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Celebrity Island
Celebrity Island
Celebrity Island
Ebook119 pages1 hour

Celebrity Island

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Justin Case is a rising movie star in Hollywood. Set for life, he takes a meeting with a secret government organization that will change his path forever. He learns of a dark secret overseeing the world, and now he is a part of it. He is taken to an island in the Bermuda Triangle to become part of the conspiracy. Will he remain pacified, or will he return to his old army days and revolt?
Release dateSep 29, 2016
Celebrity Island

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    Celebrity Island - Lasco Atkins





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    © 2016 Lasco Atkins. All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse 09/28/2016

    ISBN: 978-1-5246-6409-1 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5246-6410-7 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5246-6408-4 (e)

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    Please note this is a work of fiction not to offend any family members or friends and/or associates of the celebrities in question. It is all done out of the respect and love I have for them.



    1. FILM SET



    4. MIB

    5. CEU

    6. JOURNEY

    7. ARRIVAL

    8. DAY 1

    9. IT BEGINS

    10. LEGENDS


    12. REVOLT

    13. THE PLAN

    14. ESCAPE

    15. RETURN

    16. REBELS

    17. VIRAL

    18. DOOMED

    27 CLUB



    Dedicated to my parents who have both supported me in their own individual ways


    T his work is my homage to films and the possibilities of a good story that can be great. I say just in case a lot and always thought it would make for a great character name. I also had this idea knocking around my head for the best part of a decade now. And in recent years have had more motivation to write my scripts/books. My four books are all connected in my memories of a time at film school, where I was dreaming big and always made larger budget films on a small budget. Some of the opening scenes are reminiscent of my experiences as an extra/background artiste on epic blockbusters.

    I always felt Lost should have been set in the Bermuda triangle and felt a huge let down (I wasn’t the only one) as the show ended the way it did. The twist was mushed together from a mix of movie twist endings (mainly Sixth Sense). I didn’t want the same to happen here. I have included two endings since one leaves it open for a sequel and the other a more dark (sad) ending.

    This is still one my favourite concepts which could utilize the CG technology of a German CG artist I read about once. She would be ideal to bring the dead celebs back to life. I have even envisioned how the audio could be created.

    I hope you dive into this tale as I did when writing it. Like all my stories I know the beginning and ending, but finding the middle and keeping it going is the challenging part. I can even see the film in my head before I write it, but it evolves as I get words to page. The dialogue itself flows from scene to scene as if I’m spirit writing at times. The words spilling onto the screen I fall into the scenery and let it take me over. I love these characters, I hope you do too.



    HOLLYWOOD 2016

    A motorbike is being chased by a train full of bad guys shooting guns at the film’s star: JUSTIN CASE. He speeds around a corner revealing a canyon in the background, he launches off a ramp and with his spare hand and shoots at the bad guys. The action is over the top, but no one is hurt even when JC lands awkwardly on his bike. A gasp comes from the entire crew, then cheers as JC pulls away from the stunt. He slides into position hitting his mark, and skidding right up to the camera ending on a close up of him smirking.

    The crew burst into applause once the director yells ‘Cut!!! Great print it! I’m pretty sure we got it.’ They eagerly await playback in video village, as the rest of the crew start to crowd around the monitors. This being the final stunt and last shot of the entire main unit shoot; excitement is in the air to hear those last fateful words. The director turning towards his first assistant director, call it.’

    The first AD on the megaphone, ‘that is a picture wrap on the yet untitled Justin Case film everyone. Thanks for all your hard work team and see you at the wrap party.’

    The whole crew erupt in a cheer and start hugging each other as they have just completed half a year of filming on this big budget action block buster.

    It is an emotional day for all, even JC is crying as he pulls up on his motorbike, covered in dust and fake blood. The 1ST AD passes him the megaphone, JC takes it slowly still catching his breath. He wipes sweat, tears and fake blood from his face. ‘Wow. (pause) That was probably the biggest stunt of my life. (The crew laugh) I just wanted to thank all the departments, not just the heads, but in particular my stunt team, my director and especially all the assistants who bust their chops when we HOD’s (heads of department) take all the credit!’

    Everyone cheers again, most clap as if giving a standing ovation. JC looks around at all the crew with a big smile on his face, he gets off the bike, which is ridden away by an assistant. JC takes off his sweaty shirt, revealing six-pack abs underneath and starts hugging all the females of the crew first. They coo as he embraces them one by one.

    Susie, one of the make-up girls comes up to him first asks for his autograph and then tries a bit of flirting. ‘God Justin I just wanted to say you’re such an inspiration for a lot of us cause you respect everyone, even the extras. You’re genuinely a nice guy, so maybe we could have a private chat later at the wrap party?’

    Justin coolly replies ‘sure babe, no probs. You know how I roll, respect all hard workers not just the minions right?’ JC is getting distracted by other girls from the crew trying to get his attention. Susie gives him a hug and a peck on the cheek.

    JC turns to the other crew and starts shaking hands with the 1ST and the director, they end up hugging him tight. The director takes him aside with his arm around his JC’s neck. ‘You know Justin; I’ve worked in this business for a long while now and I think this could be my biggest hit to date. And you know why?’

    JC shrugs, but indulges his director one last time on the shoot.

    He continues his flattery ‘It’s you Justin. I mean you’re probably the first actor to do the stunts you do and on top of it all, you’re a looker. The ladies love you, and us guys we respect you.’

    ‘Thanks boss. Heh, I’m just a humble guy trying to make it in the world. I didn’t plan for my life, but it just sorta happened.’

    ‘Well I still can’t believe you pulled that last one off, any other actor would’ve shit his boots by now, but you kid… You’re a success story if there ever was one.’

    They walk off together and they see JC’s agent Tom Wilkins approaching with one of his hands on a mobile handset. The director goes back to his trailer as JC veers off to chat with his manager. He has a big smile on his face and his laughing at the same time. A make-up assistant hands JC a wash cloth for his face, JC takes it and

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