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Getting off Paper
Getting off Paper
Getting off Paper
Ebook73 pages46 minutes

Getting off Paper

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About this ebook

The purpose of Getting Off Paper is to provide information about Community Supervision (parole & probation) and reentry to those on parole, probation, released from incarceration, their families and anyone interested in helping them remain in the community to break the status quo. The hope is for them to become a positive
contributing member of the community for themselves, their loved ones, and the rest of society, for the publics safety. Because the life they had doesnt have to be the life they have.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateNov 18, 2015
Getting off Paper

Vonetta Kelley

I am a Community Supervision and Reentry Coach who has worked as a Community Supervision Officer for Harris County, Texas and an Adult Parole Officer for the State of Texas. I founded Proactive and Rehabilitative Correctional Services (PRCS) to provide information to break the status quo of criminal behavior and I wrote Getting Off Paper because I believe the life you had doesn’t have to be the life you have. As a Community Supervision and Reentry Coach, I offer seminars for those on community supervision (parole and probation), released from incarceration and their families to help them navigate the criminal justice system, in reference to their needs and correctional obligations.

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    Getting off Paper - Vonetta Kelley

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    Rev. date: 11/17/2015





    Why You Should Read This Booklet


    The Three Ps

    Being on Paper

    Your First Day on Paper

    Conditions of Release

    Reporting to Your PO

    Urinalysis (UA)

    Treatment Programs and Counseling Classes

    Local Mental Health Authority (LMHA)


    I Got a Job

    What’s Needed to Get a Job

    TWIC Cards

    Permanent Disqualifiers

    Interim Disqualifiers (If happened within seven years of the date of application)

    Dos and Don’ts on Community Supervision

    Information for Family Members and Loved Ones (Sponsors)

    Examples of Enabling

    Jail and Prison Visits

    What to Wear to a Jail or Prison Visitation (Generalization)

    Prison Visits When You Are on Paper

    Family and Loved Ones

    Parenting on Paper and After Release

    What If I Owe Child Support?

    Seminar Topics

    Contact Information

    I would like to thank all those who have encouraged me and believed I could do something significant with my life. And to my parents and brother who always knew I would.

    Why You Should Read This Booklet

    Ignorance of the law is not an excuse or a defense. However, there are just some things you will not know unless someone tells you, and just because someone tells you, you may still not understand unless someone explains it. Too often when you are sentenced to community supervision or newly released from prison, you are expected to know certain things, but there are things you don’t know and your family members and loved ones don’t know.

    Information such as (in the case of a first-time offender) what type of sentence did you receive, incarceration or community supervision, or incarceration then community supervision? What type of community supervision are they on? What is the difference between parole and probation? What is the difference between parole and mandatory parole? What are conditions of community supervision, parole, and mandatory parole? What are the financial responsibilities associated with the different types of community supervision? What are the different violations associated with the different types of community supervision, and what sanctions can be applied for violations?

    Other questions such as the following:

    • How do you successfully complete a community supervision sentence?

    • What help and services are offered and available to those on community supervision or just released from prison?

    • What are the role and job duties of the supervising officer?

    • What rights do you still have?

    o Can you still vote?

    o What about gun rights?

    o Can you still call the police if you need them? Will you be believed?

    This booklet provides information that those on community supervision, soon to be on community supervision, or released from incarceration and their family members are expected or are assumed to know but all too often do not. And even though you and your family are aware there is a supervising officer, parole or probation officer (PO), your family may not know who they are or what they do. You and your family may not know how to ask questions or feel safe or confident enough to ask questions, have an opportunity to ask questions, or know exactly what questions to ask. And sometimes family members are left in the dark intentionally by those on community supervision so that they can’t be held accountable for their actions or inactions. So this is a compilation of information that I

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