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Questions from a Hat: Answering the Tough Questions of Student Ministry
Questions from a Hat: Answering the Tough Questions of Student Ministry
Questions from a Hat: Answering the Tough Questions of Student Ministry
Ebook137 pages1 hour

Questions from a Hat: Answering the Tough Questions of Student Ministry

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The greatest endorsement I can give this book is I would undoubtedly and unashamedly go through this material with my students on Wednesday nights. -- Joshua Thomas, Student Pastor at Joppa Baptist Church,

Fanning Springs, Florida

In churches today many youth pastors, volunteers, and parents struggle to answer those tough questions teenagers can produce. Students are curious about spiritual matters: God, Jesus, Heaven and Hell, creation, angels, stress, how to share their faith, and much more. So, come on...reach in and draw a question from a hat!

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateAug 30, 2016
Questions from a Hat: Answering the Tough Questions of Student Ministry

Noah Raulerson

Noah Raulerson serves as the Associate Pastor and Student Minister at Hardeetown Baptist Church in Chiefland, Florida, and has been active in Christian ministry for over a decade. He received his Bachelor of Arts in Ministry from the Baptist College of Florida and a Masters of Divinity in Christian Ministries from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. His passion for teenagers led him to pursue student ministry. Besides developing young disciples for Christ, Noah enjoys spending time with his family participating in a variety of hobbies which include traveling and movie-going. Noah resides in Chiefland with his wife and son, Jennifer and Jonah.

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    Questions from a Hat - Noah Raulerson

    Copyright © 2016 Noah Raulerson.

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    ISBN: 978-1-5127-4575-7 (sc)

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    Library of Congress Control Number: 2016909844

    WestBow Press rev. date: 08/29/2016




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    Works Consulted


    Before reading, you should know how this project came to be and the factors that led to this work. My journey as a Christ follower and as an author is as follows:

    I can’t recall a time in my life when I have not been intrigued by God. The whole idea of a being responsible for the creation of everything astounded me. From an eternal, personal mind came everything; time and space, the universe as we know it created from the words of an intelligence far beyond anyone’s comprehension. What really amazes me is that this God would interact with his creation and choose to reveal himself to people. Before I go any further, it would help you to know I am one of those people fascinated by the written word. People often look at me like I am from another planet when I tell them my favorite hobby is reading. So, you can probably guess as soon as I learned to read I would eagerly and frantically search the Scriptures to learn more about this God. I would open my Bible as a child with the same fervor another child would have opening a birthday or Christmas present! Before I could read my parents had taught me that the Bible was God’s Word and because it came from God it was total truth. I learned about this God as much as a six-year-old mind could comprehend. About this time I made a decision to follow Christ and get baptized. Although according to my pastor at the time, I could recite the Romans Road and answer all the right questions about salvation, the decision did not produce the kind of life change the Gospel brings. Instead of relying on Christ for my assurance and peace, I essentially became what I call an Elementary School Pharisee. I became a legalist, desiring to be justified by my works instead of the imputed righteousness of Christ. I was the kind of kid who would serve as the morality police to my friends (yeah, I was that kid) while unaware of my own shortcomings. Thankfully through God’s grace and further study of the Bible, I came across a passage of Scripture that wreaked havoc on my (now in the fourth grade) life. The passage in Galatians described my life as Paul recounts his testimony before he came to saving knowledge of Christ:

    I was advancing in Judaism beyond many of my own age among my people and was extremely zealous for the traditions of my fathers (Galatians.1:14).

    What an uncanny resemblance to my young life! There I was winning Bible drills and memory verse contests, taking attendance in Sunday school, and quoting the Bible on the school playground while entirely missing the point. I was extremely zealous for the Bible but missed its main theme. I was zealous for church traditions without knowing the reasons behind them. I was zealous for God but never met him. Paul could not find salvation in mere zeal for the law and neither could I. Just three days shy of my tenth birthday on February 22, 1995; I gave my life to Christ. I recognized him for who he is, not only my Savior but as my Lord. My life I now live for him. No longer do I do good things out of fear of breaking the Law, but out of love and gratitude for Jesus who held nothing back from me. The things that I had to do before I met Jesus were now the things I got to do.

    As much as I enjoy reading, I never felt the desire to write a book. The daunting task of organizing and compiling my jumbled, scatter-brained thoughts petrified me to no end. However, I have learned that God will use some of the most unqualified folks to do things for the kingdom. No greater evidence of this in my own life as I finished my senior year of high school. Although I had lived a season of rebellion during my final year as high school student, I was still active in church. During this season of my life I felt a call to full time ministry. At a summer camp that year I surrendered to that call which set in motion events that led to many years of theological and ministerial training at two academic institutions. As I neared the end of my time at seminary, the time came for me to become an ordained minister. For those of you unfamiliar with this process, when the time comes for a person called into ministry to become ordained, this person meets with the pastors and deacons/elders from a local church and is questioned. My home church, First Baptist Church of Callahan, Florida oversaw my ordination process. Again, for those unfamiliar with this process, the church needs to know if a candidate meets the qualifications to be set apart (ordained) for ministry. In my experience, I was questioned on fundamental doctrines (God, Jesus, the Bible, salvation) my philosophy of ministry, and how I planned to serve as a pastor. At this point, a deacon named Blake asked me a question that

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