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Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated Chi Omega Chapter Timeless Service Through the Years 1925-2014
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated Chi Omega Chapter Timeless Service Through the Years 1925-2014
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated Chi Omega Chapter Timeless Service Through the Years 1925-2014
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Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated Chi Omega Chapter Timeless Service Through the Years 1925-2014

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Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated, Chi Omega Chapter of Rocky Mount, North Carolina, is proud to dedicate this history book to Anna Easter Brown, a founding member of the sorority and charter member of Chi Omega. The chapter has researched extensively, carefully compiled, and printed this history book with love, dedication and honor. Included in this rich history are profiles for former National Presidents, former Regional Directors , and chapter members who played key roles when Chi Omega was host for Regional Conferences, Leadership Conferences, and Cluster Meetings. Chi Omega has presented a shapshot of its many national and local programs.
Release dateApr 24, 2014
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated Chi Omega Chapter Timeless Service Through the Years 1925-2014


This is a chapter collaboration to capture the unique history of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated, Chi Omega Chapter of Rocky Mount, NC from 1925 - 2014.

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    Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated Chi Omega Chapter Timeless Service Through the Years 1925-2014 - CHI OMEGA

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    Published by AuthorHouse 04/22/2014

    ISBN: 978-1-4969-0393-8 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4969-0391-4 (hc)

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    Library of Congress Control Number: 2014906729

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    The 1950’s

    The 1960’s

    The 1970’s

    The 1980’s

    The 1990’s



    Chi Omega Presidents

    Chi Omega Chapter

    Boules, Regional Conferences, Leadership Conferences, and Clusters hosted by Chi Omega

    Current Officers for 2012-13





    The history of Chi Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated is dedicated to Anna Easter Brown, founder and first president of the chapter. It is to her that Chi Omega owes many of the ideals and practices which have influenced the chapter’s accomplishments and its growth from six members to its present membership of seventy-one in 2013.

    Anna Easter Brown, a native of Jersey City, New Jersey, was a graduate of Howard University and studied at Columbia University, New York. Even though she was born, reared and educated in the north, she spent thirty-seven years of her life teaching in North Carolina. Her life was characterized by modesty, simplicity, sincerity, thoroughness, and generosity. It was from the pattern of Brown’s life that the roots of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority and Chi Omega Chapter have grown. She did not want to end her work of developing finer womanhood by merely being a founder Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority. Her vision was much greater, she wanted its ideals to perpetuate throughout the nation.


    Since its beginning, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., has authorized the preparation and publication of seven editions of its history. The leaders of the Sorority saw the need to record the steps of its growth and development, activities, goals and accomplishments. Each edition continued and expanded the history of the Sorority.

    In 1978, Mid-Atlantic Regional Director, Evelyn Syphax said, I believe that it is meaningful to have a permanent record of our history chronicled under one cover. The Mid-Atlantic Regional History Committee, compiled and published, History of the Mid-Atlantic Region, 1953-1980. The Mid-Atlantic Story: Continuing the Vision, was compiled and written by Barbara W. Davis, Mid-Atlantic Regional Director in 2001.

    Historical information about Chi Omega Chapter was included in each edition of the histories of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority and each of the histories of the Mid-Atlantic Region.

    In 2012, under the theme of our International President, Carolyn House Stewart, Global Leadership Through Timeless Service, Chi Omega Chapter accepted the challenge to research, compile, and publish its chapter history. The chapter voted to title the history book, Chi Omega: Timeless Service Through the Years, 1925-2013.

    Resources for data were chapter meeting minutes, committee reports, chapter newsletters, program brochures, newspaper articles, personal interviews, the IVY Leaf magazine, histories of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, and histories of the Mid-Atlantic Region.

    The goals of the Chapter were as follows: (1) to provide a record of the achievements of Chi Omega Chapter, (2) to showcase the changing social, educational, economic, and political environment in which Chi Omega Chapter had functioned through the years, and (3) to show the commitment of Chi Omega Chapter to the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Core purpose, SERVICE TO ALL MANKIND.


    On December 19, 1925, while teaching at Brick Junior College, Bricks, North Carolina, Anna Easter Brown, with the assistance of Jessie B. Thornton, organized Chi Omega Chapter after being deputized by L. Pearl Mitchell, the National President. The charter members of this chapter were Anna Easter Brown, Jessie B. Thornton, Mabel Robinson, a graduate of Boston’s School of Music, Boston, Mass., Thelma Black, Valley K. Redding, and Zobia Coleman, all graduates of Talladega College, Mobile, Alabama.

    The first officers for the chapter were Anna Easter Brown, President; Jessie B. Thornton, Vice President; Valley K. Redding, Secretary and Corresponding Secretary; and Mabel Robinson, Treasurer.

    Although the chapter was small and located in a rural area, the chapter always met the national obligations. Consequently, one of the first duties of the chapter was to develop the chapter’s constitution with the national constitution serving as a guide. This small group enjoyed such activities as cookouts, teas and candy making. Selling homemade fudge was one of the chief means of raising funds for the chapter’s activities.

    Five years later, in the spring of 1930, Jimmie Bryant, a teacher of home economics at Booker T. Washington High School, became the first chapter initiate. She was a graduate of Prairie View College, Houston, Texas and Columbia University, New York, New York. That summer, she married Mr. Charles T. Edwards, who was the principal of Booker T. Washington High School in Rocky Mount, North Carolina. In the same year, Evelyn Fortney, director of Physical Education at Brick Junior College, transferred to Chi Omega Chapter from Sigma Omega Chapter in Cincinnati, Ohio. A dance was held in celebration of the new members. In the spring of 1931, Ernestine Bulluck Davis, a graduate of Shaw University Raleigh, North Carolina, Pocahontas Whitley, a graduate of Union University, Richmond, Virginia, and Sadie Robinson Gaither, of Knoxville College, Tennessee became members of Chi Omega. These new members were teachers at Booker T. Washington High School, Rocky Mount, North Carolina.

    After the closing of Brick Junior College in 1933, the chapter relocated to Rocky Mount, North Carolina, where the majority of the members lived. Chapter meetings were held at the homes of members.

    Ethel Wyche Green and E. Louise Cooper were the first to be initiated into the chapter in its new location in 1934. During that year, the chapter sponsored fundraisers to support various community service projects. The chapter started its annual Undi-Chest Contest, a fundraiser which provided undergarments for women in need. Other fundraising projects included sponsoring a bazaar, selling Christmas Seals for the Tuberculosis Drive and selling NAACP stamps. Proceeds from these fundraisers enabled the chapter make contributions to the local community chest, the American Red Cross and the National Scholarship Fund. Drive.

    Chi Omega continued its community service in Rocky Mount and surrounding areas. In 1935, the chapter’s two big events were a Modernistic Fashion Show and the second Undi-Chest Contest.


    Even though new members were added, the chapter was still small because of the loss of chapter members Jessie B. Thornton, Valley K. Redding, Zobia Coleman, Mabel Robinson, and Evelyn Fortney who moved when Bricks Junior College closed and the members transferred to other chapters. Sadie Robinson Gaither married and moved with her husband to Florida, and E. Louise Cooper accepted a supervisory position in Raleigh, North Carolina. These moves left only, Anna Easter Brown, Jimmie B. Edwards, Pocahontas Whitley, Ethel Wyche Green, and Ernestine B. Davis, as the only participating members in the chapter.

    In 1937, Chi Omega initiated three new members. The new members were Ila Kay Wood Bellamy, a graduate of Hampton Institute, Hampton, Virginia, Josephine Clanton and Onelia Davis, both graduates of Shaw University, Raleigh, North Carolina. Chi Omega’s membership increased to eight. Though small in number, five members represented Chi Omega at the South Atlantic Regional Conference in Raleigh, North Carolina.

    There was a lag in Chi Omega’s growth following 1937. For five years, the chapter struggled with only

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