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Fast Food: 365 Single Servings of Inspired Truth
Fast Food: 365 Single Servings of Inspired Truth
Fast Food: 365 Single Servings of Inspired Truth
Ebook592 pages5 hours

Fast Food: 365 Single Servings of Inspired Truth

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About this ebook

This is a work that is a bit more than a daily devotional. It is more of a daily motivational. It is a series of short excerpts taken from sermons and Bible teachings that were preached and taught over the past thirty years of pastoral ministry. They will, hopefully, serve to inspire, motivate, and encourage the reader. Since they are organized in a daily and monthly format, the purpose is to offer the reader a quick fast food serving of truth.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateAug 28, 2015
Fast Food: 365 Single Servings of Inspired Truth

Dick Braswell

Dick Braswell has been in the ministry for the past fifty years and was Senior Pastor of Life Church in Mobile, Alabama for forty seven years until he semi-retired in 2009. A former Southern Baptist, he received the Baptism in the Holy Spirit in the early days of the Charismatic Movement and led his church into the mainstream of neo-Pentecostal theology. Life Church in Mobile emerged from a small congregation to become a growing church with a world vision that has placed and supported missionaries and mission works in Liberia, Ghana, and Serra Leone West Africa, the former Soviet Union, the South Pacific, Central America, Indonesia, Eastern Europe, Siberia, and Hawaii. In addition, it has made a powerful impact on the entire Gulf Coast with its Home Mission outreaches and satellite churches. He and his wife, Pat, founded and established Faith Academy, a Christian School, in 1969 and it is now one of the largest Christian Schools in the state of Alabama with a student body of approximately 2000. He is presently serving as President and Administrator of Life Church Ministries, writing and speaking in leadership conferences at home and abroad and enjoying time with his family.

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    Fast Food - Dick Braswell


    WORD for today

    Stay on course.

    As we enter this New Year, STAY on COURSE.

    We cannot afford to deviate. Even a little bit off course at the beginning will calculate to a huge error at the destination. It will make us miss our Mark. There must be constant corrections and adjustments along the way. The course must be updated and upgraded constantly.

    The limits are set. The boundaries are there. The way is plain. It is the Narrow and it is the Straight. As we stay tuned to the Word and as we remain in the presence of God, we will stay on course. When we listen to men and go by our opinions and lean on our feelings, we will get off course. When we get lazy and lukewarm… when we become entangled with the World, we get off course. When we take our Eyes off the Prize we lose ground and veer off course. When we take on added and unnecessary baggage, and fool around with flesh we are hindered and held back in our pursuit of the Prize.

    Here is what will keep you On Course:

    • Stay in the Word and live by the Word

    • Function daily in an aggressive faith position

    • Let Agape be your motivation for everything you do

    • Live to give and not to get

    • Hunker down in the Secret Place and stay under the Shadow of the Almighty

    Attempt great things for God and Expect great things from God (William Carey)

    Stay on course


    WORD for today

    The very essence of increasing knowledge is research.

    There is a constant digging, probing, searching, excavating, inquiring, researching, studying, exploring, that pushes us to the limits of our knowledge regarding the things that are natural.

    From this unrest comes new understanding. New discoveries. Increased knowledge. This is science and this is progress. Millions of dollars and tens of millions of man-hours are invested in this. They are exploring the seas, excavating ancient habitats, probing outer space, pushing into the fringes of science… working and researching the beginnings, genetics, the chemistry of human life… all because we need to KNOW.

    The more we KNOW the more we can LIVE. The more we KNOW the greater the quality of life. The more we KNOW the more we can accomplish. This is how it is in the natural system of the world.

    The same is necessary in the world of the Spirit. We must KNOW all that we can KNOW about GOD, about JESUS, about the HOLY GHOST, about the WORD, about SALVATION. Research is necessary. Study is a must. Understanding is tough to come by. But it is essential to Spiritual Maturity. This is the reason for intensive study. This quest for Spiritual Knowledge and Bible Understanding will enable us to fulfill our very PURPOSE for being. God has Plans, Grand Plans, for you and me. God has Adequate and Sufficient Provisions for you and me. God has a Purpose and an Eternal Blue Print for you and me.

    For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end. Jer. 29:11

    Dig in. Dig deep.


    WORD for today

    Truth in the head is not enough.

    Truth in the church is not enough. Truth in the world is not enough.

    Truth must be in the heart and the entire being must be motivated, instructed, guided and led by it.

    We can stuff our heads with instruction. We can train our brains with right things to do. We can believe sincerely with our heart. The need is for God’s power to flow through us.

    • We can be clean on the outside and be dead.

    • We can be correct and be dead.

    • We can be religious and be dead.

    • We can be sincere and be dead.

    • We can be right and be dead.

    • We can even have faith and be dead.

    • We can be in the right place at the right time in the right manner and be dead.

    • You can make all the right confessions and be dead.

    And you know whether you are dead or alive!

    The Scribes and Pharisees were right, religious, dedicated, obedient, faithful, consistent, committed, and unashamed. Jesus said our righteousness would have to exceed theirs or we would not make it to heaven. They needed a Heart Experience instead of a head experience.

    They were shallow, external, legalistic, arrogant, and self-centered. They were clean on the outside but Jesus said they were full of dead men’s bones. They looked good, but Jesus said they were dead and filled with corruption.

    If they were around today, they would be sitting on the front row (or the platform) of the church. They would be the loudest prayers, and the biggest givers. They would be seen and heard and admired and recognized. They would have a form of godliness but they would be dead inside.

    For the LORD seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the LORD looketh on the heart. 1Sa 16:7


    WORD for today

    The dynamics of our contemporary mode of living tend to keep us ignorant of the Move of God.

    Most are looking everywhere and seeing everything but God and what He is doing. If we talk about the New Thing, the Move of God and the coming End Time Harvest most will think we are in too deep. Too far. Too much. Too radical. Too spiritual. Too serious. Too wild. Too much.

    But don’t be surprised… they were acting the same way in Noah’s Day. And Jesus said:

    But as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of Man… Luke 17:26

    For 120 years they laughed at Noah’s radical preaching. They ignored his warnings. They refused to listen and heed. They waited and debated. They considered but refused to consent.

    Then IT happened. And when it did it was too late for them. They got left out. They got shut out. They got locked out of safety, security and life. They were lost.

    Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh. Mt 24:44


    WORD for today

    Believers are called to demonstrate satan’s defeat.

    And having spoiled principalities and powers, He (Jesus) made a show of them openly, triumphing over them in it… Col. 2:15

    God is a God of DEMONSTRATION. He is a GOD of POWER and MIGHT. He operates in great success and energy. And He lives inside every Believer.

    Greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world… 1Jn 4:4

    satan is the illegitimate ruler of this world. he is a defeated and humiliated enemy. he is a liar and a cheat. he is an accuser and an intimidator. he barks but can’t bite because Jesus pulled his teeth.

    We have been given Power over the devil and his demons (Mark 16:17). satan gets his destructive power from ignorant, naïve Believers. The devil cannot do what we will not allow him do.

    You and I (the Church) have been called into the kingdom to DEMONSTRATE satan’s DEFEAT. You have been saved to make an OPEN SHOW of satan’s LIMITATIONS and to parade him before the world in an open display of his powerlessness.

    Let the parade begin today


    WORD for today

    Once upon a time.

    Once upon a time there was a mountainside, where an eagle’s nest rested. The eagle’s nest contained four large eagle eggs. One day an earthquake rocked the mountain causing one of the eggs to roll down the mountain, right into a chicken farm, which was located in the valley below. The chickens knew that they must protect and care for the eagle’s egg, so an old hen volunteered to nurture the large egg until it hatched.

    When the egg hatched a beautiful eagle was born. Sadly, however, the eagle was raised to be a chicken. Soon, the eagle believed he was nothing more than a chicken. The eagle loved his home and family, but his spirit cried out for more.

    While playing a game on the farm one day, the eagle looked above and noticed a group of mighty eagles soaring in the skies. Oh, the eagle cried, I wish I could soar like those birds. The chickens roared with laughter, You can’t soar with those birds. You are a chicken and chickens don’t soar.

    The eagle continued staring at his real family up above dreaming that he could be with them. Each time the eagle would let his dreams be known, he was told it couldn’t be done. And so, that is what the eagle learned to believe. The eagle, after time, stopped dreaming and continued to live his life as a chicken.

    Finally, after his long life as a chicken, the eagle died. He never spread his wings, gathered the strength of the wind and soared in the heights he was created to master.

    The chickens convinced the eagle that he would never fly. He stayed in the chicken pen until he died.

    If you don’t have a dream, how are you going to make a dream come true? — Oscar Hammerstein


    WORD for today

    Many in the body of Christ have never made it into the realm of winning and overcoming.

    Some are still living in defeat, sickness, poverty and death. Some are frustrated and sad and overwhelmed by problems and obstacles and circumstances. More are just plain weary, tired, worn out and wounded… they are on the verge of quitting or simply copping out.

    However, you are destined to win.

    It doesn’t matter how bleak or hopeless or helpless your situation may be, if you are BORN AGAIN YOU ARE DESTINED TO WIN! This is GOOD NEWS. And that is precisely what the Gospel is: GOOD NEWS.

    Jesus commanded us to preach the GOSPEL to the POOR. When the Gospel that is preached is received and acted on, the POOR will not stay POOR, the SICK will not stay SICK, the WEAK will not stay WEAK and the LOST will not stay LOST.

    Every Believer has a destiny to succeed. God has planned winning for you and provided the means for you to accomplish victory. In every situation. Anytime. Every time. And all the time.

    …and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith. 1Jo 5:4


    WORD for today

    Take what is rightly yours.

    Many are caught up in the pressures of the present and cannot move out into the promises and provisions of our faith. We see obstacles and hindrances. We fear what might be and what could be. We are worried by our assumptions. We are confused by our conflicts. As a result, we live in the stress of unbelief and the anxiety of the uncertain.

    We need to KNOW some things. We need to get out of hoping and praying and into assurance and expectation. We need to transition from our dream to the fulfillment of it. We need to possess our possessions. We have been limited by religion and hindered by tradition. We have been robbed by man’s doctrine and held back by the opinions of others. We have been taught a lie and sold a false bill of goods. We have lived in the natural and walked in the carnal and we have tasted death, defeat, disease, weakness, failure, limitation, disappointment and depression.

    It is time for us to possess our possessions. Jesus has bought them and paid for them. On the Cross. With His Blood.

    They are all there and they are all ours… now. Today. This moment.

    Take what is rightfully yours


    WORD for today

    Most Believers give up too soon.

    Christianity has not been weighed in the balances and found wanting, it has been TRIED and found to be too difficult and rejected. Patience and Endurance and Persistence are necessary… Quitters never win and winners never quit. Many are lacking right now because they got tired and discouraged and gave up. Crybabies do not win great battles. Wimps never take home the Gold. Sissies quit because they lack resolve to press through.

    All the Heroes of Faith in Hebrews 11 did not have access to a complete Bible. They did not have the freedoms we enjoy. They did not live in the comfort and security we have.

    Today we have God’s complete revelation in the Word of God. We have nearly 2000 years of historical experience as the victorious Body of Christ.

    The heroes in Hebrews accomplished their mighty works through a persistent faith. A faith that did not quit. A faith that did not ease up, let up, back up or give up… They endured as seeing Him Who is Invisible… Heb 11:27

    When you see the Invisible you can to the impossible

    JANUARY 10

    WORD for today

    History is the tablet on which the Hand of God writes.

    What is happening in the world today is not a strange thing. It has been prophesied and foretold by the Word of God. Nations have risen and nations have fallen.

    But none have without fitting into the Grand Plan God has set forth for His People and His Earth. The approaching year will see more of God’s Hand than any other time since Jesus walked the earth.

    • What we have heard about we will see.

    • What we have believed for will be manifested.

    • What we have longed for will come to pass.

    This Day is pregnant with God’s Ultimate Purpose and the Birth is at hand. We are that generation that will see all these things fulfilled.

    Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled. Matt 24:34

    These are the days

    JANUARY 11

    WORD for today

    If you are a Believer, you have the nature of God in you.

    And the Nature of Jesus in you. And the Nature of the Holy Ghost in you.

    This means that you can think like God… Talk like God… Act like God… Believe like God… And have the same Faith that God has, the same Life God has and the same Victory God has.

    You do not have to yield to the pressures of the present. You do not have to give in… give up or give over. You do not have to quit. Or compromise. Or feel weak and insecure. You are:

    • The Head and not the tail

    • Above and not beneath

    • Strong and not weak

    • Well and not sick

    • Rich and not poor

    • More than a conqueror

    And you can do all things Through Christ Who is your strength.

    Where you go, God goes. You take Him and all His Authority and Power and influence with you because He lives in YOU… you are His Temple of Dwelling. The reason the devil hates you is because where you are, God is.

    His Place of dwelling in the Old Testament was the Tabernacle. It was Jesus in the New Testament and now it’s YOU in this Present Age.

    Christ in you, the hope of glory… Col 1:27

    JANUARY 12

    WORD for today

    He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water. John 7:38

    The Body of Christ should come together with the River Flowing.

    Most come to Church to get filled. They are dry and empty. They have been drained by the demands of the unbelieving world and the constant constraints of the enemy. They are tired. Weary. Frustrated. Needy.

    They come in need. This is not bad, but it is not the Best. To come filled up is better. Filled up and running over.

    Can you imagine what kind of a church service we would have if everybody came filled up and running over? No need to get worked up. No need to get pumped up. But come in rushing as a Mighty River. Come in joyful, exuberant, excited, expecting, believing and with great anticipation.

    Men and women and young people and children with Rivers of Living water gushing out of their inner beings.

    What a gathering that would be!

    JANUARY 13

    WORD for today

    There are indications everywhere.

    There is a witness in the heart of every turned-on believer. God is moving. The earth is responding. The world is waiting. All creation is anxious… The church is being revived. This is the hour. Something BIG is about to happen.

    There is a drawing toward God. The Holy Spirit is reaching into the hearts of men (all kinds of people) and drawing and attracting… inexorably, as a magnet draws iron, pulling them toward God. It is relentless. It is miraculous. It is supernatural. There is hunger. And this hunger is indicative of the Divine Plan and Purpose of God manifesting in this hour.

    You feel the drawing. Right now. There is a Divine Stirring deep down inside your spirit. It (your relationship with Jesus) is not like it used to be. It is changing. There is a dissatisfaction, an urgency, which is driving you to seek His Face and a determination to be conformed more and more into His Image.

    The things of the world are becoming less and less important to you. The reason for your very existence is coming into focus.

    You are being drawn into the Glory of God…

    But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord. 2Co 3:18

    JANUARY 14

    WORD for today

    God’s heart has never changed.

    His heart has always been inclined toward man. It is now and it always has been. Man was originally created in order that God might have a family. God wanted companionship. God wanted fellowship. God wanted relationship. God wants to love and He wants to be loved. God wanted to have a family to love and to bless and to keep unto Himself.

    This is the Heart of God.

    God wants to have children that will reciprocate His love. God is Love, God loves and God wants to be loved. Do you realize that God made the heavens solely for the benefit of earth? Do you know that God made the earth solely for the benefit of man? Can you believe that God created all animal life and plant life solely for the benefit of man? Everything and all things that God created by His power, were and are created for the benefit of man.

    And God made man for Himself.

    All of creation is designed to sustain human life. Scientists are now beginning to recognize that the entire universe has been created and calibrated to support and sustain human life right here on earth. The original Plan God had is still the same. Even though satan entered and Adam sinned and death was brought into the earth, God has Eternally Purposed for Man to be His Own.

    You belong

    JANUARY 15

    WORD for today

    The Church gets in trouble when it loses its passion for God.

    This is the root cause of all backsliding. This is why Christians become carnal. This is why Christians fall away. This is why Christians slip back into the world. They lose their passion for God.

    In the Book of Revelation, John spoke of a Church that lost its first love. It lost its passion for God. Its members lost their first love. John told the Church at Ephesus that God had something against them even though they: (1) had good works, (2) had patience, (3) had intolerance toward evil, (4) had correctly judged false apostles and (5) had not fainted or quit.

    They had fallen into the trap of becoming a good, vigorous, hardworking, sin-hating, determined and committed organization but without really Loving GOD. They had lost or left their first love. Their hearts had grown cold. They lost their passion for God.

    They were doing all the right things but they were doing them for the wrong reason. You can be good and moral and obedient and still miss the boat. If your motivation is from your head and not your heart, God has somewhat against thee…

    Every GOOD WORK must issue forth from a passion for God… from heart hunger and not from head reasoning. Head reasoning is based on externals… on doing, on the letter of the law, on doctrine and dogma on religion and form and tradition… all these are inadequate and illegitimate.

    God looks at what is in your heart and not what is in your head

    JANUARY 16

    WORD for today

    When Joshua was at Jericho, victory did not come until the 7th Day. (Josh 6:15).

    I’m sure many would like to have the victory on the first circuit. If it was five miles around the city, I’m sure many were ready to quit the first day. But then there was the second. Another five miles. And the third. Another five miles. The fourth. Another five miles. Fifth. Another five miles. And the sixth. Another five miles.

    How many grew weary in the process? This has been a thirty mile ordeal. After all, how much does God expect of me anyhow? There must be an easier way. I think I have a better idea. Who has a new revelation? And now it is the Sabbath and seven times around… that’s thirty-five more miles. Unreasonable.

    A total of sixty miles. Utterly ridiculous.

    No wonder others had a better idea or a higher revelation.

    Obedience means sacrifice. No Cross means no Crown. No diligence yields no victory. Many have grown weary and have tired along the way.

    When victory is one day ahead and one lap away

    JANUARY 17

    WORD for today

    God’s Power is adequate but it can be limited.

    God is Able but God can be Limited. God can do all things but God can be prevented from working. Jesus could do no mighty works in one place because of unbelief.

    And He did not many mighty works there because of their unbelief… Mat 13:58

    Unbelief is anti-God and anti-Christ. Unbelief limits God’s Power and God’s Ability. Unbelief restrains God in His desire to work for you.

    Even though God could… and God would… unbelief and doubt will prevent God from doing it.

    Many believers are hindered and kept out of victory because of their own unbelief. So are churches, denominations, and honest, good and sincere people.

    In a sense, it is not necessarily true to declare that God can do anything… He has the Power to do anything, but that power can be hindered, limited and restrained by unbelief and doubt.

    God’s effective, operative power depends on us

    JANUARY 18

    WORD for today

    There is a much broader dimension of the Word than most people realize.

    The Word of God is not just the Bible. The Bible is the written inspired, infallible document that is the written Word of God but the Word of God existed before there was a written document called the Holy Bible.

    John writes that in the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God… God’s Word transcends the Bible. God’s Word was existent before there was a Bible.

    How can we know what God said if it is not written down for us to read and know? We can know what God said by knowing what God would say. We can know what God would say by knowing the Nature and Character of God.

    God speaks in agreement with His Character, His Nature, and His Personality. If we know His Character, we will know what He will say or did say… And we discover and know His Character by receiving revelation knowledge regarding Christ. Because Jesus is the Perfect and Completed Revelation of Who God is, What God is like and What God does and will do.

    if you have seen me, you have seen the Father… John 14:9

    JANUARY 19

    WORD for today

    Put off the Lie. (Eph 4:25)

    • satan never operates in truth.

    • he is a victim of the lie himself.

    • he was foolish to believe that he could be equal with God.

    • he was deceived into believing that he could rule heaven.

    • he is the father of the Lie and he is the author of the Lie.

    Hell is the result of the Lie.

    The world system functions by the Lie.

    The cosmos is fueled by the Lie.

    The fallen human race is cursed by the Lie.

    The Lie produces death. The Lie produces misery. The Lie produces hopelessness. The Lie causes pain, and defeat.

    Every failure is the result of the Lie. We need to PUT OFF THE LIE. The Lie put Jesus on the Cross. The Lie put Jesus in the Tomb. The Lie put Jesus in hell. But TRUTH brought Him out!

    Just as the TRUTH produced the RESURRECTION, the TRUTH in YOU will PRODUCE LIFE. Resurrection life. Supernatural life. Overcoming life. Ruling life. Reigning life.

    John 8:32

    JANUARY 20

    WORD for today


    In this hour, God is raising up Joshuas to lead His people into the fullest realization of their Spiritual Inheritance.

    They are commissioned to take His People into their Promised Land. The promised land is not death. The promised land is not heaven. It is not the sweet by and by…

    The Land of Promise is the Place of Total Provision the Blood of Jesus has purchased for every believer and for all time.

    God wants us in there. God wants us moving out of the desert of death and do-nothing and into the land of Milk and Honey.

    Are you there? Have you gotten in yet? Are you flourishing and feasting and overcoming? Are you out of sickness and into health? Are you out of poverty and into wealth? Are you out of worry and into peace? Are you out of fear and into faith?

    Don’t stay stuck on the wrong side of Jordan.

    Today is your moving day

    JANUARY 21

    WORD for today

    It’s up to you.

    • You will never do what you do not decide to do.

    • You will never get what you do not decide to get.

    • You will never get what you do not make up your mind to get.

    • You will never receive what you are not committed to receive.

    It is up to you. God has given it. Jesus has paid for it with His Blood. Now, refuse to waver, to be moved aside, to take your eyes off your goal. Refuse to back down. Refuse to compromise. Refuse to be nice to the devil.

    Refuse to calm down or understand… Be determined… get mad and be violent. The Kingdom of heaven suffereth violence and the violent take it by force… (Mat 11:12).

    Just how mad are you at the devil? How determined are you to take back what he has stolen? How ferocious are you in this pursuit? How enraged are you at the deeds of the devil and the kingdom of darkness? How much do demonic forces fear your resolve to overcome?

    Let not the sun go down on your wrath… In other words this can mean Never let the sun go down on being mad at the devil….

    The ONLY legitimate avenue to release your wrath is to release it on the powers of darkness.

    Get mad

    JANUARY 22

    WORD for today

    Faith produces Resurrection Life.

    It produces the same kind of Life Jesus had (and still has) when He came out of the grave.

    But if the Spirit of Him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, He that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal (death-doomed) bodies by His Spirit that dwelleth in you… Rom 8:11

    Supernatural Faith moves the believer into the realm of Resurrection Life. We are no longer in the grave-yard stage or the mortuary stage, we are in the Life Stage… the Supernatural Life stage… The Eternal Life stage!

    Supernatural faith negates the power of death and energizes the Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus (Rom 8).

    It is by this law that every believer should live. And if they do, they will be continually swallowed up in victory.

    … Death is swallowed up in victory. 1Cor 15:54

    JANUARY 23

    WORD for today

    There is a practical application of the Word of God.

    God does not tell us to do things that we cannot do. He does not instruct us to keep things we cannot keep. He does not command us to accomplish anything we cannot accomplish. God is not only Spiritual… He is also practical. He makes it so that Spiritual Principles will work in a real and practical world.

    To work the Word is not foolish or presumptuous. To make practical application of the Word is not impossible. God has given us the Word so that we might apply the Word to real, physical, natural life situations.

    There is also a much broader dimension of the Word than most people realize. The Word of God is not just the Bible. The Bible is the written document that is the written Word of God but the Word of God existed before there was a written document called the Holy Bible.

    John writes that in the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God… God’s Word transcends the Bible. God’s Word was existent before there was a Bible. How can we know what God said if it is not written down for us to read and know? We know what God said by knowing what God would say. We know what God would say by knowing the Nature and Character of God. God speaks in agreement

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