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The book Prophecy is a book for truth seekers, because it reveals what the prophets of The Bible said in the prophecies. It is an interpretation that cant be denied, but one that most people wont accept though its clearly written and is the truth. It is raw, biblical, factual, and controversial, and all the texts are interpreted from The Bible, and explained through history, and lifes experience, and it is written so that those who are seeking the truth would search the scriptures and seek THE HOLY SPIRIT to know what they should do to finish the race of life and gain their reward. The stories are told prophet by prophets, book by book, and verse by verse in order as one complete story from The Old Testament to The New Testament, up until Jesus resurrected to heaven. It is part of a two part series in which this book Prophecy explain the prophecies up until Jesus, and the other book Revelation is Prophecy II explain from the time of Jesus to what Jesus said would happen in the prophecies of The End Times.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateApr 21, 2014

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    Book preview

    Prophecy - Simone Conward


    Jonah—The son of a black man named Amittai

    Time period—862 B.C.

    Nineveh—A large urban area with a mixture of cultures and races, close to where Jonah lived in the suburbs.

    ***Though the people of Nineveh said that they were believers, they don’t always obey the LAW, so GOD wanted Jonah to warn them that they would be punished if they didn’t repent and stop their sinning.

    Jonah 1

    So one day, GOD spoke to Jonah and told him to get up and go tell the people of Nineveh that they were sinning too much, and HE’s disappointed in them, and wanted them to repent.

    But Jonah had been waiting for the day that the sinful city folks got their punishment for their sins, and instead of warning the people like GOD commanded him to, he went to Joppa as a way of fleeing from the task. Then when he got to Joppa, he booked a ticket on the ship to Tarshish, and he went to the bottom of the ship to hide from GOD. Then GOD sent a wind to stir up the sea to let him know that he couldn’t hide from HIM, and the storm began to break the ship apart, and the mariners became afraid, and each cried out to their own gods, but received no response. So they began to panic and started to throw the cargo from the ship into the sea, and while this was all happening Jonah was in the bottom of the ship sleeping. Then since none of the gods responded, the captain wondered who else was on the ship, and when he searched he found Jonah sleeping, and he told him to get up, because he’s the only one that hasn’t called on his GOD yet.

    Meanwhile as the captain talked to Jonah, the crew was casting lots to see who was causing the disaster to come upon them, and the lot fell on Jonah. So the crew went to Jonah and asked him What was his GOD punishing him for? What was his work? Where did he come from? And what tribe was he from? And Jonah told them that he was a Hebrew that feared the GOD who created the heavens and the earth. Then they asked him why he ran on their ship from his GOD, because they were wondering what to do next, and he told them to throw him off the ship into the sea. Then since the crew really didn’t want to kill him, they rowed even harder to reach safety, but the storm just kept getting worst, and worst, until they had no more hope, except to do what he said. Then they begged his GOD not to find them guilty when they threw him overboard, and they picked him up and threw him off the ship into the raging sea. The crew felt guilty, and they offered a sacrifice to Jonah’s GOD to show that they were sorry, and YAH, his GOD, prepared a big fish to swallow him up. Then the fish swallowed him up, and he was in the belly of the fish for three days and three nights.

    Jonah 2

    And for the three days, and three nights that Jonah was in the belly of the fish, he prayed to his GOD.

    The prayer:

    (Paraphrased) I am being tormented, and that’s why I am crying out to YOU, my GOD. I am in hell, but I know that YOU can hear me, because it was YOU that threw me into the middle of the sea, and then stirred up the winds. Now I feel like I’m dead without YOU, but I know if I survive this, I would want YOU to like me again. I feel like I’m being strangled by the darkness, and I’m in hell, but now I realize what YOU want. So YOU are my LORD, and my GOD, because when I was in a bunch of trouble I remembered that there was a GOD, and I went into the holy temple to pray to YOU, because I knew that those who worshipped idols wouldn’t get any mercy, and now I will live a good life, and would go and warn the people of Nineveh what hell is like, because salvation is from YOU.

    Vs. 10

    Then after those three days that it took Jonah to realize how merciful and kind GOD is, GOD spoke to the fish, and it vomited him out onto dry land.


    Sea—is the world

    Winds—is trouble

    Nineveh—is the gentiles, and Negro believers that are living like unbelievers

    Darkness—is hell

    Jonah 3

    Then GOD told him again, to get up and go tell the people of Nineveh what HE said, and this time, he was so eager to warn the people, that the journey which would have taken him three days to get through the city, only took him one, and as he walked through he said, Yet forty days, and Nineveh would be overthrown. Then the people believed the report and took action to prevent the disaster by getting together, putting on sack clothes to fast and pray. Then when word got to the king, he jumped up from his seat, tore off his royal robe, and also put on sack clothes and went and sat in ashes to fast and pray along with the others. Then the king decreed to all the nations that all the people and all the animals should put on sack clothes and go outside and pray, and everyone in the nations he ruled over agreed that it was time to repent. Then they prayed to GOD for forgiveness, and stopped sinning, in hope that GOD would change HIS mind about destroying them, and when GOD saw all that they did to change, HE relented from the disaster that HE said that HE would do to them.

    Jonah 4

    But Jonah got angry when he saw that Nineveh wasn’t destroyed in forty days as he proclaimed, and he began to talk to GOD. So he said; LORD, I knew that YOU would save them! And that’s why I ran away to Tarshish in the first place, because I knew that YOU would warn them, and YOU would be nice enough to give them time to change, and then YOU would show them great love by changing YOUR mind. So take my life, because I’m better off dead than alive!

    Then GOD asked him if he was right to be angry, because HE showed mercy, and he stormed from the presence of GOD. Then he went to the eastside of the city and made himself a shelter, so that he could stay there and sulk in his anger, and GOD still had compassion for him, and made a plant to grow overnight which gave him shade from the heat that he could be a little more comfortable as he sulked, and he was glad to have the plant. Then to teach him another lesson, early the next morning, GOD caused a worm to damage the plant causing it to wither, and when the sun rose, GOD caused a dry wind to come from the East, and it caused him to dehydrate and faint. Then he was hot as hell, as he lay in the hot sun just wishing that he was really dead this time, and GOD asked him was it right that he was angry about what happened to the plant, and he said, Yes! It’s right for me to be angry. Just look at me. So GOD told him that he had pity for the plant that he didn’t labor for, which was just a plant that grew overnight, and HE wanted to know why shouldn’t HE have pity on Nineveh, which is a city with more than 120 thousand people, plus live stocks. (What a merciful and loving GOD!)


    Time period—800 B.C.

    Joel 1

    So for many years, because every race, and nation loved to sin so much, including the Negro people of GOD in Israel, GOD took HIS blessings and protection from HIS people of Israel and caused every nation, especially the white nations to overcome them, and instead of directly speaking to them, HE spoke to them through the prophets, so that they would understand that they would be in captivity in the white man’s lands for not obeying HIM, and for loving the white man’s ways so much.

    Then during this time, GOD spoke to Joel, the son of Pethuel, and told him to speak to HIS Negro people of Israel and asked them if there were any time in their days, or in their forefather’s days that they have ever seen such devastation on their people, or in their land, and they should tell their children about how they came to that point, so that their children could tell their children, and their children’s children could tell their children for generations after generation, because what the palmerworm had left, the locust ate, and what the locust left, the cankerworm ate, and what the cankerworm left, the caterpillar ate. So they should wake up and cry over their loses, since they are ignorant Negroes and HE’s ignoring them, and because of their idols and false ways of worship is why HE has caused the numerous, strong, white people with teeth and jawbones as the strength of lions to come take them and strip the land, and they could cry like a virgin cry over her dead fiancé, because there are no more meat offerings, or drink offering that are being offered to HIM by them, and their priests would continue to mourn, because they have no understanding. Plus even the fields are wasted and the land mourns, because the corn, and the wine is dried up and the oil is languished, and they should be ashamed of all the farmers and vinedressers, because everything is languished, even the pomegranate, the palm, and the apple trees, and there is no more joy amongst them, and all their priests and ministers of the altar could cry, and lie in sack cloths, because there are no more meat or drink offerings that are being offered, and they should call a fast and tell everyone to fast, and gather to The House of The LORD and pray to HIM, because The Day of The LORD is close, and it would be a great destruction from HIM, THE ALMIGHTY, and HE’s wondering if they don’t realize that HE’s gone from HIS house (The House of The LORD), and that the whole place is broken down and overlaid with weeds, and even the wild beast are wondering what’s happening to the place, and why they don’t have any pasture to feed upon.

    Then Joel said, "O GOD to YOU I cry, and only to YOU, because the white people had come and destroyed the lands of YOUR Negro people, and it had affected the belief of other nations in YOU, and even the wild animals in the field are crying out to YOU, since YOUR people were taken, and the land had dried up and withered.

    Chapter 2

    Then GOD told him to tell them to hear it loud and clear, that HIS wrath, The Day of The LORD is coming soon, and it is a time period of darkness and gloominess, the time when the Roman white people would come to completely destroy all their Negroes of Israel, and when the white people come in, though it had looked like The Garden of Eden, it would become desolate and look like a wilderness when they are done. So nothing and no one would be able to escape the invasion of the white folks (of The Roman Empire), because they would be in battle gears from head to foot, and would be riding on chariots, and on battle horses that are also protected in gears, and they would rush in like mighty men, and would climb walls, and would march without breaking ranks, and without running into each other, and they won’t be wounded if stabbed by the sword, because of their armor of mail, and from city to city they would go and put much fear in the people by climbing up on houses and going through windows like thieves.

    Then when the white people punished them enough, HE would be ready to correct the whole world, and The Wrath would start, and the earth would quake, and the heavens would tremble. Then the sun and the moon would be dark, and the stars wouldn’t even have any light at all, as HE tells HIS army to do these things, because HE’s the only one that is great, and powerful, and HE want them to turn their hearts to HIM by fasting and crying, and by changing their ways and turning to HIM again, because HE’s gracious and merciful, and is slow to anger, and is very kind, that if they repented, HE would turn the evil from them, and maybe HE would even return to the earth and leave a blessing. So they need to tell everyone to stop whatever they are doing and fast, and go to The House of The LORD and cry out to HIM to spare them and not to make them look like a reproach to the world by making the heathens rule over them and say that they don’t have a GOD, because HE would be jealous for HIS land and have pity on them, and HE would answer them, and would restore them, and would never allow such a thing to happen to them again, because after HE allowed the white men to take many of them to their white lands, and take control of the rest of them that are left in the land, HE would get rid of the white men and their armies from amongst them and send them into a barren desolate place between two seas, and then they would stink, and would act abominable (as cavemen), and people would see them as they really are.

    So they shouldn’t be afraid, even though things look bad now (in The Roman Empire Era), because HE would do a great thing by getting rid of the white folks from their land, and the wild beasts shouldn’t worry either, because HE would do as HE said, and the land would be replenished, the pastures would be green, and the vines, the figs, and all the fruit trees would return, and they should be glad and rejoice in HIM, because HE made them rich and glorious before, and HE would make them even richer and more glorious than they were, and they would have in abundance and be full of joy, because everything that the white folks took away would be returned, and everyone in the land would be full and satisfied. Then they would only praise HIM, and they would know that HE was with them, and they would never be ashamed, and when this happened, it would be the time for HIM to pour out HIS spirit upon all types of people in the world that wanted to know HIM, and during this time, those of HIS people in the land would prophesy, dream dreams, and have visions, so that they could minister to the others people of other nations that wanted to know of HIM, and HE would show wonders in heaven, and on the earth by making it rain blood and fire, and shoot pillars of smoke from the sky. And it would happen before (The Great Tribulation), which is the great and terrible day, and whoever called on HIM would be delivered, because HE promised that after HE made a way of deliverance for those of Israel, HE would call people of others nations to deliverance.

    Chapter 3

    Then HE would bring all their captives from the white (Babylonian) lands back to (Africa) their native land, and at this time HE would be ready to punish every nation of the world for mistreating them, and HE would tell everyone to get ready to fight, because they traded them to the white nations and sold off pieces of their land to them and made them slaves and traded their sons for whores, and their daughters for wine, even though they don’t want anything to do with HIM, especially the white people of Tyre and Sidon, and the biracial people of Philistia, because they took the silver and gold from The House of The LORD and took them to the temples of their gods, and they sold the most righteous Negro tribe of Judah to the wicked white Grecians, so that they were really far from their home in The Holy Land, and because of that, HE’s going to take all HIS Negro people from where ever they are enslaved, and then punish the nations like how they punished them, and HE would give their sons and daughters over to (the tribe) Judah, so that Judah could sell them to the wicked Sabeans, just like how they sold the people of Judah to the Grecians. So HE wants them to tell everyone that aren’t from their people, that it would be time for war, and they should turn whatever they have into weapons, and join together as heathen nations, because HE’s ready to fight them, and HE wanted them to hear what HE said, and gather together and come. Come to the valley of Jehoshaphat, where the temples of their false gods are, where HE would judge them and kill all of them for their wickedness, since it’s time for punishment, because there is too much wickedness against HIS Negro people. So it’s time for The Wrath to begin, The Day of The LORD, and it is near, and the sun, the moon, and the stars would diminish their brightness, as HE make a big fuss, causing problems for everyone, but HE would protect any believer of any color, or nation, and HE would strengthen HIS Negro people, and then they would know that HE punished people for sinning, because HE would punish all the wicked, while HE protects the righteous, and they should know that their land would be restored, and HE would be with them in the holy mountain of Zion, and Jerusalem would be holy and no strangers would come there, because Judah would be clean again, and they should also know that the brown skinned Negroes people of Egypt, and the red skinned Negroes people of Edom would be punished, and become desolate nations, because of their violence against the righteous people of Judah. So the tribe of Judah would abide forever, even though Jerusalem would abide only for some generations, and they would also be forgive for killing anyone, because HE is their GOD.


    Time period—In the days of Uzziah, Jeroboamm,

    and Joash (Israel’s Negro kings, 786 B.C.)

    Now two years before the earthquake of The Wrath, GOD told Amos to tell the people that HE would roar from Zion and people would cry, mountains would crumble, and each nation would get their punishment, and because the white people in Damascus, Syria had threshed Gilead, HE would send fire upon their (white) king, Hazael’s family, and his son Ben-hadad would loose his palace, and the people of Damascus would go into captivity to Kir. As for the white people in Gaza, they would also be punished, and their walls and palaces would be destroyed, because they carried HIS Negro people from Gaza as captives to Edom, and they used the Gaza Strip regions for their worship to (the false gods) Ashkelon and Ashdod. Also the colored Philistines (or the Palestinians) would be punished, because they are in the Gaza Strip region worshipping Ekron (a false god). And Tyrus would be punished, because they are against the red skinned Negroes of Edom and made them captives, and had forgotten that they are the people of Israel brothers. Yet still, the red skinned Negroes of Edom would also be punished, and a fire would burn Teman and burn down the palace of Bozrah, because the Edomites constantly fought against the people of Israel who are their brothers, and they had no pity on them, and were angry with them all the time. Still worst of all, the white people of Ammon would be punished, because they ripped the children from the pregnant Negro women of Israel in Gilead, so that they could get more of their land, but a fire in the walls of Rabbah would devour the palaces they built there, and their white king, and his princes would be taken as captives.

    Chapter 2

    As for the mix cultured nation of Moab, fire shall devour the palaces in Kirioth, and the people of Moab would die in tumult, because they burned the bones of the king of Edom. And as for the Negro people of Judah, they would also be punished during this time, and a fire would devour all the palaces in Jerusalem, because they transgressed the LAW by not keeping the commandments, and it caused them to be false worshippers like their forefathers were. Also the rest of the tribes of the Negro people of Israel would be punished, because they sold their righteous people for silver, and sold the poor people for a pair of shoes, and they tortured the poor and turned away from those who were meek, and a man and his father would sleep with the same woman and profane HIS holy name, and they bought bed spreads that were pledged to false gods, and drank bad wine that they knew not to drink, and even though the Amorite white people were destroyed and taken from them, and they were delivered from the bondage to the colored folks of Egypt and were led for forty years through the wilderness to possess the land of the white Amorites, and though their sons were raised up to be prophets, and the young men were raised to be Nazarites (men that doesn’t drink wine or cut their hair), they gave the Nazarites wine to drink, and told the prophets to shut up, and that’s why HE’s going to crush them, and none of them would be able to save themselves, that even the mightiest of them would run away in shame.

    Chapter 3

    So HE’s wondering if they heard what HE said that HE would do to them, HIS own family the people of Israel, because of their sinning.

    Can two people walk together without both of them wanting to?

    Would a lion roar in the forest if he had no prey?

    Would a young lion cry out in his den, if he had taken nothing?

    Can a bird get snared where there was no trap?

    Could someone get snared if they didn’t steal anything?

    Can the trumpet be sounded for war in a city without the people getting afraid?

    Can there be evil in a city, and HE’s not involved?

    The answers are No.

    Yet everyone is saying that HE won’t do anything, but HE reveals HIS plans only to those who serves HIM. So when HE start HIS punishment, who wouldn’t be afraid?

    So that’s it.

    GOD has spoken, and HE is the prophet of all prophets, and HE want HIS righteous people to tell the false worshippers in Ashdod, and in Egypt to gather themselves to fight against HIM in Samaria, because of all the oppression that is in the land, and because they didn’t do right while they ruled over HIS people. So as the shepherd take pieces of the sheep from the lions mouth, a leg here, or a piece of ear there, that’s how the people of Israel would be taken out that are forced to live in Samaria, where many sleep in one bed, or in Damascus, where they only get to sleep on the couch. Now every ungodly nation should know that the white invaders would be punished, and the altars that they built in Bethel would be torn down and the horns cut off, and it would crumble, and even all the great buildings that Solomon, and the others great Negro men of Israel built over the years would be torn down.

    Chapter 4

    So the white people in Bashan, who live in the mountains of Samaria, better listen, since they are full and merry, even though they oppress the poor and crush the needy, because they would be taken away from the land with hooks, and their prosperity would be gone. Still even after these white people are gone from amongst the Negro people of Israel in Samaria, the Negro people would continue to live an unrighteous life there, and they would come to Bethel, and to Gilead to sin, and they would still bring their sacrifices every morning and their tithes every three years, and offer their thanksgiving with leaven bread and proclaim the free offerings, just like they always do, but they still would be hungry and wanting, because they refuse to be righteous, even though GOD held back the rain and ruined the harvest, and caused it to rain on one place, and not on the other, so that two, or three cities wondered to the city with water, which wasn’t enough for everyone in the first place. Yet they still didn’t repent and turn back to righteousness, then GOD smote them with mildew that devoured all the trees and the vineyards, and HE sent pestilence that killed off the young men in war and depleted the army causing many of the people to be overthrown, and still, they wouldn’t repent and be righteous. So they better prepare to meet GOD, because HE had created the mountains, and had created the wind, and HE tell human beings about things, like why the early morning is dark, and HE walk about on the highest mountains of the earth, because HE IS YAH, THE ALMIGHTY GOD.

    Chapter 5

    Now they should cry, because their pureness is gone and they would never rise to that height again, because they have forsaken the land and there is no one to rise her up, and their big cities would be depleted to small cities, and the small cities would be almost non-existing. So whoever wants to live, better seek GOD, and better not go to Bethel, Gilgal, or Beersheba, because the people there would go into captivity, and they should seek GOD, and not the stars, because HE was the one who made them, and HE made morning from night, and made a border for the sea, and HE strengthen the weak against the strong so that they could fight against the people that hate them, that those who robbed the poor, and built up their big houses in the land by their wicked ways would never get to live in them. That’s why HE’s telling them to be prudent during this time, and seek good, and not evil, so that HE could be with them and they may live. Yes, HE wants them to hate evil, love good, and judge uprightly, and maybe HE would be gracious to some, because there would be a lot of crying out in the streets, and in the vineyards. So woe to anyone that was looking forward to The Day of The LORD, because The Day of The LORD is a time of darkness, not light, and nothing that a person does could make them escape their share of punishment, because if they ran from a lion, then a bear would get them, and if they ran and hid in a house, then as they leaned on a wall a snake would bite them.

    Don’t you think that The Day of The LORD should be a day of darkness, instead of a day of light?

    It should be very dark, and have no light in it, because GOD hates and despises the feasts days, and HE doesn’t want to be assembled with HIS Negro people anymore, and even though they offer up to HIM burnt offerings, and meat offerings, HE won’t accept them, and HE won’t pay attention to the peace offering that is offered either. So they may as well stop all the noise of singing, because HE doesn’t want to hear their voices, and they should start doing what’s right, because they didn’t offer sacrifices to HIM the forty years that they were in the wilderness, but now they sit at Moloch’s and Chiun’s table, and before the stars, which are their idols that they sacrifice to, and for that, they would be taken into captivity to white nations farther than Damascus.

    Chapter 6

    So woe to the Negroes of Israel that are having a good life in Zion, because they trust in the white people that govern them from the mountains in Samaria. Let them go look at Hamath, the great, colored people of Egypt, and then go to Gath to the colored people of the Philistines, and see if there are any kingdom greater than these two kingdoms.

    Are the borders of Egypt, or Palestine larger than Israel’s border?


    So because the Egyptians and the Philistines are evil, and they lie up in their ivory beds, or stretch out on their couches and eat their rich foods and chant to spirits and play instruments to them, and because they don’t feel sorry for the people of Israel, they would be taken as captives. And the same thing would happen to the Negro people of Israel, because they puffed themselves up against GOD, and HE hates their false gods, and their idol worshipping, and HE swears that The Day of The LORD would happen, and it would come to pass that if there were only ten people in one family, they would all die, and even family members would kill each other, because it would be the time for HIM to smite the large families with breaches, and the small families with clefts.

    Shall horses run upon rocks?

    Will someone plow on rocks with oxen?

    The answer is No.

    Yet the Negro people of Israel have taken judgment and righteousness as a light thing, and they rejoice for nothing when they boast that they have gained what they got by their own strength.

    That’s why they’re going to get punished for it!

    Chapter 7

    That’s why GOD formed some grasshoppers, right in front of Amos’ eyes, and after the grasshoppers were formed, like in a vision, they matured into their latter state. Then the grasshoppers ate all the grass in the land, symbolizing what would happen to the people of Israel, and Amos begged GOD not to do that to the people, because they were small compared to other nations. Then GOD told him that HE was sorry that HE even thought of doing that, and HE won’t do it, and GOD showed him another visions of a great fire that would be so hot that it would even dry up the sea. Then he begged GOD not to do that either, and GOD said that HE was sorry that HE thought of it, and HE won’t do it. Then GOD showed him a vision of HIM standing on a wall with a plumbline in HIS hand and asked him what did he see, and he said that he saw a plumbline, and GOD told him that HE would set a plumbline in the midst of HIS people, and HE won’t pass by them again, and the places of false worship would be desolate, the sanctuaries would be destroyed, and the people of Jeroboam’s family would be killed off.

    So Amos agreed with GOD to do the plumbline thing, and to kill king Jeroboam and his family, and then he went to Amaziah, the priest and told him what GOD had planned to do, but Amaziah called him an old seer (prophet), and told him to go hide in the land of Judah to eat his bread and prophesy there and not to come back to him and prophesy again, because it’s the king’s private property. Then Amos told him that he wasn’t a prophet, and he wasn’t even the son of a prophet, but he was a herdsman, and someone who gathered sycamore fruits, and GOD called him as he was taking care of the flock and told him to prophesy to the people of Israel, and GOD said to tell him that his wife would be a whore in the city, and his sons and daughters would be killed by the sword, and the land would be divided, and he would die in a polluted land, and Israel would surely be taken captive. Then he left, and Amaziah sent a message to Jeroboam (the king of Israel) telling him that Amos was conspiring against him, because he said that Israel would be taken away as captives and he would die, but he sent him away, since he knew that the people wouldn’t want to hear what he was saying.

    Chapter 8

    Then GOD showed him a vision with a basket filled with summer fruits, and asked him what did he see, and he said that he saw a basket with summer fruits, and GOD told him that it was the end for HIS people, because HE won’t be with them, and the people would be crying in the temples (of their idols), because of all the dead bodied that would be around them, and they need to listen, because they tortured the needy by making them fail at everything, and they say, When will the new moon be gone so that they could start selling the corn, and When would the Sabbath be over so that they could cheat on the weight of wheat by fixing the scales and deceiving the people, because by knowing these things, tells them when to buy the poor people with silver, or the needy for a pair of shoes, and when to sell the refuse of wheat for more profit, and that’s why HE would never forget when they did all those things, and everyone should be trembling and be crying, since the sun would go down at noon and it would be dark at mid-day, and everyone’s feasts would be ruined, and then they would become malnourished and their heads would become bald, since they would be

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