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A Fork in the Road: An Inspiring Journey of How Ancient Solfeggio Frequencies Are Empowering Personal and Planetary Transformation!
A Fork in the Road: An Inspiring Journey of How Ancient Solfeggio Frequencies Are Empowering Personal and Planetary Transformation!
A Fork in the Road: An Inspiring Journey of How Ancient Solfeggio Frequencies Are Empowering Personal and Planetary Transformation!
Ebook181 pages2 hours

A Fork in the Road: An Inspiring Journey of How Ancient Solfeggio Frequencies Are Empowering Personal and Planetary Transformation!

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About this ebook

In my travels across the country, the question asked most frequently is how I went from being a fundamentalist preacher to being a developer of healing techniques using tuning forks. This book is the story of that journey. I feel honored yet humbled to be among those rising to the call to facilitate the new 5th Dimensional energy coming into our third dimensional time/space continuum.

Come with me as we journey step by step through my search for answers. After looking at what I refer to in this book as my Fork in the Road, a new truth was born a truth that provides answers for the Spirit, Mind, and Body. I will share information concerning self-healing using sound, vibration, and frequencies that can clear, cleanse, balance, and focus our lives in all its forms. The ancient Solfeggio frequencies are part of a process that can assist us in creating the possibility of lives without stress, illness, and sickness. Together we will go to the cutting edge of scientific discoveries regarding sound and healing.

This book is also a call for Lightworkers to gather in this crucial time of change and transformation on the planet. Join me and others who do not live in fear of the future. Just tune your inner ear and listen to these wonderful new ideas as I share the techniques of working with sound and, more specifically, the Solfeggio tuning forks.

My hope is that we can all find the harmonics of our own individual music, and that through this process we will be enabled to live balanced lives.

Release dateSep 1, 2009
A Fork in the Road: An Inspiring Journey of How Ancient Solfeggio Frequencies Are Empowering Personal and Planetary Transformation!

David Hulse D.D.

David Hulse, D.D. combines his over four decades of experience as a motivational speaker with years of research in metaphysics, science, sound and spirituality to bring you a unique and empowering journey. At the turn of the century, this unique background served as the catalyst for Davids accelerating interest and research into the lost frequencies of the Ancient Solfeggio. These ancient sound frequencies were apparently used in Ancient Gregorian Chants, that church authorities say were lost centuries ago. The chants and their special tones were believed to impart tremendous spiritual blessings, when sung. Davids further research then led him into the dynamics of sound, and its influence on the etheric/physical interface. As a result, he felt led to develop tuning forks that are tuned to the frequencies of the Ancient Solfeggio. Today, David believes that these Ancient, Sacred Tones actually serve as a vibrational bridge to holistically re-integrate the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of the individual, as well as all of Humanitycollectively. His diverse background allows him to speak on a wide range of topics. By using the deep metaphysical meanings found in the scriptures, the psychology of A Course In Miracles, and exploring the enlightened discoveries coming from new science about Light and Sound. Davids presentations incorporate science, psychology and world religions in a unique combination that is easy to understand. This uniqueness allows him to reach diverse audiences seeking a path of enlightenment and his ability to gather fragments of truth from many different disciplines and tap into present truth; helps bring all of your experiences up to now into focus. David Hulse, D.D. is the original Developer of the SomaEnergetics Energy Balancing Techniques utilizing the Ancient Solfeggio Tuning Forks. He holds a Doctorate of Divinity Degree from the American Institute of Holistic Theology.

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    A Fork in the Road - David Hulse D.D.


    1663 Liberty Drive

    Bloomington, IN 47403

    Phone: 1-800-839-8640

    © 2009 David Hulse, D.D. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or

    transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    First published by AuthorHouse 8/27/2009

    ISBN: 978-1-4520-6105-4 (ebook)





    From Fundamentalist Preacher to Tuning Forks



    Light Experience Changes My Life Forever

    Harmonic Convergence

    Misery In Memphis

    The Dark Abyss

    The Illusion

    Principle of Synchronicity

    Hit By Lightning!

    A Sacred Sound Within Me

    I Had To Get Real

    Angry at God

    A Course In Miracles


    Take Another Look

    Good and Very Good

    A Course in Miracles and the Unified Field

    Everything is Relationship!

    Second Great Spiritual Experience-The Life Review Vision

    A New Energy is Coming

    A Free Will Planet

    The 144,000

    The Frequency to Repair DNA



    How Dr. Puleo Deciphered the Six Frequencies

    Professor Willi Apel

    What was I to Do with These Forks?

    Playing with the Tuning Forks

    Development of SomaEnergetics Techniques

    Third Vision: The Missing Stones

    Vibrational Fields

    A Recipe for the Universe

    Realizing Our Ultimate Potential as Human Beings

    Where Are the Lightworkers?


    Fifth Dimensional Energy

    The Solfeggio and Six Precious Metals

    Energy Dynamics of the Vesica Piscis

    The Causes of Aches & Pains

    The Secret within the Solfeggio Syllables

    Hidden Meanings in the Frequencies

    The Frequencies and the Chakras

    SomaEnergetics Frequencies

    Level II Workshops

    Level III Workshops-Teacher Certification

    Purchasing Tuning Forks








    The Hand of God Tunes the World

    The Ut Note?

    A Hertz Makes A Difference

    Your Secret Ear

    Finding the Key to the Universe


    Alice Bailey

    Cathie Guzette

    Guiliana Conforto

    Geopathic Stress

    Royal Raymond Rife

    Chladni Sand Figures

    Hans Jenny

    Dr. John Beaulieu

    Dr. Andrew Weil




    Deoxyribonucleic Acid-DNA

    The Dance of Shiva

    Living In The Field

    Turning the Switch On

    Misspelled DNA

    Let Us Move On




    About the Author…


    This book is for Bea Hulse, who was not only a great mother, but also my best friend.

    We will not suffer the negative radiation, or

    excessive ultra-violet radiations that will

    bombard places of the earth for we will inhabit

    the safe zones at the time of the great geo-physical

    upheavals. Those who are not protected against the

    radiation will fulfill once again the ancient pre-Aztec

    saying which speaks of ‘Those who were carried

    away by the Sun’s rays into destruction.’ […]The

    thought adjusters are now correcting and repairing

    our blood crystallization levels of ionized

    consciousness through FREQUENCY


    Key 213:31-33

    From The Keys of Enoch by J.J. Hurtak (1977)


    Several editors and friends have assisted in shaping this book including but not limited to Linda Bloomfield, Marcy Cheek, Betty Onyett, Phadia Adams, Tobie Saad, Sarla Matsumura, Sue McSherry, Randall Loop and Tim Leach. My thanks to these individuals for sharing their talents and energy to make this book what it has become.

    I would like to also offer thanks to all of my teachers who are too numerous to mention. This is a book of speculative thought. What is written here is simply my personal version of truth. I have borrowed freely from the great ideas of others and I do not claim special or unusual insight.

    I will share information from other authors that was helpful in this journey of discovery. I have given my best effort to properly crediting these individuals. In the event I have left anyone out, please contact me so that proper credit may be given where it is due.

    This is a summary of my six decades on the planet. My purpose is to share the realizations I have had on my personal path of growth and to present concepts that might stimulate new ideas. Scientific inaccuracies in this book are unintentional.

    I also would like to clarify that the word man comes from the most ancient language on the planet, Sanskrit, from the word manus, which means to think. The term is sometimes used in this book when it appears in others’ direct quotes that were written before the words man or mankind became associated with gender awareness and inclusiveness. However, the over-all understanding of the word man is to include all of humankind, male and female.

    David Hulse

    September 2009


    When you come to a fork in the road, take it.

    Yogi Berra

    From Fundamentalist Preacher To Tuning Forks

    I stand here listening to the sounds of meditative music floating from the speakers of the CD player while the aroma of essential oils and incense permeate my senses. I am aware that I am standing over someone on a massage table in need of healing. I cannot help but reflect on my journey-from the southern gospel piano player, singer, and fundamentalist preacher of my youth who held a bible and prayed to Jesus, to the energy worker who holds a tuning fork for the same purpose of healing through aligning energies and balancing chakras.

    In my travels across the country, the question asked most frequently is how I went from being a fundamentalist preacher to being a developer of healing techniques using tuning forks. This book is the story of that journey. I feel honored yet humbled to be among those rising to the call to facilitate the new 5th Dimensional energy coming into our third dimensional time/space continuum.

    Come with me as we journey step by step through my search for answers. After looking at what I refer to in this book as my Fork in the Road, a new truth was born-a truth that provides answers for the Spirit, Mind, and Body. I will share information concerning self-healing using sound, vibration, and frequencies that can clear, cleanse, balance, and focus our lives in all its forms. The ancient Solfeggio frequencies are part of a process that can assist us in creating the possibility of lives without stress, illness, and sickness. Together we will go to the cutting edge of scientific discoveries regarding sound and healing.

    This book is also a call for Lightworkers to gather in this crucial time of change and transformation on the planet. Join me and others who do not live in fear of the future. Just tune your inner ear and listen to these wonderful new ideas as I share the techniques of working with sound and, more specifically, the Solfeggio tuning forks.

    My hope is that we can all find the harmonics of our own individual music, and that through this process we will be enabled to live balanced lives.

    Part One - My Journey

    Chapter One - My First Spiritual Experience

    At age 16 I had the first of three major spiritual experiences-a profound mystical experience that changed my life forever. I lived in Tulsa Oklahoma and played the piano for the church I attended. One day it came to my attention that the church down the street from ours was having an old-fashioned revival meeting. As the meeting grew, they had erected a big tent to accommodate the large crowd.

    I became very curious about what they were doing and what was causing all the excitement. The people who went to my church told me not to go. I entertained the idea of not going, but I felt this pull I could not deny. Being a Sagittarian, I could not help but venture out of my religious box into uncharted territory, as Sagittarians are known for their insatiable curiosity.

    One night, very deliberately and quietly, I snuck in through the back of the tent. So much for my efforts; the man who was preaching saw me and kept looking in my direction. He was starting an altar call-a time during the revival when people are invited to come forward and make a decision to serve God with their lives. This preacher saw me and asked me to come forward. I felt drawn to get out of my seat and walk towards him. I made my way through the crowd, not really understanding why I was going as I felt I had already given my life to God. I continued to make my way up to the front when the minister holding the revival spoke to me and said, Receive God’s Spirit. As soon as he said that, I was so consumed with such a massive amount of energy that I fell to the floor-literally slain in the spirit, as we called it in those days. Immediately within my mind’s eye, I saw a great Light. The Light was alive, living, pulsing with life and color and I felt feelings beyond my normal perception. While it is hard to find the words to describe the experience, I do remember feeling very secure, very safe. I did not see a form, but at that time, I perceived the Light to be Jesus. I thought I heard the Lord speaking directly to me at the time. Upon reflection, I feel it was more of a knowing. The voice seemed to say, My son, go and gather twelve yellow roses, bring them back and present them to me.

    Up to this point in my spiritual path and career, I had never had any kind of experience like this; this was incredible. I remember feeling so honored to be able to gather the roses. As the inner vision continued, I felt a huge impetus to fulfill this request of Jesus. I began to walk through the streets searching for a florist shop. I found a shop, but when I went inside my heart sank, as all of the yellow roses in the shop were wilting and dying. I thought to myself, I could not give these sadly wilted roses to the Lord. In the vision, I remember feeling despair in my search and I was about to give up when my eye caught the most perfect yellow rosebud in the midst of all of the other flowers in the shop, and I purchased it. I went down the street and found another florist shop. There I found another perfect yellow rosebud, and I purchased it. I continued walking through the streets, finding more and more florist shops and purchasing each

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