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Bottom Up: An Integrated Neurological and Cognitive Behavioural Book Which Addresses the Key Principles of Neuropsychotherapy. Five Important Emotional Parts of the Brain with Skills Training.
Bottom Up: An Integrated Neurological and Cognitive Behavioural Book Which Addresses the Key Principles of Neuropsychotherapy. Five Important Emotional Parts of the Brain with Skills Training.
Bottom Up: An Integrated Neurological and Cognitive Behavioural Book Which Addresses the Key Principles of Neuropsychotherapy. Five Important Emotional Parts of the Brain with Skills Training.
Ebook111 pages39 minutes

Bottom Up: An Integrated Neurological and Cognitive Behavioural Book Which Addresses the Key Principles of Neuropsychotherapy. Five Important Emotional Parts of the Brain with Skills Training.

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“The background information was just what I needed to remind myself enough of the theories and major thoughts out there. The explanation of the biological basis behind certain diagnoses was spot on and very well-explained. The practical piece with tasks at the end of each chapter is beyond excellent. The section in the beginning that explains self-talk and changing language - I find this so useful and efficient as a way to change perspective”. Antonette T. Dulay, MD, Main Line Perinatal Associates Maternal-Fetal Medicine Section, Dept. Ob/Gyn. Main Line Health System and Axia Women’s Health

“This book helps to educate, empower and motivate the user to better understand their mental state and provides useful tools for a positive outcome”. Nadine Beiles B.N. GCert Perioperative
“This book has the positive power to give anyone in need of guidance, the gift of understanding the brain better and hope with empowerment and healing”. Stroke survivor

“As a psychologist seeing a neurological standpoint depicts a bigger picture and better understanding about an individual as a whole. At times it felt like I was learning something new with parts of the brain and how it works and contributes to parts of our being. I love the sections with the different visual and task portions. I am a visual learner so the task worksheets helped my brain soak in the information. The tasks were a good exercise for psychologist to experience and complete, which allows a psychologist better help to assist clients with these tools”. Dr. April M. Colbert, Licensed Clinical Psychologist

“A very comprehensive and thorough explanation of the neuroscience principles which link well with Cognitive Behavioural Therapy”. Rita Princi-Hubbard M.Psych(Clin), MAPS, FCCLP, MIACN(Cert)
Release dateNov 9, 2018
Bottom Up: An Integrated Neurological and Cognitive Behavioural Book Which Addresses the Key Principles of Neuropsychotherapy. Five Important Emotional Parts of the Brain with Skills Training.

Dionne H. Shnider

Dr Dionne Shnider is a licensed psychologist and accredited Clinical Neuropsychotherapist in private practice. She has worked as a psychologist within a variety of settings – including mental health, psychology service in courts and occupational and vocational rehabilitation – both in public and private organisations. Dionne’s private practice makes extensive use of the metaframework neuropsychotherapy, evidence-based psychological therapies, advanced Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and Solution Focused Therapy. She is the author of The Neuroscience Toolkit for Clinicians. She has worked in The Netherlands, United States and Australia. She currently holds the role as advisor for the International Associations of Applied Neuroscience IAAN.

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    Bottom Up - Dionne H. Shnider

    Copyright © 2018 Dionne H. Shnider. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    Published by AuthorHouse   11/07/2018

    ISBN: 978-1-5462-6675-4 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5462-6697-6 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2018913050

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    About the Author


    Explaining the Key Principles of Neuropsychotherapy

    Neural Underpinnings

    Neural Communication

    Neurochemicals and Neurotransmitters

    Amino Acid Neurotransmitters

    Activation Patterns and Neural Systems

    Neural Mechanisms of Approach and Avoidance Learning

    The Social Brain

    Clinical Application of Neuropsychotherapy

    Controllable Incongruence as the Lever for Change

    Guide to using the book

    Understand how the brain develops from the bottom up

    Panic and the brain

    Depression and the brain

    Sleep and the brain

    OCD and the brain

    Necessary ingredients to feel emotional control

    1. Taking Responsibility

    2. Motivation - Identifying Secondary Gains

    3. Making a Commitment to Yourself

    4. Willingness to take risks

    5. Defining your goals for long term happiness



    I am excited about this product and will continue research into their efficacy as well as expand to address more psychologically challenging presentations. I would like to thank Jonathan Wills and Nita Grayson for editing the initial drafts. And a special thank you to my supportive colleagues and dear friends for their input, testimonials and encouragement to complete this book Dr. Antonette T. Dulay; Dr. April M. Colbert, Nadine Beile, Nicole Gerschman and Rita Princi.

    Special thanks to all the clients, researchers and animators who provided many hours of support to get these products on the professional level that they present.

    A word of great thanks to my family and friends for their consistent support.

    And in memory of my mentor and close friend who gave so much of himself in sharing his passion of neuroscience fundamentals.

    About the Author


    Dr. Dionne Shnider is a licensed psychologist and Certified Applied Neuroscience Practitioner in private practice. She has worked as a psychologist within a variety of settings – including mental health, psychology service in courts and occupational and vocational rehabilitation – both in public and private organisations. Dionne’s private practice makes extensive use of the metaframework neuropsychotherapy, evidence-based psychological therapies, advanced Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and Solution Focused Therapy. She is the author of The Neuroscience Toolkit for Clinicians. She has worked in The Netherlands, United States and Australia. She currently holds the role as advisor for the International Associations of Applied Neuroscience IAAN.


    It is hoped and intended that this book will fill a gap in existing resources by contributing to the meta-framework that is shaping psychotherapy today. These relate to the prevention of negative behavioural irregularities and the absence of an integrated neurological and cognitive behavioural manual. The manual will aim ultimately to prevent the clinical expression of primary or secondary conditions like generalised anxiety disorder, depression, obsessional compulsive disorders, sleep disturbance and general mood disorders, and to build neural resilience for clients, so their capacity to succumb to future psychological unwellness is strengthened.

    This book has six main sections. The first section will be an introduction explaining the key principles of neuropsychotherapy. The rest of the book is divided into five units that are short enough so that you can usually work through each section without interruption. Each section deals with an important emotional part of the brain and introduces a group of skills accompanying it, which may be applied in the relevant circumstances.

    Try to avoid taking on too much at once, give yourself time to understand and assimilate what you have learned, before moving onto the next unit. Give your brain a chance to digest and process the information and to build new neural networks!

    Explaining the Key Principles of Neuropsychotherapy

    Neural Underpinnings

    Freud studied widely in the area of human behaviour and he observed extensively the factors which were associated with the responses people made to their environment. His work led to recognising the association of stress with some disturbance in infancy, and developing his therapies focusing on the reconnection of those whole body experiences a baby receives in the interactions with its mother.

    Later, he expanded his work to include how the unconscious mind works in the processing of stress and made the association with the biological factors in the workings of the brain. This initial top-down approach, suggested that therapists should help decompose the big pictures of behaviours until they were able to get down

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