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The Mountains Behind: Book Three: We Win!
The Mountains Behind: Book Three: We Win!
The Mountains Behind: Book Three: We Win!
Ebook177 pages2 hours

The Mountains Behind: Book Three: We Win!

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About this ebook

The Mountains Behind – Book Three, We Win! is the final, incredible update to the personal journey of Robert Douglas Morris. This is the latest book in the series that has empowered, encouraged and motivated its readers to keep the faith, while overcoming every obstacle along the path to victory! This inspiring conclusion shares more victories over life’s challenges, and motivates you to excel, conquer and overcome the battles we all face in the race towards the finish line!
Release dateSep 4, 2019
The Mountains Behind: Book Three: We Win!

Robert Douglas Morris

Robert Douglas Morris is the CEO and Founder of Robert D Morris Next-Level Enterprises, and Battlefield Productions, located in Arlington, Texas. He is passionate about encouraging people from all walks of life to pursue their dreams despite what past issues they have had to overcome. Robert is an incredibly dynamic, award winning motivational speaker, and the author of “The Mountains Behind” series of books, as well as the poetic companion, “Passages.” Robert served Ten years in The US Air Force, including several years in Athens, Greece, and Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

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    The Mountains Behind - Robert Douglas Morris

    Copyright © 2019 Robert Douglas Morris.

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    ISBN: 978-1-5320-8184-2 (sc)

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    iUniverse rev. date: 09/04/2019


    Dedication and Thank You


    My Son, My Son

    Not Many Days Like This…

    The Dentist

    The Benevolence Fund…

    The Traffic Ticket…

    Interlude: Scars And Stripes…

    You Know You Owe Me Your Job…

    First Day On The Job…

    The Knife In The Conference Room…

    Light Skin Aint In…

    Twenty-Five Pages Of Felonies…

    Interlude: On A Road I Did Not Plan…

    The Who, The What, The When, The Where, and The Why

    My First 5K

    What I Learned By Writing This Series

    Corporate Mountains – Talk About Peaks And Valleys

    Interlude: Inspiration

    The Interview…

    Church Hurt

    As You Are Aware…

    Interlude: To Whom Much Is Given…

    Walking In Love… Definitely Not For The Weak


    Friends… (Few And Far Between)

    A Special Kind Of man


    Life’s Sad Truths

    Real Peace…

    Named After Me…

    Moments… By: Robert D. Morris

    The Party…

    Things I’ve Learned Along The Way (The University Of Me) – By Robert D. Morris

    The Reunion – A Gift For My Mother, Verlene Barker

    This is just for me…

    The Person You Are

    Make It To Another Day

    So Much To Say

    About Me…

    Last Minute Thoughts

    Epilogue: Who Are The We?

    Dedication and Thank You

    This book is dedicated to my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Thank you for allowing me to grow as a writer, and as a man. Thank you for my life, and my children. Thank you for allowing me to experience being a Husband, Father, Leader Mentor and Minister.

    Thank you for making it possible for a man born in Detroit, Michigan, anemic at birth, unable to walk until the age of four, told by many what he would not accomplish in life to travel to far distant lands at a time when it was not common to do so.

    Thank you for seeing me through countless encounters with danger. Thank You for comforting me when death came to visit my family. Thank you for giving me strength to endure neglect, apathy, loss, pain, suffering, loneliness, selfishness, greed, lust, envy, liars, cheaters, doubt and doubters, hate and haters, and for granting just about desire of my heart. I am forever grateful.

    Thank you also for the ability and desire to love someone with absolutely all of my heart. I know in this world the word and condition of Love is overlooked, is taken for granted, is considered a weakness by many, and is very rarely rewarded with true, unconditional love in return.

    Despite all of that, I am determined to continue to seek and reveal that which you have shown to be the greatest gift a man can give in this life; a true heart, a loving spirit, and a warm hug.

    Thank you to all of those who contributed to the life events that compose the mountains in this book. Quite frankly, I never imagined writing about the events I had to experience in my life.

    For reasons unknown until now, I was selected to be a witness to quite a bit of man’s ability to rain discomfort, strife, unfairness and pure, absolute pettiness upon another man. I sincerely thank you for giving me the fuel to reach heights I had not envisioned reaching.

    Finally, Thank You to my Mother, Jeannette Morris, and My Father, Robert Carl Rhue. They are both no longer physically here, however, I feel their energy, love and presence each day.

    I miss and love you both, and I am so grateful and thankful for everything you gave me; my goal is still to make you both proud of me. Pop, I will indeed Keep on living, and Mother, I will continue to Fly Robin Fly.

    I look forward to seeing you both open the gates for me, but not yet; I have more to do here.


    Really? A Third Edition? Now, I really didn’t see this coming. I recently put the finishing touches on the second edition of The Mountains Behind. That edition was more of an update; I was able to offer more clarity in some areas, cleanup some of the organization, and finally add some additional content.

    I was content that story was told to my satisfaction; it was time to write about something other than my Mountains. In fact, I was looking forward to writing about other areas of life that I want to explore. I started a book called The Real Truth About Love; my take on what appears to be life’s biggest challenge; finding and keeping real love in this life.

    I wrote the introduction, and started designing the cover; I was on my way. But then, I wasn’t. Right when I was starting on the first chapter of that project, I was led to stop. I started writing what appeared to be chapter titles; to what, I was not certain, I just knew to keep going.

    I literally wrote by hand on both sides of a blank sheet of paper. When I finished writing (I also had information in the corners and on the sides), I realized what was just birthed out; chapters and topics for this, the third edition of The Mountains Behind – We Win!.

    I was then presented with a choice; do I stop my current project and proceed with this new one? Or do I ignore the strong, direct calling to continue my story? Have any of you ever been in that situation before? You want to head down a certain path, yet you feel LED to do something different?

    The choice may not have been about writing a book. Your choice could have been choosing to start a certain business, choosing to pursue a personal relationship, or several other life choices. What choice did you make? Do you have any regrets?

    The fact you are reading this is proof that I decided to be obedient to the voice that I have tried my best to listen to my entire life. Here then, in your hands is a copy of The Mountains Behind – The Third Edition, We Win This book contains all new content that I have not published before. I am excited to share more stories – mountains of my life with you.

    As I always say, you and I are going on a trip together; there will be dips and turns, hills and valleys. My goal is to inspire, encourage, motivate and cheer you on like you deserve.

    I will be sure to bring you back to your landing zone hopefully with more information, enlightenment, and a strong, confirmed sense that you are not on this battlefield alone. There are many warriors just like you, fighting the good fight of faith. We wrestle constantly in our hearts and minds, waiting for a pause in the action, a break in the weather that sometimes seem to take forever to come.

    Fear not, Beloved. Those mountains you feared were real, and they were formidable. You did suffer loss along the way, you were injured, you were bruised, you were taken to the point of exhaustion, and you did think about quitting; so, did I.

    Here is the good news. Look in that rear view mirror of your life. All of that stuff, all of those trials every one of those People, Places, and Things are literally, figuratively, spiritually, and emotionally, ALL BEHIND YOU.

    It is up to you now, to put on that fresh new suit or dress, to head out into this crazy world we inhabit, and doggedly pursue the dreams and destiny you were born and purposed to fulfill!

    Yes, it will take hard work, dedication to your respective craft, some networking, some behind the scenes preparation, and definitely some prayers along the road, but you can see your future once you realize those items in your rear-view mirror can no longer be a negative factor in your life!

    I heard a comment recently that I found interesting. I am constantly listening for words of inspiration myself; I definitely need to be fed, just like each of you. What I heard was a comment about life; We only get a few breaths in this life.

    When I heard the comment, I was immediately reminded about a poem I wrote called The Hour Glass (Included in my book "Passages – Poetry Inspired By The Mountains Behind). The poem talks about our time here in the body, and how we only have so much time to live and enjoy this life.

    My prayer for each of you reading this book (yes, I am even speaking to those of you who will read this long after I am no longer physically here), is you find a way to put all of the negative chatter about you to the side and chase after that goal, catch it, put your name on it, and walk that thing out like the King and Queen you are!

    THANK YOU for your support, Love, and Encouragement. Know I hear your comments, I appreciate your thoughts and prayers for me to continue to write and speak.

    You all know that I am not immune to the trials of life, this book is proof of that; this is volume three, right? Wow… I paused to laugh myself as I was writing that; I am determined to complete my journey. Writing as a service to you gives me incredible joy. I know I am in my purpose; I want the same for each of you.

    As always, Be Blessed everyone. Here’s to putting and keeping your mountains behind you.

    Robert Douglas Morris

    My Son, My Son

    A nyone who has known me for any length of time knows I was very close to my Mother, Jeannette Morris. She was, and still is a star to me. I find it hard to believe it has been ten years since she passed in her sleep.

    I thought long and hard about what story to open this book with and in the end, it became clear I had to talk about what it was like to go through the process of saying goodbye to the most incredible gift I was fortunate to have. My Mother.

    I was also aware writing about my Mother could possibly bring some uncomfortable feelings for my family members, so I made sure to reach out to them to get their support.

    Before I delve into this most difficult mountain, I wanted to thank them for that support, especially my big sister, Mikki. Thank You, Mikki; I hope you are pleased with what you read; I Love You.

    I last spoke with my Mother on a very ordinary Monday evening. I worked a normal nine-hour shift, and endured the crazy, normal drive home. I called to check on her, and we spoke for about twenty minutes. She was making her famous spaghetti and garlic bread.

    We joked about her saving me some food, talked a while longer about nothing in particular, and mainly shared time just enjoying each other on the phone. Looking back on that call, how differently would I approach that conversation if I knew this would be our last?

    Isn’t it funny how life works sometimes? If you absolutely knew you were having a final talk with one of your loved ones, what would you say to them? I always made it a point to end our conversations with I Love You Mother Yes, I called her Mother.

    Her response this day was the same as always; she simply said I Love You Too, My, Son, My Son. All seemed normal That normalcy would be rocked, and my life would forever be changed nearly seventy-two hours later.

    That Wednesday, I held a Bible study at my home. The topic was Casualties of War. I spoke about being on the battlefield of life, and in all wars, physical and spiritual, there are usually casualties; one purpose of war is for one side to eliminate the other.

    I remember sleeping very well that night. I woke up refreshed, I had the day off, and I was looking forward to doing absolutely nothing; I needed the rest. I was told shortly after I woke up that my Mother passed away the previous evening in her sleep.

    I was shocked. In fact, I can remember thinking the news was a joke of some kind. Not MY Mother.

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