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The Greater Mekong Subregion Economic Cooperation Program Strategic Framework 2030
The Greater Mekong Subregion Economic Cooperation Program Strategic Framework 2030
The Greater Mekong Subregion Economic Cooperation Program Strategic Framework 2030
Ebook126 pages1 hour

The Greater Mekong Subregion Economic Cooperation Program Strategic Framework 2030

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The Greater Mekong Subregion Economic Cooperation Program Strategic Framework 2030 (GMS-2030) aims to strengthen regional cooperation and integration in critical areas. GMS-2030 builds upon recognized strengths with a project-led approach that will benefit the community, support connectivity, and improve competitiveness. It also emphasizes the challenges of the coronavirus disease and aims to ensure that government strategies are conducive to a robust recovery in the medium term and beyond. Based on decades of success and program experience, GMS-2030 provides continuity, but will be updated, as necessary, to reflect evolving global or regional forces that may impinge on GMS development prospects.
Release dateSep 1, 2021
The Greater Mekong Subregion Economic Cooperation Program Strategic Framework 2030

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    The Greater Mekong Subregion Economic Cooperation Program Strategic Framework 2030 - Asian Development Bank


    SEPTEMBER 2021

    Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 IGO license (CC BY 3.0 IGO)

    © 2021 Asian Development Bank

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    ISBN 978-92-9262-689-1 (print), 978-92-9262-690-7 (electronic), 978-92-9262-691-4 (ebook)

    Publication Stock No. TCS210042


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    Executive Summary

    The Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) Economic Cooperation Program Strategic Framework 2030 (GMS-2030) provides a new setting for the development of this subregion for the next decade. It is based on deeper regional cooperation and integration in key areas and builds upon the GMS Program’s acknowledged strengths that center on connectivity and a project-led approach to development. GMS-2030 relies on the continued ownership and leadership of its member countries, while aligning itself and adding value to their national development plans. GMS-2030 blends the continuity of approach—based on decades of previously successful strategies, actions plans, and projects—with significant changes in a select number of areas to reflect the current global and regional forces that may impinge on GMS development prospects.

    GMS countries are adversely impacted by the coronavirus disease (COVID-19), as are those in the rest of the world, despite their prompt and effective response that initially limited its spread. The GMS, however, is confronted with a deep recession—its most significant challenge in the 28 years since the GMS Program was established. The pandemic is negatively impacting economic growth, incomes, and employment, while threatening the poverty reduction achievements to date that resulted from a combined national effort and successful subregional cooperation. The GMS Program has responded promptly to the pandemic by adding value to national strategies.

    GMS-2030 provides a framework for the subregion to act collectively in its response to seven long-term, powerful local trends:

    (i)risk of pandemics;

    (ii)weaker global growth and the threat to free trade;

    (iii)persistent pockets of poverty and increasing in-country inequality;

    (iv)severe environmental challenges and threats from climate change, disaster events, and pollution;

    (v)technological change and digitalization;

    (vi)evolving demographics; and

    (vii)rapid urbanization.

    The underlying consequences of these for the subregion are grave and have been further exacerbated by the impact of COVID-19. GMS-2030 provides a robust subregional response to these developments, which would be onerous to tackle on an individual country basis.

    The GMS-2030 Vision is to develop a more integrated, prosperous, sustainable, and inclusive subregion. To achieve this, GMS-2030 establishes a new Mission Statement with regard to the GMS Program: A subregional cooperation program focused on its fundamental strengths of community, connectivity, and competitiveness while embracing the core principles of environmental sustainability and resilience, internal and external integration, and inclusivity, for building a GMS community with a shared future.

    The core principles of GMS-2030 will be infused across all initiatives addressed by the GMS Program. Innovative approaches are also necessary in the following six cross-cutting areas:

    (i)Digital revolution. Harness the transformative potential of the digital revolution and focus on the preparation of subregional spheres of: (a) digital policies and regulation, (b) internet connectivity, (c) e-commerce and payment systems, (d) in-demand logistics and skills, and (e) risks of using digital technology. GMS-2030 will promote inclusive digitalization and the use of advanced technologies in all GMS Program activities and projects. Focus will be placed on the transport, energy, agriculture, tourism, and health sectors as well as on other areas such as

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