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Fight 4 Justice 2: The Litigant V the Judge and Court  System
Fight 4 Justice 2: The Litigant V the Judge and Court  System
Fight 4 Justice 2: The Litigant V the Judge and Court  System
Ebook70 pages59 minutes

Fight 4 Justice 2: The Litigant V the Judge and Court System

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Fight 4 Justice 2 is based on the court cases and how the judge from 2017 after winning the 5-day trial handled the cases which was passed to another judge and we are now in 2021. The family is no better off from 2014. We have the judge who is not following the orders from the probate family court or taking the orders and directions from the ruling of the trial judge in 2017 in the high court.
Release dateJul 1, 2021
Fight 4 Justice 2: The Litigant V the Judge and Court  System

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    Fight 4 Justice 2 - Daddy Dan

    FIGHT 4


    The Litigant v The JUDGE




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    Copyright © 2021 Daddy Dan. All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse 06/15/2021

    ISBN: 978-1-6655-9054-9 (sc)

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    1 Fight for justice 2 is based on the court cases and how the judge from 2017 after winning the 5-day trial handled the cases which was passed to another judge and we are now in 2021. The family is no better off from 2014. We have the judge who is not following the orders from the probate family court or taking the orders and directions from the ruling of the trial judge in 2017 in the high court.

    2 The judge as derailed and caused more problems to the family by not listing hearings losing the files losing the evidence causing delays striking out the cases using the cpr rules. And then stating after telling the litigant to file applications which was already done.

    And asking the claimant for evidence about the estate which the defendant was the administrator of the estate. the judge when taking over our father’s case took 1 year 6 months to remove a caveat which was put on the estate to protect it from the criminals.

    3 Then made an order saying it is an abuse of the courts judicial system. the family as send to the court numerous letters to the court judges and court manager and appeals. after sending the information to the press and 10 downing street

    The judge as now suddenly as left the court as a judge and left a set of orders which the family must put right. with all the crimes which have been committed and both estate of Mrs. E f and R f this judge as not dealt with in the time the judge had the cases with all the evidence show and brought into court.

    4 And aloud the defendants to able to evade court justice and walk free. The administrator who was appointed to Mr. R estate as committed fiduciary which it as been ordered by the chancery division and transfer to the high court for a trial. the family as now appeared on four of the judges’ orders which was made and awaiting the trial.



    UPDATE 19.02.2020

    History and background

    In Chapter 1 The first estate of Mrs. E F who passed away in 1997 in England which the administrators have cheated and robbed the beneficiary’s we end part one of the first book fight for justice by saying all the cases are in the royal court of justice.

    Who was Mrs. E f? The mother of the f family who can to England and worked all her life and raised 10 children which we now have found out 8 was her biological children.

    I do not know how the rest of the family feel about her, but I saw her as a great mother a strong black woman an incredibly special person a great loss to the family she was very loving, caring and loved children and a godly person.

    She was clean hearted extremely hard working, and she did not like fights or war very fair she was like my best friend which taught me a lot in life which I carried today she was the type of person that I could tell her whatsoever and the only person I trust to this day. She is a great loss to the family and the family have never been the same as a hole family from her passing away.

    My Childhood memories and my upbringing I remember her teaching me to cook clean, sew, plait hair washing ironing and keeping the house clean. How a woman does things shopping and budgeting finance when I got my first girlfriend and I left home, and my girlfriend threw me out. My mother told me always to have my own front door key. I remember us planning things together.

    My mother planned

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