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Break the Barriers of Selling: 10 Barriers of Selling to Break
Break the Barriers of Selling: 10 Barriers of Selling to Break
Break the Barriers of Selling: 10 Barriers of Selling to Break
Ebook45 pages33 minutes

Break the Barriers of Selling: 10 Barriers of Selling to Break

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About this ebook

This series of self-help articles is based on experiences of the author; it exposes the differences between a customer when he buys and when the customer is sold to. These articles are written so as to prepare the salesman who engages to sell by reaching out to his prospective customer and estsblish the beginning of a relationship between the salesman and the buyer, taking pride in who he sells to and the repute of what he sells-all in all a hero to everyone.

Any salesperson engaged in selling products and services which require needs to be established and in selling new products which require the prospects to be found and the products to be demonstrated to sell will identiy with the articles and make the best out of to learn or to refresh themselves.

This compilation also guides the salesperson to develop himslef in selling.
Release dateOct 9, 2014
Break the Barriers of Selling: 10 Barriers of Selling to Break

Deepak D Prakash

He has twenty-one and more years of sales experience in selling to SMEs in India and the Middle-East. His knowledge and experience comes from working with a technology company pioneering in prodctized business solutions for businesses.

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    Book preview

    Break the Barriers of Selling - Deepak D Prakash

    Copyright © 2014 by Deepak D Prakash.

    ISBN:      Softcover      978-1-4828-2065-2

                    eBook           978-1-4828-2064-5

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the publisher except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.

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    Part I

    Why are you selling

    What are you selling

    Who are you selling to

    How are you selling

    When are you selling

    Part II






    About the Author

    About Break the Barriers of Selling

    Thank you, my beloved wife, Nandita who inspires me to write so the

    world could know what I learnt


    N o institution in the world teaches you to be a salesman! It is either self-developed or requires you to be an apprentice, but where do you find masters? They are all either dead or dying! As the common eye sees it, this art is being eroded by marketing and logistics as a subject to learn. No offense to the professionals of marketing and logistics.

    When you see a salesman, you do not see that he is here to give you something; you are sure he will take away something from you—not only your hard-earned money, but also your peace of mind. You see a salesman, and you think of an overbearing, flamboyant, talkative, over-smart bloke who has nothing better to do so he is selling. If you are a salesman in your family, you are considered as an outgoing, non-qualified, dominant, always-wanting-his-way person. And most of the time, you hear ‘stop showing off your salesmanship with us’. Sadly, today salesmen are considered as people standing behind the counters of shops or people who direct customers to shelves at stores. That is the image which flashes when you say, ‘Hey, look, a salesman!’

    Then if these salesmen are being led by the owner/CEO of an outfit who himself is a salesman, then going will be from fine to good. If not, this bunch of highly motivated extroverts with the attitude of ‘I will take on the world for you’ and the bravado of ‘I will make money for you to grow’ they can be assured of a struggling,

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