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Heat: The Nature of Temperature and Most Other Physics
Heat: The Nature of Temperature and Most Other Physics
Heat: The Nature of Temperature and Most Other Physics
Ebook91 pages43 minutes

Heat: The Nature of Temperature and Most Other Physics

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Heat culminates the prior five works of Marc E. King. While King admits this text is more technical than he would like in order to appeal to as many readers as possible, the text truly follows the important everyday reader concepts from Changing Your Mind and Cold Fusion, Dignity of Mind.

King says his insistence on mathematical proof should not deter the non-fiction reader who wishes to simply ignore some of the technical justifications. Non-technical readers are the most important, says King. He maintains that a book for physicists in denial is like a painting for unfortunate blind men.

The text proves that the concept of temperature is in fact defined by the theory t=cB.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateMay 31, 2013
Heat: The Nature of Temperature and Most Other Physics

Marc E. King

Marc E. King is the author of: Changing Your Mind; A Theory of Space without Time (2012,) Fifth Dimension; The Light to See (2012,) Cold Fusion; Dignity of Mind (2012,) and HEAT; The Nature of Temperature (2013.) He is an accomplished writer who has presented technical works in an equally non-technical manner for all to enjoy and understand. His books Changing Your Mind and HEAT are publisher’s best-sellers. His technical manuscript “A Mathematical Transformation of Variables Defining Space-Time and the Constant h” (2012) defines the relationship t=cB, the spatial frame width b meters, and the spatial energy per unit mass-volume EB. He is a solid state semiconductor device physicist by education and has more than 30 years experience in Silicon Valley, CA as a pioneer of high speed semiconductor technology for the applications of super computers, personal computers, programmable logic, and smart cell phones.

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    Heat - Marc E. King

    Copyright © 2013 by Marc E. King.


       Softcover   978-1-4836-4423-3

       Ebook        978-1-4836-4424-0

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    Rev. date: 05/30/2013

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    Forward by the Author


    Review And Background

    I. Proof of Dimensional Temperature

    II. Proof of Dimensional Temperature

    III. Proof of Dimensional Temperature

    IV. Temperature of the Human Body

    V. The Reason for Our Exact Body Temperature

    VI. Entropy

    VII. Mathematics

    VIII. Short Chemistry Review

    IX. Tables

    Table 1: Atomic ECR

    Table 2: Nuclear Curvature C

    Table 3: Nuclear Intersections D = 3

    Table 3-1: Intersections for the Human Body

    Table 5: Nuclear Intersections D = 5

    Table for D= 2

    X. Understanding Table 5

    XI. Diagrams

    Diagram 1: Spatial Concept of 3 vs. 5 Dimensions

    Diagram 2: Spatial Concept of 5 vs. 8 Dimensions (Cold Fusion)

    Diagram 3: Summary (diagram form) of the text Fifth Dimension

    Diagram 4: Working model of the Helium Nucleus

    Diagram 5: Model of Closed Spatial Travel

    Diagram 6: Hydrogen Fine Structure Progression (Forward and Reverse, Cold Fusion)

    XII. Dimensional Thought Exercise

    XIII. Technical Summary

    XIV. Reference Text and Appendices from Manuscript

    XIV i Manuscript

    XIV ii Appendix A

    XIV iii Appendix B

    XIV iv Appendix C

    XIV v Appendix S

    XIV vi Appendix X

    XIV vii Appendix Z

    XIV viii Summary of Changing Your Mind

    XIV ix Summary of Fifth Dimension

    XIV x Summary of Cold Fusion

    XIV xi Summary of The Nature of Mass

    XV. Reference

    XV. Reference


    Reference Texts

    Forward by the Author

    Heat relates the prior three-dimensional concept of temperature to the present model of spatial progression.

    Building upon facts shown in The Nature of Mass, the energies to and from higher dimensional space equate to the concept known as temperature.

    The text begins by using the model t=cB to exactly define the concept of time-based temperature.

    We start with the temperature (traversal energy) regarding and defining water (H2O) on the planet surface. We next use nitrogen (N2) as an example and as a proof. These serve to define phase-change purely from theory without the use of empirical results. The theory, in advance, predicts the correct empirical results.

    Human body temperature is examined and determined by spatial theory alone. There is no laboratory involved. We do not need thermometers; instead, we begin this subject in several ways by proving empirical facts with the sequential spatial model alone as in the beginning of The Nature of Mass.

    This text explains future nuclear technology, but also explains that nuclear technology is as simple and as natural as the blowing wind. Peaceful cold-fusion is the desired result.

    The concept of weapons is not reviewed in this technical text.

    Closed spatial traverse (time travel) is advanced in this text from the basis recorded in The Nature of Mass.


    As much as the author desires to have this text enjoyed and understood by everyone, there is much technical text required to show the concepts (which will be under technical scrutiny.) Denial is the first step in any problem solving or advancement process. Denial means no, there is nothing more to understand. Without surpassing step 0, we can never achieve even step 1.

    With all due respect, if the concept of continuous time were mathematically correct, there would never have been a need for quantum mechanics.

    Now that we have seen quantum mechanics break down,

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