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My Happiness Is My Sanity
My Happiness Is My Sanity
My Happiness Is My Sanity
Ebook178 pages4 hours

My Happiness Is My Sanity

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A story that doesnt justify the streets

but glorifies a destiny unfolding through time.

As you read this book, as you digest each portion of my poured out soul, I need you to understand that these words are not just apart of me but apart of you.

No matter who you are

No matter how old you are

No matter your race, religion, economical status,

sexuality, gender, occupation, or IQ.

I challenge you to journey through these pages of broken promises, revived hopes, and countless dreams without being able to relate.

I dare you to continue over looking the dysfunctional instabilities that society tends to disregard behind heavy coats of bulland expose them for the traumatizing burdens they weigh down to be.

I encourage you to read my story and deny a need to call out the counterfeit, unveil the hypocrite and assist with reconstructing the destruction of innocence.

I warn you as this book is in your possession to wake up the worrier within and re-affirm that life is not about being perfect but being in position

I plead that you take heed and rise above the circumstances trusting that there is a bigger promise awaiting your arrival.

as I testify to you,

The truth

The whole truth

And nothing but..

Release dateFeb 10, 2009
My Happiness Is My Sanity


Neffeteria Pugh - Born in the high-crime streets of Oakland, California, she fought to win the title of the average female "making it out the hood." As a product of the streets of eastside Oakland, Neffeteria never had the opportunity to experience a family oriented environment. Living in Brookfield, one of Oakland's most turbulent vicinities, she and her grandmother shared a small 3-bedroom house while struggling to maintain sanity. The biggest struggle was her marriage. She fought to maintain a strong tie with her husband even when things became too much to handle for them both. Due to both parties committing adulterous acts, and losing a baby in the process, the foundation of their marriage began to crumble. Neffe was devastated at the fact that her now ex-husband eventually developed a monogamous relationship with a member of her family. As a coping mechanism, Neffe turned to alcohol to ease out the pain and the hard-times she endured in her marriage. As a result, this unstoppable mother of fourshe is now a striving to make a difference. Neffe's life motto, "At the end of the day, love God first and family second because My Happiness Is My Sanity." Shawonna Wynn - Anative of Toledo, Ohio; is an Author and Poet of inspirational writings. Her books include; A Prayer Journal for Strength & Dedication and Reflective Pick Me Ups. She currently resides in Atlanta, Georgia raising two wonderful children; Chrishanna and KeAngelo. Shawonna continues to touch souls everywhere she goes, with her positive outgoing inspiring spirit. To contact Shawonna Wynn email her at [email protected]. Http://

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    My Happiness Is My Sanity - Neffe


    I want to thank God for always covering me. After re-visiting the events of my life, God sent Angels to watch over me and protect me. To my children, always know that mommy loves you. You are my motivation. To my family; thanks for all your support and guidance. I ABSOLUTELY love you!

    A special thanks to my editor Clark Triplett for all your hard work.

    To my writer; Shawonna Wynn, who has become a friend and confidante.

    The Posh Management Group; who encouraged me to tell my story and hung in there with me through the process. Willie Triplett you are something else. My Love, Soullow for supporting me through the long days and hours. A special thanks to all my relatives, friends and fans for all your support.


    1663 Liberty Drive, Suite 200

    Bloomington, IN 47403

    Phone: 1-800-839-8640

    © 2009 Neffe. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    First published by AuthorHouse 2/6/2009

    ISBN: 978-1-4389-3981-0 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4389-3982-7 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4678-6355-1 (ebk)

    Printed in the United States of America

    Bloomington, Indiana









    The Cure






    The Cycle.







    Are you serious?

    What the fuck do you mean I’m ghetto?

    Why? Because I get loud when I feel as though I’m backed into a corner, or is it the fact that I’m not afraid to express my emotions?

    Fuck that! Who the fuck are you to judge me?

    You can’t tell me about me.

    Nobody can tell me about me.

    You know what, at this point, it doesn’t matter what you think about me.

    And you know why? You know why?

    I’ll tell you why!

    I’m hurt!

    I’m hurt because my momma wasn’t there the way I thought she should be.

    Because I was raped at 9, and while my cousins were forced to watch, there was no one around who could protect me.

    Because as a teen, I was misled by a married man, twice my age

    And I’m angry!

    I’m angry because my husband left me for my first (fucking) cousin. Tell me, how the fuck does that work?

    And the cold part about it is, before that bastard even had a chance to leave me I left myself. I was the one that allowed us to engage in multiple partner activities on account that I wanted our marriage to work.

    How the fuck does that work?

    I’m saying, how do you do that? How do you do that?

    How do you love a man so much that you turn your back on yourself?

    I’m tired, and this bull… you know what!

    My Heavenly Father has a plan for me though, and I may not be able to see it right now but in His time, it’s going to all come together.

    So yea, I fuck up sometimes but I never said I was a saint, and God never said I had to be perfect. I will say that I’m in the fire right now and everything is going to get better, and even though I drink a lot right now I am not going to be known as the alcoholic mascot forever.

    Let me ask you a question.

    How do you cope?

    Being the oldest of 7, and not having a chance to truly grow up with any of your brother’s or sister’s? How do you come to grips with wanting a mother’s love so bad, that you run away from the home that your grandmother is raising you in, to live on the streets doing whatever it takes to survive besides prostitute, while watching the woman that birthed you sell her ass and get high?

    How do you get past the pain of being betrayed and learn to forgive?

    And most importantly how do you forgive yourself?

    When do you stop breaking down so that you can stand up for yourself?

    What I need you to understand is, you can’t spray paint dirt and call it candy coated, it is what it is. I’m just telling it for what it is. That’s why I’m writing this book because too many people are out to lunch on this fake shit, man.

    I’m going to give it to you raw and uncut and if you don’t appreciate it, you can kiss my ass.

    I know every body has a story, so I don’t need a pity case. I’m just saying this is some real shit. It’s like the best untold story too familiar to be untold, too relatable to be overlooked, and too close to be ignored any longer.

    It’s not a story, it’s life

    Either you’re wit it or you’re not….

    CHAPTER 1 



    Welcome to the real world

    Where the bills are overdue

    And the funds are low

    Where STD’S are not the only high risk

    Of the parental guidance underflow

    Where it’s hard to catch a full course meal

    But the contraband exchange

    Is like a shopping cart with flat wheels

    Blocked off by the wants of perfection

    Waiting for your sacrifice

    Fresh handed or collection

    Where it’s a struggle to do right

    And a skill to live unrighteous

    Judge not the form of temptation

    But the freedom of truth is priceless

    Behind locked minds dreams are scandal by worries

    And hopes are a hostage of stress

    Everyday is a short come, come up

    Scheduled for the hidden wish express

    Where failure is (no) mystery

    And all surrounding situations are a mess

    Where clouds cover history

    Staging curiosity to embrace bound and oppressed…S.W.

    Being raised in a household that didn’t believe in most traditional holidays, I missed out on a lot of bonding memories that many carry along their journey of life, through a cherished treasure of love. It didn’t necessarily sit well with me, but like everything else that life forced upon my childhood, I took it for what it was. Ironically, the one holiday I was allowed to enjoy turned out to be as traumatizing as the demon influenced masquerades that paraded the streets with unforeseen tricks and/or treats.

    I don’t remember the exact year, but it was a Halloween that I would never forget. I had to be around 8 or 9 years old, and as I think back, it actually all began with an episode that adjusted my reality two days beforehand. Leading me into a spirit of somber brokenness, through a domino effect of resentment and anger, it turned out to be a life altering incident that severed my every circulating motive to care. In fact, my stomach still turns as I recapture visuals of the fright night, when my mother showed up at my grandmothers house tattered, worn out, and desperate for food.

    My grandmother wasn’t home, and my grandfather refused to give my mother a break of any sort. I remember the two of them arguing back and forth, as my grandfather insisted that my mother went away, and my mother stated soundly the rights to be in her mothers’ house. Tensions raised as they continued to fuss and cuss with my mother making her way to the kitchen, and as she leaned over to look for something to eat, my grandfather slammed the refrigerator door right on her head.

    Taking on my mothers’ agony as if my own, I could feel my soul shatter while everything inside of me collapsed with screams of pleading despair. I was a young girl, but I knew right from wrong, and as I wailed from witnessing my mother endure the excruciating pain, I didn’t understand how anyone could be so cold and heartless. Mentally, a fuse erupted that triggered sensations of rage, and the more blood I saw pour out of my mothers’ ear, the more I disbursed into an emotional wreck.

    Unable to gather myself, I cried endlessly because even though my grandmother was taking care of me, my mother meant the world to me, and watching her being mistreated like that, just didn’t make sense. My grandfather ran her off like a stray dog, when all she wanted was something to eat. At the time, I could not comprehend any reasoning behind his actions, and the whole situation left me very discontent. That incident manifested an evolving reality that magnified my perspective views of darkness through a whole new light.

    Carrying over into Halloween, I don’t think anyone noticed the shield of frustration that weighed heavy upon my chest. For most, I guess everything went back to normal, but speaking on behalf of myself, time dragged me through every minute. I could not shake the traumatizing playback out of my mind, as my mothers affliction continued to hunt me like a reoccurring nightmare. No matter how I tried to block out the presentation, it was a repetitive feature that strengthened the effects of horror, by weakening me into a secluded shell.

    Physically, I was around, but there was no other part of me that could be accounted for, as I wondered through my grandmothers’ house in a trance. It was as if I had been seized by the devastation, and my character transitioned from a child trying to prove her worthiness for love, to an embodiment of sullen mystification. I withdrew from being the little girl who extended her best to please everyone, and began to embrace a newly birthed evil that represented everything despite, my normal behavior. I was more than eager to compliment the festivities of hell night, with my awakened wickedness.

    We didn’t have much money to put towards purchasing masks, or anything else for that matter, so with a brewing imagination, and a few items from my grandmother’s wardrobe, I dressed up like a witch. Finally I was ready to fly free, and as the hour approached for me to scout the neighborhood for countless opportunities on a candy hustle, I looked forward to what the night had in store. Not only because it was a rare chance to interact with the outside world, but within me was a craving for drama, driven by a vengeance that had begun to eat away my morals, and it had yet to be satisfied.

    In between the innocence of my nature, greeting lit porches for handouts, the monster breeding inside of me plotted to make sure that someone else would reap the effects of my misery. My, just cause motivation was a previous Halloween that replayed me as a victim to an ambush, and while I vividly relived the experience of being knocked to the concrete as my pillow case of goodies was snatched away, I knew exactly how to pacify my devilish appetite. I know it sounds bad, but it felt good, as I flip flopped from vulnerable to villain with an absent conscious on a mission to menace the night.

    Once the mischief had reared itself to an end, I went back to my grandmothers and as I entered along side a playmate cousin, it was like walking into a dungeon of gloom. Luckily, my cousin and I rounded up enough children’s gold to keep us occupied, and as we bartered mounds of categorized sweets, laughter highlighted adventures of our evening. Of course it didn’t take long for my mind to get restless, and with a bright idea, I decided that as a source of entertainment we could play with our Halloween bags over the stove.

    It wasn’t that I was fascinated with fire, I just wanted to show my cousin how the plastic would inflate, after capturing steam from the boiling water. Thinking it to be harmless, in no way did I intend for the demonstration to turn hazardous. Unfortunately, my thoughts did not dictate the outcome. However, thanks to my misfortunate multi-tasking ability, a slight motion with one hand, to reach a bag in another, managed to leave me scared for life. It all happened very fast, but somehow a loose bag caught hold of the pot, and as I tried to pull it away, the pot fell off the stove causing the hot water to gush across my stomach.

    Ahhh…Sugar Honey Ice Tea!, The same house, same kitchen, and the same screams of pleading despair duplicated from a recent episode of torment. Only this time I didn’t have to take on the agony because the uncontrollable cries from this excruciating pain, was absolutely for my own relief. My skin felt like it began to melt instantly, and I jumped and screamed until my grandmother ran in to see what happened, but when she realized what I had done, she belted a few hollers and screams of her own.

    In a tone that offered no remorse, all I heard was, Neffeteria Roshea Pugh, and all I could think was, O Lord. My grandmothers’ voice overpowered my trauma, and shifted me into a new direction of focus, because hearing her call out my full name meant that I was in some serious trouble. I knew that she was furious, and it didn’t matter to her that I was a scorch away from a skin graph, so in addition to the 3rd degree burns, I was surely about to encounter another form of hurt.

    Feeling the burn of both the boiling water, and my grandmothers boiling anger, proved that my idea to play with fire was definitely not one of my brightest. Surely, this was not quite the outcome that I had in mind. To top that off, besides beating the crap out of me, my grandmother wanted to teach me a lesson, and refused to take me to the hospital. In her sick and twisted effort to punish me, she not only allowed me to suffer, but she left me to deal with the pain and heal on my own.

    Further more confirming her to be the witch I portrayed in costume, my grandmother showed no compassion. She went to the extreme, just to make it plain and clear that she could care less about my wounds, by ignoring me. In fact, the closest I got to receiving medical treatment was a glob of Vaseline. No E.R, no Doctor, no burn ointment, no bandage, no duck tape, just a thick coating of petroleum jelly and an insensitive, That’s what the fuck you get. You would think that I would have learned my lesson, but unfortunately as it will be relayed, I became a stickler for heat in many forms to come.

    The healing process took a few months, and as I continued to peel away my scorched flesh, I uncovered wounds far beyond the surface in which the scabs

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