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Grampa in Oz
Grampa in Oz
Grampa in Oz
Ebook204 pages2 hours

Grampa in Oz

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Grampa in Oz is the eighteenth in the series of Oz books created by L. Frank Baum. Readers everywhere will delight in Thompson's lively adventure tale. Prince Tatters of Ragbad and Grampa set out on a three-fold quest: for King Fumbo's lost head, a fortune to save the bankrupt kingdom, and a princess for Tatters to marry.
PublisherGood Press
Release dateNov 5, 2021

Ruth Plumly Thompson

Ruth Plumly Thompson (27 July 1891 - 6 April 1976) was a children's author. Born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, she sold her first story to St. Nicholas Magazine, a monthly children's magazine, while still in high school. After publishing her first book, The Perhappsy Chaps, she was asked to continue the Oz series following L. Frank Baum's death. Beginning in 1921, she wrote one Oz book a year through 1939; after writing two more in 1972 and 1976, she had contributed 21 new Oz books to the series.

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    Grampa in Oz - Ruth Plumly Thompson

    Ruth Plumly Thompson

    Grampa in Oz

    Published by Good Press, 2022

    [email protected]

    EAN 4066338074690

    Table of Contents

    A Rainy Day in Ragbad

    The Wise Man Speaks

    The Blue Forest of Oz

    The Baffled Bandits

    Down the Hollow Tree

    The Wizard’s Garden

    The Winding Stairway

    Strange Happenings in Perhaps City

    Dorothy Meets a New Celebrity

    Prince Forge John of Fire Island

    Into the Volcano

    The Island of Isa Poso

    Tatters Receives the Reward

    On Monday Mountain

    The Finding of Fumbo’s Head!

    Princess Dorothy Escapes

    The Adventurers Meet

    The Mischievous Play Fellows

    Back to Perhaps City

    The Prophet Confesses

    Urtha Is Transformed

    Rejoicing in Ragbad

    A Rainy Day in Ragbad

    Table of Contents


    A Rainy Day in Ragbad

    King Fumbo of Ragbad shook in his carpet slippers. He had removed his red shoes, so he could not very well shake in them.

    My dear, quavered the King, flattening his nose against the cracked pane, will you just look out of this window and tell me what you see?

    "My Dear was really the Queen of Ragbad and years ago, when she had first come to the old red castle on the hill, she had worn her crown every day and was always addressed as Your Majesty!" But as time passed and affairs in the kingdom had gone from bad to worse, My Dear, like many another Queen, had taken off her crown, put on her thimble and become plain Mrs Sew-and-Sew, and with all her sewing she had barely been able to keep the kingdom from falling to pieces. She was stitching a patch on the King’s Thursday cloak at this very minute I am telling you about.

    What now! gasped the poor lady, and rushing to the window she also pressed her nose to the pane.

    Do you see what I see? choked King Fumbo, clutching at her hand.

    I see a great cloud rolling over Red Mountain, panted Mrs Sew-and-Sew. I see the red geese flying before the wind. I see— Here she gave a great bounce and brushed past her husband—I see my best patch work quilt blowing down the highway! moaned Mrs Sew-and-Sew, stumbling across the room.

    Ruination! spluttered the King as the door slammed after his wife. Shut the bells! Ring the windows; fetch Prince Tatters and call my red umbrella! Grampa! Scroggles! Where is every Ragbad-body?

    Grampa, as it happened, was in the garden and Grampa was an old soldier with a game leg who had fought in nine hundred and eighty Ragbad battles and beaten everything, including the drum. Just now he was beating the carpet. Tatters, the young Prince of Ragbad, was off on a picnic with the Redsmith, and Scroggles, the footman-of-all-work about the castle, was mending a hole in the roof, so none of them heard the King’s calls.

    Finally, seeing that no one was coming to carry out his commands, Fumbo began to carry them out himself. First he clutched his red beard and jumped clear out of his carpet slippers. Next he slammed the window on his thumb. With his thumb in his mouth he hurled himself upon the bell rope, pulling it so violently the cord broke and dropped him upon his back. Having failed to ring the bell, he wrung his hands—and well he might, for the room had grown dark as pitch and the wind was howling down the chimney like a pack of hungry gollywockers.

    I’ll get my umbrella, muttered King Fumbo, scrambling to his feet, but just as he reached the door, ten thousand pounds of thunder clapped the castle on the back and so startled poor Fumbo that he fell through the door and all the way down ten flights of steps. And worse still, when he finally did pick himself up, instead of running into the throne room, he plunged out into the garden and the storm broke right over his head—broke with such flashing of lightning and crashing of thunder, and lashing of tree tops, that the King and such other luckless Ragbadians as were out were flung flat on their noses, and the ones who were indoors crept under beds and into cupboards and wished they had been better than they had been. Even Grampa—who was far and away the bravest man in the country—even Grampa, after one look at the sky, rolled himself in the carpet he had been beating and lay trembling like a tobacco leaf.

    This will certainly spoil the rag crop, sighed Grampa dismally, and as he spoke right out in this frank fashion of the chief industry of Ragbad, I’d better tell you a bit more about the country itself, for I can see your nose curling with curiosity and curly noses are not nearly so becoming as they used to be.

    To begin with, Ragbad is in Oz—a small patch of a kingdom way down in the southwestern corner of the Quadling country. In the reign of Fumbo’s father it had been famous for its chintz and tapis trees, its red ginghams and calico vines, its cotton fields and its fine linens and lawns. Indeed, at one time, all the dress goods in Oz had been grown in the gardens of Ragbad.

    But when Fumbo came to the throne, he began to spend so much time reading and so much money for books and tobacco that he soon emptied the treasury and had no money to pay the chintz and gingham pickers, nor to send the lawns to the laundry—they were always slightly dusty from being trodden on—and one after another the workers of Ragbad had been forced to seek a living in other lands, so that now there were only twenty-seven families left, and the cotton fields and calico bushes, the chintz and tapis trees, from lack of care and cultivation, ran perfectly wild and yielded—instead of fine bolts of material—nothing but shreds, tatters and rags.

    The twenty-seven remaining Ragbadians, including the Redsmith, the Miller, the Baker and twenty-four rustic laborers, after a vain attempt to do the work of twenty-seven hundred, gave up in despair and became common rag-pickers. From these rags, which fortunately were still plentiful, Mrs Sew-and-Sew and the good wives of Ragbad made all the clothing worn in the kingdom, besides countless rag rugs, and the money obtained from the sale of these rugs was all that kept the little country from absolute and utter ruin.

    Of the splendid courtiers and servitors surrounding Fumbo’s father only three remained, for I regret to say that neither the servants nor the old nobility had been able to stand the hardships attendant upon poverty, and they had left in a body the first morning Mrs Sew-and-Sew had served oatmeal without cream for breakfast. The army, too, had deserted and marched off to Jinxland because the King could not buy them new uniforms, so that only three retainers were left in the old red castle on hill. Pudge, the oldest and fattest of the wise men, had stayed because he was fond of his room in the tower and of Mrs Sew-and-Sew’s coffee. Scroggles, the second footman, had stayed because he had old-fashioned notions of his duty, and Grampa, though long since discharged from active service, had stuck to his post like the gallant old soldier he was, and as there were no battles to fight, he tended the furnace, weeded the gardens and helped King Fumbo and Mrs Sew-and-Sew bring up their son to as fine a young Prince as any in Oz.

    It was of Prince Tatters—during all this bluster—that Grampa was thinking as he lay shivering under the carpet, and as soon as the thunder stopped hammering in his ears he stuck out his head. The wind, after snatching off ten roofs, the wings from the red mill and shaking all the little cottages till their very chimneys chattered, had rushed away over Red Mountain. It was still raining, but Grampa, seeing that the worst was over, crawled out of the carpet and began to look for trouble. And what do you s’pose he found? Why, the King, or at least, the best part of the King!

    Ragamercy! shrieked the old soldier, jumping behind a tapis tree, a thing he had never done in all of those nine hundred and eighty battles. But his conduct does not surprise me at all, for Fumbo had lost his head in the storm, and was running wildly around without it—stumbling over bushes and vines and stamping his stockinged feet in a perfect frenzy of fright and fury. Now, of course, you will say at once that Fumbo is not first King to lose his head and I can only answer that he is the first I ever heard of who went on living without it, and if Ragbad were not in the wonderful Land of Oz I should say at once that the thing was impossible. In Oz, however, one may come apart, but no one ever dies; so here was poor Fumbo, with his head clean off, as live and lively as ever.

    Breathing hard, Grampa peered around the tapis tree again to see whether his eyes had deceived him. But no, it was the King, without a doubt, and without his head. Whatever will Mrs Sew-and-Sew do now, groaned Grampa, and pulling his campaign hat well down over his ears dashed out and seizing Fumbo’s arm began splashing through the garden, dragging the King along after him. Mrs Sew-and-Sew had already reached the castle and was sitting on the broken-springed sofa that served for a throne, sneezing violently. She had not only rescued her quilt, but she had caught a frightful cold. All the colors in the quilt had run together, and this last calamity so upset the poor lady that she began sobbing and sneezing by turns. But right in the middle of the fifteenth sneeze, she looked up and saw the old soldier with the game leg standing in the doorway.

    Now don’t be frightened, begged Grampa, advancing stiffly and dripping water all over the rug. Don’t be alarmed, but at the same time prepare yourself for a blow.

    Mrs Sew-and-Sew, with her damp kerchief in her hand, had already been preparing herself for a blow, but now, dropping the handkerchief, she sneezed instead and when, glancing over Grampa’s shoulder she caught sight of the King, she sneezed again and fainted dead away and rolled under the sofa.

    This is worse than a battle, puffed Grampa, dashing between the King and the Queen, for every time he tried to help Mrs Sew-and-Sew the King fell over a chair or upset a table.

    Halt! About face and wheel to your left, can’t you? roared the old soldier, mopping his forehead. But to these instructions Fumbo, having no face about him, paid no attention. Instead he wheeled to the right and swept all the ornaments from the mantel down on the old soldier’s head, and then jumped on Grampa’s good foot so hard that Grampa forgot for a moment he was a King, and thumped him in the ribs. Then, muttering apologies, the old soldier seized a curtain cord and tied Fumbo to a red pillar. This done, he reached under the sofa, pulled out Mrs Sew-and-Sew, and having nothing else handy gave her a huge pinch of snuff. Just as she came to, in from the garden, splashing water in every direction, rushed Prince Tatters and in from the kitchen pelted Pudge, the aged Wise Man.

    The rag crop is ruined and the King will lose his head! panted Pudge, who had a bad habit of predicting events after they had occurred.

    Has lost his head, corrected Grampa, jerking his thumb over his shoulder.

    But Grampa! Stumbling across the room, Prince Tatters shook the old soldier by the arm. When—how—why—what will he do?

    Do without it, sighed the old soldier, glancing uneasily at Fumbo.

    The King has lost his head, long live his body! wheezed Pudge, rolling up his eyes.

    Now don’t cry, my dear! begged Grampa, scowling reprovingly at Pudge and patting Mrs Sew-and-Sew on the shoulder. "Having no head really saves one no end of trouble. No face to wash! No

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