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Handbook of Us: Understanding and Accepting People with Autism
Handbook of Us: Understanding and Accepting People with Autism
Handbook of Us: Understanding and Accepting People with Autism
Ebook221 pages2 hours

Handbook of Us: Understanding and Accepting People with Autism

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About this ebook

Matteo guides us through his world after almost 12 years of silence. His trapped intelligence released, he shares amazing insights on love, God, finding happiness and the gifts of autism. Through a miraculous discovery, Matteo’s mother was finally able to communicate with her son, exposing a well of intelligence and heart way beyond her im

Release dateApr 4, 2017
Handbook of Us: Understanding and Accepting People with Autism

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    Handbook of Us - Matteo Musso





    Matteo Musso

    Over The Fence Publishing

    Livermore, California

    This book is dedicated to all people who want hope for the future and who struggle to be heard in this world.

    If God wanted us to be exactly the same, we wouldn’t have had to wait for Dolly, the cloned animal. He’d just crank us out on an assembly line.

    Matteo Musso  •  June 30, 2016

    It is said that you will meet a few significant people in your lifetime who will touch your soul and help define who you are. I had the extraordinary, unexpected joy of meeting one of those beautiful souls who surely changed my very being and touched my heart deeper than he may ever know. Thank you Matteo, for being God’s gift to this world.

    He has taught me more about life, happiness, faith and pure love in the few hours that I’ve been in his presence than I’ve learned in all of my 46 years of living. Thank you my new friend, for giving me my Happy Day!

    Jodi Lundell

    Attended Matteo’s, Wonders of Autism presentation

    in Lake City, MN

    Matteo has helped me affirm a global understanding regarding the amazing potential that lies locked up within these special people. He has given me more insight that confirms what I have always felt. This insight has enhanced the physical therapy, MNRI and Shafaw work I do nationally and internationally. I am able to spread his message to teachers, therapists and parents all over the world. I want to thank Matteo and Annette for letting me be part of Matteo’s growth and development.

    Diane Whiteside

    PT, MNRI Core Specialist

    Instructor, Shafaw Method

    Matteo is an extraordinary, very talented person. Being Matteo's friend has changed the way I look at things. His story through autism has inspired me in many different ways. I am very fortunate that I have gotten to know him.

    Alyson Dillon

    Sixth Grade Student

    After decades of miraculous healings, I came to know the young Rumi/Matteo Musso. Yet, nothing prepared me for the light of this young man and his ability to touch base with the morphogenetic fields of knowing any time he wanted.

    Teo brought to my attention that people with autism speak a different language and it is time for me to learn their language before they speak mine. Teo, poetically, is a reminder for us all that we are Spiritual beings having Human experiences and NOT the other way around.

    I am looking forward to working with him in Shafaw Sanctuary of Healing Lights to bring accelerated healing to autistic children.

    Master Healer Behrooz Donadoost

    Novato, California

    Matteo is an amazing person who has had a huge impact on my life. His journey with autism is an inspiring story that changed how I look at things. He is an imaginative, talented person and I am happy he is my friend.

    Haley Moore

    Sixth Grade Student

    Matteo has always been a part of my life, but until the last two years, just a loveable, happy boy with autism. How that has changed! Those of us who have been fortunate to be a part of his life are not only amazed by his intelligence and perceptiveness, but extremely blessed by his spiritual presence.

    Ruth Wedge

    Lake City, Minnesota

    Copyright © 2017 by Matteo Musso

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, without prior written permission.

    Matteo Musso/Over The Fence Publishing

    P.O. Box 2227

    Livermore, California 94551

    [email protected]

    Publisher’s Note: The intent of this book is to provide accurate general information in regard to the subject matter covered. If medical advice or other expert help is needed, the services of an appropriate Medical Professional should be sought. This book is not intended as a substitute for medical advice from a qualified physician. All brand names and product names used in this book or trademarks, registered trademarks, are trade names of their respective holders. Some names have been changed out of respect for privacy.

    Please be clear that the author nor the publisher is in any way advising anyone to follow or reject any kind of treatment, medical or otherwise, in this book. Parents and Guardians are urged to obtain as much information as possible when making any decisions that may affect the health and overall well-being of their children, and it is always advisable to consult a health care professional. No warranty, express or implied, is delivered by the author or publisher with respect to the contents of this book.

    Book Layout © 2016

    Cover Design and Editing by Michelle Hughes

    Handbook Of Us/ Matteo Musso. -- 1st ed.

    ISBN 978-0-9988636-2-7


    Dad, G’pa Frank, G’ma Mary and me, Papa, G’ma Lucia, Mom and Great Aunt Lillian


    I am grateful to Grandma Mary and Papa for always loving me and to Grandma Lucia, whose life has been full of lessons and learning. You are an inspiration. To Grandpa Frank and Aunt Lillian, who supported our journey, always. To all our family and friends who allowed me to be me, even through my most challenging times. Thanks for sticking with us and not running for the hills! And finally, to Mom and Dad, who never stop looking for ways to make my life wonderful.

    I would also like to thank Soma Mukhopadhyay for believing in our intelligence and sharing her gifts of discovery with the world. To Lenae Crandall for patiently helping me find my voice. To Dr. Svetlana Masgutova, Diane Whiteside and the many hands and hearts that have worked toward my development. To Master Behrooz Donadoost for your guidance and healing. And thanks to the many friends and programs which have contributed to my growth and well being.



    Editor’s Note

    How This Book Was Written

    RPM Beginnings


    How I Got Here

    What It Was Like

    Where Are The Brakes?

    We’re Not Scary Just Different

    Rollercoaster Emotions

    Eye To Eye

    Food Glorious Food

    Courage and Confidence

    A Want Is Better Than A Need

    Hey Teacher I Don’t Get It

    My Dinner Is Cold

    It’s Not Really Food Anymore

    Getting Creative

    God Is The Coolest

    Would I Choose It Again?

    Bye For Now and Thanks For Reading

    My Scrapbook

    From My Mom

    Recommended Resources


    Prepare yourselves, my friends, to be transformed by Teo’s message, awed by his intelligence, humored by his quick wit, and touched by his incredible heart. Teo is a wise and insightful thirteen-year-old autistic boy who has recently found his voice through SOMA Rapid Prompting Method (SOMA RPM). He and his mother, Annette, have had a profound influence on my life, the lives of my family and countless other people fortunate enough to know him and travel this journey of autism with them. I am impressed by the dedication, positive spirit, and humor that has brought Teo to where he is today.

    My journey with Annette started at Luther College in Decorah, Iowa, where we shared a passion for piano and became inseparable friends.  This friendship continued after graduation when Annette went off to graduate school, and I started my teaching career. Even though we were geographically miles apart, we remained present in each other’s lives. We marked milestones together, celebrating our joys and supporting each other as we faced life’s challenges.

    One of these milestones was the much anticipated birth of Teo. He progressed as a typical infant and toddler, but at 18 months of age, we all noticed a change in his development. I remember the day Annette asked me if I thought Teo was autistic. We had a particularly trying day of shopping with whom we wanted to believe was just an over-stimulated toddler. I did not want to validate her concerns, because as an educator, I knew the challenges facing autistic children and their families. In reality, I recognized the potential signs, but fought to give in to my concerns. Weeks later, Annette called me in tears and shared a diagnosis given to them by their doctor. Teo is autistic, she said. My heart dropped. After the initial shock, Annette vowed to do everything she could to discover Teo’s real gifts. She knew they were there. Annette and Mark have remained true to this vow. What an inspiration!

    Our family has always cherished the times when Annette, Mark, and Teo would come to Minnesota and spend time at our home. Our children became more like siblings to Teo, and my husband and I took on the honored role as his uncle and aunt. Before Teo was able to communicate, a typical visit included opening all the cupboards in our kitchen and showing his delight or frustration through loud outbursts while finding comfort through repetitive actions. Teo was consumed by joy when he was loading and unloading the dishwasher. He always left us with very clean dishes! Teo also loved pepperoni and equally enjoyed tossing pepperoni down our stairwell. He enthusiastically devoured as many chocolate chip cookies as he could sneak out of our ever-changing hiding places and faithfully watched the same movies from beginning to end. Through all of this, we accepted him for who he was and loved everything that was Teo - that knowing twinkle in his eye, the hovering presence which spoke of the desire for inclusion, and the many glimpses of brilliance that longed to break free from what we now know was his veil of autism. We believed wholeheartedly that there was something special about him and supported Annette and Mark in their quest to unlock this hidden gem.

    For almost a decade, Annette and Mark were unstoppable as they navigated different types of autism therapies and collaborated with school educators and other specialists to design an appropriate education for Teo. They worked tirelessly to get assistance for the ever increasing cost of helping their son. Then, one beautiful day in April of 2015, I received another tearful phone call from Annette. This time, tears of joy flowed as she shared Teo’s first session using RPM. Teo was able to answer simple questions and spell out words that they didn’t realize he even knew. I was blown away by her description of the session and excited as she relived every moment. I did not understand what RPM was or what was happening until I got to see it first hand, the transformation of our Teo. I believe he has just begun to show us the extent of his gifts.

    Teo has made a significant impact on my sixth grade students and fellow teachers who have been fortunate to hear his story. Teo and Annette have given us a personal glimpse into their ongoing joys and struggles as well as their aspirations for the future. During their visits to our school, my students have been enthralled, entertained, inspired, and educated about autism. More importantly, they have formed a personal connection with Teo. Because he shares his life so openly with others, my students have become more accepting of their peers, and they are more willing to embrace and celebrate each person’s unique differences. As teachers, we have been given a special look into a child with autism. We are encouraged to assume intelligence when we are fortunate to have one of these unique learners in our classroom who teach

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