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On paper, Tulip has all the factors of an independent woman. She is a single mother, has a great career as a nurse, beautiful friends and family. There is just one small attribute that can easily dictate every minute of her life which she refuses to allow. Bi-polar.

Tulip describes how her condition is a constant in her life even with all her responsibilities. She enters you into her world of thinking, defying obstacles and sharing her insightful outlook on life. Through reminiscing on her past, she shares how positive and negative energy has given her pure serendipity with the right mentality even at the worst times.
Release dateSep 25, 2017

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    Serendipity - Tulip Monrose

    2017 Tulip Monrose. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    Published by AuthorHouse 09/25/2017

    ISBN: 978-1-5246-8108-1 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5246-8109-8 (e)

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    Chapter 1 True Love

    Chapter 2 The Intricate Mind, Body and Soul

    Chapter 3 Serendipity

    Chapter 4 Darkness

    Chapter 5 The Three E’s

    Chapter 6 Zemblanity

    Chapter 7 Small Blessings

    Chapter 8 Clutter

    Chapter 9 Incognito

    Chapter 10 Hindsight

    Dedicated to my pillars and the one soul for being my reason for living.


    Have you ever had to just sit and contemplate on life? Just sit. In complete and utter silence. I’m here now doing that. The irony is I had to hit rock bottom and not want to live to be able to reflect and review my options in life.

    Reasons to live: amazing family, amazing child, amazing friends, amazing career.

    Reasons not to live: I just don’t want to.

    Now if you know me you will know I have A. No filter and will probably 9 times out of 10 tell you what you don’t want to hear and B. I generally just do what I want.

    Now I’m in a scenario where I don’t want to hear what I have to say and don’t have the balls to do what I want.

    The most ideal scenario is to go in your sleep, no pain, no preparation, no contemplation of others’ feelings and thoughts of the aftermath of your loss. Slitting of wrists or jumping off high storey buildings are not an option as I’m a wimp and couldn’t cope with the prospect of the pain. Ultimately that’s the goal: to stop the pain and subside the mental anguish. Therefore inflicting more pain appears futile to achieve this end goal.

    So that just leaves me with one option. To defy my needs and plod along and pray that one day I can feel…well…normal.

    Which brings me to C. normal is hardly a sufficient word for myself. It never has been and never will be. Hence why I am currently sitting in a church in Rome balling my eyes out not only due to mental anguish but the relief of my mind not running a million miles an hour with worry, stress or any irrelevant

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