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Mysticism in Newburyport
Mysticism in Newburyport
Mysticism in Newburyport
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Mysticism in Newburyport

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This book is based on the authors experiences after a profound spiritual awakening and followed by even more profound spiritual experiences. The book basically describes the journey of another soul that has reawakened to his divinity in this present day. The magical little town of Newburyport was to come alive with magical treasures and powerful energetic insights of the hidden treasures. This book reveals many of the secrets of life that go on unseen by most people and brings these experiences of awe and wonder right to the reader while he or she sits right in their easy chair. There are seven lighthearted tales of the wonderful people and this beautiful area full of an abundance of wildlife and nature.
The eagles soar and hunt all along this powerful Merrimac River as ships from all over the world visit this unique little magical town of Newburyport, Massachusetts.
PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateNov 22, 2017
Mysticism in Newburyport

Peter James Ford

Peter James Ford, The Unlikely Messenger, is a unique individual with a broad understanding of life from having lived life from many lifestyles. Peter experienced the good, the bad, the ugly, and then an awakening and redemption. His younger years found him struggling with alcoholism and the drugs of the sixties, with having learning disabilities, including attention deficit disorder, and growing up in a violent environment. Peter turned to physical training and motorcycles and found much satisfaction in both. At an early age Peter crawled into the 12-step recovery program a broken man. This was the beginning of Peter’s spiritual journey. Over the years, Peter attained the promises of the program and began living a great life. Many years later, Peter was initiated into a yogic path that had begun thousands of years ago by an ancient lineage of Masters. Peter did not realize that his profound spiritual experience at that time was actually a powerful “Kundalini Awakening” within him. Shortly after his awakening, these mystic tales of past lives and powerful wisdom truths began flowing. Peter has just completed his seventh book about his life adventures and spiritual journey. Peter hopes people find something useful in his writings, or at least that they will bring a smile to your face when thinking about Peter, this “Unlikely Messenger.”

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    Mysticism in Newburyport - Peter James Ford

    Copyright © 2017 Peter James Ford.

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    ISBN: 978-1-5043-9184-9 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5043-9185-6 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2017918029

    Balboa Press rev. date: 01/12/2018


    In Memory



    Sincere Thanks to One and All



    1) The Early Years

    2) Mysticism in Newburyport

    3) Tale of the Sevens

    4) School of Hard Nock’s

    5) White Feather (My Primary Physician)

    6) Tide Master (Unlocking the Secrets of the Tides)

    7) Shakti Burn (Trips to the Ashram)


    Peter’s Personal Method for Manifesting

    Helpful Books (Priceless Treasures)

    About the Author


    Louise Hay

    (October 8, 1926 - August 30, 2017)

    As I learned of Louise’s passing, I was deeply saddened. I felt the loss of a great friend and mentor. I, just like so many others, loved this dear, unselfish woman. Not only for all she has done for me through her genuine, sincere and beautiful heart, which is reflected in her books and videos, but she also played a huge part in my personal development and transformation. Through her generosity she provided a way for someone like me (with very limited formal education and with little access to the tools needed to publish a book) to get my book published and promoted on all venues around the world. I owe so much to Louise Hay, Hay House, The Hay House Authors and Balboa Press for the wisdom and guidance to complete this book. Sincere thanks to the people of Balboa Press who supported me and would not let me give up my dream of having my book become a reality. I thank you all with my whole heart, soul and mind. I have been blessed by the presence of Louise Hay in my life, as have so many others.

    Sincerely, Peter James Ford


    This will be my first venture into the world of writing. I have no real experience or even any knowledge of how this process works. So, like the first time doing anything, it is sometimes less than perfect. So, if you will, just bear with me as it all unfolds. These were my thoughts as I walked the beach at Long Sands beach in York, Maine, early this morning.

    The majority of people in this world unconsciously agree to believe in many conceptions of life that are not even true. They live by manmade rules and misconceptions of life and will defend them violently, if necessary. One of the benefits of thinking for yourself is that you will live in an entirely new and different world than most people are experiencing. It can be Heaven on Earth.

    The downside of being awake in this life is that you really can’t be yourself with very many of the people that you know. You don’t want to be the one, who says the world might not be flat, when the so-called brightest minds of the time believed that the earth being flat was the absolute truth. It was a universally believed misconception that the Earth was flat and it was considered heresy to even question that belief. It is always better to walk softly through this world, as if you were invisible, like a ninja or assassin who comes and goes completely unnoticed.

    The purpose of this book is really to give people, from just one more different perspective, an opportunity to think about the possibility that there is more to life and themselves. The reason I am willing to write this book is that the truth can be told in many different ways and each person will respond to different expressions of the same truths, just by being worded a little differently. People’s attention will be caught by a simple quote or an unusual way of saying the same information, in just a little different format. Sometimes they respond just because of a personality that they like or from being told by a colorful, mysterious character. There are many different ways that can arouse people’s curiosity and it can motivate them to begin their personal search for the truth of their life, once again.

    This simple book of tales will be worth all the time and effort if even only one person’s heart is touched or just one mind reopens, even for a moment. There is a nut for every bolt and one size does not fit all. So, it is actually a great thing that all these different publications, from all these various authors, are available for all the different types of people in this world.

    In regards to the creative power of thought and to the quote, You create your life and your personal world through your thoughts and feelings; I always love to say, What if this was true? Of course, in my life I have lived it for the last twenty-five years, so I have no doubt of its authenticity.

    These are some of these eye-opening quotes that I have read over and over and I regard them as priceless inner treasures, much more valuable than gold and silver. With these teachings, you can create all the gold and silver you want, if that is what your heart truly desires. Please take the time and just simply sit quietly and read some of these quotes. Take some time to contemplate them, for even a few moments. To contemplate something is to allow it to dwell in your consciousness, until it reveals its essence to you. Just by allowing something to dwell in your consciousness, it will reveal all it’s precious secrets to you. We only need to learn how to just be still and be open to new possibilities. How priceless a gift is that? And how often do most people take the time to do this, even for just a few moments?

    In a similar way as contemplation, there is an advanced meditative tool that is called a siddhi. It is using your concentration on a quality or ability that you desire and, through concentration, you can literally draw the desired quality or the ability to yourself and it becomes your own. You can also very easily read people’s minds and thoughts. It is not such a great feat, as people’s eyes, faces, body language and vibration will reveal to you the story of their lives.

    Along the way, on a true spiritual path, you will develop the ability to look right into someone’s soul, through the vehicle of his or her eyes. It does not always seem like a gift, as on a number of occasions I would know that their time in their physical body was over, or I sensed a serious illness. The gift of seeing the future also takes a great deal of acceptance of God’s will. Well, here are some of these inspirational, life changing, ancient wisdoms that have altered my life.

    I ask you, to ask yourself:

    What if the following statements are true?

    Every moment of your life is infinitely creative and the Universe is endlessly bountiful. All you need do is put forth a clear enough request and everything that your heart truly desires must come to you.

    (From Creative Visualization,

    By Shakti Gawain)

    The following words are the trick to creating the necessary feeling to fuel your vision and to magnetically draw it to yourself. This is the quote: How would you feel, if your deepest desire were already real? For me, it brings up a strong feeling of happiness and gratitude, that emotion is the fuel and you then direct that feeling/emotion into your visualization and you will literally create your dream from this simple process.

    (Ram D. R. Butler,)

    Author of Living in the Truth of the Present Moment)

    Another secret for coming to believe that your desire is possible, is through the constant, conscious repetition of what it is that you truly want, You come to believe. Barbara, my karmic partner at that time said, that she did not believe she would have the money for some project. I told her that through her willingness to continually, consciously repeat that she already had the money, that this repetition would create the miracle of her believing it to be true, right in her own heart. Then it would be true. And then, it would manifest in the material world. Barbara easily mastered this process.

    Consciously repeating the simple phrase of; I am living with all the money I need for this project will cause this thought to go from your conscious mind to being impressed into your subconscious mind, which is a part of the universal mind. Something magical happens from our willingness to consciously repeat the thoughts of our dreams, as if they were ‘already real’. Then what happens one day you will all of a sudden say: Yes, I do believe that it is already real. And then, it is only a matter of time before it manifests in the physical world.

    It literally is like God is listening to our thoughts and says, Yes, I will give them that. I cannot repeat enough how important repetition is for success in any endeavor and how well it has worked for me. What does any great athlete or musician do but repeat over and over their practices until they master them. It is also true with anything and everything else.

    I have come to learn to love the statements: It always works, it works every time, with everything and with every one. You can be anything you want and you can have anything you want. What you believe will be true for you, so if you believe this last statement through repetition, it will be true for you. Henry Ford said: If you believe you can or you believe you can’t, you are right. I choose to believe, I am living a charmed life. I am a successful, admired, well-respected, published author.

    (Mysticism in Newburyport

    By Peter James Ford)

    Your feelings are a language that the Universe understands. This intelligent field, which we are a part of, ‘responds deeply to human emotion’.

    (The Science of Miracles,

    By Gregg Braden)

    Dr. Carl Jung tells us that the subconscious mind not only contains all of the classified data gathered during all the past lives of the individual, but that it also contains all the wisdom of all the immeasurable ages past. By drawing upon its wisdom and power, the individual may possess the good things of life in great abundance.

    (Quote taken from, Key to Yourself,

    By Carl Jung)

    You remember the story of Aladdin’s lamp? The lamp represents the conscious mind and the rubbing of the lamp means understanding. The genie represents the subconscious mind, that mighty power within yourself awaiting for recognition and unfoldment, that when aroused and used will bring you to the realization of your fondest dreams.

    (From, Key to Yourself,

    By Venice Bloodworth)

    In the entire Universe there can be no such thing as luck or fate; every action, every thought, is governed by law. Behind every bit of good fortune lies the cause that we ourselves have sometime, somewhere set in motion. Behind all ill fortune we will find the energy we, ourselves, have generated. Every cause, (which is our thoughts) must have a certain definite effect; there is no dodging the results. We reap what we sow with ‘exact mathematical precision’.

    (From, Key to Yourself

    By Venice Bloodworth)

    Every thought is a prayer.

    (Unity Church)

    There is ‘no such thing’, as an idle thought.

    (From, What’s on my mind?

    By Swami Anantanada)

    People don’t have the time to do things right the first time, but they always have the time to do it over again.

    (Owner of the Monster Chopper called Blood Lust)

    You need not leave your room. Remain sitting at your table and listen. You need not even listen, simply wait, you need not even wait, just learn to become quiet and still and solitary. The world will freely offer itself to you to be unmasked, it has no choice; it will roll in ecstasy at your feet.

    (Quote By, Franz Kafka)

    The intelligence behind Nature, which is God, is in ‘every cell of our body’, giving us direct access to the powers of God, through how we use our thinking processes, which is the cause of every detail in every moment.

    Radiant, Golden White Light is the greatest healer in this entire Universe. Radiant Golden White Light brings healing to wherever it is directed. Visualize breathing in this Golden White light into every cell in your body and repeat: I am in perfect health. I am 100 percent healed. See and feel this Radiant Golden White Light flowing into every cell of your body and this regular practice will give you perfect health.

    (Ram D. R. Butler,

    Author of Living in the Truth of the Present Moment)

    We are riding the back of a giant (Consciousness/God) and all we need do is learn how ‘to whisper in its ear’. We learn how to whisper in God’s ear by going into the silence then going to that place between thoughts and we release our desire, that is the equivalent of whispering in the ear of the giant.

    (From, an Internet Program,

    by Dr. Joe Dispenza)

    You are the designer of your destiny. You are the author. You write the story. The pen is in your hand and the outcome is whatever you choose.

    (From the Secret,

    by Lisa Nichols)

    There is no blackboard in the sky on which God has written your purpose, your mission in life. The blackboard does not exist, so your purpose is what you say it is. Your mission is the mission you give yourself. Your life will be what you create it as and no one will stand in judgment of it now or ever.

    (From the Secret,

    By Neale Donald Walsch)

    Our body is the product of our thoughts. Science has found that thoughts and emotions actually determine the physical substance and structure and function of our bodies.

    (From the Secret,

    By Dr. John Hagelin)

    Science (quantum physicists) have proven what the ancient spiritual masters have always known. It is a proven scientific fact now that our thoughts and feelings converging in our heart as an emotion actually affects our CELLS, can even change our DNA and the ATOMS in our bodies and the world around us. That changes all the beliefs that physics was based on and it is a new day for everyone.

    (Science of Miracles,

    By Gregg Braden)

    There is but one power, one force in this entire Universe and we control it through how we direct our thoughts.

    (Ram D. R. Butler

    Author of Living in the Truth of the Present Moment)

    A boxer will train throwing punches and combinations, over and over and they will become impressed in his subconscious mind and he will react to a situation without even thinking about it consciously. Because the constant repetition, whether throwing punches or kicks or repeating positive thoughts, will go from the conscious mind to the subconscious mind and also to the unconscious mind (which is the physical body) and actually, from this repetition, the mind is now in the body. The body (unconscious mind) will do things automatically that have been repeated over and over, whether through physical acts or your thoughts and feelings.

    I have been repeating few affirmations so often that now I will hear them coming from inside me, similar to when you can’t get a song out of your head. And they are releasing healing chemicals all the time. These few affirmations are as follows: Everything is all right, there is nothing wrong and there actually, was never anything wrong. And Everything goes my way. Everything has worked itself out, even better, than I could have ever imagined.

    With every thought, there is a chemical release. The negative fearful thoughts release the stress hormone cortisone and scientists have proven that the stress from this continued release will deplete the immune system and this is the source of all illnesses. And once again, the problems go back to the original cause and that is your thoughts. So if you are repeating positive thoughts, you are releasing healing chemicals, including cancer-fighting chemicals, in your body and you can actually heal yourself from any and all illnesses.

    The work that Gregg Braden and Dr. Joe Dispenza are doing has taken it to new unlimited levels of healing. Any and all types of illnesses, including so-called incurables, are being reversed. Actually, the word incurable means curable from within.

    I can never repeat it enough, that if you want health or success in life you need to understand your own mind and control your thoughts. It is all about the mind. When you can see that it is the universal energy that does everything and not us, you will experience a new world. The Universe not only does everything, it does everything with Zero effort. All, your struggling and trying to control things is just a total waste of your precious time and energy. If you truly want something, the way to do it is to see it and feel it, like it is already real. Our work is convincing ourselves that it is already real; this is done through continued repetition.

    The secret is creating the happy and grateful feeling of it already existing, by thinking to yourself, how would I feel if this was already true. What that does for me is creates a feeling of happiness and gratitude. Once you touch upon that feeling, you direct it into your visualization and your dream is already created. It will be compelled to manifest in the physical world.

    That is the formula for creating whatever you want. Once you master this process, you will be the Master of Your Life. The way a child thinks, so innocently, about what they want at Christmas, is the marvelous gift of imagination. We all have this gift of imagination and it is the simple creative tool, to bring anything into existence.

    (Peter’s beliefs)

    Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions.

    (Albert Einstein)

    You create your own Universe as you go along.

    (Winston Churchill)

    See yourself living in abundance and you will attract it. It always works; it works every time, with every person.

    If you see it in your mind, you’re going to hold it in your hand.

    (From the Secret,

    By Bob Proctor)

    You could start with nothing and out of nothing and out of no way, a way would be made. Whatever thoughts have done in your life, it can be undone, through a shift in your awareness. The moment you begin to think properly, there is something that is within you, there is power in you that’s greater than the world. It will begin to emerge. It will take over your life, it will clothe you, it will guide you, protect you. Direct you. Sustain your very existence, if you will let it.

    (From the Secret,

    By Michael Beckwith D.D. Visionary)

    Put your whole heart, soul and mind into even the smallest act and this is the secret to success. God gives us everything we want and as far as God’s concerned, what we think, is what we want. Then God gives us what we have been thinking. We carry within us, the most powerful creative device in the entire Universe: It is the Mind, of the human individual, we might think of the mind as a small thing, yet, Infinite Energy fuels it.

    (Ram D. R. Butler

    Author of Living in the Truth of the Present Moment)

    The following is so important to know. When you first wake in the morning and just before you go to sleep, are the two times that you can most influence your mind. First thing in the morning, put your attention on your intentions and they will influence your entire day. Most of the day you are running on automatic and you can consciously set your mind in the direction you want by focusing, first thing in the morning. What you think just before going to sleep will play over and over in your subconscious mind for the duration of your night’s sleep. While you sleep is a powerful time to create your desires and we do this by focusing our thoughts on what we want, just as we are falling into sleep. The subconscious mind will do the rest.

    (Dauchsy Meditations)

    Learn to recognize and listen to your intuition, which is your sixth sense. It is truly God talking to you. God wants to give us a win in every situation and all we have to do is to learn to listen to this inner guidance. One of the most valuable things that I have learnt is how to listen to my intuition, which is God and our sixth sense and how to cultivate this ability and to use it in every moment.

    Also, which is huge, is recognizing the power of gratitude. God will bestow even more gifts and blessings to the individual that is grateful for what he has right now. Gratitude attracts to you more things to be grateful for. Like attracts like.

    My morning prayer is one of gratitude for all God has given me and for all that God has done for me. I thank God with my whole heart for always having filled all my needs, wants and even all my desires. I thank God for always having kept me safe and fully protected, especially from myself and my self-destructive tendencies. I willing do my part with thinking less and when I do think, of having only kind, positive, uplifting thoughts on my mind. I do my part by being kind and helpful to whoever enters my karmic sphere. But, I leave my life and myself unconditionally in God’s hands. I make a daily decision to go all the way and turn my life and will over to the care of the God of my understanding. This God has always made my heart beat, even in the womb, and gives me the gift of life through its breath in every moment. My wildest desires pale compared to what God has planned for me. I abandon myself completely to this unconditional loving presence. I ask in the morning: What do you have in mind for me? and I know it will be the gifts of the most loving father you could imagine. I am open to the even better new life God has in mind for me. Thank you God with my whole heart and being.

    (Peter James Ford)

    Anger is a very powerful emotion. Your anger can make you feel like a bulletproof, steroidal superman. What you don’t see is the angry man a few days later when he comes down from this burst of this dangerous emotion because he will be exhausted and hiding under the covers. That is how it was for me. The hate is like racing fuel, which makes the hot rod go really fast, but burns up the engine. Hate and anger are two of the worse things for your health. That baseball bat that you want to use on your enemies, you actually are using it on yourself. Your brain can’t tell the difference between you and another and gives you first, whatever you are wishing for someone else.

    Hate destroys the Hater.

    (Peter James Ford)

    We must be willing to get rid of the life we’ve planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us. Follow your bliss and the Universe will open doors for you where there were only walls.

    The goal of life is to make your heartbeat match the beat of the Universe, to match your nature with Nature.

    (Just some of the wisdom,

    by Joseph Campbell)

    The day that I saw clearly how God is like the most unselfish, unconditional loving father that I could possibly ever have changed my life forever. All God wants to do is love me and give me a win in every situation, in every moment. God is so unselfish that God shares all of its powers with me and holds nothing back for itself. How could I ever worry about anything ever again? Where is there to go, what is there to do, when you are already in the presence of

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