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Essays of the Light: Channeled Guidance for Your Ascension
Essays of the Light: Channeled Guidance for Your Ascension
Essays of the Light: Channeled Guidance for Your Ascension
Ebook200 pages5 hours

Essays of the Light: Channeled Guidance for Your Ascension

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About this ebook

You were never meant to remain ignorant to the presence of God, nor to the energy within you that is God. You were never meant to experience struggle, pain, or anything like this. Instead, you were meant to live a life filled with well-being, joy, and love.

We are here to assist in the awakening of all people to the awareness of God within all. The time is now to wake up, for what is coming is much greater than has been previously allowed or believed. It is happening. It is a culmination of Gods will, as well as that of humans, for the asking of this to occur has been going on for so long. God hears this, and so it is time. Somewhere within all humans there is a knowing that it is time for the total awakening.
~ The Ascended Masters and the Archangels

These essays are channeled messages to assist you in your Ascension. The Ascended Masters, the Archangels, and all of the Highest Order of the Light have provided wisdom, practices, and processes to help you to grow in your awareness and understanding of the Truths of God. You will be guided to release yourself from the confusion of the ego consciousness in order to ascend into the Golden Age.
PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateSep 14, 2016
Essays of the Light: Channeled Guidance for Your Ascension

Erin Michelle Galito

Crystal adult Erin Michelle Galito is a trance channel for all of the Highest Order of the Light. She devotes her life entirely to the True and Joyous Will of God. At the urging of the Ascended Masters, Erin and her family moved to Phoenix, Arizona. Erin’s mom, Pam Galito, assists wherever she is able.

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    Essays of the Light - Erin Michelle Galito

    Copyright © 2016 Erin Michelle Galito.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

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    The author of this book does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself, which is your constitutional right, the author and the publisher assume no responsibility for your actions.

    Any people depicted in stock imagery provided by Thinkstock are models, and such images are being used for illustrative purposes only.

    Certain stock imagery © Thinkstock.

    Transcribed and edited by Pam Galito

    Cover design by Jose C. Galito

    ISBN: 978-1-5043-6321-1 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5043-6323-5 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5043-6322-8 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2016912955

    Balboa Press rev. date: 10/03/2016



    Erin Michelle’s Story


    Hear the Voice of God.

    Why This Book

    The Time Of Ascension

    The Truth Of Your Being

    God Is All/All Is One

    Beauty And Peace Are All Around You

    Awaken To Your Majesty

    It Is God’s Will That You Return

    Unconditional Love

    Ascension And The Universal Law Of Attraction

    Your World Is An Illusion


    Original Intent

    Change Your Negative Thoughts To Appreciation And Gratitude


    Be The Neutral Observer Of Your Unhappy Thoughts

    Don’t Push For Your Answers

    Stepping Into Your Power

    Choose To Feel Good

    A Healed Mind

    About Life Lessons


    Deciphering What Is Ego

    Higher Level Creation

    How To Change The World

    The Body

    Gratitude And Appreciation

    Use Affirmations And Meditation To Cultivate Self-Love

    Ego Wiles

    Unconditional Love

    Your Self Is Pure And One With God

    God Is Not Separate From You

    Relinquish The Ego To End Your Confusion

    You Are Innocent And Spotless

    Hold Yourself High

    Why Ascension?

    What Is The Raising Of Mass Consciousness?

    Your Personal Journey

    Nothing Of Ego Is Worthy Of You

    Seriousness Holds You Back

    The Work Is Internal

    You Are Here To Create With Joy

    Lose The Seriousness And Experience Joy

    Align With Joy

    Build A Strong Foundation Of Truth

    Building To Bliss Consciousness

    The One Mind Of God

    It Is Time For Ascension

    Not Guilty! There Is No Sin

    Ascension Brings Only Good

    What Is God?

    Awaken From Your Nightmare

    To Fully Move Forward

    God’s Desire For You

    Open Your Heart To The Love Of God

    You Are Perfection, As God Created You

    How You Perceive The World Is Reflected Back To You

    Go Within And Shift Your Consciousness

    Guidance That Comes From God

    The Nature Of God And You

    Come Closer To God

    Your Connection With God

    You Are Meant To Be Free

    Your Focus Affects Your Subconscious

    A Singular Focus On God Consciousness

    Your Joy Benefits All

    Your Powerful Mind

    Appreciate Diversity

    Your Focus Will Shift

    The Power To Change The World

    Accept God’s Delivery Of All That You Want

    Tell Your Story From A Higher Perspective

    Witness Your True Power

    Your Story Creates Your World

    What You Really Want

    Your Inner Being Is Guiding You To Alignment

    Your Inner Being Leads You To Joy

    The Universe Is A Multidimensional Multiverse

    Reach Your Highest Potential Now

    Tune In To Your Intuition

    Experience The Truth Of You

    The Mind Of God Does Not Judge

    Judgment And Decision-Making

    The Neutral Observer And The Ego Parade

    The Healed Mind And The Unhealed Mind

    Change Your Focus To Cause A Major Shift

    Worry Is Counterproductive

    The Healed Mind Reaches All

    Ask For Assistance


    You Are Never Alone

    The Great Moving Forward



    I first experienced the Light of God in my twenties, when I was very poor and far from home. I was kneeling on a cot in a basement apartment in Spain. The room was dark and musty. Asking to feel God’s presence, I closed my eyes. Light filled my eyes, filled the air around me, and filled me. I felt warm and safe and an immense and immeasurable love. With this love came messages and knowledge, and I was startled by the vast expanse of it, my body spilling over with relief and gratitude as tears of understanding coursed down my cheeks.

    This insight into what it means to channel something so much greater than the mere individuated human self caused me to re-examine and re-assess the texts where the Word of God is said to reside here on this physical plane: the Bible, the Upanishads, the Tao te Ching, the Gnostic scriptures and ancient Egyptian, Greek, Roman and Sufi texts. I stumbled upon Mother Shipton’s prophecies and contemporary writings by Sanaya Roman, Duane Packer and the Seth materials. The more I read, the more I remembered. The more I read, the more I understood.

    The Light of God is a radiant sun of consciousness whose message reaches beyond duality, beyond individuality, to include an understanding of the whole. This is why we are told O mankind! We created you from a male and a female and made you into nations and tribes that you may know and honor each other (not that you should despise one another)… Chapter 49, Verse 13 Holy Quran and that Simplicity, patience, compassion. These three are your greatest treasures. Simple in actions and thoughts, you return to the source of being. Patient with both friends and enemies, you accord with the way things are. Compassionate toward yourself, you reconcile all beings in the world. - Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching. It is why the Dalai Lama told us: "As human beings we all want to be happy and free from misery. We have learned that the key to happiness is inner peace. The greatest obstacles to inner peace are disturbing emotions such as anger and attachment, fear and suspicion, while love and compassion, a sense of universal responsibility are the sources of peace and happiness." And it is why St. Francis’ prayer resonates with us today: Lord, make me an instrument of your peace; where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; and where there is sadness, joy. - St. Francis

    This text, lovingly recorded and compiled by Erin and Pam Galito, follows in this same tradition, bringing light to the earth for those stoking the embers of their faith. We find spiritual and practical themes and messages brought forth as gentle waves upon the ocean of understanding, washing upon the shores of the physical self.

    This text can be read as daily devotions or in one sitting, as a full immersion. It can serve as a guide for behavior and training of the mind towards positive affirmations, or it can serve as a starting point for personal contemplation and/or group discussion. For those interested in the ideas of ascension and spiritual awakening, a trove of riches will be discovered. I have found reassuring messages of love, hope and guidance within these channeled pages and know that other readers will find the same. Guidance and light and the word of God are ever streaming into the fabric of our existence here on earth, and a gentle ray of that vast energy is certainly housed within these pages.

    Happy reading, happy reflection and happy contemplation to all readers! May you find healing and understanding herein.

    - Hannah Papp

    The Mystical Backpacker


    Erin Michelle knew from the beginning that she came to the earth plane with a mission and a purpose. Even as a child, she was caught in the duality of knowing this plane of existence is an illusion and, at the same time, believing it to be real. Over and over, she voiced her yearning for Home. Erin wanted to return to God.

    This did not make for an easy life. Sensitive and empathic, living was often painful. Erin knew that God was with her, and yet she was in a constant search for God. She felt lost, but at the same time, Erin could absolutely and tangibly sense that she was not alone. Even in her darkest moments, she could feel the connection. Always drawing from her Source, she knew there was more to this self, this person called Erin, than what she could see and feel in the physical world.

    As a teenager and a young adult, Erin would tell her mom, Pam, the vivid and often prophetic dreams that she was experiencing. For instance, three days before 9/11, Erin dreamed that she was in an office building with people arriving for work on a beautiful morning. Suddenly, the scene shifted drastically, and people were walking about in a daze, injured and covered with ash. Erin couldn’t understand what it was that she was seeing. It made no sense.

    There was one particular prophetic dream that is still very vivid for Erin. She entered a temple in ancient Egypt. Inside were temple guards and people wearing the head of the Egyptian god Ra. Erin spoke to these people, and they took her further into the temple. Her parents were behind her, which distressed Erin because the temple immediately sank into the sea. The guards took her to a chamber with other women, but her parents were taken elsewhere. Erin knew that these other women and she were waiting to see who would be chosen to marry the king’s son. Erin was taken to another area where she saw God, appearing as the classic artist’s depiction of an old man with white curly hair and a beard. This was so she would recognize that this was God. Erin asked God how the temple could be raised up, and He said, Marry my son and do all that he tells you to do, and that is how the temple will be raised once again. Erin agreed, and then woke up. She knew that God was speaking metaphorically about Jesus, and that she was to marry the ways of Christ, live them, and do all that Jesus tells her to do.

    As a young child, Erin began channeling through automatic writing. Much of Erin’s family has had psychic experiences, so this was acceptable in her family. When she was a young teenager, Erin began to hear her guides saying, Wake up, Erin! Wake up! She didn’t understand the meaning of it all. Erin did make attempts at moving forward in the way that society expected of her, but every college experience came to a dramatic and decisive end. She could not understand it.

    People had often urged her, Go into modeling, so Erin decided to give it a shot. Represented by an agency, she did small, local runway shows. She loved it. At the end of the runway, Erin would look out at the audience and sense that she was supposed to speak to everyone in the audience about God. But how was she to do this? She thought that if she could become a famous model, she would be able to reach millions of people and help them to get back into alignment with God.

    About this time, Erin’s third eye opened. She began to see small flashes of light that grew in size as she became accustomed to them. Eventually, she had full clairvoyant vision and could see holographic images of angels, archangels, ascended masters, and other beings of the Light. These guides told Erin, You’re a Crystal child!

    Like her college experiences, though, Erin’s modeling career was about to come to a quick and dramatic end. She knew that she was not her body, but modeling is all about the body. Erin knew that something had to give. She could feel that she had strayed too far from the plan for her life. She still didn’t know what the plan was, but Erin knew she’d gone far off track.

    A sudden and severe onset of vertigo landed Erin in the hospital for a week. After an emergency MRI, she was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS). As is typical when receiving a life-changing diagnosis, Erin became severely depressed. She also had to heal from the effects of the MS. After a life-threatening experience with an MS disease-modifying therapy, Erin chose to use natural therapies and change in diet, instead.

    During this period, her awakening continued. She was shown many things during this time, much of which cannot be described in words. She learned that the world is an illusion and only exists in the mind.

    She decided to try Reiki, and while receiving her Reiki I attunement, Erin heard, I am Archangel Michael. I am your protector. After her Reiki II attunement, Jesus spoke to her and said, I am your number one guide.

    As Erin began to heal, she took a job in a consignment shop to ground herself back into the physical world. As she was putting away some jewelry, she was bathed with what she describes as a beyond-incredible golden energy, full of the unconditional love and peace of God. Erin realized it was Jesus. She felt like she could walk out the door and just simply keep walking forever, filled with bliss. Kneeling behind the jewelry counter, Erin remained in

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