture. Here we have a theory of duality: they are both right, and they are both wrong.
The electron suddenly changed orbits.
I had finished lunch and was sitting with pen in hand to continue writing on the quest for answers (or the trigger) to supernatural events occurring on purpose or randomly. My thoughts were, If I write this book, it must be different, no repetition of what’s already been written.
In my mind, I could not seem to establish direction, and I rested my head against the back of my chair in contemplation. Suddenly, a single word introduced itself to me, but I did not recognize it as anything more than just a word from today’s vocabulary. But that one word kept demanding my attention. Revelation 1:12, "I turned around to see the voice that was speaking to me."
Wavelength. I went to the library to search out the meaning of the word. Like an airplane being catapulted from the deck of an aircraft carrier, I was hurled beyond my wildest expectations into the most exciting and phenomenal journey of inspiration, new information and revelation. Isaiah 41:6—From now on I will tell you of new things, of hidden things unknown to you. For months and years on end now, from the time of waking up in the morning until going to sleep at night, I have been consumed with translation, research and discovery on this subject of wavelength. Immediately, the various Scriptures on the subject of light began to radiate in front of me. God said I am light, the light of the world, and hundreds of other applications and usages of light became terms for electromagnetic energy. As I began the exploration of wavelength and light, the subject references and material seemed to become an artesian well of new thought discoveries. My hand could hardly keep up with my mind in trying to get it all down on paper.
Having eyes that see not
As a Father’s Day present, my daughter gave me a book entitled Magic Eye II, by N.E. Thing Enterprises. The 3-D picture puzzles of this book revealed to me hidden dimensions beyond the obvious print on the pages. Rather than just looking at a page in a book, I was able to see into the pages as if looking through a window into another dimension. That was exactly what I had been seeing as I looked at the words and stories of the Bible, another dimension in view, sometimes in that dimension another window into a third dimension. Now I understood the problem of the biblical writers who did not have the vocabulary to write what they saw, and they by parable or story or actual literal event which overlaid like a skin the depth of the phenomenon, wrote to those who would read it. These early writers could only hope that the readers would see and comprehend the real story which lay just out of focus behind their visible written words.
From that first focusing (revelation), in order to understand what I was seeing, required much research into the many books of Science, as well as repeated biblical inquiry and related books of Religion. I have journeyed through the writings of the New Age Movement, The Qur’an and Islamic books, the Book of Mormon, and several of the Eastern religions. In the sciences, I have inquired of the schools of quantum physics, astronomy, theoretical physics, paleontology, archaeology, biological and neuronal sciences, and atomic and subatomic particles. My journey also required consideration of theoretical or philosophical thought.
I’m sure that I have encroached upon many prejudicial points of view. I only ask for thoughtful consideration by both the minds of knowledge as well as the minds of religion. Would it be too much to hope that this writing could be a bridge between the two schools of thought? At any rate, what you read is intended to make the reader think. The writings are not intended to accommodate the many positions of thought by the various believers, nor is it intended to attack or subvert doctrinal beliefs of the various religious denominations. It is written as I have seen it. All I ask is that the reader will take a look at the subject from their own point of viewing on the compass of observation. It has been the renewing of my faith and reinforcement of biblical statement to discover that the Bible really did say it before Science discovered it.
Mystery and Awe
Psalm 88:7 You have overwhelmed me with all your waves. Selah.
Isaiah 48:6 . . . From now on I will tell you of new things, of hidden things unknown to you.
Daniel 9:22 I have now come to give you insight and understanding.
Hebrews 2:2 Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it.
Ecclesiastes 7:25 So I turned my mind to understand, to investigate and to search out wisdom and the scheme of things.
Psalm 113:1,14 O Lord . . . Thank You for making me so wonderfully complex! It is amazing to think about. Your workmanship is marvelous.
Isaiah 46:9,10 I am God and there is none like me. I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come.
Numbers 12:6-8 When a prophet of the Lord is among you, I reveal myself to him in visions. I speak to him in dreams. But this is not true of my servant Moses; he is faithful in all my house. With him I speak face to face, clearly and not in riddles; he sees the form of the Lord.
Daniel 2:19-23 During the night the mystery was revealed to Daniel in a vision. Then Daniel praised the God of heaven and said, Praise be to the name of God forever and ever; wisdom and power are his. He changes times and seasons; he sets up kings and deposes them. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the discerning. He reveals deep and hidden things; he knows what lies in darkness, and light dwells with him . . .
Daniel 8:26 The vision of the evenings and mornings that has been given you is true, but seal up the vision, for it concerns the distant future. (v. 27) I was appalled by the vision; it was beyond understanding.
Job 33:14,15 For God does speak—now one way, now another—though man may not perceive it. In a dream, in a vision of the night . . .
2 Timothy 2:15 Who correctly handles the word of truth . . .
2 Corinthians 4:2 We do not use deception, nor do we distort the word of God. (v. 3) And even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing.
2 Corinthians 10:7 You are looking only on the surface of things (or the obvious facts).
I feel somewhat like Edgar Cayce when, being reluctant to accept his prophetic mission, said, Why would God pick out somebody like me?
Pre-Glossary or Enhancement Terms
Riddle pinion, conjecture, to advise, interpret
(N) 1. A mystifying, misleading, or puzzling question posed as a problem to be solved or guessed. 2. Something or someone difficult to understand; a problematic event, situation or person: Mystery (the eternal—nominalism and realism).
(VB) l. To find a solution of; explain or interpret. 2. To create or set a riddle for: mystify, perplex, puzzle, to speak in or propound riddles.
(N) l. A coarse sieve. 2. Archaic: a board set with zigzag pins between which wire is drawn to straighten it.
(V) 1. To separate (as grain from the chaff), pass through. 2.a. to fill
(something or someone) as full of holes as a sieve: puncture often and thoroughly. b. to spread throughout: permeate, sift through: penetrate, pierce.
Metaphor a. Transfer, change, to bear. 1.a figure of speech in which a word or phrase literally denoting one kind of object or idea is used in place of another to suggest a likeness or analogy between them. 2. An object, activity or idea treated as a metaphor.
Metempirics The study of concepts and relationships conceived as beyond and yet related to knowledge gained empirically—sways out of this region in search of the otherness of things.
Oracle 1.a. (1) A revelation received from the God of Judaism and Christianity: a divine revelation. (2) a typically ambiguous or enigmatic revelation or utterance believed to issue from a divinity through a medium (as a priest or priestess) thought to be inspired. b. An authoritative or wise expression: an answer delivered with an aspect of oracular certainty. 2.a. (l) A medium by which a pagan god reveals hidden knowledge or makes known the divine purpose. (2) A medium of communication from the Hebraic or Christian God: an expounder or interpreter of God’s will. b. A place where a divine revelation or utterance believed to issue from a divinity is given.
3.a. A person of great authority or wisdom whose opinions or judgements are regarded with great respect: one who is considered or professes to be infallible. b. Something on which one can rely for guidance or direction: an infallible guide.
Parable Juxtaposition, comparison, superposition, parabola, to throw or set alongside, compare, superpose: comparison, similitude: short, fictitious story that illustrates a moral attitude or a religious principle.
Veil (N) 1. In token of reverence and submission. 2.a. A hanging used to curtain off a sacred enclosure. b. The limit of sense perception dividing the living from the dead. 3. A hidden sanctuary. 3.a. A deceptive appearance or masking layer. b. A curtain of silence or reticence. c. A slight obscuration.
(V) 1.a. To conceal or curtain off. b. To withhold from public knowledge.
(—ed) 1.a. Having a concealing cover. b. Characterized by a softening tonal distortion. 2. Obscured: disguised, hidden.
Vision 1.a. Something seen otherwise than by ordinary sight: an imaginary, supernatural, or prophetic sight beheld in sleep or ecstasy. b. A writing purporting to represent something beheld in a revelatory dream, trance, or ecstasy. A visual image without corporeal presence. 2.a. The act or power of perceiving mental images. A mode or way of seeing. Unusual discernment or foresight. Direct mystical awareness of the supernatural in visible form.
Dream A series of thoughts, images, or emotions occurring during sleep: a semblance of reality or events occurring to one asleep. A visionary creation of the imagination. A major aim, goal, or purpose, the attainment of which is ardently desired or longed for. To have a sensory impression of while asleep. To consider as a possibility.
Creation The word creation is used generically to describe the word transcreation.
(At no time in this writing is the word or event creation to be construed as making something from nothing.)
The word transcreation is based on the following:
1. God existed before Genesis 1: "In the beginning God… (faith).
2. God was a mass of incredible energy which can neither be created or annihilated.
3. Transcreation is scientific singularity… The Big Bang.
4. Transcreation was order with design.
5. Transcreation included a parallel life-form… massless life(spiritual). (If massful existence is of negative spin, then massless existence is of positive spin. The attraction of positive and negative life-forms equates to the natural orientation or affinity of human life to spiritual life… God.)
Creator 1. Alpha intelligence… (I am).
2. Literally took a part of Himself (energy and intelligence) and fig: with His mighty right arm smashed it (as the original atom smasher) transcreating mass from energy, and lifeness from the parallel phenomenon of massless existness.
3. God is unfathomable… we can only follow His tracks.
Footnote: The making of Eve from Adam’s body (a life from a life) is symbolic of God transcreating both mass and massless from His Own Body.
The Apple of Eden
The literal story of Adam and Eve eating a big red apple is easy to visualize and easy to relate to as a story of obedience and disobedience; but again, storytelling was the only vocabulary available to the writer of Genesis in explaining such a complex phenomenon.
In the eons ago, sometime after the beginnings of human life, man in his great intellectual power became curious about—not life as present Science intelligentsia is searching—but of the emotional, psychological, interactive relationships between living kinds, or life-forms. These original early humans, called Adam, began searching and experimenting with the interpersonal relationships, apparently looking for that super-experience of pleasure and joy of experimental nature. Adam apparently was deceived into thinking that God was giving to him a limited level of sensual-emotional feelings, and that the ultimate sensation or fulfillment was to acquire that ultimacy by discovery of Godness. And so the one unexperienced sensation of emotional attitudinal affection was invaded. It is called Adamic Sin Nature (violation of a singularity benchmark).
That serpent with its undulating movements resembled the sine wave identification of many discrete wavelengths of the electromagnetic spectrum. This may well have been the deceiver of the Adam-man epic. Man could have discovered secrets of lifeness so dramatic that he became deceived into thinking that the ultimate experience lay in this fruit of existness. Man was not prepared to accept the ultimate lifeness as determined by a simple thing called choice and statement. Nor is man today prepared to accept the same thing; we call it denying there is a God. Is the historical record a prophecy? It certainly is suspect.
Singularity, In the beginning God, having established certain benchmark parameters of the being or order of things, would not permit Adam to discover the second of the two phenomena which was the secret of eternal lifeness. That secret was reserved for the next epochal phenomenon which fulfills the predestined or ordained event leading to the restoration of creation perfections. God established a flaming sword flashing back and forth on the east side of Eden preventing Adam from this discovery. This apparent electromagnetic barrier or uncrossable gulf, with its variable but reoccurrable wavelengths of power, prevents man from discovery of the secret of eternal life.
What a disappointment! Man has discovered sin. Instead of super-satisfaction of emotional release, he has discovered guilt. Man said (and is still deluded into thinking) that, even though sensualness is discovered, God somehow was continuing to play a trick on him, and man continued to look for that ultimate emotional experience. From the sin quadrant he looks for experience in emotions and chemical oxidation (drugs, alcohol, sex perversion). From the religious quadrant there is a residual of deception, and the religionist looks for the ultimate experience in gifts or supernatural experiential phenomena.
Why so complicated? Is simple faith believing too complex for the human mind to understand? If we simply believe/accept God and simply have preferential love for one another, the law established at Singularity warrants to Adam, i.e., humanity, all ultimate lifeness and experience which man has been attempting to acquire by illicit means and for illicit purposes. Man continues to flounder in a morass of partial discovery and misapplication of fact, believing he is approaching the threshold of Godness. What a surprise it will be when God says It is enough, i.e., when the predestined sum total of all harmonical values occurs, and a new epochal phenomenon will be in place. God may even let man pull the trigger when his tinkering with the forces of nature throws the harmonics of life into disharmonics, effecting a duplication of the apple event in The Garden of Eden.
In the original apple event, man was bent on pursuing his discovery of ultimate relationship and emotion. Now a second bent drives man to sneak past the flaming sword to discover the secret of life. That flashing back and forth tends to indicate several things: first, it is an electromagnetic force; and second, that force changes somewhat, like the electron orbiting the nucleus of the atom as it changes orbit instantly and unexpectedly. The mystery of its potential and/or the awesome threat of its misuse or accidental disharmonic application, may be its secret of defense. A double affront or attack of the two known powers of existness! In the eons to come, I wonder what kind of story will be written to explain this phenomenon of man