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Hiit Your Way to Fit
Hiit Your Way to Fit
Hiit Your Way to Fit
Ebook71 pages55 minutes

Hiit Your Way to Fit

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In, HIIT Your Way to Fit, you will learn about high-intensity interval training, HIIT, and how to improve your overall health and wellness by creating an atmosphere of consistency with health behaviors and practices that will transform your physical body. This quick, easy-to-read book will allow you to get important information in a short period of time without compromising value. You will learn about different exercises, healthy nutrition options, and mindful practices that will help you maintain the focus necessary to reach your health and fitness goals. Get to know yourself better and put an end to buying fitness equipment that you never use, those out-of-reach and failed New Year’s resolutions, and the constant procrastination that hinders your success from getting the body you’ve always dreamed. Whether you are a beginner, intermediate, or advanced-level trainer, have local gym membership, or workout in the privacy of your own home, this book will motivate, inspire, and give you the tools you need to get better results—faster!

Other books by Dr. LaKeisha J. Cole include From Failure to Success: FAITH Changes the Outcome (2019), series of children’s books—Learning Letters with Animals: Just for Kids, Numbers and Shapes: Just for Kids, Learning About Nutrition: Just for Kids, and Child, You are a Sower: Plant Seeds of Goodness (2020).
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateFeb 29, 2020
Hiit Your Way to Fit

LaKeisha Jeanne Cole Ph.D.

LaKeisha J. Cole, PhD, the author of Faith Changes the Outcome, HIIT Your Way to Fit, The Destiny Project, L1M1TLE$$: Beating the Odds and Winning in Life, and a series of children's books, is an inspirational, motivational author and speaker on mind, body, and spiritual healing. She is passionate about helping people pursue the life they were destined to live through encouragement and guidance from the power within all of us. Knowing that life is a journey and that there is growth and development for all, she desires to inspire others to be their best. This translates into understanding that there is a past, present, and future and encouraging all to forgive the past, adjust as necessary to live a better present, and create the future desired. Dr. Cole is an educator who holds educational degrees in public health epidemiology (doctorate), human nutrition (master's), and complementary and alternative medicine (bachelor's). She has taught in both graduate and undergraduate institutions of higher learning to assist students in their journeys to achieve their educational goals and dreams. She has also used her knowledge, skills, and abilities in her health and wellness consultation and other businesses to inspire and motivate people to live better, healthier, and more productive lives.

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    Hiit Your Way to Fit - LaKeisha Jeanne Cole Ph.D.

    Copyright © 2020 by LaKeisha Jeanne Cole, Ph.D.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

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    Rev. date: 02/29/2020






    Chapter 1    Believe in Yourself!

    Chapter 2    Consistency Is Key

    Chapter 3    Focus Adjustment

    Chapter 4    Ready, Set, HIIT

    Chapter 5    Nutrition Basics for You!

    Chapter 6    Health Behaviors

    Chapter 7    Questions of Consideration

    Chapter 8    HIIT and Healing

    Chapter 9    HIIT Conclusion

    Chapter 10  Enjoy and Balance!

    Chapter 11  Bringing HIIT Altogether

    Chapter 12  Celebrate Your Success!


    This read is dedicated to my husband of twenty years (September), William Cole III, who has inspired me through the years to find my place in this world and understand that God has a greater plan and purpose for me to go well beyond what I would have for myself. I appreciate the experiences that taught me what I needed to be all I can be and move in the direction of positivity and success.

    To our beautiful sons, William Cole IV and Khalil Cole who motivate me, you inspire me to write words of wisdom that will go on. My hope is that what I’ve learned from my failures in life will allow you to be successful, and my successes will be the foundation for you to achieve so much more. I always want the best for you. Thank you and I love you!

    To all those individuals who have set health and wellness goals that they’ve never reached, I want you to know that you can do it! You must believe in yourself, discover what is hindering you from getting the results you desire and start making the change right now. Work hard and never give up on you and your dream health and fitness goals—it’s achievable!


    In life, you have a responsibility to take care of yourself. In the beginning, you expect your parents to take care of you and ensure you get the best start in life to be healthy. When you’re in grade school, you’re introduced to sports or other physical activities that can support health. Sometimes you’re interested, and other times you may not. Nevertheless, you must do something to ensure your physical well-being. As you grow older, it becomes significantly important for you to do what you can to maintain and sustain good health and well-being.

    There is so much information in the world today about the importance of health and fitness. It can become overwhelming to the point that you may do nothing at all. What about the doctor’s visits that stress the importance of eating right and getting exercise? There’s that family history of disease—high blood pressure, high cholesterol, overweight and obesity, diabetes, and the list goes on. Oh, and don’t forget those infomercials that get you excited about that exercise equipment designed to get you in shape and feel great, right?

    Now there are new, more intense ways to train your body to get in better shape, such as high-intensity interval training, known as HIIT. Does it really work? How will it work for you? What role does it play in helping you reach your fitness and overall health goals? Should you even consider taking on another task? Will it be more added to your plate that appears exciting and new in the beginning but fails you when it comes down to maintaining the consistency necessary once it becomes a part of your daily routine?

    Wow, so many questions to consider! Now, you have all these concerns on your mind about your health. And there are likely a few more. You probably have a busy schedule, too—no time for working out. If you do have the time, you probably don’t feel like it—especially, if you have a job, children, spouse, and your personal me time.

    But it’s all necessary to stay fit, right? You must do it to be healthy, right? Oh my, don’t you dare begin to overthink it—now, you’re feeling stress—and that causes health problems, too, right?

    Well, you must do something because your health and well-being cannot take a back seat in your life. No matter how you feel about it, you must take care of yourself. You are way too valuable in this world to neglect your health. And you deserve to

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