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Shrikrishna Kashyap: a Master: On the Liberating Power of Dignity
Shrikrishna Kashyap: a Master: On the Liberating Power of Dignity
Shrikrishna Kashyap: a Master: On the Liberating Power of Dignity
Ebook288 pages2 hours

Shrikrishna Kashyap: a Master: On the Liberating Power of Dignity

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About this ebook

A realized person from youth, Shrikrishna Kashyap (Dr. Shyam) was a masterful Ayurvedic physician and spiritual teacher whose penetrating interventions saved many souls and placed them firmly on the path of illumination and liberation.

In Shrikrishna Kashyap: A Master, author Dr. Patricia Brown has compiled, in photos and a collection of his teachings, a memoir of this East Indian holy sage and doctor who imparted awe-inspiring wisdom throughout the world. Dr. Shyam, a healer of body, mind, and spirit, is known and appreciated for life-changing, wisdom-replete interventions.

Brown offers a thorough look at this wise and special spirit. She shares messages he repeated over time, discusses his origins in India with his friends, creation of the Wisdom Wave Foundation started in the United States, philosophical thoughts on the universe, how he fostered the human constitution with Ayurvedic teachings, the basic trinity of conduct, and more.

Culled from his quotations and texts and from his talks, videos, and audios of his teachings throughout thirty-three years, Shrikrishna Kashyap: A Master offers a collection of wise spiritual teachings of a man who worked tirelessly to guide others on a path of dignity, self-awareness, and emancipation.
Release dateFeb 26, 2018
Shrikrishna Kashyap: a Master: On the Liberating Power of Dignity

P.Brown, PhD(Gayatri)

Patricia Brown, PhD, knew and studied with Dr. Shyam for thirty-three years. She lives in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

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    Shrikrishna Kashyap - P.Brown, PhD(Gayatri)

    Copyright © 2018 Wisdom Wave

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.


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    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.

    ISBN: 978-1-5320-4134-1 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5320-4136-5 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2018900807

    iUniverse rev. date: 02/24/2018

    All words in the body of this manuscript are those of Shrikrishna Kashyap (Dr. Shyam) compiled from notes of selected talks over the span of thirty-three years,

    except where indicated.

    Originally recorded, compiled, and edited by Patricia Brown, PhD (Gayatri).

    Several video or audio recordings by Richard Young, Sandra Canzone, and Keegan Brown.

    Text and some lovely photo editing by Lynn Walters, PhD.

    Additional editing by Antoinette Villamil, Gabrielle Graham, and Andrea Mantell Seidel, PhD.

    All mantras are ancient and public record.

    Beautiful cover designs and photo edits by Lynn Walters, PhD.

    Front cover photos by Patricia Brown, PhD.

    Collages, transcriptions, editing, and most photos by Patricia Brown, PhD (Gayatri).

    Some photos edited by the lovely artistry of Richard Young, where noted.

    Other noted photos by David Canzone and Lynn Walters or parts of Wisdom Wave collection.

    All photos property of Wisdom Wave.

    ALL text, including poems, other than where noted, are the words of Shrikrishna Kashyap,

    whose entire teachings in all forms are the property of Wisdom Wave.

    Permissions obtained from individuals listed in figures and memorial quotes.

    Other books and CDs by Wisdom Wave, Inc., Santa Fe, New Mexico are as follows.

    Wisdom Wave Books:

    Little Book of the Self: Jewels in the Crown of Self Realization, S. Kashyap & Gayatri

    The Shoreless Ocean, S. Kashyap

    The Supplicate Order: An Invocation of the Sacred, Gayatri

    A Wave Named Blue (children’s book), Gayatri

    Wisdom Wave CDs:

    Satyam Shivam Sundaram, S. Kashyap and Friends

    Shyam Sings: Solos by S. Kashyap

    Ave: A Folk Opera of the Two Marys, a Musical, Gayatri

    Mundo Tercero (Third World), a Musical, Gayatri

    Web site:

    [email protected] (505) 455-2268


    Loving Memorials from Friends



    List of Figures

    Chapter I Messages

    Messages to Friends:

    The Choice Is Life

    Faith: The Real Choice

    On Faith

    Forces of Attraction and Repulsion

    Messages on Himself



    Chapter II Origins in India

    Chapter III Origins of Wisdom Wave

    Letters Written at the Inception of Wisdom Wave - 1990

    Communication, Consultation, Cooperation, Compliance

    Spirituality, Faith, and Religion

    The Be-er and the Doer

    Chapter IV Vast Origins of Creation

    Shiva Shakti is the Totality

    Mother’s Day and Creation

    Mother’s Day

    When You were Born

    Father’s Day

    Primal Approach

    Chapter V Fostering the Human Constitution

    Stages in Life

    Birth Bestows Life. Death Repairs Life.

    The Teaching of the ATIONS

    Chapter VI Sthitaprajna - To be Established in the Self, The Foundation of All Conduct

    To be Established in Your Self is to Establish in Self-awareness

    Chapter VII The Basic Trinity of Conduct

    Ayurveda and the Basic Trinity of Conduct

    First in the Trinity: Right Food – Ahara

    Food has a Great Influence Upon the Mind; It is the Essence of the Human Being

    Second in the Trinity: Right Recreation - Vihara

    Some of Shyam’s Favorite Stories

    Third in the Trinity: Right Behavior- Achara

    Right Worship as Part of Right Behavior - Achara

    Practice of Mantras

    On Meditation

    Spiritual Practice

    Devotion (A Cascade of Quotes)

    Shyam’s Favorite Devotional Prayers of Self-honesty and Supplication

    Right Relationship as Part of Right Behavior - Achara

    What Is Desire?

    On Love (A Cascade of Quotes)

    Holiness of the Libido

    Only Love Can Free


    Chapter VIII Healing

    Question: Can Suffering Be Habitual? (A Cascade of Quotes)

    On Nature (A Cascade of Quotes)

    On Healing (A Cascade of Quotes)

    On Healing: Darkness and Light

    Chapter IX Liberation from the Narrow Ego Toward Self-realization

    Cleansing the Negative Mind (A Cascade of Quotes)

    Facing and Refining the Ego (A Cascade of Quotes)

    On Equating Oneself with a Fragmentary Identity

    On Sanity (A Cascade of Quotes)

    Toward Realization (A Cascade of Quotes)

    Chapter X Summun Bonum: The Highest Good

    To Speak and To Listen

    Blessing on the Millennium

    I Love You All

    A Summation - Editor’s Note

    The Core


    Glossary (primarily with Dr. Shyam’s definitions)

    List of Figures

    Individuals are identified from upper left to lower left clockwise in photos

    (Within photos from right to left except first photo or where noted)

    Permissions obtained

    Figure 1: Dr. Shyam (Shrikrishna Kashyap)

    Figure 2: Ananda Magee-Shyam; Shyam-Natasha Mansfield, PhD-Shyam-Robert MacDonald; Shyam-Andrea Seidel PhD-Zuleikha

    Figure 3: Shyam-Swami Chidananda; Swami Chidananda-others-Shyam; Shyam

    Figure 4: Sandra Leng Kashyap-Shyam; Friend-Shyam; Jak Pilozof-Shyam; Sandra Leng Kashyap-Shyam

    Figure 5: All Shyam

    Figure 6: All Shyam

    Figure 7: All Shyam

    Figure 8: Patricia Brown PhD (Gayatri)-Shyam; Shyam; Shyam-Sandra Leng Kashyap; Sandra Phelps Canzone, DOM; Patricia Brown, PhD (Gayatri)-Father John (Robert Adair); Shyam

    Figure 9: Shyam, Father John (Robert Adair); Shyam; Shyam: Wisdom Wave logo (pb);

    Figure 10: Shyam-Patricia Brown, PhD (Gayatri); boy Shyam dressed as Gopala Krishna (arranged by his parents); Lynn Walters, PhD-Shyam-Sandra Phelps Canzone, DOM; Shyam leaving India; Shyam (photo by Natasha Mansfield, PhD); Shyam-Patricia Brown, PhD (Gayatri)

    Figure 11: Shyam-Elizabeth Langston, MA; Shyam-Patricia Brown, PhD (Gayatri)–photo by Natasha Mansfield, PhD; Elizabeth Langston, MA-Ed Reaves (Attorney)-Shyam; Shyam; Shyam

    Figure 12: All Shyam

    Figure 13: Shyam

    Figure 14: Swami Chidananda-Shyam: Shyam, Shyam

    Figure 15: All Shyam

    Figure 16: Catherine Valentine-Shyam-Swami Chidananda (Divine Life Society)-Swami Vimalananda (Divine Life Society)-Patricia Brown, PhD (Gayatri)-Loren Jones; Shyam-Kashi Rai, MD-Komal Chenevert (baby); Ursula Smith-Dorothea Smith; Shyam; Gabrielle Graham

    Figure 17: Shyam-Susan MacDonald; Jak Pilozof: Pete Ruda-Elizabeth Ruda-Shyam- Patricia Brown, PhD (Gayatri)-Robert MacDonald; Shyam-Diane Adair; Shyam-Bob Adair Jr; Sandra Pope, PhD-Shyam

    Figure 18: All Shyam

    Figure 19: Shyam-student; Brenda Griffiths, MD-Shyam

    Figure 20: Shyam and cow; Shyam; Shyam-Annette Bugnon- Sandra Leng Kashyap; Shyam

    Figure 21: Lynn Walters, PhD-Shyam; Zuleikha-Shyam; Zuleikha-Shyam; Lily Hofstra-Merina Seidel

    Figure 22: Shyam; Shyam-Elliott McDowell; Andrea Mantell Seidel, PhD; Shyam-Robert MacDonald

    Figure 23: Sandra Phelps Canzone, DOM-Shyam-Lynn Walters, PhD; Shyam; Shyam-Andrea Seidel, PhD; Mural of Koshare by Patricia Brown PhD

    Figure 24: David Canzone, DOM-Shyam; Shyam; Shyam-Patricia Brown, PhD (Gayatri); Patricia Brown, PhD (Gayatri)-Shyam-Lynn Walters, PhD; NOTE counterclockwise within photo: Cecily Welter MA-Shyam-Natasha Mansfield, PhD-Sandra Phelps Canzone, DOM- Patricia Brown, PhD (Gayatri)-Lynn Walters, PhD

    Figure 25: Shyam-Keegan Brown; Shyam; Lily Hofstra-Shyam-Merina Seidel

    Figure 26: David Canzone, DOM-Shyam; Lynn Walters, PhD-Shyam; Peer Hofstra-Shyam; Sandra Phelps Canzone, DOM-Shyam-Lynn Walters, PhD; Jak Pilozof-Shyam

    Figure 27: David Canzone, DOM-Shyam-Sandra Phelps Canzone, DOM-Jackie Canzone; Lynn Walters, PhD-Shyam; Steve Fawcett-Daryn Curtis; Richard Young-Shyam; Bernadine Greer- Patricia Brown, PhD (Gayatri)-Elizabeth Langston, MA; Shyam-Swami Chidananda-others

    Figure 28: Shyam-Father Chris Contreras; Antoinette Villamil, MFA-Shyam-Igor Kuznetsov, PhD; Peter Hofstra- Lynn Walters, PhD-Shyam

    Figure 29: Susan MacDonald, MA-Shyam; straw angel; Sandra Pope, PhD-Kashi Rai, MD-Komal Chenevert; Jennifer Fulton Anderson-Dallas Anderson-Shyam; Dorothea Smith

    Figure 30: Shyam-Peer Hofstra-Peter Hofstra; Shyam (Elliott McDowell photo); Shyam-Kelly Graham-Gabrielle Graham; Lynn Walters, PhD-Shyam; Amiya Brown Pennebaker-Shyam-Zuleikha

    Figure 31: Komal Chenevert Brown-Keegan Brown-Shyam; Shyam-Brenda Griffiths, MD- Sandra Phelps Canzone, DOM; Kelly Graham-Shyam-Gabrielle Graham; Brazil friends-ShyamShyam’s Favorite Devotional Prayers of Self-honesty and Supplication

    Figure 32: Shyam- Brenda Griffiths, MD; Shyam-Igor Kuznetsov PhD; Shyam; Peter Macaulay-Shyam-Brenda Griffiths, MD; Lindsey Wells-Shyam-others

    Figure 33: Shyam; Shyam; Komal Chenevert Brown, MA-Keegan Brown-Matt Chenevert-; Shyam

    Figure 34: Shyam-Jasmine League-Divya Jhoti (Ana Mares Guia)-Paddy Panayotis League; Shyam-Jasmine League; Oklahoma cows

    Figure 35: Ishta (wolf hybrid)-Shyam; Ginger-Bernadine Greer- Shyam; Shyam-Canzone cat; Shyam-Akida puppy; Shyam hugging cow

    Figure 36: Shyam and chapel retreat group; Patricia Brown PhD (Gayatri)-Shyam; Shyam

    Figure 37: Gabrielle Graham-Lynn Walters, PhD-Shyam-Patricia Brown PhD (Gayatri)-Sandra Phelps Canzone, DOM; puppy with Shyam; Shyam-Patricia Brown PhD (Gayatri)- KarimaTatum- Lynn Walters, PhD-Sandra Phelps Canzone, DOM; Shyam; Shyam-Ginger

    Figure 38: Lizabeth Langston, MA-Shyam (2 photos); Shyam-David Canzone, DOM; Shyam; NOTE Clockwise inside photo: Patricia Brown, PhD (Gayatri)-Lynn Walters, PhD-Shyam-Sandra Phelps Canzone, DOM-Andrea Seidel, PhD-Shyam center

    Figure 39: Shyam-David Canzone, DOM; Shyam-Sandra Phelps Canzone, DOM; Shyam-Peer Hofstra; Shyam after consecration of Vishnu Murti

    Figure 40: Swami Chidananda-Catherine Valentine-Shyam; Shyam-Swami Chidananda; Shyam

    Figure 41: Shyam-Zuleikha; Father John (Bob Adair Sr.-Shyam; Shyam; Shyam-Larry Dossey, MD

    Figure 42: Murray Mantell, PhD-Shyam; Shyam

    Figure 43: All Shyam

    Figure 44: Shyam

    Figure 45: Others-Shyam-Swami Chidananda; Shyam

    Figure 46: Komal Chenevert-Kashi Rai, MD-Shyam-Gurbachan Rai, PhD; Keegan Brown-Shyam-Komal Brown; Shyam in India with his cows

    Figure 47: Celeste Miller (front)-Patricia Brown, PhD (Gayatri)-Shyam-Bernadine Greer; Shyam; Ginger the first-Shyam’s feet

    Figure 48: All Shyam

    Figure 49: All Shyam

    Figure 50: Shyam

    Shyam is Shyam. God is God.

    The twains always meet.

    This is the era of emancipation from all the shortcomings.



    Figure 1

    It is incorrect to say, I made a choice. That is a corruption of happiness. Love is not a choice. Love is not superficial. To go above ignorance is not making a choice. Perfect happiness is the absence of happiness. It is flowing life.

    Loving Memorials from Friends

    (In order received)

    Since 1973, dear master Shyam has been guiding my life from Rishikesh, Bombay, and Lonavla, Brazil and at distance, from Santa Fe, forty-two years on the physical plane and now from wherever he dwells. Wisdom, humility, compassion, patience, love, nobility, and brotherhood were the best spirituality enhancing lessons given by him. I wish to be worthy of my Divine master’s precious teachings.

    Premdas - Jak Pilozof; Nucleo de Yoga Center, Belo Horizonte, Brazil

    Bodies die, but genuine wisdom doesn’t. Dr. Shyam made the world a better place, and his wisdom continues to do so.

    Larry Dossey, MD; Author: ONE MIND: How Our Mind Is Part of a Greater Consciousness and Why It Matters; and many more

    The one thing I recall he said to us and also to the group had to do with reading books and not living what we learned. Don recalled his time as an adjunct at OSU in 2002-2003; he would stop by and visit with Shyam on his way back home from class. On one of these occasions Don remarked on how many books he had read over the years and yet not really gleaned as much as he felt he should have. Paraphrasing at this point, Shyam replied, Perhaps you should put the books down and live your life. This is just one of the many pearls Shyam gifted us with over the many years we were privileged to know him… the words of a truly wise and spiritual man. Peace and blessings,

    Don and De Crow; Stillwater, Oklahoma

    Shyam entered my life

    When I thought it would not mend,

    He was my brother, my father,

    My teacher, my friend.

    Tasha Mansfield, PhD; Psychologist, Miami, Florida

    Dr. Shyam will always remain close to our hearts. Just about ten years ago, he conducted our marriage and we had the good fortune of sitting in some of his discourses shortly thereafter. His wisdom and compassion is unparalleled. He is a beacon of light that will never diminish.

    Erika and Niranjan Seshadri, MD; Sarasota, Florida

    Is it not he who is a True Friend the one who shares the path to freedom selflessly with another a Real Friend? So for me, I say Shyam is a True Friend in all ways to all those paths he had crossed, including mine.

    Richard Young; Albuquerque, New Mexico

    Dear Friends of Shyam of many years standing, Shyam and I discussed the problems of the world, and I was so pleased to be his friend. The world needs to remember the many ways that Shyam helped others, and I hope that someone in the future will follow in his footsteps.

    Murray I. Mantell, PhD, Professor Emeritus; Department of Civil Engineering, University of Miami, Miami, Florida

    I only had the pleasure of staying with Dr. Shyam one night years ago, but his joyful, simple presence still resonates today as a model of being.

    Susanne Cook-Greuter, PhD;

    Shyam moved through my memories in a perfectly natural and respectful way. He understood without me having to say anything. He explained without me asking. He brought joy to my heart. He made Ursula laugh. We love him.

    Dorothea Smith

    He was like a grandfather who could always read my mind.

    Ursula Smith

    There’s nothing holy about holistic medicine if you don’t get a traditional education! And with those words, Shyam refused to let me into teachings at his house until I had registered at the College of Santa Fe. I owe all of my graduate education to his encouragement. He taught us, fussed at us, supported us, and loved us unconditionally. We are all so blessed to have known him.

    Sandra Pope, MPH, PhD

    The Light and Love of God lived within his heart. That Light and that Love poured forth to all he met. We are blessed to have known him and have been in his presence.

    Susan and Elliott McDowell:

    I first knew Dr. Shyam as a healing practitioner both for myself and my daughter. But he gave us much more than his work on our bodies; he also touched our hearts and soul. I have been privileged to hear him teach and to sing with his devotees. I am grateful in the many ways he has touched my life.

    Kathleen Magee; Santa Fe, New Mexico

    He was a patient weaver of truth in the fire of illumination. He had a total intensity and love for us, in his wanting us to grow and evolve. He said, We have a spiritual immune system, but we don’t know how to use it. There are so many deep and wonderful things Shyam woke up or sparked inside like his statements: Where there is gratitude, there is no room for depression, is so powerful. He said, Choose life in whatever you do. You cannot escape yourself.

    Sandra Canzone, DOM; Santa Fe, New Mexico;

    It is hard to put into a few sentences a short tribute to my beloved mentor, friend, Ayurvedic physician, and spiritual teacher. The love that I feel for Dr. Shyam transcends any kind of worldly love and my gratitude to him feels boundless. For over 25 years, Shyam provided me with wise counsel, ministered to my body and psyche, and filled my soul with wisdom and faith. His love and guidance will forever be with me in my heart.

    Andrea Mantell Seidel, PhD; Professor Emeritus, Dance; Associate Professor, Religious Studies; Florida International University;

    Shyam’s radiant being lit up our lives. Through his boundless generosity, wit, and wisdom, Shyam pushed each of us

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