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Kingdom of Hyder Ali and Tipu Sultan: Sultanat E Khudadad
Kingdom of Hyder Ali and Tipu Sultan: Sultanat E Khudadad
Kingdom of Hyder Ali and Tipu Sultan: Sultanat E Khudadad
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Kingdom of Hyder Ali and Tipu Sultan: Sultanat E Khudadad

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Their Kingdom lasted between 1760-1799

Hyder Ali fought two wars with British and died a natural death in 1782

Nawab of Arcot, Maharanis of Mysore, Nizam of Hyderabad
Supported British East India Company and
Maratha Empire fought against Hyder Ali and Tipu Sultan

Tipu Sultans own ministers and commanders betrayed him.

Tipu Sultan fought two wars with British East India Company
He was martyred in the fourth war of Srirangapatam in 1799.

Later British East India Company ruled India until 1947

Mausoleum of Tippu Sultan, his father Hyder Ali and mother Fathima Begum.
This Mausoleum was built by Tipu Sultan himself.

Read in full detail with quotations and illustrations

Translated and compiled by: Anwar Haroon
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateJun 29, 2013
Kingdom of Hyder Ali and Tipu Sultan: Sultanat E Khudadad

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    Kingdom of Hyder Ali and Tipu Sultan - Mahmood Khan Mahmood

    Copyright © 2013 by Anwar Haroon.

    Library of Congress Control Number:   2013905423

    ISBN:      Hardcover      978-1-4836-1535-6

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    Reasons For Translating And Publishing This Book



    When Did The Muslims Come To Mysore?

    Prevailing Condition Of The Kingdom Of Mysore In The Beginning Of Hyder Ali

    Abul Fateh Tipu Sultan


    This book is dedicated to hundreds of thousands of Indians who sacrificed their lives revolting against British in the year 1857.


    I was born in India in the year 1942 and availed US citizenship in the year 2013, as I felt it is the only country which provides equal opportunity without discrimination. While reading the history of USA, I noticed that they fought against British forces and declared independence in the year 1776 A.D. The US flag has thirteen stripes which represent the thirteen states joined together initially to fight against Britain and declared independence. They also remember George Washington as Father of their nation who took the lead in attaining independence from Britain.

    Incidentally during the same period Hyder Ali and Tipu Sultan fought against Britain during the years 1760-1799 and even won several wars. Hyder Ali died a natural death and Tipu Sultan was martyred in the fourth war of Mysore against British forces in the battlefield at Srirangapatna, Mysore, India. There are multiple reasons for his defeat, as his own ministers betrayed him, Nawab of Arcot, Maharanis of Mysore, Nizam of Hyderabad supported British forces against Tipu Sultan and Maratha forces fought against him too.

    I was a bit saddened comparing the history of India to the history of USA, where they remember their heroes who fought against British forces and even depict them in their National flag, while in India they have forgotten the hero who fought against British forces and gave his life declaring India is for Indians and said; Two days life of a lion is better than hundred years life of a jackal. Another saying of Tipu Sultan is The best picture of a man is his bravery After seeing dead body of Tipu Sultan in the war field; British army General Harris declared India is Ours Today. Britain ruled India for one hundred and fifty years thereafter until 1947 through their famous divide and rule policy and they looted their wealth which made them richer.

    Hyder Ali and Tipu were not only fighters but inventers and innovators too. Rockets were developed by them and used against British in wars and they were victorious many a times. Even NASA has glorified Tipu as the hero of warfare rocketry. Technology of water drilling was used in manufacturing high quality artillery guns, Britain later adapted and developed this technology. He built lots of forts in his kingdom, cultivation and manufacturing silk was introduced, developed steel industries and drawing superior steel musical wires, sugar industries, cloth and wool weaving, best glass bangle industries, other home industries and mining and established exports and first naval forces in India. Tipu Sultan abolished land lord system, slavery, selling women and human sacrifice in temples.

    Even after gaining independence the sectarian mentality of many Indians is still prevailing as the governments are formed on the basis of voting on religion and caste divide, which is the same as British rule before gaining independence. Enmity of certain people in the state against Tipu Sultan is ongoing, leave alone remembering him in comparison to the USA remembering their heroes; they are even opposing to open a university there in Tipu Sultan’s name in spite of his achievements. These are the reasons that prompted me to translate and publish this book Hyder Ali and Tipu Sultan, which was originally written in Urdu language with Title Sultanat e Khudadad by Mahmood Khan Mahmood Bangalori in the year 1939. May God almighty bless the souls of Tipu Sultan, Hyder Ali and Mahmood, Amen!


    Anwar Haroon


    B efore I write the History of Sultanate Khudadad it is necessary to point out that the Indian History written from the period of Aurang Zeb till now, does not provide the true events. It is difficult for a historian recording an event to ascertain the truth. It is because the history so written is based on an objective and given a particular hue, by indicating only the negative side and criticism and to hide the facts in such a way that is not possible to differentiate what is right and wrong. The historical text prescribed for the educational purpose is selected from different authors, but they are just copies of each other as their intention is to benefit out of it and not research.

    By going through the acquisition of India by the East India Company, one may get a feeling that India was in the grip of anarchy and suppression in that period and, the East India Company acquired India for the sake of humanity to save its people from oppression. Even today it is said that the English Rule in India was for the sake of the betterment of the Indians and they spend money and their lives for it. Another allegation is charged on the Indian rulers including Aurangzeb and Tipu Sultan that they too were communal and owing to their religious discrimination they oppressed the people.

    It is because of this sort of the presentation of the historical events; present day children acquire harsh feelings right from their childhood. So it is necessary to write a true history of India so as to point out the deficiencies and shortcomings of the rulers in the past in order to guide the present leaders and rulers. It will also prove the truth in justifying the claim of the English people and East India Company to acquire India. The problem in writing such a true history is that India is still not free from religious and political bias and it could be taken in a wrong meaning that the writer is trying to create dissension among people. Another problem is that the documental evidence and the history of the East India Company is preserved in India office in Britain, which cannot be reached easily and could be written only by English historians. Historian James Mill writes in this regard:

    The directors of the East India Company are well versed in hiding the true facts.

    Another Historian Mr. Cunnigham writes:

    The History could be distorted so as to benefit the present political situation. And he says further:

    They have even affixed a seal on the modified recorded events so as to convince the readers that it is real.

    Hence in the view of the above difficulties it is never possible to write a true history. But it is better to do whatever is possible instead of keeping quiet about it. The facts could be still obtained from the unprejudiced historians and from the local reported events, carefully eliminating bias in them. These are all the above difficulties, which hinders in compiling Indian history. Owing to the necessity and importance in having the past events of our nation, this important task cannot be ignored and I hope our historians shall take up this responsibility too.

    Sultanate Khudadad of Mysore is an important part of Indian history, even though I am not a professional writer or a historian I took up the responsibility of writing this book as an obligation. Whatever is mentioned about Nawab Hyder Ali and Tipu Sultan is complete, exception to it is that, any minor event and the least important achievements of certain soldiers and commanders are being omitted so as to make the book short. I have elaborated certain events and even repeated some so as to emphasize its political importance and implications.

    In the last I wanted to tell that it was important to mention about some of the events in Hyderabad, Arcot and Mysore, as it was historically related to Sultanate Khudadad. The readers should view all of it as the events of the past and the good and bad actions of the persons involved in that historical period had already gone away and now it provides us a moral lesson.

    Mahmood, 1939


    Mahmood Khan Mahmood


    I n the Year 1707 A.D after the death of Emperor Aurangzeb, the great Moghul kingdom broke into pieces and it was anarchy all over India. Well, under those circumstances if some brave soldier, rise up with a strong objective and goal with the blessings of time, is it a surprise? The famous Hero of South India, whose biography I am writing, born in a period of time, when anarchy was prevailing all over India as there was murders and looting at its peak. Every one was affected in that situation and if some one arms himself his motive was to make a bounty out of the prevailing situation. Looting some one was considered as a normal activity to the extent that it was not looked upon as an indecent act. Under such circumstances it was not a difficult task for a brave person with his sword and a determination to acquire land to attain the position of a ruler. Our Hero who was born in that period of time who had a brave soldier’s blood running into him along with the high determination and foresightedness had used all his might to imprint his name in the history as a brave warrior and conqueror. This brave one neither used the treachery of British nor had greed so as to use deceitful and dishonest means to confiscate and acquire the land of other rulers, but he used his efforts, patience and bravery to reach the position of a ruler from the position of a soldier. His bravery and war tactics resulted in tremors in the palaces of the Maratha Rulers and Nawab of Hyderabad as well as made the Nawab of Karnatak and the British occupiers weep.

    Today the history of India is mourning over a mistake of our Hero committed in-spite of his wisdom and foresightedness by making Agreement of Madras with the British by which India became a slave to them. If Nawab Hyder Ali would not have signed that agreement, the History of East India Company would have been different and forgotten. Well, it was the will of God and we should forgive the mistake of Hyder Ali whose bravery could not be questioned, decided it is necessary to have British to reduce the influence of French in India. He did not foresee that the agreement will result in the occupation of the whole of India by Britain and other foreigners and his own progeny will be deprived of his kingdom.

    Well, Our Hero progressed from being an ordinary soldier, reached the position of a warrior and established a kingdom. Today every one in South India remembers him as Hyder Ali Bahadur. In fact he was a brave warrior, which the history of South India had not produced any like him.

    Before I start writing the History of this Hero I would like to nullify the allegations on him that he was a cruel looter and he confiscated the Kingdom of Mysore as stated by the British Historians.

    It is true that Nawab Hyder Ali was a strict ruler.During the war, he used to plunder and destroy the cities, as well as the agriculture, so that the opportunists do not avail another chance to take the side of his opponents because of their wealth and means to wage a war against him. It was a period of time, where means of transportation were few and it was necessary for the warring parties to weaken his opponents by restricting their availability of food and other agricultural items to win the war. Every party of the war used to practice this strategy including the British army. This type of strategy is used even in our time by the warring nations and it is not right to accuse only Hyder Ali for it.

    Hyder Ali was tough on his opponents in the war field, while he was the most kind hearted just towards his subjects under his rule. After winning the war, he used to change his attitude and be courteous towards his enemies. Hyder Ali terminated his commander of the Navy, Ali Raja, because he poked the eyes of the Raja of Maldives after overcoming him in the war and he tendered his personal apology. On the other hand the British whose stayed in Madras was dependant on the Mercy of Hyder Ali had betrayed the trust after signing the Agreement of Madras.

    The other Allegation that Hyder Ali seized the Kingdom of Mysore could be justified as the mere existence of that Kingdom was totally dependant on the bravery and personal efforts of Hyder Ali. At one time the ministers of Maharaja of Mysore hatched a conspiracy against their master and bombarded his palace. Again it was Hyder Ali who saved the Maharaja from their revolt. But the same Maharaja who was a puppet in the hands of his Queens and ministers gave orders to arrest and kill their own Army Commander Hyder Ali. Hence a brave and eminent person Hyder Ali overcame the Maharaja, but showed mercy towards him by retaining his titles and giving him a land which could fetch him three million, while keeping him under his control.

    Could the British give such an example towards their opponents? Everyone knows what they did to the Nawabs of Arcot and Awadh and Rajas of Nagpur and Sitara. Hyder Ali could have adapted such a treatment and the Kingdom of the Maharaja of Mysore and his heirs would not have existed, but he did not do so. It is the history that every kingdom came into being by toppling the other and every ruler in India possesses such a history, then why is that only Hyder Ali is blamed?

    All of them, Caramel in UK, Napoleon in France, Lenin in Russia, Mustafa Kamal in Turkey, Raza Shah in Iran, Nadir Shah in Afghanistan, Harihar founder of theVijayanagar Kingdom together with Ramraj and Tirumala were all involved in seizing the powers from others. There must be a reason for them to take such an action so as to benefit their subjects. If only Hyder Ali is to be blamed for such an action, all of the above has to be blamed too. Neither anyone came with a crown and throne right from their birth nor the kingdom stayed permanently with a particular family. In view of the above if Hyder Ali is viewed without prejudice, he possessed a great moral virtue and character compared to others.

    Lastly I would like to remove a misunderstanding which many of us have about the family of Hyder Ali, as he was a Nayak. Even though, Islam has removed the discrimination on the basis of caste and creed, people think of him as a low caste, while Nayak was the post he was awarded serving the army on the basis of his distinction. Even the British has adapted this title for their army personnel. Nayak was a title which was in force in Mysore especially for the army personnel of distinction. Similarly in Kingdom of Bijapur titles of Hawaldar and Jamedar were given to civil service personnel. In British Army Subedar is a post of a person under whom there are seventy five to hundred soldiers. It was a policy of the East India Company to confer titles on the people so as to please people and be their benefactors and many such titles attracted people to join the British Army.

    The Family of our Hero Hyder Ali too was professional soldiers and he was holding a post of Nayak in the Kingdom of Mysore, which was too small and that was the highest post in their army. Hyder Ali progressed from this post of Nayak to a mighty ruler and his fame reached France, England and Qahira. His bravery and fighting tactics had shaken not only many states of India but also the foreign states abroad.

    It was a blessing for Hyder Ali that he progressed from an unknown family to a well known ruler to form a Kingdom in south India. His influence was so great on the history of India, which made the Marathas fighting with British to make a peace agreement by the name Saalby with them, when the news reached to them that Hyder Ali passed away. This agreement enabled the British to stay firmly in Bombay.


    Hyder Ali

    The life history of Hyder Ali resembles the history of Zaheeruddin Babar as he too possessed almost the same qualities in him. Hyder Ali was popular equally among Muslims and non Muslims. His Biography is being written by Muslims, Hindus as well as British and all agree that he used to treat people equally irrespective of their religion and the stories of his bravery is well known to every one.

    After Hyder Ali came his Son Tipu Sultan and he too earned the name and fame owing to his wisdom, bravery and impartiality, which made every Historian, writes that he was the person who declared:

    India is for Indians

    Tipu Sultan realized that the weakness of Indians is their disunity among themselves and he also sensed the intentions of the British and their future plans. While Hyder Ali was too soft on treating people including British, Tipu Sultan strived to uplift the citizens of the country and create unity and understanding between Hindus and Muslims. He established industries so as to make us self sufficient instead of depending on foreigners. These principles of Tipu Sultan Tipu created enmity in the minds of British and they kept him engaged in wars all his life. Sultanate e Khudadad of Mysore made tremendous industrial progress during his period, which further made British to take the support of Hyderabad and Marathas to establish them firmly in India as they realized if Tipu Sultan is spared then they will never be able to capture India. So Tipu Sultan is the First person who wanted India to be free from British and he was the most patriotic to his country, who never bowed his head before the British.

    World History might not be able to give such an example as Tipu Sultan, if spared might have glorified the Indian history, but unfortunately his martyrdom changed the history of India. During his period British, French, Nizam of Hyderabad and Marathas were striving to take the lead and position affecting Tipu Sultan, which will be mentioned in the coming chapters of this book. The Historian and Research Professor Jaiser write in this regard:

    Opponents of Tipu Sultan were keen on finishing him from outside and betrayers from his own administration were hatching conspiracies, but Sultan managed to fight and cope up with all of that for seventeen years.

    Tipu Sultan tried his best to take Nizamul Mulk into his confidence, but Nizam decided to collaborate with the enemy to finish of this tiger. Finally his betrayers and conspiracies of his enemies were successful in removing his kingdom from the pages of the history. When General Harris saw the dead body of this tiger, he shouted joyously declaring that India is Ours Today

    The Truth of the words of General Harris could be witnessed by the following events in the history:

    Year 1799: Capture of Srirangapatnam, downfall of Sultanate Khudadad, Unification of South India and appointment of British Resident.

    Year 1800: British captured Kadpa, Kurnool, Bellary, Anantpur and Tanjavur.

    Year 1801: Nawab of Arcot was moved from Karnatak to Madras and British annexed it.

    Year 1802: British captured states of Awadh.

    Year 1802: Eradication of Maratha Empire, Agreement of Surat, British Resident appointed at Poona, Capture of Baroda and Gujarat.

    Year 1803: British Resident appointed at Hyderabad and Nagpur, Capturing of Bandel Khand, Agra, Delhi and Jodhpur. Appointment of Resident in Gawalior.

    Year 1813: British acquired Mauritius and appointment of Resident in Nepal.

    Year 1816: British captured Simla, Mussori, Nenital and Landhori.

    Year 1817: British Captured Nagpur.

    Year 1818: Removal of Peshwa at Poona and British Rule all over India.

    Year 1829: British captured Assam and appointment of Resident in Burma.

    Above mentioned events provides evidence that the British were really happy and a grand rally was taken in Calcutta on February 2nd 1800 to commemorate their success. Sir John Anis Trother Chief Justice of Calcutta expressed his happiness in the following statement:

    The might of Tipu, was enough to defeat us and it was a concern for us and the death of Tipu enabled us to acquire the whole of India

    The nature provided another chance to India after the downfall of the Moghul Empire through Hyder Ali and Tipu Sultan, but instead of availing the benefit out of them the country ruined this opportunity.

    It is said that Tipu used to take revenge severely, but my question is does not the other rulers do the same? Lord Kitchner had removed the bones of Mehdi Sudani out of his grave and burnt them out of anger and revenge. History is the witness, for all that was done by the British in the year 1857 mutiny. But history is evident that nothing such madness took place during the rule of Tipu Sultan.

    Tipu Sultan was as impartial as his father Hyder Ali by respecting all the religions and the existing temples are a witness to this. Whatever the present school books interpret to hide the facts about Tipu, the grand temples of Srirangapattinam and Sringeri and the gifted lands allotted to these temples glorify Tipu’s generosity and respect towards other religions. Those were the qualities of both the father and son for which all the people irrespective of their faith and religion joined in mourning over the death of Tipu Sultan and even today all of them pay their tribute by visiting their graves in Srirangapatnam.

    -Mahmood Khan Mahmood


    I t is really hard to find out when Muslims exactly arrived in Mysore. It is well known that Islamic religion from Arab Peninsula was embraced first by the people of Malabar and Kokan situated in the north of Mysore, through the efforts of the Arab merchants trading there. It is also known that the pious Muslim saints might have also influenced the people here to embrace Islam.

    The presence of Muslims in Mysore is evident through the history written by the famous western traveler Ibn e Batoota, who mentions:

    Raja Ballal Dev ruler of Dhor Samand had twenty thousand Muslims in his army and most of them were the prisoners and slaves. (Ibn e Batoota by Maulvi Muhammad Hussein)

    Now the question is these prisoners came from where? The history of Huwesala answers this question. Ballal Dev had attacked Kokan several times and it resulted in capturing these prisoners and it is wrong to say that Muslims came to Mysore during Malik Kafoor invasion.

    Muslims invaded Mysore first in the year 1210, while King Alauddin Khalji was ruling and Delhi was his capital. During that period in Madurai, South India, two brothers by name Veera Pande and Sunder Pande were fighting each other for the kingship of Madurai. Huwesala Raja Ballal Dev III whose kingdom was in Mysore and his capital was Duwarka Samadram the present Halebeedu. Sunder Pande then seeks the help of Sultan Alauddin Khalji, who sent Malik Kafoor with the army to help him. Malik Kafoor invaded the army of Raja Ballal Dev in Halebedu and defeated him. Later He advanced towards Tumkur, Banawar, Hunsur and reached Madurai. After the invasion of Malik Kafoor again in the year 1316 Muslims invaded Halebedu and the Kingdom of Huwesala was eradicated.

    Even though it is evident that Muslims invaded Mysore twice, it is still not cleared that any Muslim family settled in Mysore. In the year 1400 A.D, daughter of the Rajah of Vijayanagara was married to Bahmani Sultan Fairoze Shah. After this event many Muslims migrated from Deccan to take up employment in the Military of Vijayanagar, hence they were settled in Bellary and Kadpa and might be a possibility that few would have settled in the vicinity of Mysore. But during the reign of Krishna Devaraya all of those Muslims were repatriated. Again in the year 1565A.D the Vijayanagara Kingdom was eradicated in the war of Talikota. Until then the Muslims were settled only on the north bank of river Krishna, after this downfall the Muslim army of Bijapur spread to Penukonda in the year 1577 A.D. Later in the year 1634 A.D the Sultanate of Bijapur was annexed by Mughal Empire. Later under the command of Run Dowla Khan the Muslim army advanced towards the south and captured Terikere, Baswapan and Harihar. Later they captured Kawal Drug and attacked Sriranga Patna, which was the capital of Mysore. Though Srirangapatna was not conquered, the Muslim army captured Magadi, Bangalore and Sawandrug. And they advanced towards the East. In the year 1639 A.D, they captured Kolar, Hoskote, Vellore and Chanji. Later these forces advanced from Pain Ghat towards Mysore. They captured Doda Balapur, Sira and Chitra Durga in the year 1644 A.D. All of the above captured cities were named Bala Ghat and Sira was its capital to seat the Governor there.

    It might be worth mentioning that Shahji father of Shivaji, who was serving the Muslim forces and earned good name, hence Bangalore was given to him as an award Jagir. So the Marathas too started settling there.

    In those days the rulers of South India used to fight against each other and at times used to collaborate and wage a mutiny against the Mughal Kingdom. In the year 1648 Aurang Zeb attacked south India, acquired Sultanate of Bijapur, which resulted south India to be under his rule. For the sake of Administration of South India, Aurangzeb selected Arcot and Sira as headquarters. Sira was situated in Bala Ghat in which included was Mysore too. The first Governor of of Sira was Khasim Khan, who conquered Mysore and later Zulfiqar Khan succeeded him. During his rule Muslims settled all over. After the capture of Bijapur, along with the Mughal Military, many of the Muslims moved from there to Bellary, Anantpur and Mysore. Hence it is evident that 90 percent of Muslims who are settled in Mysore are from Bijapur.

    Note: Sira is situated seventy miles from Bangalore and the present population there is 50,000. Even though Sira was the capital during Salateen of Bijapur and Mughal Kingdom, the palace of the last Mughal Subedar Dilawar Khan was a grand Moghul monument. There are 56 Mosques situated there.Among these, the mosque of the Sultanate of Bijapur and Shahinshah Aurangzeb is still in good condition. Situated is the grave of a daughter of Aurangzeb too there. Apart from the above, lot of devastated monuments are spread all over in a vast area.

    Holy Quran—59:2 Fa’tabiroo Ya Ulil Absaar So take heed, O you who have insight!

    History of Deccan and South India

    Unless the history of Deccan and South India is not given, it will not be possible to understand the politics of Sulatanate of Khudadad. Hence the following history is being provided for the readers.

    History of Mysore

    The present area (the writer wrote this in the year 1936) is 29469 Sq. Miles, which borders Bellary, Anantpur and parts of Bombay towards north and Chittor, Salem and Coimbatore towards East, Nilgiri and Malabar towards the South, Coorg, Canara and parts of Bombay towards West. The above boundaries were formulated after the fall of Srirangapatnam in the year 1799 A.D. Earlier to it the area of Mysore was limited to Mysore and other 33 villages around it.

    Even though this portion of the land is being mentioned in Ramayana and Mahabharata, history could only mention about the Kingdom of Mauriya. During the rule of Asoka and Chandra Gupta, Buddhist monks had visited Mysore then called Mahesh Madala. The history is so dark until 300 A.D related to this area, that it cannot mention who were its rulers. After 300 A.D Stawanas, Mahavali Ganga, Chalukiya, Huwesala and Redwa Rulers were occupying this land. In the year 1336 A.D the Great Kingdom of Vijaya Nagara was formed and ruled this area for three hundred years until 1565 A.D. Owing to the might of the Kingdom of Vijaya Nagara Muslims could not enter into this land. There used to be a Governor in Sriranga Patnam who was collecting taxes and after the downfall of Vijaya Nagara Kingdom it came under the rule of the Sultanate of Bijapur. Later the Army of Aurangzeb captured this area along with other parts of South India and its capital was Sira.

    After the death of Aurangzeb the Mughal Empire was disintegrating, hence Sira was of importance to both Muslims and Marathas. Even During the rule of Mughals the Marathas were responsible to collect taxes from there and they continued to do so even after the downfall of Mughals.

    Later all of this area was conquered and came under Hyder Ali and Tipu Sultan, while they spared the Wadiyar family Raja of Mysore to be the ruler of Mysore including Srirangapatna. Hyder Ali was employed by them earlier and he progressed from there and acquired nearly 80,000 Sq. miles to form a greater Sultanate Khudadad. Maharaja of Mysore was spared with all his titles and was permitted to celebrate Dasahra with Grandeur and Hyder Ali and later Tipu Sultan used to send Gifts to him on the occasion. It would have been easy for them to eradicate the kingdom of Maharaja of Mysore, but as a courtesy they returned the benevolence with benevolence and because of it the Wadiyars are still the Rulers of Mysore. Whereas the present Historians are brandishing Hyder Ali as a betrayer to them.

    The History of the Family of the Present Ruler of Mysore

    This history starts only after 1399 A.D and the earlier events were already mentioned in the previous chapter. It is needless to say that the history of any kingdom was attributed to the life and death of their rulers. The present day places Hudnad and Karug Halli which look like small villages were owned by Paligars who used to have a military of their own.

    It is evident through history in the year 1399 A.D; two brothers by name Vijaya Raya and Krishna Raya came from south to Hudnad and formed a dynasty. It will be interesting to know that after the demise of the Raja of Hudnad, his daughter Devaji Mani refused to marry to the ruler of Karug Halli, who was of inferior caste compared to her. For this reason the ruler of Karug Halli captured Hudnad and was preparing to marry Devaji Mani forcibly. At that time both of those brothers Krishna Raya and Deva Raya hatched a conspiracy and killed the Raja of Karug Halli and his army was disintegrated. Vijaya Raya then married Devaji Mani and he became the Raja of Hudnad. Hudnad was paying taxes to the Kingdom of Vijananagara as long it existed. When Kingdom of Vijayanagara started towards downfall, Tamraj Vadiyar revolted against the Vijayanagara Kingdom and made Srirangapatna as his capital. Kingdom of Mysore was paying taxes to the Sultanate of Bijapur and Muslims were freely moving in Mysore. In the year 1687 A.D Shahinshah Aurangzeb captured all of it and it has to pay taxes to Mughal Kingdom. In the year 1696 Marathas invaded Srirangapatna, but they could not succeed. As Aurangzeb was in south India then, Raja Chickdevaraya sent gifts to Emperor Aurangzeb so as to get his patronage. Emperor Aurangzeb in anticipation awarded him the title Jagdeva, permitted to use drums to praise him in his kingdom and presented a Seat made out of elephant tusk, which is still intact with them. When the Mughal Empire disintegrated the Rajah of Mysore was free to rule by themselves and the Governor of Sira became a Nawab.

    In the year1724, the Nawab of Arcot Sa’adatullah Khan invaded Srirangapatna taking the help of the Nawab of Sira and they received ten million rupees from the Maharaja of Mysore. In the year 1726 Maratha military surrounded Srirangapatna and they were paid enormous wealth to leave. These attacks weakened the Srinrangapatna kingdom and the Raja died in the year 1728. Thereafter his young child a boy was put on the throne and he became a toy in the hands of others.

    Later Chamaraja Wadiyar was made the Raja and he suspended all his ministers. The ministers conspired against him and imprisoned him and made his three year old son by name Krishna Raja Wadiyar as a Raja and they were running the Government by his name. In the year 1729 minister Nanjaraj who was the main conspirator died and Minister Karachari Nanjaraj took his place. During this period Nizamul Mulk Nasir Jang attacked Srirangapatna. In the year 1759 first time the army from Srirangapatna was sent to help Nawab Muhammad Ali Walajah to take part in a battle at Trichnapalli in which Hyder Ali also took part as a military officer, further details of it will be given in the next chapter.

    Note: Col. Willux writes in his history that Wadiyar is the plural of Widiya which is a Kannada language word, which means Owner. Those days this title was given by the Kingdom of Vijayanagra to a Governor of a small area composed of 36 villages. (Tareekh e Raees)

    Following is the list of Wadiyar Rulers of Mysore

    Wadiyar Rulers of Mysore

    1.   Adi Yaduraya (1399-1423)

    2.   Hiriya Bettada Chamaraja Wadiyar I (1423-1459)

    3.   Thimma Raja Wadiyar I (1459-1478)

    4.   Hiriya Chamarajarasa Wadiyar II (1478-1513)

    5.   Hiriya bettada Chamaraja Wadiyar III (1513-1553)

    6.   Thimma Raja Wadiyar II (1553-1572)

    7.   Boala Chamaraja Wadiyar IV (1572-1576)

    8.   Bettada Chamaraja Wadiyar V (1576-1578)

    9.   Raja Wadiyar I (1578-1617)

    10.   Chamarajarasa Wadiyar VI (1617-1637)

    11.   Raja Wadiyar II (1637-1638)

    12.   Ranadheera Kanteerava Narasaraja Wadiyar I (1638-1659)

    13.   Dodda Devaraja Wadiyar (1659-1673)

    14.   Chikka Devaraja Wadiyar (1613-1704)

    15.   Kanteerava Majaraja Wadiyar (1704-1714)

    16.   Dodda Krishnaraja Wadiyar I

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