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The Imaginary and Realistic Perspective, of Alpheaus Iii: Alpheaus Iii, Story Gallery
The Imaginary and Realistic Perspective, of Alpheaus Iii: Alpheaus Iii, Story Gallery
The Imaginary and Realistic Perspective, of Alpheaus Iii: Alpheaus Iii, Story Gallery
Ebook148 pages1 hour

The Imaginary and Realistic Perspective, of Alpheaus Iii: Alpheaus Iii, Story Gallery

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You’ll read jaw-dropping, brow-raising and mind-bending stories with a moral twist that you would want to read again and again. Stories such as the thing angels feared; a pound of dust that valued more than a ton of gold; the curious apple seed; the dancing trees; Sandy Little, the adventurous grain of sand; the little horse named Lazy Boy and the little jockey who loved it, and together, they both became famous after they both win their first race; the little girl who had an Eve-like experience; the queen who didn’t need advisors to help her rule her domain; the magnificent dollar and the mysterious banker; a schemer that schemed its way into a situation that it couldn’t scheme its way out of; why Mr. Rainy Day morphed into Mr. Every Day; a parakeet parrot’s message to you and me; the subtle nature of trouble; the names of the couple that literally rule the civilized world; the triple nature of caterpillars and the two worlds they represent and the two different messages they convey to you and me; and the dark night on which the author first saw the light, after hearing the voice that potentially saved him from destruction and ultimately changed his life’s trajectory.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateNov 18, 2021
The Imaginary and Realistic Perspective, of Alpheaus Iii: Alpheaus Iii, Story Gallery

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    The Imaginary and Realistic Perspective, of Alpheaus Iii - Bishop Alpheaus A. Bevans




    On the day of creation, the creator, in an instant, assigned to all his creatures their own special task.

    But for reasons known to him, and to him alone that day, he left Mr. and Mrs. Caterpillar, which are two in one he left for last.

    It felt rejected and dejected for reasons known to it and it alone. It thought, one, it didn’t care for its feeble appearance, and two, it wasn’t assigned a special task.

    But what it didn’t and couldn’t have known at that moment was, in the kingdom, the best was always kept for last.

    Knowing its thoughts from a far, the all-wise Creator said, Let it be known from this day, before honor is humility.

    After he thus had spoken, he then said to it, You’re next, Cater-P, to which the little feeble insect replied, "We are coming, Lord, I am on the way.

    When it had thus said this, immediately it found itself in the Creator’s hand in the form of a butterfly and back to a caterpillar again.

    He spoke to it telepathically and encoded it as he would have it be as it alternated between its dual natures, from one form to the other, as a caterpillar or a butterfly.

    When he released it, what left his hand that day was no longer one but rather a couple of butterflies.

    As soon as they found a home, one reverted back to a caterpillar, and the one remained a butterfly.

    So in that way, it would know both what it was and also what it could become, if it was willing to pay the price. Thus, it remains until this very day.

    Alpheaus III




    In many ways, this old fable is analogous to art’s imitation of life. One tranquil summer day, a blissful bullfrog was leaping and jumping with excitement and anticipation as he stood by a scenic pond. He was waiting for the last few gray crowned cranes to leave so that he could go across safely to the other side of the pond. He had been invited to participate in the male-only Croak or Ribbit Choir. Suddenly, he was approached and startled from behind by a very intimidating, polite fat-tailed scorpion who addressed him as Mr. Frog before asking him about his travel plans regarding getting to the other side of the pond.

    To which the frog responded, You’re correct, I am going to the other side as soon as the coast is clear, and I can do so safely. Why did you ask, sir?

    To which the scorpion answered the frog, Because I to would like to get to the other side of the pond just like you do, but don’t have any way of doing so.

    1  The Scorpion’s Clever Maneuvers

    Notice the schemer’s trickery now that he had the frog engaged in a conversation. I’m wondering if you would be kind enough to help me get over to the other side of the pond along with you?

    Then the frog said to the scorpion, And how am I going to do that, sir? Seeing that I don’t have a boat or any other kind of floatation devices?

    Then the scorpion replied to the obviously frightened frog, By allowing me to ride across on your back, of course.

    2  The Frog’s Suspicious Response

    To which the frog said to the scorpion in a loud, boisterous voice, God forbid that I should ever do such a thing, for that would be very foolish thing for me to do, sir. And what did you say is your name again? said the frog to the scorpion.

    I didn’t say, sir, but you can call me Scorpio if you’d like, after all everyone else does! Then the scorpion said to the frog, You don’t have anything to fear by allowing me to ride on your back over to the other side, Mr. Bullfrog—it is your correct name, isn’t it?

    That’s correct! said the frog. But you can call me Puff if you’d like, everyone else does. And I imagine the frog saying to the scorpion, Wait a minute, aren’t you a scorpion?

    To which the scorpion replied, I am.

    Are you different from other scorpions that can kill another with just one sting of your powerful tail?

    The scorpion said, Yes, I can, and yes, I have, but only in self-defense or for life’s necessary daily sustenance. After all, I, too, have to eat to live, just like you do, Puff.

    To which the frog said, Correct.

    Notice the scorpion’s brilliant response to the frog’s logical line of questions. And like all schemers, Scorpio knew exactly what to say, how to say it, and when to say it. Self-defense and necessary daily sustenance were his reasonable defense to make sure the frog didn’t talk his way out of his firm grasp.

    The frog counters sarcastically with a smile on his face, Well said, Scorpio, indeed, we both have to eat to live. But I don’t have any intentions of becoming your next meal, or as you put it, your ‘necessary daily sustenance.’

    3  Scorpio’s Logical Explanation

    But not to be deterred, the scorpion fired back, Furthermore, Puff, you haven’t given any thought to the fact that if I am on your back and you go down because I stung you, I would also go down with you, and we both would perish. He said that in a very soft voice, of course, and a smile on his face and even patted the frog on his back, giving the impression that he was compassionate, loving, and caring, and had totally agreed with the frog’s concerns for his safety. He also even repeated the frog’s own words back to him and said, "And it would be a very foolish thing for me to take my own life! Do you agree, Mr. Frog?" Evidently, the scorpion was not only well educated but he was very articulate as well. Regrettably, the frog bought his powerful logical argument, which was designed to not only totally disarmed the frog but to also calm his justified fears for his safety. And after, the poorly educated bullfrog ran out of arguments and couldn’t think of anything else to say in response to Scorpio’s persuasive words.

    4  The Frog Lacks Stick-to-It-ivness

    And even though he knew better, the frog did that which, by his own admission, would be very foolish thing for him to do. Now perhaps you, too, might have had dealings with someone like Scorpio in the past? I know I have! Puff knew better but probably felt trapped and didn’t just want to walk away. So he allowed the well-educated and more sophisticated scorpion to convinced him. And the frog did that which he knew he ought not to have done.

    Then Puff said to the scorpion, OK then, get on my back, and I will take you to the other side of the pond.

    And about midway on their journey, the scorpion couldn’t resist any longer and did that which scorpions are known for doing, and the frog said to the scorpion on their way down, Why did you do that, Scorpio? Now both of us are going to die.

    The scorpion said to the frog, "I know it,

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