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Train Your Brain: Be Ye Transformed by the Renewing of Your Mind
Train Your Brain: Be Ye Transformed by the Renewing of Your Mind
Train Your Brain: Be Ye Transformed by the Renewing of Your Mind
Ebook179 pages3 hours

Train Your Brain: Be Ye Transformed by the Renewing of Your Mind

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Training your brain is the science of changing your negative belief system by reprogramming the subconscious mind in order to change your life’s circumstances for the better.

Practicing affirmations of gratitude on a continuous basis, teaches us to count our blessing instead of complaining and constantly begging the Universe or God for material things and healing, that He has given us the power to manifest on our own with the power of or own minds, by reprogramming the subconscious to bring about our true birthright as children of the Most High Creator.

What make this book stand out and different from other self-help books, is I have discovered the magic of Brainwave Entrainment and what real hypnosis is really all about, and the power of how to reprogram your subconscious mind to undo negative conscious beliefs that have influenced us for all the years we have lived.

PublisherXlibris US
Release dateAug 26, 2020
Train Your Brain: Be Ye Transformed by the Renewing of Your Mind

Idalia Willis

Idalia has always had a passion for writing poetry and has been the recipient of numerous awards. In 2001, she was awarded the President’s Literacy Award, under the presidency of Bill Clinton. Her poetry has won the attention of the Library of Congress and a monetary prize for her poem, “God be The Color of the Rainbow,” It was published in the world acclaimed Anthology, Back to Tim-Book Tu, in 2000. She also has achieved the title of, World Famous Poet 1999. Her real joy comes from helping and motivating others to learn how to let go and seek inner peace through understanding the power of the subconscious or the Higher source of Universal Energy within each and every one of us. Some call that power God, put I say, you are god energy. You can train your brain to manifest anything you desire. Through practicing meditation and positive affirmations, Idalia has manifested many miracles, such as unexpected wealth, an ageless mind and body and her perfect soul mate. She now holds several certifications as a Certified Health Coach, Certified Holistic Nutritionist, Motivational Coach, Personal Trainer, and Stress Management and Mindfulness Instructor. She continues to focus on the health, happiness and well-being of all, she now spends her time writing self-help books with a focus on mindfulness health. Her goal is to stay a powerful force of good for all, by helping as many people as possible undo negative self-sabotaging beliefs, so they can manifest all their desires. She is truly becoming the change she wants to see in the world. She is positively ageless, happy and determined to be a light energy in the world.

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    Train Your Brain - Idalia Willis

    Copyright © 2020 by Idalia Willis.

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    As the Phoenix within flies higher towards the realms of Light,

    we will have the clarity it takes to be creative and whole in a more

    conscious and wise way. Our hearts will become enlightened enough

    to feel the new freedom, creating a life-affirming paradigm!

    ~Tony Samara


    I would like to dedicate this book to all the true creators in the

    universe who have helped me and so many others discover the

    power of the subconscious mind and authentic mindfulness.

    This book would not be possible if it were not for

    God’s spiritual and infinite loving guidance.

    My sincere thanks to the Divine Universal Spirit within!



    Those brain cells need a good workout daily! Let’s get it going, brainiacs!





    Chapter 1 Killing Ego

    Chapter 2 Gratitude and Intentions

    Chapter 3 My Journey

    Chapter 4 Transforming Your Mind

    Chapter 5 Wrong Thinking

    Chapter 6 How to Talk to Yourself

    Chapter 7 Four Stages to Success

    Chapter 8 The Power of Words

    Chapter 9 Stage One Supercharged Affirmations

    Chapter 10 Fear of Change

    Chapter 11 I Am Wise!

    Chapter 12 I Am Healthy

    Chapter 13 I Am Happy

    Chapter 14 I Am Peaceful

    Chapter 15 I Am Valuable

    Chapter 16 A List of Powerful I Am Affirmations

    Chapter 17 Stage Two: Hypnosis

    Chapter 18 Youtube Channels And Apps To Help Transform Your Mind

    Chapter 19 Stage Three: Solfeggio Frequencies And Binaural Beats

    Chapter 20 Stage Four: Meditation And Prayer


    One Last Reminder

    Bonus Affirmations Videos

    Finally, Just Relax


    Training your brain is the science of changing your negative belief system by reprogramming the subconscious mind to change your life’s circumstances for the better. It is a way to use genuine gratitude and affirmations, along with brain wave entrainments, to manifest real life transforming changes. You will be able to overcome your addictions, health issues, weight loss, loneliness, and fears as well as poverty and lack of wealth. I’ve even used brain wave entrainment to reverse aging by listening to the HGH (human growth hormone) frequencies.

    Practicing affirmations of gratitude on a continuous basis teaches us to count our blessings instead of complaining and constantly begging the universe or God for material things and healing—that he has given us the power to manifest on our own with the power of our own minds by reprogramming the subconscious to bring about our true birthright as children of the Most High Creator. We have a birthright as heirs of the universe, and that birthright is that we are all naturally entitled to prosperity, health and greatness, a wonderful soul mate relationship and much more . . . and peace of mind being at the top of the list.

    What makes this book stand out and different from other self-help books is I have discovered the magic of brain wave entrainment and what real mindfulness is all about, along with the power of how to reprogram your subconscious mind to undo negative conscious beliefs that have influenced us for all the years we have lived.

    Reading about positive thinking and listening to all the great motivational speakers and writers of history on the subject of the power of positive thinking were not enough to bring about real mindful changes that truly change the way we think to bring about real life changes. I’ve learned about universal energy and that we are all unlimited energy with divine powers to manifest and create anything we desire. Because this energy power is so great, unfortunately, without the proper guidance, we also create negative energy. This is because of the negative programming we’ve received from birth. If we were fortunate enough to have had a plethora of positive influences, then consider yourself way ahead of the game of life.

    There are a select few that will read a Deepak Chopra book or the book The Secret and get it right away, but most of us need a little extra help. I have also discovered that even when I read The Secret, I came away still less able to manifest even though I created the vision boards and did everything they suggested I do. There was nothing in those books about how to really undo all the negative vibes of our life circumstances. Nothing changed for me, and I eventually became homeless while doing the vision board method. I needed real change, and now I want to show you how to get real mindfulness to change your life. I was one of those people who needed a lot of help beyond the many self-help books that I had read for over twenty years.

    God has given everyone the inner power to overcome any and all obstacles in our lives. But there is no way to manifest healing and wealth if we are constantly complaining about what we don’t have or how bad we feel. Being grateful is the key to unlocking your wildest dreams! It is the key to success in relationships, health, and abundance. It worked for me! And I know it will work for you too. But being grateful is not enough. I know that may sound crazy to some of you faith believers, but it’s not. You have to learn how to live in gratitude. Gratefulness is not just a word to chant in prayer. It is a lifestyle. And you need some help.

    In this book, I will give you the extra tools you need to ignite your gratefulness practice. You will learn how to practice gratitude. This is where some motivational books fall short. They motivate and encourage, but they don’t tell you how to reprogram the subconscious mind, which is what has to be done to manifest all your life’s circumstances from the negative past and your new present reality called the now.


    When we are born, we are born with brains that were designed and capable to cocreate massive good and wealth to contribute to the well-being of the world and not just ourselves. We are actually created with the ability to heal our own bodies through the power of our own minds and collective universal vibrational energies. We see ourselves as form, but we actually are universal energy spirits capable of much more than we can see or think to do in the tangible worldviews of finite limitations placed on us by many untruths and influences.

    Stay with me here on this point. I promise to make this unconventional view as easy for you to understand as it is to look at the world with a one-dimensional concept that only what we can see with our eyes is all that is real. We were taught this concept from a very early age, and it is going to take some time to unlearn them. The good news is you are always in control of how fast you can relearn a whole new way of seeing life and the universe you are so much a part of.

    Everything in this earth and in the universe is an energy created through spiritual vibrations from a Divine Spirit. Some call this divine energy God. Not to get too methodological or sound weird, but science will prove what I am conveying. In the Bible, God tells us that he is not a man but a spirit, and that spirit is what created everything in the universe, including mankind. He also tells us that whatever miracles he did, we also can do if we believe. He said, I will be with you at will and to do my good pleasure. You can find those references in these Bible verses 1 Corinthians 2:11 (NIV).

    For who knows a person’s thoughts except their own spirit within them? In the same way no one knows the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God. (1 Cor. 2:11 NIV)

    Our minds are the driving power behind all that is palpable and physical. Every invention, creative force is from the seed of thought. The famous author James Allen, who wrote the book As a Man Thinketh, said it best. Man’s thoughts are the sum total of all that he is and all that he will become. As a matter of fact, the Good Book says the same thing, long before James Allen said it; ‘As a man thinks, so is he.’

    This book will teach you how to practice mindfulness to manifest and undo negative programming that has been taught to all of us from childhood and throughout our lives. We are programmed with beliefs of all kinds, from our parents, teachers, peers, and, most of all, society.

    What I am getting at is some of us did not get what was necessary to develop a successful mind-set for our future. It was not our parents’ fault, nor our teachers and peers. They taught us and guided us in the manner they were taught. What I will attempt to do in this book is to help. This is what you will learn in my book: using self-guided hypnosis, brain wave entrainment, and self-uplifting and life-changing affirmations.

    We can heal our past and cure our bodies, we can create massive wealth, if that is what we want. We can also tap into our true purpose through the power of reprogramming the subconscious. We are all possible energy sources able to be all that we were meant to be. But how can all these changes be accomplished? This is a mystery that our ancient ancestors have always had the answer to. Now through modern quantum physical evolutions and YouTube, we have the answers as well. Let’s take a closer look at how we can become pure energy and connect with the universe of which we are all a vital part.

    You will learn to embrace unlimited universal powers and possibilities to achieve complete happiness and prosperity by tapping into your higher spirit or, what I sometimes refer to as source energy by reprogramming your subconscious mind. I will teach you how to break past negative thought programming and deadly, unhealthy bad habits. I want to help you lower your blood pressure and lose unwanted pounds, become more financially successful, and finally be done with all bad habits such as smoking, drugs, alcohol, and all unhealthy addictions.

    Retraining your subconscious mind to think only positive thoughts and loving yourself will change the way you look at the people in your life and even draw flowing wealth and true love. It is going to be like rewriting a debauched movie script and rewriting your personal life script into a box-office hit! Think how wonderful it would be if you could look at your life as a multimillion dollar blockbuster! It’s totally possible . . . I know it works! It worked for me, and it will work for you also! And as you read this book, I am still in the process of mindfulness and manifesting. It is an exciting journey that I am excited to share.

    I will tell you my story about how my life was a series of ups and downs, mostly downs. I will tell you why we wake up every day to face the same old scene of despair and stress because of how we think and was programmed to think about ourselves and what we believe we deserve. My life was like the movie Groundhog Day. It seemed as if every morning I woke up, life was the same old things—my job, paying bills, and just living like a victim—until I discovered the information I am sharing with you about how I can reprogram my mind through positive affirmations.

    I went from seeing myself as a victim to becoming a victor over my circumstances and eventually a best-selling author through the power of meditation, self-hypnosis, and affirmations using brain wave entrainment and biannual music/frequency beats. My mental transformation was astounding to say the least. I learned that I was a divine spiritual being worthy of all I desired. You are also a divine spiritual being, and once you learn how to use your divine powers; the universe will be at your command.

    I thank God for allowing me this awesome opportunity to share this knowledge with all of you. I am humbled by the transformation and the renewing of my mind through the power of gratitude to my Universal Source Creator for all that I have been blessed to have and all that is to come! I am grateful to everyone that contributed to my knowledge and for their powerful, loving energy! I am grateful that you chose to buy this book! I think this

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