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Pastorals: I Timothy, Ii Timothy, Titus
Pastorals: I Timothy, Ii Timothy, Titus
Pastorals: I Timothy, Ii Timothy, Titus
Ebook108 pages45 minutes

Pastorals: I Timothy, Ii Timothy, Titus

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About this ebook

In their search for God and their quest to live a life worthy of God, individuals exhibit a strong need to reflect on what has been revealed through Scripture and the work of the Holy Spirit.

They engage in Bible study, Bible discussions, devotions, and scriptural meditation, whether individual or group. This book is a resource inspired by the Spirit to reach far within the depths of understanding Scripture and reinforcing the principles therein. Pastors and scholars have utilized the workings for discussions, lectures, sermons. Students have enhanced and increased their personal knowledge of God and developed a more intimate relationship with God. Rev. Dr. Paul C. Jones has provided a step-by-step walk through the Scriptures, whereby God may speak to ones mind, heart, and soul.

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateMay 22, 2015
Pastorals: I Timothy, Ii Timothy, Titus

Paul C. Jones PhD

Dr. Paul C. Jones is an ordained elder (priest) in the Christian Methodist Episcopal Church. He obtained his master of divinity and doctor of philosophy, respectfully, from the educational institutions of Fuller Theological Seminary and Cornerstone University. His ministerial appointments include Hashaway Community, Hays Tabernacle, Brown Temple, St. Peter’s, Trinity UMC, Emmanuel, and Living Waters Lutheran churches. Dr. Jones served as superintendent of church Sunday school, worship leader, and Bible-study instructor for adults, youth, and children. Dr. Jones served as president of the Northside Kiwanis International Club of West Palm Beach. He is a member of Interfaith Minister’s Alliance. Dr. Jones serves as a chaplain in palliative and hospice care. He is cofounder and CEO of Peace of God Ministries, Inc.

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    Pastorals - Paul C. Jones PhD


    Copyright © 2015 Rev. Dr. Paul C. Jones, Ph.D.

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    Scripture taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version.® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Publishing House. All rights reserved.

    Life Application Bible copyright © 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991 by Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Wheaton, IL 60189. All rights reserved.

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    ISBN: 978-1-4908-8087-7 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4908-8088-4 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4908-8086-0 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2015907939

    WestBow Press rev. date: 5/21/2015


    I Timothy

    1 Overview and Outline of 1 Timothy

    2 System of Belief: 1 Timothy 1

    3 Instructions for the Church: 1 Timothy 2

    4 Qualification of Church Leaders: 1 Timothy 3

    5 Great Apostasy: 1 Timothy 4

    6 Advice about Church Members: 1 Timothy 5

    7 Man or Woman of God: 1 Timothy 6

    II Timothy

    8 Overview and Outline of 2 Timothy

    9 Perseverance: 2 Timothy 1

    10 Strong in Grace: 2 Timothy 2

    11 Godlessness: 2 Timothy 3

    12 Preach the Word: 2 Timothy 4


    13 Overview and Outline of Titus

    14 Leadership in the Church: Titus 1

    15 Characteristics of a Healthy Church: Titus 2

    16 Living in Society: Titus 3

    I Timothy


    Overview and Outline of 1 Timothy

    Who is the author?

    When was the book written (indicate BC or AD)?

    From what location was the book written?

    What number is this book in the New Testament?

    What number is this book in the canonical Bible?

    Setting or location:

    What was the main purpose of this letter?

    What does the name Timothy mean?

    Who taught Timothy the Old Testament Scriptures during his childhood (2 Tim. 1:5; 3:15)?

    Who was Timothy’s father (Acts 16:1)?

    What ethnicity or nationality was Timothy?

    Where was Timothy raised (Acts16:1–3)?

    What is the name of the collection of books of which 1 Timothy is the first book?

    Note: The city of Ephesus was known for accommodating the Greek god Artemis (Diana). It appears that there was trouble in the church because of some people who had been members of the church for a long time. These members were promoting false teachings (abstinence from marriage and from certain foods, ungodly interpretations of the Scriptures, materialism, false qualifications of leadership) and were causing turmoil, confusion, and anarchy, all of which led to disputes, division, and even withdrawal from the faith.

    Book Blueprint

    •  Instructions concerning belief and false doctrine are found in 1 Timothy 1–3.

    •  Instructions for leadership and the man of God are found in 1 Timothy 4–6.

    Major Arguments

    Throughout our lives, we are subject to following rules and disciplines.¹ Therefore,

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