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Search the Scriptures: Bible Questions and Answers
Search the Scriptures: Bible Questions and Answers
Search the Scriptures: Bible Questions and Answers
Ebook222 pages1 hour

Search the Scriptures: Bible Questions and Answers

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About this ebook

The Bible says search the scriptures. This book is mostly about searching the scriptures so that you yourself will know the truth and the truth shall set you free.

Through this book, you will discover hidden treasures of the truth in Gods word that you have not known before now or that might have escaped your understanding. This is a must have book.

PublisherXlibris US
Release dateNov 23, 2010
Search the Scriptures: Bible Questions and Answers

Modupe O. Adeleye

About the Author Modupe O. Adeleye graduated with a Honors degree in Economics and History from the University of Ife, Nigeria and attained a Masters degree in Political Science from the University of Ibadan also in Nigeria. She served as an administrator at the University of Ibadan at its prestigious College of Medicine for twenty-seven years and after retirement she dedicated herself to an in-depth knowledge of the Word of God attaining a Postgraduate degree from the Bible College at the Redeemed Christian Church of God in Nigeria. She is also a graduate of the School of Disciples in the same Mission. She is a Born-again Christian.

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    Search the Scriptures - Modupe O. Adeleye

    Copyright © 2010 by Modupe O. Adeleye.

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    This book is dedicated to God the father, God the Son and God the

    Holy Spirit.

    It is also dedicated to all Christians of the world and all those that will

    still be born again in this world.


    This book contains over one thousand (1000) questions with answers from the Bible.

    The answers are accompanied by Bible references to make the answers more explicit.

    The book is educative, relaxing, entertaining and above all, it makes the user an expert on the word of God as there are some Bible passages cited that must be read.

    The questions are written in a way that does not allow much repetition. Even in areas where there are two or more accounts of an event, there are no repeated questions.

    In books like Exodus, Numbers and Deuteronomy, questions are not repeated. The same also applies to the Gospels, I & II Kings and I & II Chronicles.

    There are also questions that cut across the Old and the New Testaments. These are eye openers to some hidden facts in the Bible.

    The book contains some puzzles which are brain tasking and enjoyable.

    The book is a life time necessity for any Christian both young and adult.

    Relax and enjoy yourself as you use this book.


    This is to acknowledge God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit who put the idea of writing this book in my spirit and gave me the enablement to bring it to reality.

    I also acknowledge my father in the Lord, the spiritual father of multitudes. He prayed on my request that God should give me a direction on what to do with the time I had after my retirement. Within a few months after his prayers, I was able to produce this book.

    I greatly appreciate the efforts of my husband, Professor I.O.A Adeleye and all my family members in proof-reading this manuscript and their encouragement.

    I also thank Dr. P.O. Adesoye who willingly accepted to write the foreword on this book.

    I thank every other person that was involved in making this work a success. God bless you all and grant you your heart desires.


    A victorious Christian life is predicated on accurate knowledge of the Word of God. One of the sterling qualities that distinguish Jesus, our Master and friend from the devil is a good grasp on the Word of God. No wonder He counsels His followers to search the scriptures (John 5:39).

    In this end time, Christian living is superficial with little attention given to an accurate knowledge of the Word of God. Believers need to examine or weigh themselves on how much of the Word of God they have in their spirits as a man cannot speak or do more than he has on the inside.

    The author has, in a unique manner, put together a masterpiece that will help and challenge any heaven-focused believer to assess and examine his/her knowledge of the Word of God. This book will take you through the whole Bible in a systematic and fascinating manner.

    For those who yearn to be partakers of the divine nature and live a daily life of victory over the wiles and the deceptions of the devil, this book is a must read. I therefore recommend this book to all believers without any reservations.

    Wishing you gracious encounters as you read.

    Peter O. Adesoye

    Pastor, the Redeemed Christian Church of God.



    1.    Who created the heaven and the earth?

    2.    What was created first?

    3.    What was the opinion of God on all He created?

    4.    What were the names of the rivers that serviced the Garden of Eden?

    5.    Which trees were in the midst of the garden?

    6.    What was the instruction of God on marriage?

    7.    What were the names of the first people created to tend the garden?

    8.    Who made them sin against God?

    9.    What are the meanings of Adam and Eve?

    10.    What were the names of the children of Adam and Eve?

    11.    What was the name of Cain’s first born?

    12.    What happened between Cain and Abel?

    13.    To where did Cain go to live after fleeing from God’s presence?

    14.    What covenant did God make with Abraham?

    15.    Who after a rainstorm, was told by God that the sight of a rainbow will be covenant between Him and every creature?

    16.    What was the sign that should follow the covenant between God and Abraham?

    17.    At what age did Abraham circumcise himself?

    18.    Where did the Lord appear in form of three angels to Abraham?

    19.    Who was the father of Rebecca?

    20.    What was the name of Rebecca’s brother with whom Jacob her son went to stay when he ran away from the wrath of his brother?

    21.    Where is this passage? And they blessed Rebecca and said art our sister be thou mother of thousands and millions.

    22.    How many sons did Keturah have for Abraham?

    23.    Locate this verse? Then Isaac sowed in that land and received in the same year an hundredfold and the Lord blessed him.

    24.    Who gave out his right to become the heir to all the descendants of Israel in a worthless deal?

    25.    Where did Laban overtake Jacob when he fled from him and after how many days journey?

    26.    Who was Tamar?

    27.    Who was the son of Judah who first married Tamar?

    28.    Give the names of the sons of Judah?

    29.    What was the name of Joseph’s wife in the land of Egypt?

    30.    What was the occupation of the people of Israel by the time they came to sojourn in Egypt?

    31.    How old was Jacob, the father of Joseph when he got to Egypt?

    32.    Which law was established by Joseph in Egypt?

    33.    For how long did the Egyptians mourn Jacob?

    34.    Where was Jacob buried?

    35.    Who said this? "Joseph is a fruitful bough, even a fruitful bough by a well: whose branches run over the wall’.

    36.    What satisfaction did Joseph have before he died?

    Where can you find these passages?

    37.    Be fruitful and multiply, and replenish the earth

    38.    And Noah lived after the flood three hundred and fifty years.

    39.    And yet indeed she is my sister, she is the daughter of my father but not the daughter of my mother.

    40.    And Abraham called the name of that place Jehovah-Jireh.

    41.    And he believed in the LORD and he counted it to him for righteousness.


    42.    What were the names of Job’s daughters?

    43.    Who was the oldest person in the Bible?

    44.    How many years did the Israelites spend in Egypt?

    45.    What was the name of Esau’s brother?

    46.    Where did Moses obtain the Ten Commandments?

    47.    Who was the father of faith?

    48.    How old was Abraham when he died?

    49.    What was the name of Moses wife?

    50.    What type of idol did Aaron make for the Israelites?

    51.    How long did the journey from Egypt to Canaan take?

    52.    What was the name of Noah’s sons?

    53.    Which cities were destroyed by God with fire and brimstones?

    54.    Who was cast into lion’s den?

    55.    What was the name of the king who became an animal?

    56.    Among the Israelites that left Egypt, only two people reached Canaan. Where were they?

    57.    What was the name of Aaron’s sister?

    58.    How many Books did Moses write in the Bible?

    59.    Who wrote the Book of Proverbs?

    60.    How old was Joseph when he was sold into slavery?

    61.    Who was the first king of Israel?

    62.    What was the name of the woman that betrayed Samson?

    63.    Who became Israelites’ leader after Moses?

    64.    How many Books are in the Old Testament?

    65.    What was the name of the queen who replaced Queen Vashti?

    66.    What was the name of the prophet who destroyed the Baal prophets?

    67.    What was the name of the servant of Elisha?

    68.    How many times did Naaman wash in River Jordan before his leprosy was cleared?

    69.    How many children

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