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Virtual Onboarding: Why Digital Onboarding will be the Future of Recruitment
Virtual Onboarding: Why Digital Onboarding will be the Future of Recruitment
Virtual Onboarding: Why Digital Onboarding will be the Future of Recruitment
Ebook106 pages1 hour

Virtual Onboarding: Why Digital Onboarding will be the Future of Recruitment

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About this ebook

The way that businesses take on, train, and ensure that staff are able to effectively function in a new work environment is known as onboarding. However, in recent years, onboarding has undergone tremendous changes. The most significant of these changes is the increased digitization of onboarding processes, which has taken form in a process known as virtual onboarding. This new form of onboarding presents many opportunities and challenges for business today, and in the future.

However, to properly understand what virtual onboarding is, and how it really impacts businesses today, there are many concepts which first must be understood. As such, the following research will provide a framework of understanding as to what onboarding is, the critical functions of onboarding, and how onboarding has changed throughout history and today—to provide a complete understanding of what this virtual onboarding is.

Following this, the research will provide a comprehensive analysis of virtual onboarding. The objectives and outcomes, the fundamentals, the approaches, best practices, and other critical areas of knowledge will be presented. Collectively, this research will provide information that can be used in business to gain a better understanding as to what virtual onboarding is, how it can be used, and what benefits it will create for business in the future.
Release dateNov 3, 2021

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    Virtual Onboarding - Euvouria LLC


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    Table of Figures


    Part 1 Processes and functions of onboarding

    What is onboarding?

    History of onboarding

    Evolution of onboarding

    Socialization tactics

    Fundamentals of onboarding

    The four C’s

    Common pitfalls and mistakes

    Overcoming pitfalls and mistakes

    Part 2 Remote onboarding

    What is remote onboarding?

    Stages of remote onboarding

    Growth of remote onboarding

    Part 3 Virtual & digital onboarding

    Virtual and digital onboarding

    What is it?

    How does it work?

    Steps in virtual onboarding


    Ongoing onboarding

    Training and induction

    Differences: virtual, remote and traditional onboarding

    Approaches to virtual onboarding

    Objectives of virtual onboarding

    Outcomes of virtual onboarding

    Attitudes towards virtual onboarding

    Acceptance of virtual onboarding

    Expectations of virtual onboarding



    Feedback tools used in virtual onboarding

    The four C’s in remote onboarding

    Remote onboarding and HRM

    Best practices

    Future on virtual onboarding

    Transitioning to full digitization

    COVID restrictions and concerns

    Advances in technology




    Appendix A

    Appendix B

    Appendix C

    Table of Figures

    Figure 1: Traditional functions of organizational socialization, identification phase

    Figure 2: Traditional functions of organizational socialization, adjustment and outcome phases

    Figure 3: Evolution of socialization tactics, then and now

    Figure 4: The 4 C’s of compliance

    Figure 5: Differences in types of onboarding.

    Figure 6: The 4 C’s applied in traditional and virtual onboarding


    The way that businesses take on, train, and ensure that staff are able to effectively function in a new work environment is known as onboarding. However, in recent years, onboarding has undergone tremendous changes. The most significant of these changes is the increased digitization of onboarding processes, which has taken form in a process known as virtual onboarding. This new form of onboarding presents many opportunities and challenges for business today, and in the future.

    However, to properly understand what virtual onboarding is, and how it really impacts businesses today, there are many concepts which first must be understood. As such, the following research will provide a framework of understanding as to what onboarding is, the critical functions of onboarding, and how onboarding has changed throughout history and today—to provide a complete understanding of what this virtual onboarding is.

    Following this, the research will provide a comprehensive analysis of virtual onboarding. The objectives and outcomes, the fundamentals, the approaches, best practices, and other critical areas of knowledge will be presented. Collectively, this research will provide information that can be used in business to gain a better understanding as to what virtual onboarding is, how it can be used, and what benefits it will create for business in the future.



    Processes and functions

    of onboarding

    What is onboarding?

    When hiring new employees, it’s important that they are trained so that they are able to excel in their role, and provide value to the company. However, there are several steps involved in training, that most people believe simply include the interview, orientation, and on-the-job (OTJ) training. The interview (albeit fairly self-explanatory) is just the process of interviewing potential new hires, and selecting on for the job. Orientation can be thought of as a one-time event that simply acquaints a new hire with the company, the people who work there, and their team. OTJ training is the day-to-day learning that a new hire will undergo in their specific role (typically overseen by their supervisor) that involves them learning the systems and technical responsibilities of their role.


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