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Field Book for Quality Control in Earthwork Operations: Project Construction Management Book
Field Book for Quality Control in Earthwork Operations: Project Construction Management Book
Field Book for Quality Control in Earthwork Operations: Project Construction Management Book
Ebook182 pages23 minutes

Field Book for Quality Control in Earthwork Operations: Project Construction Management Book

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The material used for subgrade or embankment construction are variable in color, texture and density-moisture relationship. To adequately control the compaction and field densities of these materials is necessary to know what to expect of the material being use. This field book provides you with some information that will serve this purpose. Soil testing is a quantitative method of quality control for the compacted fill material, and the actual number and types made will depend on the requirements specified by the Designer. The Texas Department of Transportation established those requirements on a document called Schedule for Testing and Sampling. Soil testing should always be specified, conducted and the results closely monitored by the designer, inspector and contractor

This field book is used precisely, to collect information on site to fully understand the nature of the material that is being use on the project and to demonstrate that the compacted fill is meeting with soils properties, densities-moisture relationship and number of testing required. Closely monitoring the information collected on this field book will give the user valuable information that will allow him to properly manipulate the material being processed

This field book is a training tool that aggregates civil engineering and construction knowledge that is considered fundamental during the execution of the earthwork
Release dateAug 30, 2014
Field Book for Quality Control in Earthwork Operations: Project Construction Management Book

Alberto Munguia Mireles

Alberto Munguia is known in the projects as the Mexican Engineer "El Ingeniero". He is the most sought after breaking down construction processes for monitoring and controlling purposes. He is famous for his high standards of behavior, commitment to quality, dedication to personal fulfillment and help other to attain it. He stands against lack of commitment to planning, poor quality and acceptance of incompetence Alberto Munguia is a Civil Engineer by trade and Project Management Professional by specialization. He has more than twenty four years experience providing engineering services during the construction and inspection of infrastructure projects. Since 2010 he has been dedicated to aggregate civil engineering, construction management, quality control and quality assurance methods used by experts during the construction and inspection of highways in Texas. He is well know for his expertise in monitoring and controlling construction processes and his ability to mitigate negative risk Mr. Munguia earned his bachelor degree in the Ibero-American University. The Ibero is a prestigious Mexican institution of higher education sponsored by the Society of Jesuits. He holds international certificates granted by the American Concrete Institute and the Project Management Institute. He has also earned certificates issued by the Asphalt Hot Mix Association, the Construction Estimating Institute and the Bureau Veritas Mexicana S.A de C.V Drawing on the Ibero legacy of improving ourselves and his integral and human formation, Mr. Munguia is committed to provide training to contractors, subcontractors, young engineers and students about subjects related to improve the overall quality of roadwork construction by sharing knowledge among them, providing guidance to lesser experienced personnel and teaching them how to use available tools and techniques used by roadwork experts

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    Field Book for Quality Control in Earthwork Operations - Alberto Munguia Mireles

    Copyright © 2014 Alberto Munguía Mireles.

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    ISBN: 978-1-4917-4481-9 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4917-4483-3 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4917-4482-6 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2014915070

    iUniverse rev. date: 08/27/2014


    A Note To Readers


    Section 1 Density-Moisture Daily Logs

    Section 2 Lost Days Logs

    Lesson 1 Basic Soil Properties

    Lesson 2 Moisture-Density Curve Acceptance Limits

    Lesson 3 Compaction Fundamentals

    Lesson 4 Soil Swell And Shrink

    Lesson 5 Classification Of Soils For Engineering Purposes

    Lesson 6 How To Build An Embankment Effectively


    Field Book for Quality Control in Earthwork Operations


    This field book will help you to properly document in-field moisture-density tests performed during earthwork operations in highways on items such as embankment, subgrade, bases, backfilling trenches for water lines, sewer lines, storm drains, and structural backfill around concrete structures. This field book was created after analyzing the most effective methods in monitoring and controlling the manipulation of dirt by succesful contractors, combined with years of experience dealing with project quality management in my career of providing civil engineering services

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