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Broken and Divided: America and the Church: Waiting for God’s Kingdom to Be Unveiled
Broken and Divided: America and the Church: Waiting for God’s Kingdom to Be Unveiled
Broken and Divided: America and the Church: Waiting for God’s Kingdom to Be Unveiled
Ebook128 pages2 hours

Broken and Divided: America and the Church: Waiting for God’s Kingdom to Be Unveiled

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You may wonder what has happened to the Church’s influence in our society today. Why does Christ’s Church appear weak and impotent? Scripture says that we are Christ’s Church, His Body, and the lights and salt of the world. When we look at our world, communities, the local church, and even our lives, the Light of Christ has dimmed.

People are asking this question. Where is Christ’s Church? Why have we not invaded the world and the churches with the glorious Light of Christ?

Could it be that we are more interested in everything (politics, legislative issues, profiting, our agenda) rather than proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ, making disciples, taking on Christ’s agenda as ours, and living righteous and holy lives? Could it be that we are worshipping things and people more than we worship God? Could it be that we have neglected the ministry of the Holy Spirit? Could it be that we have forgotten our divine purpose and what we have been created for?

Our purpose is clear. We have a mission to fulfill. That is, to turn this world upside down with the powerful gospel of Jesus Christ and to usher in His Kingdom of grace, redemption, righteousness, love and justice.

This book identifies some of the hindrances that may have dimmed the light of the Church of Jesus Christ, and what we can do reverse these.

It is also my hope that this book will also remind us that we have been called to be Christ’s Ambassadors, citizens of His Kingdom and government. We are Christ’s representatives. We have been given a charge to introduce others to the loving grace of Christ, then equip them to do the same, thereby, expanding His Kingdom of righteousness on earth.
PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateSep 28, 2018
Broken and Divided: America and the Church: Waiting for God’s Kingdom to Be Unveiled

Jocelyn Whitfield

Jocelyn Whitfield is a prolific author who uses the pen to challenge the hearts and minds of people to embrace the abundant life that God promises in Christ. She not only writes about spiritual interests but also takes on topics that are sometimes uncomfortable and controversal; with the hope that these discussions will spur believers and others to action to address real-life issues facing people in our world. She is also a speaker, bible teacher, conference convener and has established faith and community coalitions across the country to address community problems. Jocelyn’s books: The Better than Abundant Life, Doing Life God’s Way, Women of Faith Living their Dreams, Still Slaves in America, Working Together Breaking the Chains of Poverty, and Change Your Words- Change Your Life. You may contact Jocelyn at [email protected]

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    Broken and Divided - Jocelyn Whitfield

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    Library of Congress Control Number: 2018910099

    WestBow Press rev. date: 11/14/2018




    Chapter 1 Why Everything Is Being Shaken …

    Chapter 2 Hindrances to Fulfilling the Great Commission

    Chapter 3 Neglect of One of Our Greatest, Gift, The Holy Spirit (Hindrance #1)

    Chapter 4 No Prayer, No Power (Hindrance #2)

    Chapter 5 A House Divided (Hindrance #3)

    Chapter 6 Culture Mix-Up (Hindrance #4)

    Chapter 7 My Skin is … : Racism and Acceptance (Hindrance #5)

    Chapter 8 Fear vs. Boldness in Proclaiming the Gospel (Hindrance #6)

    Chapter 9 Missing Component: Making Disciples (Hindrance #8)

    Chapter 10 Satan: The Author of Division (Hindrance #9)

    Chapter 11 Without Love (Hindrance 9)

    Chapter 12 Missing Dynamic-Worship ( Hindrance 10)

    Chapter 13 Called to Light up the World with the Light of Christ

    Epilogue God’s Kingdom Unveiled



    To believers, pastors, faith leaders, and ministers who are hungry to see God’s Kingdom come. And those who have not spared their lives and resources for the cause of Christ and the Great Commission. It is also dedicated to those who will step forward in this hour to light up this world with the Light of Christ to reveal God’s Kingdom to the world.


    I am thankful for my friends and families who have encouraged me and covered me in prayer as I struggled with writing this book.

    I am also thankful to my friend, June Mickens, who helped with most of the editing, knows my heart and thoughts and who prayerfully sought God for direction in the writing of this book


    God has spoken. He has given us our mission. We are to fulfill the Great Commission and take the good news of Christ worldwide, make disciples and multiply God’s Kingdom of righteousness on the earth (Matthew 28:19-20). With that as our charge, we cannot remain silent when evil prevails. As Christ’s Ambassadors and reconcilers, we not only have been given the authority to proclaim the good news that Christ offers as the path to God the Father; but are to speak on His behalf in the public square- to be the voice of reason in the midst of confusion and chaos.

    We are His peacemakers. We represent Him, the Prince of Peace. We are authorized to bring His peace and presence into the world, given that His Spirit dwells in us. We must not forget, that we have been given a kingdom agenda by none other than the King of Kings.

    Our executive orders come from the Creator, Himself, to represent Him and to carry His glory and light to a fallen world. We are conduits of His power and love, vessels of His grace and empowered by the Holy Spirit. We been called to carry the gospel of Jesus Christ to a world desperately looking for the light. This is the greatest calling of all.

    Our instructions are clear. Our job has been defined. So why are we not listening and acting? So why are we failing at this, in America and even in other Nations throughout the world?

    This book gives a fresh perspective on some of the reasons why we are failing at achieving the Great Commission and gives insight into ways in which we can accomplish what we have been charged to do.


    As we look at our world, our country, our lives, and our churches today, we see that there is a lot of shaking going on. There is chaos, confusion, death, destruction. There is the dismantling of governments, wars and the threat of wars, terrorism. There is racism and hatred rising in people’s hearts and penetrating the fabric of society. We are mired down by lies, corruption, and unbelief in God.

    We are living in times of uncertainty. You might say that everything that can be shaken is being shaken.

    The enemy, Satan, has raised his head; he is spreading evil and causing havoc in the world—in the lives of believers and unbelievers alike. However, instead of a formidable earthly opponent, he faces only a weak Church. Signs that we have rendered ourselves impotent show up daily as we fail to express any outrage at the prevalence of evil in our world. We grow weaker by the day as we remain silent, though very aware of the ills and the needs that surround us. We are not serving as the shining lights of Christ in this dark world. Instead, we stand by mute, and we simply watch.

    So where is the Church of Jesus Christ today? Why is our voice silent?

    To be truthful, I do not know. It appears as if the Church is doing very little to impact our world and country. Some mainly focus only on those issues that they care about. Even when we do speak, it appears that we have limited influence; few listens. Just recently, for example, our country experienced a loud outcry from more than a million youth, marching in cities throughout America and demanding action from our leaders over the senseless killing of students in their schools and local communities. Yet, voices from our churches have been strangely silent in calling out for justice, repentance, and moral changes in our laws. I cannot find the voice of Christ in the midst of all of this. Where is the clarion call for righteousness and responsibility? Why hasn’t the Church sounded the alarm or responded?

    The Bible tells us that nothing happens on this earth without God revealing it to His people first. According to Amos 3:7 (NKJV), Surely the Lord God does nothing, unless He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets. Once that word is revealed to one person, it must be shared with others. Throughout Scripture we see that God instructed His people to set watchmen on the walls to stand guard for the children of Israel. The watchman’s job was to patrol the designated area and to warn the people in case of danger. God told the prophet Ezekiel: Son of man, I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel; therefore, hear a word from My mouth, and give them a warning from Me (Ezekiel 3:17, NKJV). Similarly, God spoke through Isaiah: I have set watchmen upon thy walls, O Jerusalem, which shall never hold their peace day nor night: ye that make mention of the LORD, keep not silence (Isaiah 62:6, KJV).

    Scripture also explains the consequences that follow when watchmen fail to do their jobs. But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet, and the people are not warned, and the sword comes and takes any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at the watchman’s hand (Ezekiel 33:6, NKJV).

    The threat written about in Scripture is not simply something that occurred in biblical times; we see all around us that danger continues to be very real. If God’s word is true, as we know it is, then He has revealed His secrets to someone, and those who receive His word are supposed to respond with their voice and sound the alarm. So, where are today’s watchmen? Did they all abandon their posts? Where are the generals—the pastors, prophets, and ministers of the Most-High God? The old generals whose voices we once heard clearly—Billy Graham, Martin Luther King, and others—have passed on. Are there none left now that these are gone? Are there any voices to be heard regarding the trouble that threatens our current world, or are today’s voices merely relegated to the safe confines of our churches? Who is speaking for God in this world?

    If the truth be told, each of us in the Church of Jesus Christ is to be His watchman and spokesperson. We each have been called to hear the voice of the Lord and then to use what we receive from Him to be an active messenger of righteousness and justice in our society.

    The aim of this book is to awaken the Church to its call- to be the Light and Salt of the world of the world and to fulfill the Great Commission. We

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