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Can These Wounds Be Healed: Providing Hope to Battered Women and Children
Can These Wounds Be Healed: Providing Hope to Battered Women and Children
Can These Wounds Be Healed: Providing Hope to Battered Women and Children
Ebook141 pages2 hours

Can These Wounds Be Healed: Providing Hope to Battered Women and Children

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The power of God has added such richness to my life. Fear used to have dominion over me. I was a slave to my own mind! Oh but once you encounter the love of God you cannot remain the same. I now have a wealth of peace, wisdom, knowledge and understanding that I had never known before. God healed me both spiritually and naturally. He set me free from depression, low self-esteem and a painful and horrific past. Only Gods divine healing can provide such deliverance. His spirit and His word empower me and allow me to enjoy my new found freedom in Christ.

Victory after the Pain, A prophetic change with divine appointments
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateMar 7, 2012
Can These Wounds Be Healed: Providing Hope to Battered Women and Children

Claudia Malcolm

I, Claudia Malcom, was born in the country of Jamaica with a passion for writing since childhood. As I wrote “Can These Wounds Be Healed? I had an intentional expectation to deliver healing to the readers of my book. I am the C.E.O. for Divine Healing Women Center and a current student at the Christian University, studying in the field of Counseling. My passion and goal is to help battered women and children regain naturally and spiritually, that which was taken from their lives. The story of Salina is continued into Part two as the relationship between her and the readers become more intimate. The readers relationship with Salina and her healing is also the key component of another phase of Salina’s break through from a broken mind set followed up in the second book.

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    Book preview

    Can These Wounds Be Healed - Claudia Malcolm

    Can These Wounds

    Be Healed

    Providing Hope to Battered Women

    and Children

    Claudia Malcolm

    Copyright © 2012 by Claudia Malcolm.

    Library of Congress Control Number:       2012903672

    ISBN:         Hardcover                               978-1-4691-7527-0

                       Softcover                                 978-1-4691-7526-3

                       Ebook                                      978-1-4691-7528-7

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    CLAUDIA MALCOLM DESIRES to reach dying souls, people who has been wounded in life and don’t know how to move forward. Readers will learn that they can move forward if they have purpose and determination. A lot of people want to move forward but they don’t know how. This book will help people raise their self-esteem and look to Christ for their source of healing. The book is full of scriptures, poem and real life testimonies from the Author to encourage readers to move from a place of nuisance to a place of victory. For her it was a Prophetic change with Dynamics recovery Victory after the pain a sign of her healing.

    Focus on your journey says the Author. Do not get caught up with the starting point and forget the Journey ahead, keep on moving, the Journey is not yet ended. It has been some transcending moments and will not be at all times sad endings. In life, we all have stories to tell in some sense that provides wisdom about the journeys we have taken.



    Chapter One  Salina’s First Years

    Chapter Two  Teenage Mother

    Chapter Three  Salina was freed; from her Abuser

    Chapter Four  The Run Away Teen

    Chapter Five  How did Salina feel; as she was being abused?

    Chapter Six  Can These Wounds be Heal?

    Chapter Seven  Evidence of Salina’s past

    Chapter Eight  Hiding behind the veil

    Chapter Nine  Whom they say I am?

    Chapter Ten  Be Content with what you have

    Chapter Eleven  Roadblock to paradise

    Chapter Twelve  True love is in Jesus

    Chapter Thirteen  Life at the shelter

    Chapter Fourteen  Shadow of the unknown

    Chapter Fifteen  An absent Father

    Chapter Sixteen  How can I be free?

    Chapter Seventeen  What is your Purpose?

    Chapter Eighteen  Achievement is Salina’s Expectation

    Chapter nineteen  Finding ways to forgive

    Chapter twenty  What is Pride?


    THIS BOOK AND the prose contained here is the first edition of ‘Battered Women and Children.’ It is a true story of a woman with great strength, a battered and wounded woman who had the courage to keep on going. The author, led by the Holy Spirit, wrote this book to inspire women and children who have being battered; wounded and feel there is no hope… It is Salina’s story.

    Salina suffered many abuses and lived a life full of rejection, but that never stopped her from dreaming, knowing one day her dreams would become a reality. Even though she was castoff away, stepped over, and treated less than human, Salina never let go off faith, love and hope. She refused to give up. She held on to faith and she would not let go until she saw the assurance of God fulfilled in her life.

    Salina is a very strong believer in dreaming. Even writing this book is a manifestation of a long held dream of hers. She is also convinced that God is able to do something significant in her life. Romans 4:21] says, And being fully persuaded that what God had promised, He was also able to perform. She had to overcome the worst and move forward to the crown of His glory. The key to her victory is obedience to the word of God. It is God’s will for her to inherit the promise, and it is His will for you if only you hold on to His promises. Salina has looked back on her past and sees that her future is brighter than her yesterday is. She is much stronger, wiser, tested and proven. Salina has walked a perilous journey that made her tired and weary at times, but she never fainted. She even concluded that it was good for her to be afflicted otherwise; she would not have seen the glory of the Lord manifested in her life.

    As you read this true and inspiring story of her life, she believes you will experience changes in your own life. If you have ever been in her shoes as a battered woman or child, or if you have had to struggle to overcome major obstacles, you need to continue reading this book. You must have determination to succeed and come up with good ideas to execute in order to create the way before you where your dreams lie.

    Know this it is not over until God says it is over. Allow the Holy Spirit to lead and direct you as He has led and directed Salina to move to the next level of her life. I offer you the reader a word of hope and I encourage you to live and not die, to be successful from the bottom up. Believe in yourself regardless of the past. The wounds may be open, but do not relive the past. Let go of fear and embrace faith. Until the work is over, there will be rainy days. However, there will be sunny days too. God has a plan for your life that was already set under the sun.

    A New Beginning

    I look and saw the people, dying souls. I look through my prophetic eyes and see into their needs for peace, Eternal Father so loving and gentle to our heart, for those in need, Let me labor until I’m soaked. Hope and confidence, I introduce to you, Dreams are free, you can gather as many as you need, they are your believes, work them and Bring it to past.

    Chapter One

    Salina’s First Years

    SALINA WAS BORN in a small town called Ark City in the country of Jamaica. Her teen mother was seventeen when she got pregnant. She gave birth in 1970. Her father rejected her mother when he found out she was pregnant. Her father has never seen or heard from up to this day; her mother could not make it on her own, so families, friends and grandparents played a significant role in Salina’s life. It seemed Salina was castoff since conception. Rejection was her name.

    Her mother was a single parent, struggling to learn parenting skills in a very horrendous situation. She was working all the time to provide, living on the countryside of town was their home, a very populated community, with no running water. The house was very small and design with straws and mud as the covering. Transportation was by donkey and foot on most occasions. Ark City is a place with different cultural backgrounds of people, maroon, Negros, and Indians. Indians; they are the ones that love Curry and Roti.

    Safe drinking water was always scarce; Salina and her friends would walk a mile to get a bucket full. Besides, her container was the smallest and then transports it by head, Donkey or Cart. It takes several trips to fill up a large container and they do this by taking trips back and forth to Cleveland Hill.

    At age three, she attended a private school in her neighborhood where she learned basic skills, and meet with friends of her own age. Looking back Salina would be pushed between her two grandparents’ homes so often, she could not point it out exactly then but she knew something was wrong. In addition to her early childhood education concerns, Salina attended four different schools before age six. As the story goes on Salina was growing up and was very innocent and did not know that her life was about to take a sudden turn. As it was, on the contrary, Salina, in her earliest years, was under the protection of her grandfather. Yet, Salina drifted slowly away, only to become a victim of sexual immorality. So you may ask yourself, what could have gone wrong? Could it have been a lone stranger or a close acquaintance of the family?

    As Salina grew older, she moved from home to home; one minute she was here, the next she was not. The instability created a barrier of detachment around her, and an atmosphere of mistrust in her environment. Salina never let her guard down, fearing if she became too comfortable in one place her mother will end up moving her again.] She then became this lonely little girl, confused and did not know who she was or where she belonged. [The kids at school noticed her inner turmoil. During her time in school, Salina was always a mess. Her clothes were not neat or clean and she just generally looked uncared for.] No one knew the resentment she felt because of the abuse that had already taken place in her life, and she was only seven years old.

    You as a reader may wonder was it a lack of parental guidance and protection that had people walking these paths of victimization.

    Salina’s heart became fragmented. Never knew where or whom she belonged to; all around her were shadows of bad and empty memories. At the age of seven Salina’s heart was already broken and living a life that was full of bitterness and emptiness. Salina had no one to cry to, no one to hold on to; As her tiny little heart melted away with sadness, her major reflections were who am I [and why did this happen to her]? John 9:1-3] and as Jesus passed by, he saw a man which was blind from his birth. In addition, his disciples asked him, saying, master, who did sin? This blind man or his parents that he was born blind, Jesus answered, neither hath this man sinned, nor his parents: But that the works of god will manifest in him. Moreover, she figures out these things, as she gets much older

    So then by reading the word of God, she was able not to blame others for what was happening in her life, but she has become a Forgiver, and stand on her own responsibilities, as she gets older. That the will of God; will be manifested in her life, a little girl that was blind, God has opened her eyes, now she does not have to ask the question, why? On the other hand, Who am I? In this world so alone, with no place or love ones to call her own, Salina finds purpose later in her life between the crushed up leaves buried between the ravels, as she arrive from the wilderness of desperation.

    Open the Prison Door

    There is no comparison of which we are no condemnation of

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