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The Storm Is Calm
The Storm Is Calm
The Storm Is Calm
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The Storm Is Calm

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This book was written to inspire people that wish to lead a better life style. There are many ways and ideas within this book that can guide you to better living. Through my past experiences, you will be able to redirect your life.
Release dateJul 1, 2015
The Storm Is Calm

Terry Lee McClain

I have an associate’s degree in mechanical engineering technology and now a student at UNC Charlotte and was an electrician for the US Navy. I am retired from the navy and have worked in various areas of industry from textiles to electrical. I believe I was put on earth to help others and to inspire them through my life experiences. I reside in Mount Holly, North Carolina, with my future wife and her two children and enjoy writing, fishing, and playing chess. I also have a granddaughter, and I enjoy making children laugh.

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    The Storm Is Calm - Terry Lee McClain


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    © 2015 Terry Lee McClain. All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse   01/28/2015

    ISBN: 978-1-4969-6704-6 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4969-6703-9 (e)

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    Scripture quotations marked KJV are from the Holy Bible, King James Version (Authorized Version). First published in 1611. Quoted from the KJV Classic Reference Bible, Copyright © 1983 by The Zondervan Corporation.



    Chapter 1 Today [October 7, 2013(Monday)]

    Chapter 2 Order

    Chapter 3 Youth

    Chapter 4 Stars Shine

    Chapter 5 The Sermon of Terry

    Chapter 6 Straight Talk

    Chapter 7 On Course

    Chapter 8 I and Meta#4

    Chapter 9 My Crew

    Chapter 10 I am not a saint

    Chapter 11 Moving Forward

    Chapter 12 The Storm is Calm

    Chapter 13 Learn to Laugh

    Chapter 14 Stand Tall

    Chapter 15 No Turning Back

    Chapter 16 Hope

    Chapter 17 Freedom

    Chapter 18 Closing




    T o my grand-daughter (Ariah), I wish you well at what path you choose in life. Follow your dreams and keep God near and dear to your heart. I love you to the end of the world… And to the lost that want to be found.




    T oday is overcast with rain, a slow drizzle. The fall season is in and the trees are starting to barely change colors. Today is a beautiful day even though it is raining. I have learned that every day (by Gods will) is a beautiful day no matter the conditions. Always know that God has given you another day to live by His will and HIS will alone. Therefore, be happy that He has shown you His grace and mercy to allow you another day to live.

    Today I am still remembering a friend that was buried yesterday (Mr. Walden Johnson). His sister Gloria allowed me to speak during the remarks section of the service; I was most honored to say remarks for such a friend as Walden (he preferred me to call him Walter). His death was so sudden to me that I still have trouble grasping the reality of the whole matter. One day he left to go to the hospital and days later he was pronounced dead; he never returned home.

    He was Ole School till the very end. I remember him riding through the neighborhood in his clean car (a 1992 green Lexus with the music blasting). He was laid back and kool. We cut grass and bushes together and we often set on his porch and talked. I knew him well for the past year and a half of his life and he was a real friend. I don’t know much about his life before I met him and I despise Hearsay. I believe that the last state of a man is his best testimony for having lived life and this is what I knew about Walter when he died; He was not on drugs, did not drink alcohol, nor smoked cigarettes. Therefore, if there be anyone to be quick to judge my friend, you must agree with me on one thing: No one living owns a heaven or hell to put anyone in. I will miss Walter and I will never forget the wisdom he left behind for me; he was sixty two when he passed. And from his sudden death I say to you: Love and enjoy what you have right now; stop worrying about what you don’t have, because when you leave this world you will carry nothing with you.

    Today our government (USA) is shut down. It is embarrassing before the world that the number one country in the world is not functioning because some members of the Senate and House of Representatives are intransigent with our first African- American president (Mr. Obama) and his ideas as to how this country should function for the well fair of the people of the United States of America. It seems to me that if president Obama is smart enough to talk a dictator (Al assad) of Syria into surrendering his chemical weapons without military force, then I believe he is more than qualified to make the right decisions as to how our government should operate for the well fair of the people. I truly believe Mr. Obama and Mr. Biden (vice president) together are in their positions for the well fair of the American people and I truly believe they are guiding our country in the right direction.

    Today, I am happy about the life I am living, I am mostly going to lie in bed and rest until the rain stops.

    I had my only grand-daughter (Ariah) and her friend Cassidy over last weekend and we had a wonderful time together. I took Ariah to the McDonalds play pin and later to a local park. I even went down the sliding board with her. I haven’t been down a sliding board in over thirty- five years. My grand-daughter was tickled to death to be playing with me and to see me come down that sliding board. Later, after going to get doughnuts from Crispy Cream and returning home, her friend Cassidy had come over. We played with Lego building blocks and baby dolls (yea, at 50 years old I had to play with baby dolls) well into the late night hours (they were so happy to have me playing with them). I finally convinced them to lie down for the night and after a long battle at convincing them to go to sleep; they finally lost the battle and fell off to sleep around one o’clock a.m. It was all so much fun. My future wife Deneen just looked on in amazement at the

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