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Helping Students Eliminate Inappropriate School Behavior: A Group Activities’ Guide for Teachers and Counselors
Helping Students Eliminate Inappropriate School Behavior: A Group Activities’ Guide for Teachers and Counselors
Helping Students Eliminate Inappropriate School Behavior: A Group Activities’ Guide for Teachers and Counselors
Ebook128 pages1 hour

Helping Students Eliminate Inappropriate School Behavior: A Group Activities’ Guide for Teachers and Counselors

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About this ebook

The major purpose of this book is to help students improve their school behavior. The activities described in the book cover six major areas. Briefly described, they are
1. developing better communication skills through accurate perception, listening, and paraphrasing;
2. learning how to cooperate with others through consensus in order to achieve appropriate goals;
3. acquiring a better understanding of oneself and ones needs through giving and getting feedback;
4. learning appropriate methods of self-disclosure of ones needs and desires;
5. learning how to deal with conflicts in an appropriate manner in order to achieve a desired end; and
6. developing problem-solving skills related to the students values and legitimate goals.

The target audience for this book would be educators working with students in high school and middle school. These activities can be used in the classroom setting. While the focus of the book is helping students with behavior problems, the exercises can be used with any group that wants to develop skills in these areas.

The book contains an introduction describing the nature of the problem, goals, and the need for the group approach, and twenty-one group activities related to the six areas mentioned above. A student evaluation of the group activities completes the program.
Release dateNov 18, 2016
Helping Students Eliminate Inappropriate School Behavior: A Group Activities’ Guide for Teachers and Counselors

Gerard Vernot PhD

Dr. Gerard Vernot’s professional life as a teacher and counselor has spanned forty-one years. He has extensive experience working with students on the high school level as a certified teacher and counselor. He also has taught on the college level and is a retired licensed mental-health counselor in the state of Florida. He has researched and developed a program to help students improve their school behavior. The group activities he used in his program are presented in this book. Teachers and counselors will find them effective in helping students improve their behavior both in school and outside of school.

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    Helping Students Eliminate Inappropriate School Behavior - Gerard Vernot PhD





    A Group Activities’ Guide for Teachers and Counselors

    Gerard Vernot, PhD



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    © 2016 GERARD VERNOT, Ph.D. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    Published by AuthorHouse 11/17/2016

    ISBN: 978-1-5246-5064-3 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5246-5063-6 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2016919192

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    The Nature of the Problem

    Achievement Goals for the Behavior-Problem Student

    The Need for a Group-Activities Approach

    Operational Definitions

    Chapter 1. Helping Students Develop Better Communication Skills

    Session One: Group Leader and Student Introductions

    Session Two: Perception and Communication in Problem-Solving

    Session Three: A Communication Model

    Session Four: The Johari Window

    Session Five: A Listening Exercise

    Session Six: Paraphrasing

    Chapter 2. Group Cooperation Activities

    Session Seven: Broken Squares: An Exercise in Group Cooperation

    Session Eight: NASA Exercise

    Session Nine: Consensus-Seeking

    Sessions Ten and Eleven: A Midpoint Review of Group Activities

    Chapter 3. Self-Disclosure and Self-Understanding through Feedback Activities

    Session Twelve: An Exercise in Feedback and Self-Disclosure

    Session Thirteen: An Exercise in Self-Disclosure

    Session Fourteen: Twenty Questions: An Exercise in Self-Disclosure

    Chapter 4. Developing Effective Conflict-Resolution Skills

    Session Fifteen: Conflict Resolution

    Session Sixteen: Prisoners’ Dilemma: An Intergroup Competition

    Session Seventeen: Six Steps for Resolving Conflicts at Home, at School, and in the Community

    Chapter 5. Developing Problem-Solving Skills Related to Values and Goals

    Session Eighteen: Life Raft Exercise

    Session Nineteen: Ten Things You Love to Do

    Session Twenty: Problem-Solving and The Alligator River Story

    Chapter 6. Evaluating the Group Activities with the Group Participants

    Session Twenty-One: Group Self-Evaluation and the Warm Fuzzies




    A problem plaguing many schools today is how to deal with students who have discipline issues. The major goal of this book is to help these students eliminate inappropriate school behavior through a group activities program. These activities have been researched by the author and found effective in helping students improve their school behavior.

    The activities cover six major areas relevant to school behavior. The first five chapters cover these areas. Briefly described, they are as follows:

    1. Improving communication skills through accurate perception, listening, and paraphrasing

    2. Cooperating with others through consensus in order to achieve appropriate goals

    3. Understanding oneself and one’s needs through giving and getting feedback

    4. Disclosing in an appropriate way one’s needs and desires

    5. Dealing with conflicts in an appropriate manner in order to achieve a desired end

    6. Developing problem-solving skills related to one’s values and legitimate goals

    The target audience for this book is educators working with students in middle school, high school, and above. These activities can be used in the classroom setting. While the focus of the book is on helping behavior-problem students, the exercises can be used with any group that wants to develop skills in these areas.

    The book contains an introduction describing the nature of the problem, the goals of the activities, and the need for the group approach. Twenty group activities follow, related to the six areas mentioned above. A student evaluation of the group activities along with an opportunity to give and receive appreciation completes the program.

    An epilogue follows in which I share some thoughts about nine students who made a distinct and lasting impression on me over my forty-one years as a teacher and counselor.

    A reference section of publications cited within the book completes this volume.


    The motivation for writing this book came from a major story published in the Tampa Bay Times concerning academic and behavior problems a number of students in a local school district were having. I had done research on helping students improve their behavior through a group activities program I developed as part of my doctoral dissertation at Florida State University.

    Accordingly, I contacted one of my former professors, Dr. Bob Reardon, for suggestions. He kindly provided me with a number of possible publishers to consider and contact once I had a draft of the book done.

    I also contacted a former student and author, Jack Myers, who recommended that I write a good synopsis of the book and go online to find an agent who could work with me on getting the book published. He also shared information about several publishing companies to consider.

    A member of my extended family who recently published a book, Amy Smith, also offered support on getting my work published.

    To these three people I offer my thanks for their advice on how to proceed in my search for a publisher.

    Finally, I want to thank my dear wife, Trudy, for her patience with all the time I spent on the computer to complete my work.


    This book contains a series of twenty-one group exercises that can be used by a teacher or counselor with students in a school classroom or other group setting. The purpose of these activities is to help students learn techniques to improve their school behavior.

    The problem of schools having to deal with disruptive students is nothing new in education. How the problem is dealt with has varied over the years. The exercises presented in this text are centered on dealing with students’ behavior as

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