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A Call from the Beyond: A Book Dedicated to You
A Call from the Beyond: A Book Dedicated to You
A Call from the Beyond: A Book Dedicated to You
Ebook186 pages1 hour

A Call from the Beyond: A Book Dedicated to You

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About this ebook

A collection of previously written posts, essays, and articles, A Call from the Beyond, by author Narinder Bhandari, addresses the question of the purpose of life, how to find it, and how to achieve it. He discusses the ongoing question of Who am I?

Based on his personal experiences, Bhandari explores a host of spiritual questions and topics such as ego, destiny, meditation, self-knowledge, love, consciousness, spiritual energy, and more. He pays tribute to the help and inspiration hes gained from his gurus.

A Call from the Beyond includes photographs and seeks to inspire mediation and reflection throughout. This collection of writings offers a spiritual view of a wide variety of topics connected to examining ones purpose in life.

Happiness that does not wax and wane... What could be a better Purpose of Life ?
And, where do we end ?
Becoming aware of the turmoil and strife in ones life, the Seeker began with the Purpose of Life , prayed for the Guru, walked earnestly under the guidance of the Enlightened Master , meditated on the Naam, and... where did he end up?
With NO more Goals... the Moment Now itself the Destination, abidance therein. NO Purpose of Life any more .

This Moment NOW, the Eternal Moment itself flowering into ordained activity for the remaining days of the Bodys life... winding up the remaining Accounts with all those around him...
Release dateMay 23, 2016
A Call from the Beyond: A Book Dedicated to You

Narinder Bhandari

Narinder Bhandari is a retired army officer and lives in Chandigarh, India, with his wife, Ravi; son, Karan; and family.

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    A Call from the Beyond - Narinder Bhandari

    Copyright © 2016 by Narinder Bhandari.

    ISBN:       Hardcover       978-1-4828-7364-1

                     Softcover         978-1-4828-7363-4

                     eBook               978-1-4828-7362-7

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.

    Dedication and Acknowledgements:

    This Book is dedicated to the ‘Self’, the Self that is the ‘self’ in all … to Your ‘self’.

    Narinder deeply acknowledges the debt he owes to his mother for sowing the seeds of spiritualism in him at a very tender age. To his Father, for sowing the seeds of selflessness and service.

    I am also indebted to my wife Ravi for being a constant source of inspiration through my life.

    Finally, thanks to my son Karan for helping me edit the final version of this book.



    From Volume 1



    What does a Guru do?

    narinder’s TWO Gurus

    Volume Two

    We begin with the Purpose of Life…

    Inspiration from my father

    Inspiration from my mother

    The Old is Dead, Long Live the New…

    Can You Change Your Destiny?

    Am I?

    The True Guru is Only ONE


    The World has NOTHING to give to narinder

    The Mysterious Ten Verses and One!

    Confirmation for the Enlightened:

    Purusha and Prakriti

    The Day has 24 Hours…

    A Seed hidden in the Heart of an Apple…

    How Many…Ahas... Ah?

    Ah Sweetheart, I will Always be There for You; Always!

    Does the Mantra Given by the Guru ever Change?



    The Nature of Meditation

    Life and Death

    Meditation Does not Happen?

    The Words of the Buddhas


    Nirvikalpa Samadhi

    Ashtanga Yoga

    What kind of Love are you talking about… Real Love?


    Words can be Very Tiresome… ARE, in Fact!

    In the Throes of Corruption…


    Patanjali’s Yogasutra, and Definitions of Meditation

    ACCEPTANCE: The Gateway to Meditation

    O my Mind, Abandon Your Household Entanglements, says Nanak.

    Each One of Us is Born with a certain Talent. This is our Seed Being.

    When my heart overflows…


    All Songs are Songs of Love

    You are Supreme, My Friend. AYE!

    Oneness of God, Unity of Mankind: The Quran Sharif

    Loving Remembrance of GOD Should be Continuous…

    Misunderstanding, Dear Friend, is the Creed of the Time…

    What does ‘Remain Dead While Yet Alive’ Mean?

    THE SYSTEMS IN THE BODY: Have YOU ever wondered about them?

    The Travails of an Aging Body: The Mind’s link with it… the Viciousness of the Movement of Time!

    Macrocosm and Microcosm

    I am the Vastness

    I Know but Little, my Lord…


    The Enlightened Being

    Enlightenment and Subtle Ego

    This is for Many, Many Naris and narinders:

    Pain, Fear and Delusion: The Cause

    Drop all Judgement

    The Knowledge of Enlightenment

    Be a Watcher!

    Love: The Highest Blessing

    Body, Mind and Intelligence

    Self is Breath and Consciousness

    Birth and Death exist in Duality

    My Friend, You Make Me Smile… Yes…

    When it is Time for a Near and Dear One to Depart

    Some Gems from Kabir

    Be the Breeze…

    All is Beautiful.

    That is all I Can Say.

    SILENCE is What You Are…

    Silence, the Womb of the Word

    NO Thoughts to Live By

    So Said the Sage Namdev jee:

    The Roses Said…

    Walking the Path of Love that YOU are!

    Nau-nidh (Nine Treasures of Wealth)

    An ‘Open and Shut’ Case

    The Mumukshu


    Yet More for the Mumukshu

    The Beloved’s Grace is Guiding You, Dear Mumukshu

    Narada’s Bhakti Sutras

    Shatter the Illusion of Time

    narinder Was Dreaming….

    narinder Was Dreaming Again

    Once Again, Was narinder Dreaming


    The Blank Page

    GOD it is, Who Plays the Other

    Seven thousand Were the Tales narinder Read

    Ah, Friend… In the Now… You were Born…

    Fear of Failure has Thee in Thrall…

    ‘Love gives… but Being Used Doesn’t feel Sensational’

    Isn’t Relationship a Two-Way Street?

    WHERE can You go Back,


    The Beloved Bestowed…


    The Buddhas of Yore

    YOU don’t Have to Worry, narinder

    Humility in Others…

    Just Now,

    Ah, narinder,

    The Simple Truth of Being…

    As One Grows in Stature…

    Here Now, For the Seekers of Truth:

    The Moment of Moments…

    I am Alone by Preference

    This Brings You to the End of This Book.



    Narinder Bhandari, 76, is a retired Army Officer, and lives in Chandigarh, INDIA with his wife Ravi, son Karan and family.

    The greatest ‘happening’ in his lifetime, says he, was "The Death of Time for one single Moment in 1982; a gift of his Guru, God and Meditation. Past and Future ceased to exist. Life became a spontaneous living in the Light of awareness of the present Moment.

    Of that experience, Narinder expresses in the following words:

    The Death of Time is the Death of the Mind.

    The ensuing Silence is TOTAL.

    That Silence, sudden-like, becomes a sound… a Sound that is itself Light… or is it the other way around…

    The darkness of Mind, in throes of death, gives Birth to a Light so dazzling that the eyes close in ecstasy … and in the ears rings the Music of the following words ….

    Anand bhaya meri Mayee, Satguru mein Paya

    (Bliss, O my Beloved mother,

    The Satguru has removed the veil between HIM and Me, to reveal Himself to me!

    Ah, BLISS, truly has become My Being

    Narinder, now, is the Satguru’s disciple!)

    Ah, how the Music resonates…!!!

    Poetry began to arise in my Consciousness in 1998.

    Words that have been heard thousands of times before, are now words NO MORE. The Words are the Light. The Words are the Sound.

    As for the use of a capital letter for the names narinder and Nari in my writings… I use a small ‘n’ for narinder, signifying Humility of an un-awakened narinder; and, I use a capital ‘N’ in Nari, to indicate that Nari stands for an awakened Narinder…

    The small n and the Capital N distinguish the state of Mind…


    Sri Narinder Bhandari has written a truly marvellous book based on his own spiritual experience, rather than from dry pedantry or arid scholastic theory, in order to lead and help any sincere, earnest aspirant wishing to achieve the highest aim that any man or woman can ever have, that of Self or God Realisation.

    In this fine book Narinder simply clarifies and explains what is actually meant by these hallowed terms ‘God’ and ‘Self Realisation’, in clear and simple language. He teaches an effective method of Meditation, mapping out the necessary path to achieve this art, and clearly defines the desired Goal to be reached.

    In addition he fully examines the meaning of the term Guru, and his or her place needed in the great spiritual journey to Self Realisation. He also examines the sacred relationship to be achieved with God through Prayer, and then succinctly explains the correct understanding of what is meant by ones Karma and Destiny.

    Finally, in delightful chapters he digresses on the True Art of Love and Marriage leading to an ideal life of happily fulfilled Dharma.

    I heartily recommend this book to the earnest aspirant for its clarity and advice, which are genuinely based on the Authors own Spiritual Experience.

    Alan Jacobs

    President of

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