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Ebook36 pages23 minutes


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About this ebook

There’s the black, and there’s the white in our lives. Black and white represents routine. It represents a definitive answer. It represents predictability. It’s what people are most comfortable with. More times than not life is a not lived in the black and white. Most of the time it’s a combination of both—the gray. People are uncomfortable with gray. That represents the unknown. It can bring fear. It prevents us from taking that leap thinking they will fall and fail. They don’t like it. The gray can be scary. Through trial and error, thirteen bullet points have been created to be able to overcome any doubt. Easy. Simple. Fun. This is a personal guide to be able to live your own life of happiness—in the gray.
Release dateJul 9, 2019

Carmen Vera

Carmen Vera is an American author living in Southern California. Her first book was published in 2015 and she has been in the writing ever since. She enjoys writing nonfiction and children’s books. The writing process has always intrigued Carmen and she loves watching her work come into existence. In her personal life, Carmen is a musician, designer, and a world traveler. She enjoys traveling the world to inspire her works

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    Grayspace - Carmen Vera

    Copyright 2019 CARMEN VERA.

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    ISBN: 978-1-4907-9587-4 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4907-9586-7 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2019908502

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    Matt Parker, you have been the inspiration for the book. You continue to encourage me to be who I am. I will keep going. I will forever be in your corner.

    Thank you, Kylie Brown, for the amazing book cover. You are so talented.

    Thank you, Victoria Probert, for the beautiful author portrait. Your talent never ceases to amaze me.




    1.   Don’t be a sad bitch.

    2.   Reset that mind.

    3.   Spread the Love

    4.   Know your worth.

    5.   Birds of a feather flock together.

    6.   GRAY SPACE

    7.   Ask for help.

    8.   Self Care

    9.   Speak up!

    10.   Be honest like Abe

    11.   Balance, boundaries, limits, and the hard no.

    12.   Time is your friend

    13.   The little things.

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