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Study Guide to Bridge to Terabithia: Movie Version
Study Guide to Bridge to Terabithia: Movie Version
Study Guide to Bridge to Terabithia: Movie Version
Ebook72 pages3 hours

Study Guide to Bridge to Terabithia: Movie Version

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Study Guide compares the novel Bridge to Terabithia by Katherine Paterson to the movie Bridge to Terabithia (2007) starring Josh Hutcherson, AnnaSophia Robb and Zooey Deschanel. Directed by Gabor Csupo. Walt Disney Pictures. Many plot points are accurate in this movie version of Bridge to Terabithia. The movie adds plots, characters, and themes that are not in the book, but the general story sticks to the book. It's worth watching if you keep in mind that in the book Jess and Leslie are 10-years-old, not teenagers, and the book does not have a giant troll and flying monsters.

- A Teacher Time-Saver - Perfect For CCSS - Distance Learning or Homeschooling -

The Common Core Standards call for comparing the novel text to a different version, especially a film version. Movie Version study guides provide reliable information about the comparison to know if student responses are accurate. Movie Version study guides compare the movie of a book to the book itself. The study guides cover both the plot and characters in the movie and the book.

Each study guide contains:

The Movie:  A scene-by-scene comparison with chapters in the book, including errors and omissions in the movie. 

The Book:  Complete chapter-by-chapter summaries of the book.

How Accurate is the Movie?  Each study guide rates the movie's accuracy according to Plot, Characters, Setting, Structure, Symbols, and Theme and reveals what's in the movie that's NOT in the book and what's in the book that's NOT in the movie.

Digitally download the movie version study guide today to find out how the movie is not like the book.

Release dateMay 24, 2017
Study Guide to Bridge to Terabithia: Movie Version

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    Book preview

    Study Guide to Bridge to Terabithia - Gigi Mack


    RECOMMENDED MOVIE: Bridge to Terabithia (2007) starring Josh Hutcherson, AnnaSophia Robb and Zooey Deschanel. Directed by Gabor Csupo. Walt Disney Pictures. Many plot points are accurate in this movie version of Bridge to Terabithia. The movie adds plots, characters, and themes that are not in the book, but the general story sticks to the book. It’s worth watching if you keep in mind that in the book Jess and Leslie are 10-years-old, not teenagers, and the book does not have a giant troll and flying monsters.




    Bessie the cow, Jess can’t swim, the sacred grove, King of the Mountain, Christmas gifts, Easter service, paper dolls, cremation, funeral wreath, the National Gallery, the Smithsonian, characters including Grandma Burke, Mrs. Pierce, Wilma Dean, Bobby Sue Henshaw, Mrs. Prentice and Billy Morris.


    The greenhouse, pink sneakers, abandoned pickup, the treehouse, the lost keys, squogres and vultures, the giant troll, Mr. Bailey, Scott Hoager, Alexandra, Kenny the bus driver.


    The rope, the flooded creek, Terabithia, Prince Terrien, the race that Leslie wins, the stolen Twinkie, the Burke’s gold living room, the trip to the museum with Miss Edmunds, Mrs. Myers, Leslie’s accident, Jess’s drawings, the trick played on Janice Avery, Leslie’s gift of art supplies, Gary Fulcher.


    The following is a scene-by-scene comparison of the movie to the corresponding chapters in the book.

    THE MOVIE: CHAPTER 1 Jesse Oliver Aarons, Jr.

    OPENING SCENE: It is morning at a farmhouse in the summertime. (ACCURATE) Jess hears his dad’s pickup start and looks at his bedroom window. (ACCURATE) Jess goes out for a run down a rural road and across green fields. (ACCURATE)

    OMISSIONS: In the book Jess practices running every morning in the summer so when school starts he can be the fastest boy in the fifth grade. At recess the boys race. Jess thinks running will make his father proud of him. He also thinks being the fastest boy will change his current image, the boy who is always drawing. He tells his little sister May Belle he is going to run beyond the cow pasture. He talks to Miss Bessie the cow before he runs. At breakfast his older teenage sisters Ellie and Brenda ask their mother for $5.00 so they can go shopping. After breakfast Jess milks the cow. Then he picks some beans. May Belle comes out to the bean patch to tell Jess that a family is moving into an old house nearby known as the old Perkins place. Jess sees a U-Haul truck at the house down the road.

    THE MOVIE: CHAPTER 2 Leslie Burke

    OMITTED: This chapter is not in the movie.

    In the book Jess helps his mother can beans. Then he makes peanut butter sandwiches for lunch for his little sisters May Belle and Joyce Ann and himself. He can see the U-Haul at the Perkins place, but doesn’t see any people. After lunch Jess goes to his room and draws. He keeps his art supplies under his mattress. He draws a cartoon of a hippopotamus falling off a cliff saying, Oh! I seem to have forgot my glasses. He once told his father that he wanted to be an artist, but his father didn’t seem to be pleased. The only teacher who likes Jess’s drawing is Miss Edmunds, the music teacher. It is nearly dark. Jess’s mother comes to the door and asks if he has milked Bessie yet.

    On the way to the pasture Jess sees lights on at the Perkins place. He hears a car dropping off his sisters from their shopping trip. May Belle shows up to tell him Momma is upset because Ellie bought a see-through blouse. Then May Belle hears the sound of her father’s truck and runs to meet him. Jess often feels lonely surrounded by females. His dad is tired when he gets home and does not have time for Jess. He watches as his dad hugs and kisses May Belle. Jess wishes his dad would be as affectionate with him.

    The next morning Jess goes for his daily run in the pasture. He hears a voice asking him why he doesn’t climb over the fence to get away from the cow. When Jess looks around, he sees a girl sitting on the fence.

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