Esipt Photochromism: The Development of the Modern Views
About this ebook
The structure of anils, their properties, and their modifications in dependence of the substituents, solvents, and temperature are described, and solvatochromism and thermochromism are discussed in chapter two, along with hypothesis about mechanisms of these phenomena, which have been presented and based.
The photochromic process in anil molecules has been discussed in detail in chapter 3. It is examined by stages, beginning from the very fast ESIPT (primary step) via the structural transformations in the excited states, generation in consecutive order of the fluorescence state with Anomalous (large) Stokes Shift (ASS flu), the twisted TICT-like precursory structure, and the twisted “post TICT” “colored” form in the ground state. The reverse reaction goes via the ground state or the excited state of the colored structure and the ground state proton transfer reaction (GSIPT). The post-TICT hypothesis is based on experimental data and quantum-chemical calculations.
The photochromism of the bimolecular structures on the base of anil molecule is discussed in chapter 4 with assumption of interactions of the molecular fragments in the ground and the excited states. A lot of the photochromic systems with the Intramolecular H-bond and ESIPT and without anil molecules (about twenty types of the structures) have been discussed on the base of phenomenological classification of the photochromic properties (chapter 5). The brief consideration of the possible applications, including utilization of the perspective nanostructures as switchers, has been conducted in chapter 6. The material of the book can be used by the researchers, instructors, lecturers, and the students of various levels who work in the area of the reversible photochemical reactions, including photochromism.
Mikhail Knyazhanskiy
Mikhail Knyazhanskiy was born in Russia (Rostov on Don) in 1931. He graduated from Rostov State University (now South Federal State University in Rostov on Don) in 1953, worked in the plants of the Radio and Machinery Industries and after receiving his Post-graduate in 1965, he obtained a Doctorate degree of Chemical Sciences and the title of Professor of Chemical physics. He lectured in the Chemical department, and has worked for more than 40 years as a Head of the Laboratory of the Research Institute of the Physical and Organic Chemistry at the State University of the Southern Region of Russia. The laboratory was organized under his direct guidance. Knyazhanskiy has worked in the field of Photophysics and Photochemistry of Organic molecules and has more 200 articles, one monograph, more than 30 Russian and 4 foreign patents. He was a supervisor of 15 doctorate dissertations, author of the educational courses of Quantum physics and Molecular Photonics of Organic Compounds for the students of the Chemical department of Universities. Presently he is retired and a resident of USA in Zionsville, IN.
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Esipt Photochromism - Mikhail Knyazhanskiy
Copyright © 2018 by Mikhail Knyazhanskiy.
Library of Congress Control Number: 2018902392
ISBN: Hardcover 978-1-5434-7751-1
Softcover 978-1-5434-7750-4
eBook 978-1-5434-7749-8
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Chapter 1
The Development Of The Conceptions On The Photochromism Of Schiff Bases(The Brief Historical Review)
Chapter 2
The Ground State Structural Transformations Of The Photochromic Anils… Solvato And Thermochromism
2. 1. The topography of the Ground state PES for Salicylidene molecule. The main structures, and transition states.
2. 2. The investigation of the OH and NH structures.
2. 3. The OH <=>NH equilibrium, and the mechanism of the Ground State Intramolecular Proton Transfer (GSIPT).
2. 4. The structure effect on the OH 106919.png NH equilibrium.
2. 4. 1. Effect of the substitutions in the phenyl rings.
2. 4. 2. Effect of the ring π-electron system extension.
2. 4. 3. The role of the substituents in the imine bridge
2. 5. The solvent effects. Solvatochromism.
2. 6. The temperature effect on the OH 106919.png NH equilibrium. The problems of the thermochromism in the crystals and the solutions.
2. 6. 1. The positive thermochromism (crystals).
2. 6. 1. 1. The crucial role of the aldehyde moiety and the classification of the crystal structures.
2. 6. 1. 2. Semiquantitative conception of the thermochromic process development.
2. 6. 2. The Negative thermocromism –cryochromism
*) (solution).
2. 6. 2. 1. Review and discussion of the experimental findings.
2. 6. 2. 2. The comparison of the Negative and Positive thermochromism natures, and the possible mechanisms of the Negative thermochromism.
Chapter 3
The Modern Ideas Of Photochromism And Accompanying Photoinduced Processes In Anil Molecules.
3. 1. The characteristics and deactivation of the electronic excited states of imines of o-hydroxyaldehyde Enol structure.
3. 1. 1. The excited states’ deactivation and the structural transformations in the Enol form of Salicylideneanilines.
3. 1. 2. Effect of the molecular structure and the medium on characteristics and deactivation of the excited state Enol form.
3. 1. 2. 1. Influence of the substituents in the phenyl ring
3. 1. 2. 2. The effect of the imine moiety structure.
3. 1. 2. 3. Effect of the rings’ conjugation.
3. 1. 2. 4. The influence of the substituents in the azomethine bridge.
3. 2. Kinetics and Mechanism of the ESIPT with generation of the fluorescent (NH)* structure.
3. 2. 1. The general description of the phenomenon and methods of its study.
3. 2. 2. The ESIPT of the related structures.
3. 2. 3. The study of the ESIPT of Salycilideneanilines.
3. 2. 4. The effect of the molecular structure on the ESIPT mechanism and dynamics.
3. 2. 4. 1. The influence of the ring substituents (solvents and thermochromic crystals)
3. 2. 4. 2. The effect of the imine moiety structure on the ESIPT mechanism.
3. 2. 4. 3. The effect of the ring conjugation.
3. 2. 4. 4. The effect of the substituents in azomethine bridge.
3. 3. The fluorescence and the excited state structural transformations initiated by the ESIPT.
3. 3. 1. The nature of the fluorescent NH* state and the fluorescence with the Anomalous Stokes Shift.
3. 3. 2. The molecular structure influence the ASS fluorescence
3. 3. 2. 1. The effect of the ring substituents.
3. 3. 2. 2. The imine moiety structure influence the ASS fluorescence.
3. 3. 2. 3. The effect of the ring conjugation on the ASS fluorescence.
3. 3. 2. 4. The influence of the substituents in the imine bridge.
3. 3. 3. The development of the ideas about the post-ESIPT relaxation including the problems of the ASS fluorescence and precursor state
3. 4. The nature of the Photocolored product.
3. 4. 1. The present ideas about structure and characteristics of photocolored form.
3. 4. 2. The hypothesis of the twisted PCF structures generated via the TICT-like
3. 5. The generalized scheme of photochromism and side photoinduced processes of anils.
3. 6. Photochromism of Anils in the crystals.
3. 6. 1. General information.
3. 6. 2. The methods of preparation of the photochromic crystals.
3. 6. 2. 1. Bulky group substitution method.
3. 6. 2. 2. Clathrate crystal method.
3. 6. 2. 3. Neighboring alkyl-group substitution method.
3. 6. 3. The generalized view to the photo and thermochromism in the crystals.
Chapter 4
The Bichromophoric Systems On The Base Of The Anil Structures.
Introduction and classification of the structures.
4. 1. Homobichromophoric molecular systems
4. 1. 1. The early studies of bieanils.
4. 1. 2. The molecular systems with Aryl ring between imine moieties.
4. 1. 2. 1 The structure and the Interfragmental ground state interaction of BSP molecule in solvents.
4. 1. 2. 2. The peculiarities of the photoinduced processes in the solvents.
4. 1. 2. 3. The photoinduced processes in the crystals.
4. 1. 3. The molecular systems with the saturated bridge between the imine moieties.
4. 1. 3. 1. The structural and spectral peculiarities of the double enol form.
4. 1. 3. 2. The nature of the ASS fluorescence and the PCF structures in the solvents.
4. 1. 3. 3. The role of the interfragmental interactions, and the general schemes of the photoinduced processes in the solvents.
4. 1. 3. 4. The peculiarities of the photoinduced processes in the crystals.
4. 1. 4. Anil bichromophoric systems formed through the hydroxyl rings.
4. 1. 4. 1. The structures with the separated anil moieties.
4. 1. 4. 2. The double hydroxy structures with the common hydroxyphenyl ring
4. 1. 4. 3. The single hydroxy-structures with the common hydroxy-phenyl ring.
4. 2. Heterochromophoric molecular systems with an anil moiety.
4. 2. 1. The bichromophors including the nonphotochromic structures.
4. 2. 1. 1. Pyridinium cation with salicylideneaniline.
4. 2. 1. 2. Pyrrole-salicylideneaniline bichromophoric system
4. 2. 1. 3. Schiff bases with the 4-aminoantipyrine structure.
4. 2. 2. The bichromophoric systems on the base on anil and spirocyclic structures.
Chapter 5
The Esipt Phpotochromism Of The Molecular Systems With The Nonanil Structures.
Introduction and classification of the structures.
5. 1. The ESIPT between the different heteroatoms (OH 106919.png NH).
5. 1. 1. Oximes of orthohydroxyaldehydes.
5. 1. 2. Photochromism of orthohydroxybenzylidenehydrazones.
5. 1. 3. Orthohydroxyaryltriazines (HTrs).
5. 1. 3. 1. Photoinduced structural transformations, generation, and decay of the final metastable photoproduct of HTrs
5. 1. 3. 2. The crucial role of the primary step character (ESIPT or ESIHT) in the photochromic reaction (Htrz vs SA)
5. 1. 4. Photochromism of orthonitrobenzylidene derivative.
5. 1. 5. Novel photochromic Dye based on the formation of the Hydrogen bond.
5. 1. 6. 2-(2-Hydroxyphenyl)benzazoles, and photochromism of 2-(2-Hydroxyphenyl) benzthiazoles as a simulation of generation and structure of anil photocolored form.
5. 2. The structures with the ESIPT (ESIHT) between identical heteroatom.
5. 2. 1. Oxygen-Oxygen (OH 106919.png OH) proton transfer.
5. 2. 1. 1. Nitrones of o-Hydroxyaldehydes, and their vinilogs.
5. 2. 1. 2. 2-hydroxychalcones as a latent
(L)and prospective true
(T) photochromic molecules.
5. 2. 2. The Nitrogen-Nitrogen (NH 106919.png NH)transfer.
5. 2. 2. 1. Phenoxazine derivatives.
5. 2. 2. 2. Spirans of perymidine series
5. 2. 2. 3. Photochromic Metal-Dithizonate complexes.
5. 3. The Proton or Hydrogen transfer from Carbon atom to Heteroatoms.
5. 3. 1. The H-transfer to Oxygen of Carbonyl group.
5. 3. 2. The H-transfer to Oxygen of Nitro-group.
5. 3. 3 The ESIHT from Carbon atom to Nitrogen one (O-Alkyl Aromatic Imines).
5. 4. The double-step ESIPT(ESIHT) from C atom to both O and N ones. The derivatives of 2-(2’, 4’-Dinitrobenzyl) pyridine (DNBP).
5. 4. 1. Structure and electronic spectra of the initial form in solvents and crystals.
5. 4. 2. The absorption and the structures of the photocolored form(PCF) in solvents.
5. 4. 2. 1. The long-lived transient (I).
5. 4. 2. 2. The very short-lived transient (II)
5. 4. 2. 3. The short-lived transient (III).
5. 4. 3. The kinetics of the generation, and the interplay of the colored forms in the solvents.
5. 4. 4. The kinetics and structures’ interplay of the discoloration reaction in solvents.
5. 4. 5. Photochromism of the crystals.
5. 4. 5. 1. The structure and the absorption spectra of the colored forms.
5. 4. 5. 2. The dynamics of photocoloration in the crystals
5. 4. 5. 3. The date of the dark and photo-discoloration in the crystals
5. 4. 6. The mechanism and the general structural-energetic scheme of the photoinduced processes.
5. 4. 6. 1. About the nature and the intrinsic mechanism of the ESIPT and the GSIPT in the two-step PT reaction.
5. 4. 6. 2. The generation of the (OH) and accompanying colored forms.
5. 4. 6. 3. The generation of the (NH) colored form.
5. 4. 6. 4. The reverse ground state bleaching reactions
5. 4. 6. 5. The differences between the photochromic processes in the solvents and the crystals.
Conclusion and the general discussion
Chapter 6
The General Information About Possible Application Of The Esipt Photochromism.
Introduction and the principle requirements for the photochromic systems.
6. 1. The materials for switching and information storage.
6. 2. Liquid crystalline properties, and photochromism.
6. 3. Photochromic Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) films.
6. 4. The possible applications in the analytical, physical, and biological chemistry.
6. 5. Materials for photoprotection.
6. 6. The prospective Photochromic materials.
6. 6. 1. Photochromic polymers (intrinsic photochromism).
6. 6. 2 Possible amorphous molecular materials.
6. 6. 3. Possible perspective nanoparticles.
6. 6. 3. 1. Information of the probable semi-manufactures for anil nanomaterials
6. 6. 3. 2 Photoswitchers on the base of the fluorescent photochromic nanoparticle.
The Photochromism is the reversible change of the substance’ color under irradiation of light and caused by visible absorption spectra change as a result of the change of the molecular structure.
The organic compounds which Photochromism is caused by the Excited State Proton Transfer (ESIPT) take the particular place among the considerable diversity of the organic photochromic compounds owing both to the special mechanisms(of the ESIPT, and of the back, Ground State Intramolecular Proton Transfer, the GSIPT) and to the peculiarities of the photochromic properties displayed also in the rigid media (including crystals) unlike the most of other organic photochromes.
The historically caused prevalent importance among the ESIPT photochromes belongs by right to Schiff Bases, imines of ortho-hydroxyaldehydes (anils).
Their photochromic properties have been discovered in the crystals for the first time among the organic compounds in the early twenty century, and the ESIPT is practically the first known mechanism of Photochromism for the organic compounds.
These molecules are the very advantageous objects of the study. Their peculiarities of the electronic structure combine well with the high mobility of the molecular structure.
It is manifested distinctly in the formation of the absorption, luminescent, and photochemical (especially photochromic) properties caused by the shift of the tautomeric equilibrium OH 106917.png NH towards NH structure in the ground and the excited states.
The peculiar interest is provoked by photochromism of the crystalline anils. It is a typical example of the topochemical control in the crystalline structures and provides the most important applications.
At the same time the high opportunities of the synthesis of the novel molecular structures from this class of compounds provide a comparatively easy variation of the structural factors responsible for the photochromic properties and widely utilized in the up-to-date investigations of the novel photochromic compounds especially in the crystals.
The above peculiarities of the structure, properties and their variability ensure the heightened interest to the study and applications of photochromic anils in comparison with another ESIPT photochromes.
Historically the circumstances are so formed that Salicilideneanilines (anils) have been studied the most carefully. That tendency is reflected by the contents of the book where the greatest part of the discussion is concerned photochromic anils and their derivatives.
Nevertheless the investigations of the ESIPT photochromism of the various molecular structures different from anils are also carried out for many years, and their results in some cases can compete well with the findings of anils.
Therefore the detailed review, discussion, and generalization of the results of such studies have been conducted in the monograph for the first time.
Thus the present book is mainly scientifically historical character and devoted to the versatile discussion of the practically all problems concerned the experimental and theoretic studies, development, and forming of the modern ideas about the mechanisms of the ESIPT photochromism and of its applications for all various compounds of such a type on the base of the results (including also author’s ones) mainly of the two decades (1990-2010), and partially of the earlier fundamental data, with taking into account the author’s experience of the researches in this field.
The six chapters are included in the book.
The chapter one is a brief historic review of the three periods of the development of the ideas about anil photochromism from the discovery of the phenomenon to the present time. The short discussion of the earliest scientific works having only historical meaning has been conducted.
The discussion with the detailed list of the classical works (Weizmann research institute, Israel) and the brief consideration of the following studies of the same period with the Russian works having both a historical and the principal meaning have been shortly presented.
The chapter two is devoted to the analysis of the anil molecule structures and of the OH 106919.png NH equilibrium in the Ground state both in the solvents and in the crystals and its dependence on temperature (thermochromism) and on the solvent nature (solvatochromism).
In the third chapter the detailed discussion of the anil photochromism nature is conducted. It is based on the results of the numerous investigations of the nature and kinetics of the ESIPT followed by the structural transformations in the excited state involving the transient and fluorescent structures.
The particular attention has been given to various notions of the generation and the structure of the Photocolored colored form.
The chapter four is devoted to the consideration and the discussion of the bichromophoric systems containing the anil structures.
The discussion is based on the classification of such systems and also on the conception of the difference in the interaction between their structural fragments.
In the chapter five for the first time the detailed review of the real and potential ESIPT photochromes different from anils has been carried out on the base of the empiric classification of about twenty structural types.
The particular attention has been given to the photochromic mechanism of the Dinitrobenzylpyridine (DNBP) derivatives which photochromism has been discovered in the early twenties of the last century and has been studied only recently.
At last the sixth chapter is devoted to the brief description and discussion of the probable applications of the ESIPT photochromism for the creation of the new photochromic materials for various purposes in-
cluding the photoswitchers in the Nonlinear Optical (NLO) materials.
The opportunity of the constructing of the nanomaterials on the base of the ESIPT photochromes is also considered.
So long as the notions about the mechanisms of the photochromic processes are still not sufficiently determined at present, the alternative views have been exhibited in the discussions of the various problems, and the readers have opportunity to make own choice with help of the tabular data and the schemes of the photoinduced processes reflecting different views.
In the structures with the ESIPT photochromism the basic reactions (ESIPT, GSIPT) are usually accompanied by the various photoinduced processes including electron transfer, trans-cis isomerization, energy transfer, internal rotation and so forth.
Thus the study of the ESIPT photochromism is connected with the discussion of the many fundamental photochemical and photophysical processes that can be useful for illustration of the basic processes occurring under excitation of the organic molecules considered usually in the educational courses of Molecular Photochemistry¹).
Thus the monograph can be recommended not only for the researchers in the field of Photochromy of the Organic compounds but also for the broad circle of Photochemists, including both beginners and also the post graduate students, specialized in the Organic Photochemistry.
In conclusion author would like express his thanks to former collaborators-Prof. Dr. M. Strjukov(now the director of Institute of Connection), Dr. A. Ljubarska, |Dr. Ja. Tymjanskiy|, Dr. A. Metelitsa(now the director of Sc. Research. Inst. of Phys. Org. Chem. ), Dr. N. Makarova, and Dr. V. Bezugliy for their direct participation in the investigations and in the active discussion of results of experiments, and also Dr. S. Aldoshin (now the Academician of Russian Academy of Sciences) for carrying out of the X-ray structural studies and joint discussion of the crystalline Photochromic anils.
Author would like to express the particular gratitude to Academician of Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor V. Minkin for the immediate participation in the statements of the problems, discussion of the results, the support of the investigations, and for the initiative in the publication of this monograph.
For moral support and big help in publication of the monograph I am obliged very much to my dear women-the daughter Natalia Rachford and the granddaughter Alina Rachford.
For the creation of the conditions for my work, long-term support, and invaluable help in our life I am Grateful so much to my nearest friend and wife, Alina Shopen.
I infinitely grateful to the wonderful Doctor and the person, Surgeon Dr. Richard. Birhle (Indiana University), who gives to me my life, health and possibility for publication of the book.
Chapter 1
The Development Of The Conceptions On The Photochromism Of Schiff Bases(The Brief Historical Review)
As a matter of fact the history of the investigations of the photochromism caused by the Excited State Intramolecular Proton Transfer (ESIPT) comes to the discovery, the very initial and the following (including up-to-day)investigations of photochromic Schiff bases-imines of o-Hydroxybenzaldehydes, well-known as anils
Photochromism of anils has been discovered in the beginning of the last century that is long before the correct views at their molecular structure and its transformations could been formed. At the same time unlike anils almost the all another organic ESIPT-based photochromes were obtained and studied much more later when the principle notions of the ESIPT reactions and the following structural transformations have been already elaborated and developed sufficiently(see ch. 5) with an only exception of 2-(2’, 4’-Dinitrobenzyl)pyridine derivatives (DNBP’s) which photochromic properties have been studied and expslained correctly only in almost half of century after their discovery in 1925(see sec. 5. 5).
Therefore the history of the anil photochromism in the making of the up-to-day notions of its nature is a very instructive example of the close connection between the development of the ideas and the progress of the theoretical and the experimental methods of the physico-chemical investigations. The principal ideas of the anil photochromism in the solvents and the crystals and their development based on the results obtained in the various periods are presented in several reviews of the last two decades /1-9/. One can imagine the three main typical outlined historical periods in the progress of the conceptions of the anil photochromism.
From the best of our knowledge the first, the least known period, begins from the publication of O. Anselmino(1907)/10/who discovered a color change of the crystalline powder of the two different crystalline modifications of salicylideneaniline (SA) initiated by light and reverted in dark. Some later the information of photochromism of the two related compounds, salicylic acid and ether has been reported /11/.
In the first systematic investigations (A. Senier at al /12-18/), the crystalline powders of the more thirty substituted SA compounds were studied with a naked eye. The photochromism has been observed only for some of them, and the various polymorphic modifications of the same anils were discovered which differed by ability for photochromism and thermochromism (color change with temperature increase). The upper temperature limits of the observed photocoloration and the relative rates of the discoloration for different powder samples have been determined with a naked eye.
The results of the above described observations and also a lack of the visible photocoloration in the liquid solvents and an impossibility of isolation of the photocolored form from the photochromic crystalline modification are the findings of principle which keep their significance now and bound up with the modern ideas about the photochromic reaction mechanism, photocolo-red product structure and the topochemical control of photochromic and thermochromic properties. On the base of the data obtained, the photochromism is explained by formation of the molecular aggregates within the crystalline packing without any changes of the molecular and crystal structures.
In the series of the studies, M. Padoa et al/19a-e/ with use of the comparative visual observation of the photochromic transformations in the crystals, the first and the second orders of photocoloration and dark bleaching reactions respectively have been determinated for the several photochromic anils. In some cases the photobleaching reactions has also been observed. The photochromic transformations were explained by the shift of the equilibrium monomer<= >polymer towards a hypothetic polymer structure in the crystal under irradiation.
Some later/20, 21/the series of the qualitatively studied compounds has been expanded, and an attempt to understand a connection between the photochromism and the photoelectric effect in the crystalline anils has been undertaken/22/.
In the same time the important but not explained data have been obtained by H. Stobbe/23/.
These findings point out the intramolecular nature of the anil photochromism that manifested by the anil molecules adsorbed on the surfaces and dissolved in the rigid rosins.
On the othe hand in more later studies S. Bhatnagar et al /24/suggested that color change is not a result of any structural transformations or polymerization but that of formation of the molecular aggregates responsible for photocoloration according to Senier et al /16-18/.
Such conclusions have been made on the basis of the findings about the magnetic susceptibility that doesn’t change with coloration and bleaching, and has the same values for the different colored crystalline modifications of salicylidene-b-naphthylimine.
V. De Gaouk and R. Le Fevre /25/ have failed to find out the crystal structure change with photocoloration, and also the change of the absorption spectra and dipole moments of the solutions under steady –state irradiation and after dissolution of the preliminary photocolorated crystalline powders.
The erroneous assumption about parallel arrangement of the planar molecules in the photochromic crystals has been made by the authors. In such a crystalline packing the intermolecular H atom transfer OH->NH between adjacent molecules with for-mation of the colored structure can be possible without modification of the crystal structure. In authors’ view the lack of the photocoloration of the o-methoxy substituted molecules testifies also to just that mechanism. As it will be clear later the incorrectness of these conclusions about the photochromic mechanism were apparently a consequents of the lack of the necessary experimental equipment and the wrong notions of the peculiarities of the o-hydroxyazo-methine molecular structure.
Nevertheless just in this work for the first time the NH (keto) form have been suggested as the structure responsible for the coloration of the crystalline anils, and in our view the work /25/ is the significant stage in development of the ideas about mechanism of anils’ photochromism. In the detailed work of G. Lindemann/26/ on the investigation of the kinetics of photochromic reaction in the crystalline powder samples of salicylidene –m-toluidine the quantum efficiency of the photocoloration (P>1), the first order of the back bleaching dark reaction and its activation energy (~25kcal/mol)have been determinated. The qualitative interpretation of the photoreaction’s mechanism in that work differs a little from that suggested in /25/.
In the same period the various assumptions were put forward about mechanisms of the anil’s photochromic reaction on the base of the conception about the electronic tautomerism/27/ or the conformational transformations/28/without a consideration of the peculiarities of the anil molecule structure.
Thus, up to the first half of the sixties the mechanism of the photochromic reactions of anils was interpreted mainly on the base of the qualitative observations without taking into account the substantial factors connected with the molecular structure and with the specific intermolecular interactions in the crystalline phase exclusively. Nevertheless in this period the photochromic crystalline anils not only have been discovered, but it was also shown that photochromism is not their common property.
The exceptional role of the rigid medium(including the crystalline state)in the formation of the visually observed photocolored form and uselessness of the steady-state physicochemical methods for the study of the photocolored structure in the unrigged media including liquid solvents have been shown.
At last the reasonable hypothesis about the photocolored form nature had been proposed which anticipated at some degree the up-to-date notions.
The need of the taking into account of the structural peculiarities of SA’s(scheme 1. 1) for interpretation of the photochromic reaction has become evident after the detection of the strong Intramolecular Hydrogen Bond (IHB)OH… N, stabilizing trans(about C=N)Enol (E)structure with the coplanar aldehyde
ring (A), C=N group and six –member cycle with IHB /29/, and also after the classical works of A. Weller/30/in which the fluorescence with the Anomalous Stokes Shift (ASS flu) in the molecules with the strong IHB(OH…N)(salicylic acid and relative structures)has been explained as a result of the Excited State Intramolecular Proton Transfer(ESIPT).
The results of these studies have become the basis of the modern ideas of the connection between the structure and the fluorescent –photochromic properties of anils.
In a general these ideas have been expressed and based experimentally as a result of the ten year series of the classical studies of M. D. Cohen, Y. Hirshberg, and J. M. Schmidt(1957-1968) /31-36/ by which the second period of the investigation of the anils’ photochromism has been started. From the present viewpoint the grounded experimentally principal ideas can be described in the following way(Scheme 1. 1).
1. With So—S*1 excitation (irradiation by 330-360nm) of the anil molecules in the Enol trans (around C=N bond)structure in various rigid media(low temperature glass-like solutions, paraffine or polymer matrices)at low concentrations excluding the marked interactions of the dissolved molecules, the ASSflu( v~10000cm-1)arises and the metastable photocolored form (λ maxabs= 480-500nm)is generated of the azomethine molecules only with the ortho-hydroxy aldehyde group forming the strong OH.. N IHB. Thus the intramolecular (but not intermolecular!)adiabatic process in the S*1 state-ESIPT (OH)*—>(NH)*, is the basis of both the ASS flu and the photochromism.
According to the supposition of the authors the photocolored form(PC) is also generated but not observed in the liquid solvents visually(like ASS flu)due to the very low stability of the PC ground state structure under such conditions. However it can be observed and registered by a naked eye and by steady –state spectral methods as a result of its stabilization in the rigid media especially at low temperature.
1.jpgScheme 1. 1
The general qualitative notions of the photo and thermochromism of Anils in the solvents and the crystals on the base of the findings /31-36/(see text).
The trans –keto(K-trans)structure with a respect to the C1=C7 bond with the broken H-bond NH…O is supposed for the photocolored form(Sch. 1. 1).
2. Anils which are photochromic in the rigid noncrystallic media have been divided on the two types in the crystalline state.
The crystal of the first type are characterized by a lack of photochromism and show the ASSflu. With the temperature increase the new absorption band arises( λ max~440nm)responsible for the coloration(the positive thermochromism
). Such a crystal has the specific crystalline packing that cannot provide a free volume sufficient for the considerable variations of the molecular conformation(chapter 2).
The photochromic nonluminescent at the room temperature crystalline systems belong to the second, less spread type of the crystalline structures. The absorption bands of the photocolored forms in the rigid solvents and the crystal are identical ( λmax=480, 550nm). The molecules in the crystals have the planar structural fragment with the six-member cycle including IHB (OH.. N) but with the twisted aniline ring ( ~40-60 deg)(Scheme1. 1).
Latter, the irregular, more loose crystalline packing is created that has a free volume sufficient for the considerable variations of the molecular conformation with generation under irradiation of the metastable PC similar to that of the rigid solvents. This PC decays owing to the back dark reaction including the reverse Ground State Intramolecular Proton Transfer(GSIPT) like in the solutions.
The competition of the direct photo and the reverse dark reactions leads to the existence of the temperature limits for the observed photocoloration in the crystals.
Thus, according to above the thermo and photochromism in the crystals are caused by the intramolecular reactions including ESIPT and GSIPT. At the same time in spite of the realization of the ESIPT in the thermochromic crystals also the generation of the PC is inhibited, and on the contrary, the fluorescence and thermocoloration are promoted by the corresponding crystalline structures. Photochromism and thermochromism are mutally exclusive phenomenon and so called topochemical control of such reactions is manifested by such a way.
The numerous studies have been conducted by the various research groups on the base of the above ideas in the second period.
The interest for the new physical phenomena in the crystalline nails was shown right away after the basic investigations, and the several specifically studies of the piroelectric effect in the photochromic crystalline anils have been conducted in the sixties and seventies/38, 39/. This phenomenon can be useful not only by its direct utilization but it also clearly indicates the noncentro-symmetrical structure of the anil crystals and therefore their possible application as a nonlinear optical(NLO) media(/see 40/ and Capter6).
However the investigations of the photochromic and thermochromic properties of anils have conducted mainly by the steady-state spectroscopic and structural methods in the liquid, rigid amorphous and crystalline media at the various temperature and with use of the quantumchemical semi-empiric methods. The main results of many of these works have kept their importance up to present and have been discussed in detail in the reviews /1-4/.
Unfortunately the results of the series of the studies in the published in the Russian journals of this period and discussed in /2/, have not mentioned practically in /1, 3, 4/and therefore have remained as difficult of access for the broad groups of the scientists. However there are English full text translations of almost all articles for that period which are available in any scientific library.
At the same time one can think these results have not only historic interest but keep also a scientific significance and therefore they are worthy of a brief review in this chapter and will be discussed below (Ch 2-5) in case of need.
The anils’ absorption and fluorescence have been studied as long ago as the early sixties/41/ and later/42/ by R. Nurmukhametov et al. In those studies the absorption and the fluorescence properties of the anil molecules have been investigated in the rigid glass-like solvents, and the ideas have been expressed which are similar to those of the studies /31-35/. In /41, 42/ the Zwitterionic (Zw) structure responsible for the ASSflu has been qualitatively based, and possibility of the analogous structure of the colored photoproduct was discussed also/42a, 43/.
For the first time in 1964/44a/and later/44b, c/the absorption and fluorescence of the bisazomethine compounds with the anil moieties linked directly or by the various bridge groups have been investigated in the liquid solvents(see also Ch. 4).
In the middle sixties the investigations of the photochromic and thermochromic anils have also been started in the Rostov State University. The influence of the structural factors and medium on the photochromism and fluorescence of N-aryl/45a, 45b/and N-alkyl /46-48/substituted anils has been studied for the large series of the structures by the steady-state absorption and fluorescent methods(Ch3).
The problems of the localization of the excitation and the photochromic transformations in connection with the structure of the photocolored form has been examinated on the base of the experimental and theoretic findings for the first time /45, 48, 52/(seeCh3).
The theoretical and experimental study of the keto 106923.png enol equilibrium in So state /49/, the physico-chemical characteristics and deactivation/50/and also the ionic structure role /51/in the excited states have been conducted in the seventies.
In the same period the photochromic and fluorescence properties of anils of o-Hydroxynaphthalidene /54/, o-mercapto/55/aldehydes, o-hydroxybenzylidene derivatives of oximes/2/ and hydrazones/2, 56/ anils of heterocyclic o-hydroxyaldehydes/2, 57/and also some model rigid structures of anils’ analogues/58/ have been studied (see Ch. 2, 3).
In the early eighties the experimental and theoretical findings about photocolored product structures have been obtained/52/, and X-ray, and theoretical investigations of the crystalline structure and the intermolecular interactions in the crystal have been conducted for the known previously and the novel photochromic crystalline anils/53/. Slightly earlier for the first time the study of the photochromism and fluorescence of the polynuclear o-hydroxyazomethines and especially of symmetrical
dianils have been carried out /59/(see Ch4).
The photoinduced processes including the intramolecular radiationless energy transfer in complex azomethine derivatives of pyridinium cations have also been investigated/60/(seeCh4). At last in the ivestigations of the metaloorganic and the various metal intracomplex compounds with the anil ligands the keto, 107100.png enol equilibrium in the ground state and photochromism have been discovered like the corresponding anil molecules /61a-d/that could shed light on the mechanism of the proton transfer in the latter(see Ch3).
As a result of the studies following the classical investigations next two decades, the extended range of anils and the simulated structures has been obtained to elucidate a mechanism of the photochromic transformations /1-3/.
As early as 1968 on the base of the spectral data the supposition about the twisted PC structure has been suggested by R. Becker and W. Richey/62/ unlike /31/, that conforms with the up-to-date notions(see Ch3).
The evolution of the topochemical principles for the control of the crystal properties has allowed synthesizing of the novel photochromic and thermochromic crystalline systems on the base of anils (see Ch3).
In the seventies-eighties the new photochromic crystalline anils have been synthesized and studied by E. Hadjoudis et al /63/, T. Kawato et al /64/ and M. Knyazhansky et al /53/. In the series of the studies the new crystalline thermochromes /65-68/, the novel thermophotochromic crystals /67/, and also the solutions with the unusual, negative(cryo)
thermo-chromism, have been obtained by E. Hadjoudis et al/67, 68/.
In the middle eighties the successful attempts of the modification of the photochromic properties with study of their mechanism on the base of the findings of the novel structural analogs and simulated structures have been undertaken/69/(see Ch3).
The extraneous crystalline matrices (D. Higelin and H. Sixl, 1983 /70/), the Langmuir-Blodjett films (S. Kawamura et al. (1988)/71/and the inclusion complexes with cyclodextrine (E. Hadjoudis et al. (1988)/72/) have been studied for the elucidation of the photochromic reaction mechanism and the perspectives for the applications. Latter, anils have been studied also as the potential components for the solar collectors /73/.
At the same time a lot of the key problems concerning the kinetics, mechanism and structures of the transient and the final forms of the photoreactions in the crystals and the solvent could not be solved by the experimental and theoretic means available in that period.
The investigations in such directions were conducted immediately after elaboration and utilization of the improved transient absorption, fluorescent and other spectral impulse excitation methods in the short time scales, and the development of the novel dynamic methods of the ab-initio quantumchemical calculations. The utilization of such methods signified the gradual transition toward the third, modern period in the development of the ideas about the nature and the mechanisms of the thermo-photochromism caused by the Proton transfer in the Ground and the Excited states.
Probably the first utilization of the low and middle (milli-microsecond time scales)time resolution transient absorption spectra in the solvents with variation of the solvent nature has been carry out in the middle sixties –early seventies by G. Wetermark et al/74/ and later by M. Ottolenghi et al/75/ for the study of the Photocolored structure decay.
These works(1967 and 1973) have started the combined experimental and quantum-chemical studies of the kinetics and mechanism of the photochromic reaction including the PC structure. The findings of the twisted PC structure are corroborated by the data/52, 63/.
The large series of the experiments with use of the time resolved absorption and fluorescence spectroscopy (nano-subpicosecond scales) in the solvents and the crystals have been started in the later seventies by R. Nakagaki etal/76/, R. Becker et al/77/ and E. Hadjoudis et al/65/ and continued in the middle eighties by P. Rentzepis et al/78/, J. Lewis, C. Sandorfi/79/and U. Grummit/80/ for the kinetic study of the transient structures.
The attempt of the direct spectra-structural study has been carried out in that period by the method of the Resonance Raman Spectroscopy for the elucidation of the PC structure by J. Ledbeter(1982)/81/, and H. Lee and T. Katagawa(1986)/82/(see also Ch3).
The high time resolved methods (till the picoseconds time scale) could be used with success for the study of the kinetics of the secondary post ESIPT process only involving generation and decay of the transient and the PC structures. However these methods have no a sufficiently high time resolution for the study of the very fast, primary, photoinduced structural transformation, caused by the ESIPT directly. Such ultrahigh time resolved methods of the transient absorption spectroscopy (subfemto-femtosecond scale) have been