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The Poetic Scriptures of Luke: God's Word in Rhythm & Rhyme
The Poetic Scriptures of Luke: God's Word in Rhythm & Rhyme
The Poetic Scriptures of Luke: God's Word in Rhythm & Rhyme
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The Poetic Scriptures of Luke: God's Word in Rhythm & Rhyme

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The attention of audiences have been captivated by rhythm and rhyme. Who has not appreciated the works of Dr. Seuss or listening to poems that mimic The Night Before Christmas? Imagine if the Bible, Gods Word, were put into that format. Would that not also capture attention? Read the following excerpt where Jesus tells a story about an unlikely hero. Read it slowly and with care.

10:30 Jesus answered, A certain man

Was traveling to Jericho,

Coming down from Jerusalem,

A dangerous route to go.*

Into the hands of thieves he fell

Who stripped him of all his clothes.

They went off leaving him half dead

After giving him many blows.

10:31 It so happened a certain priest

Was traveling down that road,

But when he saw the half-dead man,

On the other side he strode.

10:32 A Levite, too, was traveling,

And seeing him in that place,

He passed by on the other side,

Continuing with his pace.*

10:33 A traveling Samaritan

Came upon him where he lay,

And when he saw him he was moved

To care for the man that day.

This book is the beginning work of putting Gods Word to rhythm and rhyme. Enjoy the writings of Luke as you have read before but to the beat of a drum and to a sound that will impact your heart.

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateJun 27, 2016
The Poetic Scriptures of Luke: God's Word in Rhythm & Rhyme

Michael D. Wester

Michael Wester received a Master of Divinity degree at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Texas, focusing on biblical Greek. That education has been used to bring people face-to-face with God’s Word. Michael has been pastor of Lighthouse Baptist Church in Caro, Michigan since 1984. He has been married to Donna since 1980 and they have two grown children.

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    The Poetic Scriptures of Luke - Michael D. Wester

    Copyright © 2016 Michael D. Wester.

    Cover art by Cameron Klingenberg.

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    WestBow Press rev. date: 6/27/2016



    The Poetic Gospel of Luke

    The Poetic Book of Acts



    This is the second book of the Poetic Scriptures, putting God’s Word to rhythm and rhyme. After working on the writings of the apostle John, I was encouraged to work on more of the Scriptures. The Scriptures of Luke, although encompassing only two writings, comprise the biggest portion of the New Testament by any one author. The task was long and hard but very rewarding. I thank my wife, Donna, for her support in this endeavor.

    Before presenting the book for publishing, the work was submitted to those knowledgeable in the Scriptures for review to make sure it accurately reflected the original language in which Luke wrote. As in the case of the previous work, occasionally I elaborated on the text. I may have elaborated on a meaning of a word. I may have derived information from another verse to complete an idea. Whenever a major elaboration was done, I noted it by using an asterisk (*). If any extra explanation was needed, I referenced it as an endnote.

    Having the Scriptures in rhyme has many applications. I have already put it to use in several ways, such as family devotions, in sermons, at funerals, and even as a drama. One time our church put on the Christmas story using the poetic narrative in Luke. We had various people act out the parts and even had them speak their parts. It was exciting to see how rhythm and rhyme captured the attention of the audience.

    My prayer has always been that every person can come face-to-face with God’s Word so as to reflect, meditate, and apply. God’s Word is not something just to put in our minds but to plant in our hearts so that we truly bring Him glory in all that we say or do. Perhaps a collection of the Scriptures in rhythm and rhyme will be a tool to that end.

    I pray that all will be blessed by this unique way in presenting the Scriptures. I pray that the Poetic Scriptures will not just affect the mind but also infect the heart with God’s Word.


    1:1   Many people have attempted

    To both research and record

    Certain events that did occur

    In connection with the Lord.¹

    1:2   Those who were with Him from the start,

    Testimony they did convey

    As eyewitnesses and servants

    To the word we have today.

    1:3   And so it seemed appropriate

    That I write this down for you,

    Most excellent Theophilus,

    In an orderly review.

    For I’ve examined everything

    From the beginning with care,

    Writing down chronologically

    Events of which you’re aware.

    1:4   Although you have been taught the truth,

    I write this that you may know

    The exact facts of what you’ve heard

    In the order that they go.

    1:5   When King Herod of Judea

    Was ruling the Judean land,

    A man named Zacharias came,

    And as a priest he did stand.

    The division of Abijah,

    Was his priestly claim.*

    From Aaron’s daughters was his wife.

    Elizabeth was her name.

    1:6   They both obeyed all God’s commands.

    They were righteous in His sight.

    They obeyed the Lord’s requirements.

    Without blame they practiced right.

    1:7   Now Elizabeth was barren.

    They had no daughter or son,

    And both of them were past the years

    Of ever producing one.

    1:8   When Zacharias’s division

    Was in the temple one week,

    He served as priest before the Lord,

    But this work he could not seek.*

    1:9   For the custom of the priesthood

    Was to determine by lot

    Who would burn incense to the Lord,

    And this one-time choice² he got.

    1:10   He was in the sanctuary

    As the people outside prayed,

    While burning incense to the Lord,

    Which on the altar he laid.*

    1:11   An angel of the Lord appeared

    (To Zacharias’s fright),

    Standing by the altar of incense,

    Specifically on the right.

    1:12   Who it was that appeared to him

    He was wholly unaware;*

    He was troubled and filled with fear

    When he saw the angel there.

    1:13   Zacharias, don’t be afraid,

    Said the angel to calm his fears,

    "For your petitions have been heard;

    They have reached God’s very ears.*

    "Elizabeth is not barren.*

    Your wife will bear you a boy,

    And John is the name you’ll give him.

    1:14   He’ll give you gladness and joy.

    1:15   "Many will rejoice at his birth,

    For great he’ll be in God’s sight.

    He must not drink wine or liquor,

    Living as a Nazarite.³

    "With the Holy Spirit of God,

    He will certainly be filled

    While in the womb of his mother,

    For this the Lord God has willed.*

    1:16   "Many of the sons of Israel

    To their Lord God he will turn.

    1:17   He will go ahead of the Lord

    With both focus and concern.*

    "He will turn the hearts of fathers

    Back to their daughters and sons.

    He’ll turn the disobedient

    To the way of righteous ones.

    "In Elijah’s spirit and might,

    The people he will prepare

    For the arrival of the Lord,

    So of Him they’ll be aware."*

    1:18   Zacharias then did address

    The angel about this word,

    "How will I be certain of this

    Since to me this sounds absurd?*

    "Since I am very old indeed,

    Since I’m well advanced in years,

    And since my wife is very old,

    Quite absurd your news appears."*

    1:19   The angel answered with these words,

    "Gabriel, that is my name,

    Who stands before God, sent to you

    With this good news to proclaim.

    "I have spoken these words to you,

    For you to gladly receive.*

    1:20   You will not be able to speak

    Because you did not believe.

    "You will not be able to speak

    Until the day this takes place.

    All this will happen in due time

    In accordance with God’s grace."*

    1:21   The crowd waiting for Zacharias

    Wondered about the delay,

    Why the priest was still inside

    The sanctuary that day.

    1:22   When Zacharias came outside,

    He could not speak with his voice.

    To communicate by signing

    Was his one and only choice.*

    The crowd had realized from his signs

    Just what all of this did mean,

    That inside the sanctuary

    Was a vision he had seen.

    1:23   To serve as priest he continued

    Just as it was intended.*

    Then he returned back to his home

    After his service ended.

    1:24   His wife, Elizabeth, conceived

    At the time God’s plan was due.

    For five whole months she hid herself,

    Hiding from the public view.

    1:25   The Lord has dealt with me this way,

    Elizabeth did exclaim,

    "Looking on me with grace these days,

    Removing from man my shame!"

    1:26   In her sixth month of pregnancy,

    Gabriel, the messenger,

    Was sent by God to a virgin

    To give the good news to her.*

    This virgin lived in Nazareth,

    A city in Galilee,

    1:27   Engaged to a man named Joseph

    Of Davidic ancestry.

    Now the virgin’s name was Mary,

    1:28   And Gabriel entered her place.

    Hail, he said. "The Lord is with you,

    You who are filled up with grace!"

    1:29   But Mary was greatly troubled

    By the statement of this word,

    Wondering what kind of greeting

    It was that she just had heard.

    1:30   So the angel said this to her:

    "Mary, stop all of your fear!

    For you have found favor with God,

    1:31   And His grace you now must hear.

    "You will conceive within your womb

    And will give birth to a son,

    And you must call His name Jesus,

    For He is the Promised One.*

    1:32   "He will be great, and by this name,

    ‘The Most High’s Son’ He’ll be known,

    And the Lord God will give to Him

    His ancestor David’s throne.

    1:33   "And over the house of Jacob

    He will reign eternally,

    And His kingdom will continue,

    For its end will never be."

    1:34   Then to the angel Mary said,

    "Just how can this thing occur?

    For I do not know any man,

    And I am a virgin, sir."

    1:35   The Holy Spirit will do this,

    The angel gave his reply.

    "And there will overshadow you

    The power of the Most High.

    "For this reason the holy Child,

    Who out of your womb will come,

    Because He’s not from any man,*

    He will be called God’s Son.

    1:36   "Look! Your cousin Elizabeth

    In her old age has conceived.

    She who was considered barren,

    A son she has now received.

    "And she is now sixth months along

    In the course of her pregnancy.

    1:37   Nothing will be too hard for God.

    That’s what I want you to see."*

    1:38   Then Mary replied, "Look on me!

    As the Lord’s slave I accept!

    Let it be done as you have said."

    Then from her the angel left.

    1:39   At this time Mary got ready,

    And then left her place with haste.

    Eager to see Elizabeth,

    There was not any time to waste.*

    She went into the hill country

    To this one Judean town.

    1:40   Then entered Zacharias’s house,

    Where Elizabeth she found.

    1:41   As soon as Mary greeted her,

    The baby leaped up inside,

    And filled with the Holy Spirit,

    1:42   Elizabeth loudly cried,

    "Among all women you are blessed,

    And blessed is the Child you’ll bear.

    1:43   How is it that my Lord’s mother

    Should come before me and share?

    1:44   "For even before seeing you,

    As soon as I heard your voice,

    The baby that is in my womb,

    He leaped up and did rejoice.

    1:45   "So blessed is she who did believe,

    For surely it will occur,

    Everything that had been spoken

    By the Lord unto her."

    1:46   Mary said, Honor to the Lord,

    Is my own soul’s behavior,

    1:47   And my spirit has found great joy

    In God who is my Savior.

    1:48   "For His bond slave’s lowly status

    He had consideration.

    From now on I’ll be called blessed

    By every generation.

    1:49   "For the mighty powerful One,

    (His power I do proclaim),*

    Has accomplished great things for me.

    Also holy is His name.

    1:50   "His mercy does extend to all

    Who give Him admiration.

    His mercy does extend to them

    In every generation.

    1:51   "With His arm He has done great deeds.

    Proud hearts He’s caused to crumble,

    1:52   Bringing rulers down from their thrones,

    And lifting high the humble.

    1:53   "He has satisfied the hungry

    With such good things to possess,

    Yet He has sent away the rich

    With nothing but emptiness.

    1:54   "Israel His servant He has helped,

    Recalling His mercy indeed,

    1:55   The eternal word to our fathers,

    To Abraham and his seed."

    1:56   Mary stayed with Elizabeth

    For a time *(let it be known),

    A time that spanned about three months

    Before returning back home.

    1:57   Now the moment of fulfillment

    For Elizabeth did come

    To bring forth whom was in her womb,

    And she gave birth to a son.

    1:58   Her neighbors and her relatives

    Came to hear of the Lord’s choice,

    Of showing great mercy to her.

    So with her they did rejoice.

    1:59   The eighth day following the birth

    They arrived to circumcise,

    And give a name to the baby.

    Zacharias, were their cries.

    They wished to give the father’s name

    Because this was often done,*

    1:60   But Elizabeth objected,

    John is the name of my son.

    1:61   They said to her, "Why call him John?

    No relative has that name!"

    1:62   So they motioned to his father

    As to what name he would claim.

    1:63   He asked for a writing tablet

    So his choice he could present.

    His name is John, is what he wrote,

    Which brought great astonishment.

    1:64   Right then his mouth just opened up,

    For his tongue had been set free.

    He was speaking praises to God,

    1:65   And wonder spread rapidly.

    Yes, all those living around them

    Were filled with wonder and awe.

    The whole Judean hill country,

    Their attention this did draw.

    1:66   They’d discuss the events and ask,

    Just who will this child become?

    They knew that the hand of the Lord

    Was surely upon this one.

    1:67   Now his father, Zacharias,

    When his tongue had been set free,

    Was filled with the Holy Spirit

    As he spoke this prophecy:

    1:68   "Praise the Lord God of Israel!

    For to us with help He’s come,

    And effected for His people

    His redemption through this one.

    1:69   "In His servant David’s house

    For us He has lifted out

    A mighty horn of salvation

    1:70   Which His prophets spoke about.

    1:71   "Salvation from our enemies,

    From all those who hate us so,

    Through the mouths of holy prophets

    He prophesied long ago.

    1:72   "To show mercy to our fathers,

    To remember what He said

    As to His holy covenant

    That He made with one now dead.

    1:73   "This oath He made with Abraham,

    Our forefather whom He chose,

    1:74   He granted to us, saving us

    Out of the hand of our foes.

    "Yes, He granted this oath to us

    So to serve Him without fears

    1:75   In holiness and righteousness

    Throughout all our days and years.

    1:76   "‘The prophet of the Most High God,’

    My child, of you He will say,

    For you will go before the Lord

    To prepare for Him the way.

    1:77   "For the knowledge of salvation

    With God’s people you will share

    Through the forgiveness of their sins

    1:78   Due to our God’s tender care.

    "By His mercy to us will come

    The rising that’s from on high

    1:79   To shine on those sitting in darkness

    And on those about to die.

    "The rising from on high will come

    To make all the darkness cease*

    To guide our feet so we can walk

    Into the pathway of peace."

    1:80   The child was growing in stature,

    In spiritual strength as well.

    He lived in deserts ’til the time

    He appeared to Israel.

    2:1   In those days Caesar Augustus

    Sent to the Roman nation

    A decree that all be registered,

    The entire population.

    2:2   This was the first census taken

    Of the whole population

    While Quirinius ruled Syria

    That required registration.*

    2:3   And everyone was traveling

    According to the decree*

    To register for the census

    In the town of his family.

    2:4   Joseph went up from Nazareth,

    A city in Galilee,

    Into the Judean region,

    To the town of his family.

    This town, which is called Bethlehem,

    Was the town of David, *the king.

    Since Joseph was from David’s line,

    To there he was traveling.

    2:5   He traveled along with Mary

    For their names to be compiled.

    Now Mary was engaged to him

    And was expecting a child.

    2:6   While they were there in Bethlehem,

    The day did finally come

    For Mary to deliver her Child,

    2:7   And she gave birth to a son.

    This son was Mary’s firstborn child.

    She wrapped Him in swaddling clothes.

    Since there was no room in the inn,

    A manger for Him she chose.

    2:8   There were shepherds in that region

    Out in the pastures at night,

    Watching over their flock of sheep

    2:9   When suddenly shined a light.

    Standing before their very eyes,

    The Lord’s angel did appear.

    The Lord’s glory shined around them,

    And they all were filled with fear.

    2:10   The angel said, "Don’t be afraid,

    For listen to what I bring:

    Good news about a joy that’s great,

    Good news about this one King.¹⁰

    "The good news which I bring to you,

    To all people it will extend.

    So stop being so terrified,

    But listen and comprehend.*

    2:11   "Today in the town of David

    There is one to be adored,*

    A savior who’s been born for you,

    The Savior, who’s Christ the Lord.

    2:12   "Now this will be the sign for you,

    You will find Him in this way:

    You’ll find a babe in swaddling clothes,

    Lying in a bin of hay."

    2:13   And suddenly with the angel

    A great multitude appeared,

    A heavenly army praising God,

    Exclaiming as they all cheered.*

    2:14   Glory and peace! they did exclaim,

    "The glory pertains to God,

    He who’s in the highest places.

    All His work we do applaud.*

    Glory and peace! they did exclaim,

    "For this peace God does instill¹¹

    To people living on the earth,

    Those described by His goodwill."

    2:15   Into heaven the angels went,

    Away from the shepherds’ sight.

    To each other the shepherds said,

    "Let us go this very night.

    "Let’s go right now to Bethlehem.

    Let us see this great event,

    Which the Lord has made know to us,"

    2:16   And quickly the shepherds went.

    Mary and Joseph they soon found.

    The baby they found as well.

    When they saw Him in the manger,

    2:17   The news they began to tell.

    Everything that was told to them,

    All the angel said that night,*

    All the things about this Child,

    To them all, they did recite.

    2:18   And as the shepherds’ words were heard,

    Great wonder they did impart,

    2:19   But Mary treasured all their words,

    Pondering them in her heart.

    2:20   The shepherds returned praising God

    For all that they saw and heard.

    They glorified God, who fulfilled

    All of the angel’s word.¹²

    2:21   Now when the Child was circumcised,

    The name Jesus He received

    As the angel had commanded

    Before He had been conceived.

    As was the custom this occurred,

    The naming, *that is to say,¹³

    The same time He was circumcised,

    Taking place on the eighth day.

    2:22   And then they waited to complete

    Their days of purification,

    Stated in the Law of Moses

    Before the dedication.

    They went up to Jerusalem

    To present Him to the Lord

    And then to sacrifice two doves

    Which was all they could afford.¹⁴

    2:23   As is written in the Lord’s Law

    About the dedication:

    "Each firstborn male must be to God¹⁵

    A holy presentation."

    2:24   As is written in the Lord’s Law,

    Concerning the sacrifice:

    "Two young pigeons or else two doves

    For the poor, these will suffice."¹⁶

    2:25   Now take note of a certain man

    Who was present when they came.

    This man was righteous and devout.

    Simeon was this man’s name.

    He was eagerly waiting for

    Israel’s Consolation.

    The Holy Spirit upon him

    2:26   Gave him a revelation.

    The Holy Spirit promised him

    That before death would arise

    The Lord’s Christ, the Anointed One,¹⁷

    He would see with his own eyes.

    2:27   He had come into the temple,

    Guided by the Spirit’s will

    As the parents brought in Jesus,

    The Law’s custom to fulfill.

    2:28   He took the Child into his arms

    As praises to God he gave:

    2:29   "Now

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