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Adonvdo Yona (Bear Spirit) Mountain: An Ancestral Awakening
Adonvdo Yona (Bear Spirit) Mountain: An Ancestral Awakening
Adonvdo Yona (Bear Spirit) Mountain: An Ancestral Awakening
Ebook354 pages3 hours

Adonvdo Yona (Bear Spirit) Mountain: An Ancestral Awakening

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About this ebook

Adonvdo Yona (Bear Spirit) Mountain: An Ancestral Awakening is the memoir of a man who received a spiritual promise when he was younger and goes on to discover his American Indian roots as the path to turn this promise into a reality. The author shares the details of his life with his rediscovered indigenous culture, as he acquires an ancient Pleistocene period American Indian site where he experiences a mystical awakening. It is an adventure story which captivates the reader and leads them to look forward to the next phase. Readers will enjoy learning about the authors spiritual life and how he was able to reconnect his ancestral past to his present and future as he studies, preserves and protects this archaeological treasure.
Release dateAug 6, 2018
Adonvdo Yona (Bear Spirit) Mountain: An Ancestral Awakening

Matthew Howard

Matthew Howard is the pen name of a significant number of atoms which organized themselves to produce a biochemical activity so complex and so advanced that the resultant organism is expected to continue its self-awareness for at least as long as it takes to finish two more cups of coffee.Matthew consists primarily of electrons and the nuclei they orbit, but he remains under constant bombardment by photons of varying frequencies. Millions of microorganisms colonize him every second of the day, even when he is sleeping.His hobbies include traveling through time at the rate of one second per second, looking at cats on the Internet, and metabolizing liquid carbohydrates. He has never merged with a symbiote, nor been infested by a xenomorph, nor been overtaken by an artificial intelligence in the service of any dystopic overlord.At least, not yet.

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    Adonvdo Yona (Bear Spirit) Mountain - Matthew Howard

    © 2018 Matthew Maasaw Howard. All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse 08/23/2018

    ISBN: 978-1-5462-5386-0 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5462-5387-7 (e)

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    —Glenna J. Wallace, Chief Eastern Shawnee Tribe of Oklahoma

    —Chris Comes with Clouds White CEO, Pastor of the Native American Church of Virginia

    Sanctuary on the Trail


    The Promise

    You Must Experience Culture Before You Understand It

    They are Whispering if You Will Only Hear

    I Will Protect You

    Up! Up! And? Splash down

    Clean Up, on the Brake Press Aisle


    A Royal History

    A Tribe of Great Endurance

    —Principal Chief John Ross


    Some Things Are Hard to Understand

    A Twisted History

    A Man of Shame and Pride


    The Twist Continues

    Deposit Here if You Want to Live

    A Broken Record


    A New Beginning

    The Whispers are Growing Louder

    Greetings, From Your Spirit Family


    A Piece of Land with Many Mysteries

    Adonvdo Yona (Bear spirit) Showed Me the Way


    I Will Wait Patiently For You

    So, What Do We Have Here?

    I Knew You Would Come


    Bruno, my Dear Friend Bruno

    A Dog Who Loved a Deer

    You May Not Pass!

    Thank You For Noticing

    Run Tom! Run!

    Protect Me, oh Tall One

    How Long are You Staying Tom?

    But Why Me? Tom Turkey?


    Wait for Him, See if He’s Worthy and Guide Him

    Searching for Answers

    Search in Faith

    A Mystery of Change

    Wake up, I have Something for You

    I Don’t Think You Know What You Have There


    So, What Exactly is the Pleistocene Period?

    Daily Life for Humans


    It’s Time to Answer Your True Calling

    Frogs and Insects Deserve Our Respect too

    Spiritual Radar

    True Character Can’t Hide

    Your Time is Now

    CHAPTER 10

    To Understand What I am Saying You Must First Hear the Silence

    CHAPTER 11

    Don’t You Even Have a Professional Curiosity?

    Please Pay Here

    Calling all Archaeologists!!!

    I have Been Criticized by the Best

    So, What do You Have There?

    A Photo Doesn’t do it Justice

    The Charm of a Serpent

    A Serpent with Many Purposes

    CHAPTER 12

    Why a Serpent?

    They Still Doubt Me, and That’s ok by Me

    CHAPTER 13

    A Place of Spirits and Art

    Of Pyramids and arrows

    Grassland Magic

    Listen to Me, I Will Show You How

    Shutter Bugs

    CHAPTER 14

    The Beginning Point

    A Rock Carvers Paradise

    Follow the Glyphs and They Will Tell You Something Important

    If I Only Had a Time Machine

    CHAPTER 15

    Before You Pass by You Must be Judged

    Ground Zero, the Ceremonial Site

    Greetings Traveler

    The Three Sisters Await Your Arrival

    CHAPTER 16

    The Trinity of the Triangle

    The Universal Understanding Around the World

    A Sacred Group of Circles

    Yonaguni and Kerama

    Kerama Circles

    Lord Krishna Defend Our Great City!

    The Story of the Defense of Dwarka

    Circles Equate Power and Confined Energy

    CHAPTER 17

    Portals of Good and Evil

    To plug or not to plug, that is the question

    A Circle of Effigies

    Shout to Me From the Top of the Mountain My People

    Be Patient My Love, They Will Accept You

    Look in Front of You

    I Must Rectify This!

    The Prayer is Received

    Oh Creator, We Thank You for This Holy Mountain

    CHAPTER 18

    A Place of Time and Seasons

    Time is Relative

    A Double Split Stone with a Story

    The Time Keeper Split Stone

    CHAPTER 19

    If You Will Open Your Mind, They Will Teach You


    A Confirmation that Arrived with a Buzz

    Modern Eyes

    A Child Will Show You

    CHAPTER 20

    A Theory Confirmed and Recorded

    Decades of Rejection

    Knowledge Equals Survival

    A Time for Celebration

    Today’s Solstice Celebrations

    CHAPTER 21

    Tell us Your Secrets Mighty Serpent Wall

    An Event that Sent Shivers Down Our Spine

    Pay attention Maasaw

    This Was All Part of the Grand Design

    The Connection of the Mother and Child

    Complex Symbolism

    CHAPTER 22

    Not So Fast, There is Another One

    Thirty-Minute Rest and the Search Begins

    Only Faith Can See Through the Clouds

    A Single Ray of Sun to Say You Were Right

    CHAPTER 23

    I Am the Destroyer of Worlds!

    A Serpent that Cannot Speak

    CHAPTER 24

    Wooly Mammoth Altar Rock

    Agriculture Then and Now

    The Earth is Giving Birth to Six Children

    CHAPTER 25

    Potential Village Sites

    So Where did They Live?

    CHAPTER 26

    Spiritual Awakening

    Encounters that Could Have Ended Badly

    Too close to run away

    It Doesn’t Always Have to Smell Bad

    Mutual Respect

    The Return of Bruno

    CHAPTER 27

    Now Your Understanding is Complete

    Developing my Spiritual abilities

    The Promise of Heaven or Hell

    Cherokee Story of Heaven

    Major Religions Concept of Heaven

    A Defined Purpose

    CHAPTER 28

    It’s Not All About You

    Spiritual Interaction

    War Drums

    You Called?

    Sing Through the Wind and the Trees

    Don’t You Dare!

    I Am Proud of You

    CHAPTER 29

    Very Strong Medicine

    A Developer with a Plan

    This is Not Advisable

    Curiosity Leads to Insanity

    All in a Day’s Work

    CHAPTER 30

    This Was Life Changing

    One Island, Many Events

    An Exciting Time in Bali

    Attack of the Spirit of Saka

    The Test of Intimidation

    Show Me Your Fear

    It’s a Journey That is Not Always Pleasant

    CHAPTER 31

    Miles Cannot Separate Confirmation

    I Know You are a Priest

    A River City with a Powerful Message

    Like a Magnet

    I Had a Vision

    CHAPTER 32

    No Matter Where You Are, I Will Find You

    A’Ho my Spirit family

    What’s Next?

    CHAPTER 33

    To See Us More Clearly it Helps to Sweat

    Tight Protocols

    An experience I will never forget

    A Cactus that Punches Above its Weight

    An Altered State

    An Admission of Defeat

    That Beautiful Rain and Light

    Unexpected Consequences

    Differences in Tribal Ideology

    CHAPTER 34

    I Will Call You Maasaw

    The Story of Maasaw

    The Names Come Full Circle

    A Name Defines Your Cultural Belonging

    You Are Not the Giver of Names

    Dekanogi’a Uweya

    Kitchi Makwa

    CHAPTER 35

    A Sister Site that Joined Two Brothers

    A Site of Tools and Cairns

    The Want-Need Relationship

    You Were Brothers Then and Now

    CHAPTER 36

    Religious Views

    The Many Good Points of Religion

    A Simple Approach

    Some Simple Advice

    Free Your Mind and the Rest Will Follow

    Open Up Your Communication Channel

    CHAPTER 37

    A Journey That Has Taken a Life Time


    They Lived, Loved and Brought Forth the Next Generation

    So Many Owe So Much, to So Few

    They Were Alive in Body Then and Spirit Now

    Final Thoughts to My Readers

    I can be contacted the following ways:



    To write this book it took many people to formulate the story. First and foremost my Creator and my Ancestors who chose me among millions to be a part of this archaeological site. They are the reason for this book and future books. They are what matters. I am so grateful to them to allow me to write both my story and their story together.

    I also want to thank my wife. All the trips to the site together to work. The support she gives me to focus on bringing my Ancestors story to you. And believing in me enough to understand that what has happened to my life is not normal, not what most people usually experience. Her patience and her open mind cannot be understated when dealing with a special circumstance we have with this site. Thank you babe, I cannot do this without you.

    Lastly to my many friends who have put in many hours at the site working and discovering along with me all these wonderful ancient treasures. It’s hard to name you all.

    But I have to say a special thank you to Calvin, Jimmy W, Dennis, Brian B, and especially our site Archaeologist Jack H. You all have helped bring the site alive with your many wonderful discoveries.

    And for all others if you have ever gone with me there or spoke with me regarding this site and you are reading this you are one of those dear friends I proudly say, thank you. You have been chosen as well by the Ancestors to be part of this amazing story and I am honored to have you by my side. Thank you.




    This book was inspired to be written because I know there are others out there that also feel lost or sometimes feel they don’t even belong on this planet. I felt that way for over forty-six years.

    As you read you will find this book is part short story compilations, part Archaeology, and part auto biography. I have combined all these elements to tell a story of an incredible spiritual journey I am on and of an even more incredible Archaeological site that launched this journey.

    I will go into the spiritual aspects of my journey later in this book. But for anyone reading these pages you too can find your place and feel like you belong if you open your mind and shut out the distractions of the world and allow your Spirit family to reach you.

    Throughout this book you will read about people, places, locations. I am keeping the location and the identities of people purposely hidden for the most part for their own protection. The places and people are very real and I have been tasked with protecting them. It is why I was brought there.

    I also want the world to know how truly special and amazing our American Indian Ancestors are. You will read about their many accomplishments. The rock structures they built that have withstood time itself. The fascinating art that shows us what they were seeing, thinking and living with in their daily lives. And the deep religious and spiritual convictions they had that led to the creation of one of the oldest and largest early human sites in North America.

    Some of what I write might be controversial to some people. I cover topics that sometimes create great passion and your opinion may differ from mine. It’s ok if we don’t share the same opinion.

    I hope you enjoy my journey I am openly sharing with you. I am just a simple man who has learned a lot but has so much more to still learn. May it help show you what you are looking for and may you enjoy reading this story.



    Greetings from the Great Eastern Shawnee Nation

    Bear Spirit Mountain is appropriately named. It is one of the earthly homes of our Native American ancestors, land where they lived, walked and conducted spiritual ceremonies. There are those who say The past is the past. Not so. Those spirits can still be felt as they continue to speak to us from that high sacred place today, continue to teach us, continue to inspire us, and continue to lead us forward in reverent/appreciative mode. Daily Bear Spirit Mountain reveals the past to us in the form of previously undiscovered ceremonial sites. At Bear Spirit Mountain recent discoveries include proof of the observance of Summer and Winter solstices, Sun effigies, Serpent Wall effigies, and other archaeological finds. Each discovery lifts our spirits, energizes us and makes us proud of who we are, appreciative of our ancestors and those who are determined to preserve this heritage. These individuals are Bear Spirit Mountains themselves. Thus far, I have been limited to reading about these places, these discoveries, viewing the images from afar. These dedicated individuals are making it possible for me and others to someday experience this spirit in person. Thanks to them, that day may be soon. May they continue to be spiritually blessed as they continue today discovering and preserving the spirits of yesterday.

    —Glenna J. Wallace, Chief

    Eastern Shawnee Tribe of Oklahoma

    An American Indian’s personal perspective of this Archaeological site:

    Bear Spirit Mountain is a Ceremonial site, or today what we call a Church. Could this be a fulfillment of prophesy? Isaiah 61:4, Ezekiel 36:33-34.

    Could Maasaw Howard be one of those prophesized also as a Repairer of the Breach? Isaiah 58:12."

    The spiritual and historical significance of Bear Spirit Mountain

    Something spiritual is unseen and without form, yet has substance. When others identify with that unseen substance; that spiritual draw it gives one confirmation and assurance of the reality of a spiritual realm, which leads to the belief in … and possibilities of that state of being.

    For me, there is a force; energy with power, when connecting with others who believe also. Belief that is true is met by God. This is called faith. Faith is a gift from the Creator. What we speak with our mouth and confess with our words is a true picture of what we truly believe and have faith towards. Example: If one says, I am healed, but says, I am sick, I don’t feel good, I’ll never get better. That is a true picture of what they really believe in their heart.

    I believe that this Spiritual force is not time restrictive. If someone, some group, some tribe believed and had faith toward something … it still exists! And those of like faith and belief contribute to and have access to this timeless compounding spiritual power. These things are of a spiritual nature.

    It is apparent to me these people lived and had faith in two laws. One: Love and honor Creator, which encompasses love for Mother Earth and what she brings forth. Two: Love human-hood, each person had a right to seek Creator. Each person had value … to Creator! Sometimes peoples’ value is unseen by others and the natural eye. These people did not enslave each other to build cities or monuments to rulers or kings, or to make images to hoard and covet. They lived in the knowledge of a Spiritual reality. In short, they trusted in God, the Great Mystery. God opened their eyes to the blessings of Creation; food for the body, mind and Spirit. The Indigenous of old are a witness to walking in love and faith, living a sustainable lifestyle for thousands of years.

    The historical significance has many faces. There are those who want to preserve, those who want to study and learn, those who want tourism or to write books. For me, it is raising conscientiousness, and public opinion of the Indigenous. The precision and knowledge that it would take to construct this site today would require a GPS, computer computations, transit, tape measure, earth moving equipment, not to mention a team of college-degreed engineers and architects. Yet, the so called savages accomplished this many thousands of years ago. Maybe the Indigenous progressed at a level others in the world were blind to. The Indigenous of the Americas showed a high degree of intellect; the power of knowing, and an advanced knowledge, plant-medicine for the body, mind, and Spirit; and the cycles of nature, as well as the cycles of the cosmos. I’m amazed and intrigued by the engineering and eager to learn the secrets of its intensions and purpose. And also hope for its preservation and restoration. The fact is, these people were led to this spot and went to great effort to understand and communicate, celebrate, and worship at this place. What I believe and have faith toward in my now, and what you believe and have faith toward in your now is what matters; just as they had faith and acted toward their now.

    Today, this remnant is left for us all to reconnect to our Ancestors, to remember and rediscover who we are; to move forward with new hope, a new vision – hopefully, one that is closer to source.

    —Chris Comes with Clouds White

    CEO, Pastor of the Native American Church of Virginia

    Sanctuary on the Trail



    The Promise

    It was a normal winter evening at my home. I was a senior in high school in 1987. I was ready to finish a few more months of school and then conquer the world.

    I remember waking up from a dream that night. In this dream I was visited by a voice only. I was told in this dream that I was chosen to accomplish important things. I was told that at the right time in my life I will be given a tremendous responsibility and I will be rewarded for doing well. It was a promise. I remember it vividly today.

    So, throughout my life I waited and waited. Through many hardships I remembered that dream and that promise. And I wondered as I aged into my forties was it just a figment of my imagination? Although I have been blessed I was basing life accomplishments on the worlds view such as being rich, famous, etc. It was my near-sighted interpretation that had me thinking the promise, was just a lie.

    I am just happy that my Spirit family has far more wisdom and patience to not give up on me than I do.

    You Must Experience Culture Before You Understand It

    During my lifetime I have had many adventures. As a man now in his late forties I can honestly say that I have led a full life.

    I have always had a desire to see the world. So, as a brash young nineteen-year-old I joined the US Navy. Uncle Sam held his end of the bargain and sent me to nineteen different countries. From Israel to France, Spain, Italy and all the way to the Bahamas I saw a lot, experienced a lot. The best part was seeing so many different cultures. It opened my eyes to so many things. Seeing the Pyramids of Egypt, the Holy Land in Israel and many other marvelous historical structures made me realize at a young age that our history as humans is pretty old and pretty amazing.

    Later in life I have now been to forty countries. I have visited Stonehenge and Hadrian’s Wall in England, the Mayan ruin Altun Ha in Belize. I have swum at the Great Barrier Reef in Australia. I have walked with Komodo Dragons on Rinca Island. I have seen fabulous Hindu and Buddhist temples that are several thousands of years old in Bali such a Borobudur, Prambanan, Mendut and visited several active volcanoes such as Mt Merapi and Mt Agung in Indonesia. And much more…

    Through my travels I

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