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Face Masks Hurt Kids
Face Masks Hurt Kids
Face Masks Hurt Kids
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Face Masks Hurt Kids

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Face Masks Hurt Kids is an in depth analysis of the science behind masking policies, with a special focus on development and health in those under 18 years of age.

PublisherCrafting 52
Release dateDec 31, 2021
Face Masks Hurt Kids

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    Face Masks Hurt Kids - Allan Stevo

    Face Masks Hurt Kids

    Face Masks Hurt Kids

    Allan Stevo

    Copyright © 2022
    Allan J. Stevo
    Editorial Assistant & Layout: Helena Cabell
    Cover Design: Donna Cunningham
    All Rights Reserved.

    Crafting 52

    Chicago ● Vienna ● Pressburg

    New York ● San Francisco

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    ISBN-13: 978-1-953847-18-8
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    Face Masks & Courage: Is Family Your Excuse For Cowardice, Or Is Family Your Motivation For Standing Upright?

    A Note On So-Called Fact Checkers


    Reason 1: The CDC Says Face Masks Do Not Work

    Reason 2: CDC & WHO Say Face Masks INCREASE Spread Of Disease

    Reason 3: New England Journal Of Medicine Says Masks Do Not Work

    Reason 4: The FDA Says Face Masks Do Not Work

    Reason 5: Yes, Data From The Council On Foreign Relations Even Says Face Masks Do Not Work

    Reason 6: Many Other Medical Researchers Say Masks Do Not Work

    Reason 7: Countries With Face Mask Mandates Are Not Better Off Than Countries Without Them

    Reason 8: Face Masks Did Not Work In 1918, 1957, 1968, 2002, 2004, And They Do Not Work Now

    Reason 9: The SARS Hype Is Severely Blown Out Of Proportion

    Reason 10: The Flu Is More Dangerous Than Covid & Neither Of Them Are Stopped By Face Mask Wearing

    Reason 11: If Face Masks Do Not Work, Then Government And Media Are Lying To You — A Very Scary Thought For Some

    Reason 12: You Have Been Lied To This Whole Time, Then Vilified If You Ask Too Many Revealing Questions About Those Lies

    Reason 13: If Morality Is Being Argued By Bullies Rather Than Scientific Debate Being Had By Peers, You Know Something Is Wrong

    Reason 14: The Rationale Comply Or Else Is Such A Monstrously Bad Rationale, Whenever It Is Used, That It Should Always Trigger A Lack Of Compliance

    Reason 15: The Precautionary Principal Has Not Been Followed

    Reason 16: Mandatory Face Masks Harm 1.5 Billion Students

    Reason 17: Face Masks Are Another Way To Crush Their Spirit

    Reason 18: Masks Are A Conditioning Tool To Make Children Compliant

    Reason 19: Compliance To Bad Ideas Is The Last Thing A Free Thinking Person Wants To Teach A Child

    Reason 20: You Teach Your Children To Do Things They Do Not Like And Intuitively Know Are Not Only Uncomfortable, But BAD

    Reason 21: You Teach A Child That Reason Does Not Matter

    Reason 22: You Teach A Child Not To Trust You

    Reason 23: You Raise A Tyrant, A Slave, Or Both, Rather Than A Healthy And Fully Capable Adult

    Reason 24: You Sow Seeds Of Harm In The Future

    Reason 25: You Teach Your Child Might Makes Right

    Reason 26: You Teach Your Child Weakness

    Reason 27: You Teach Your Child To Lie

    Reason 28: You Teach Your Child Tacit Approval

    Reason 29: You Teach A Child To Rat Out Friends, Parents, & Neighbors

    Reason 30: You Teach Your Child To Be A Person Of Preference And Not A Person Of Values

    Reason 31: You Teach Your Child To Misread Romans 13

    Reason 32: You Are Being Conditioned To View Your Freedom As Selfish

    Reason 33: You Put Your Child Through A Class On Scientism, Not Science

    Reason 34: Your Child Will Imitate You

    Reason 35: You Place Your Child In The Hands Of Very Twisted People

    Reason 36: We Are NOT All In This Together

    Reason 37: A Tale Of Two Mothers

    Reason 38: The Boy Who Asks Why Do I Have To Wear This?

    Reason 39: The Mom Who Brought Her Son To The Playground

    Reason 40: Do Not Look At Masks For Covid Avoidance, Look At Obesity, Or A Host Of Other Meaningful Comorbidities, But Especially Obesity

    Reason 41: Obesity Drives Covid

    Reason 42: Covid-19 Is An IQ Test

    Reason 43: You Do Not Want To Wear It, They Do Not Want To Wear It

    Reason 44: Ask These Kids What They Think Of Face Masks

    Reason 45: Othering Children

    Reason 46: There Is No Feedback Loop

    Reason 47: No Informed Consent Is Possible

    Reason 48: Very Little Data, Very Much Interpretation

    Reason 49: The Shy Tory Effect

    Reason 50: The Following List Of Biases

    Reason 51: If You Want To Make A Sacrifice For Society, Make A Sacrifice By Being A Member Of The Control Group

    Reason 52: The Story Of Vioxx


    Reason 53: This List Of Health Concerns That The Political Establishment, Media Establishment, And Medical Establishment Will Not Talk About


    Reason 54: Face Masks Hurt Pregnant Women And Their Babies

    Reason 55: Masks May Cause Mothers To Have Elevated Enough Carbon Dioxide To Prevent Fetuses From Being Able To Clear Carbon Dioxide

    Reason 56: Face Masks On Pregnant Women During Exertion Should Be Avoided To Protect The Unborn Child

    Reason 57: Face Mask Material May Cause Birth Defects

    Reason 58: Face Masks Are Harmful For Babies

    Reason 59: Children Are More Vulnerable To Mask Harm Than Adults


    Reason 60: Graphene In Face Masks May Pose A Particular Risk

    Reason 61: Inhaled Cotton Fibers Cause Lung Disease

    Reason 62: Inhaled Synthetic Fibers Cause Lung Disease

    Reason 63: Inhaled Fibers Cause Pulmonary Fibrosis

    Reason 64: Prolonged Textile Face Mask Use May Lead To Respiratory Illnesses Like Those Experienced By Textile Workers In The Third World

    Reason 65: Your Child Inhales Dangerous Chlorine Compounds While Wearing A Face Mask

    Reason 66: Exhaled Air Contains Over 250 Substances Meant To Be Removed From Your Body And Not Breathed Back In


    Reason 67: Eighty-Two Bacterial Colonies And Four Mold Colonies Found On A Child’s Face Mask After Eight Hours

    Reason 68: Face Masks Are Breeding Grounds For Bacteria In A Way Our Unmasked Faces Are Not

    Reason 69: Bacteria On Masks Are Not Benign And Have Been Proven To Be Very Harmful

    Reason 70: Face Mask Wearing Causes Harmful Bacteria To Proliferate Outside The Protection Of The Many Pathogen-Defenses The Body Has

    Reason 71: The Build Up Of Fungi And Bacteria In Face Masks

    Reason 72: Face Masks Cause Sore Throats

    Reason 73: Masked People Get More Fungal Infections Of The Lungs

    Reason 74: Mayo Clinic: Face Mask Wearing Is Leading To An Increase In Staph Infections, As Can Be Expected As They Help Bacteria Access Deeper Quarters Of The Body


    Reason 75: Face Masks Harm A Child’s Developing Mind

    Reason 76: Face Masks Affect A Person’s Ability To Think Clearly

    Reason 77: Face Masks Cause Brain Degeneration

    Reason 78: Mask Wearing Reduces Attention And Speed In Athletes


    Reason 79: Face Masks Are Disruptive To Basic Human Communication

    Reason 80: We All Read Lips

    Reason 81: Babies And Children Especially Read Lips

    Reason 82: Face Masks Act As An Acoustic Filter

    Reason 83: Face Masks Cause Further Harm To The Mentally Impaired And Hearing Impaired

    Reason 84: Face Masks Reduce The Ability For A Child To Bond And Reduce The Ability For A Child To Learn

    Reason 85: Face Masks Harm Relationships

    Reason 86: Face To Face Contact Is Reduced When Children Wear Masks

    Reason 87: Face Masks Block Emotional Signaling Between Students And Teachers, Students And Parents, Students And Students, And Between Students And All Other Humans

    Reason 88: Both Face Masks And Face Shields Cause Fear In Children

    Reason 89: Masks Are Particularly Harmful On A Person’s Wellbeing

    Reason 90: Face Masks Help You Raise A Sociopath

    Reason 91: Face Mask Peer Pressure Is So Great That Mask Wearing Is Encouraged Far Beyond The Point Of Harm To The Mask Wearer


    Reason 92: Face Masks Are Long Known To Cause Headaches

    Reason 93: Face Masks Trigger Migraines

    Reason 94: Face Masks Are So Bad For You That The Vast Majority Of Healthy People Get Headaches From Wearing Them

    Reason 95: Face Mask Wearing Causes Neurological Harm And Cognitive Impairment

    Reason 96: Face Masks Make Headaches Worse And May Make Other Neurological Pathologies Such As Aneurysms And Tumors Worse

    Reason 97: What They Are Doing To Your Children Makes Your Children Stupider And Gives Your Children Learning Disabilities


    Reason 98: The Powerful Impact Of Despair

    Reason 99: Face Masks Are Psychologically Harmful For You

    Reason 100: Face Mask Wearing Is Linked To Substantial Psychological Side Effects

    Reason 101: Face Mask Wearing Leads To Panic Attacks And Exacerbates Significant Other Psychiatric Conditions

    Reason 102: Masks Cause Unstudied Psychological Harm To Children


    Reason 103: CDC And WHO Advise Against Exercising in Masks

    Reason 104: Face Masks Are Dangerous When Worn During Exercise

    Reason 105: Exercising In A Face Mask Will Hurt You

    Reason 106: Exercising With A Mask May Increase Infection Rates

    Reason 107: Even Activity As Simple As Walking Is Made Measurably Harder By A Face Mask, Even Among Healthy People

    Reason 108: Exercising In A Face Mask Harms The Sick

    Reason 109: N95 Wearing Hurts The Sick

    Reason 110: Simple Activity Is Made Measurably Harder By Mask Wearing In Unwell People

    Reason 111: The Overweight, Those With COPD, Lung Disease, Cardiac Disease, Pregnant Women, And Stroke Patients Must Be Particularly Cautious Around Face Masks

    Reason 112: Japanese Government Warns Masks May Cause Heatstroke

    Reason 113: Face Mask Fatalities In Kids

    Reason 114: Exercise With Face Masks Can Be Lethal

    Reason 115: Mask Wearing Has The Opposite Effect Of The Health-Promoting Deep Breathing Encouraged In Prayer, Meditation, And Holistic Healing


    Reason 116: Surgical Face Masks Were Made For Surgery And Might Not Even Work For That

    Reason 117: Face Masks Cause Medical Care To Be Worse For Children

    Reason 118: Surgeons, Doctors, And Other Medical Staff In Face Masks May Be More Likely To Harm Patients

    Reason 119: The Nebulizer Effect

    Reason 120: Face Masks Impair Cognition Among Healthcare Workers

    Reason 121: Face Masks On Medical Workers Hurt Kids

    Reason 122: Face Masks Do Not Bring About Greater Health As Defined By The World Health Organization

    Reason 123: Reminder: The World Health Organization Even Says Face Masks May Be Dangerous To Your Child

    Reason 124: No One Even Uses A Face Mask Correctly

    Reason 125: Experiments Are Often Done In Ideal Settings And Therefore Carry A Bias

    Reason 126: Face Masks Are Visibly Misused

    Reason 127: Mandating Face Mask Wearing Is Unethical

    Reason 128: Some Doctors Are Conflicted And Unable To Properly Represent Their Patients’ Interests

    Reason 129: Face Masks While Driving Are A Hazard To Your Children


    Reason 130: The Mask Mandate Was Issued Without A Single Scientific Paper Cited In Support Of Cloth Masks Providing Respiratory Protection

    Reason 131: Wearing Cloth Face Masks Leads To More Flu-Like Illness Than Wearing No Face Mask, Causing Exactly The Opposite Outcome That Mandatory Masking Is Said To Prevent

    Reason 132: Cloth Face Masks Are Awful

    Reason 133: Cloth Face Masks Are So Awful That They Should Never Be Recommended To Prevent The Spread Of A Virus

    Reason 134: Double Masking May Cause Even Higher Risk Of Infection To The Wearer


    Reason 135: Years Of Masking Precautions Meant To Benefit The Wearer Were Thrown Out The Window Suddenly In 2020

    Reason 136: OSHA Considers The Micro-Environment Of Face Masks As Not Safe For Workers

    Reason 137: Increased Dead Space Can Be Lethal

    Reason 138: The Many Details Of Breathing Are Not One-Size-Fits-All, But Highly Individualized, Face Mask Policy Can Therefore Not Be One-Size-Fits-All

    Reason 139: Too Much Carbon Dioxide

    Reason 140: Increases In Exhalation Resistance, Inhalation Resistance, And Temperature May Be Harmful To One Wearing A Face Mask

    Reason 141: Masks Induce Thermal Stress & Affect Heartrate, Even Among Healthy Adults, Far More Among Children & The Infirm

    Reason 142: Hypercapnia

    Reason 143: Face Masks Increase Dead Space

    Reason 144: Face Masks Increase Carbon Dioxide Dangerously And Decrease Oxygen Dangerously

    Reason 145: Masks Dangerously Increase Rebreathing Of Carbon Dioxide

    Reason 146: Increased Dead Space Is Significant, And So Is Increased Breathing Resistance

    Reason 147: Increased Dead Space Increases Breathing Resistance, Leading To Decreased Gas Exchange Of The Respiratory System — And A Cascade Of Other Physiological Side Effects

    Reason 148: Suprathreshold Stimuli Can Cause Pathological Consequences, But So Can Subthreshold Stimuli


    Reason 149: Everyone In A Face Mask Induces A Condition Similar On The Body To Sleep Apnea

    Reason 150: Exercising In A Mask Induces An Artificial Version Of COPD

    Reason 151: Face Masks Are Definitely Not Suitable For Epileptics

    Reason 152: Face Mask Wearing Affects The Central Nervous System And May Increase Sleep Apnea

    Reason 153: Face Masks Harm Cancer Patients


    Reason 154: Face Masks Weaken Immunity, And Therefore May Make Children More Susceptible To Covid-19

    Reason 155: Masks Reduce Healthy Functioning Of The Immune System

    Reason 156: Face Mask Wearing Increases Leptin Release

    Reason 157: Face Mask Wearing May Negatively Influence Metabolism All The Way Down To The Cellular Level

    Reason 158: Immunity Debt


    Reason 159: Face Masks Harm Teeth And Gums And Cause A Condition Known As Mask Mouth

    Reason 160: Face Mask Wearing Causes Mask Mouth And Other Harm

    Reason 161: Face Mask Wearing Exacerbates Existing Voice Disorders And May Trigger New Voice Disorders

    Reason 162: Face Mask Wearing Has Caused A New Condition, A Form Of Face Mask-Induced Rhinitis


    Reason 163: Face Masks Deform Children’s Ears

    Reason 164: Face Masks Are Bad For Your Face

    Reason 165: Face Mask Wearing Harms The Skin


    Reason 166: Face Mask Use Is Harmful To The Eyes

    Reason 167: Face Mask Use Impairs Vision


    Reason 168: Face Masks Are Hard On The Kidneys

    Reason 169: N95 Respirators Are Bad For Your Kidneys As Well


    Reason 170: You Need To Breathe, Everyone Needs To Breathe, Your Child Even Needs To Breathe


    Reason 171: Face Masks Affect The Heart

    Reason 172: Face Masks Lead To Exhaustion And Increased Stress On The Heart


    Reason 173: Environmental Harm

    Reason 174: Face Mask Wearing Comes With Environmental Effects

    Reason 175: The Great Pacific Face Mask Patch

    Reason 176: Kids Are Not A Biohazard — Dirty Face Masks On The Ground Are The True Biohazard


    Reason 177: Symptoms Of Face Mask Wearing Are Now Being Blamed On Covid-19

    Reason 178: The Long-Term Consequences Of Face Mask Wearing Are Likely Far Worse Than We Can Imagine

    Reason 179: Face Mask Wearing Creates Symptoms Akin To Sick Building Syndrome

    Reason 180: Masks Lead To Mask-Induced Exhaustion Syndrome (MIES)


    Reason 181: Covid Is Hardly More Dangerous Than The Flu, Face Masks Have No Impact On Respiratory Viruses Anyway, And Masks Are Measurably Harmful In the Short-Term, Long-Term, And Cumulatively


    Now What Do I Do?





    About The Author

    May you always
    feel my fatherly protection,
    my fatherly wisdom, and
    my fatherly love,
    May you never be
    in want of it, and
    May you have ample
    supply of the fruit of that
    to share with
    our next generation.


    I do not write this to scare anyone. I write this to make it impossible for anyone to say, Face masks are safe for children and effective at preventing the transmission of a respiratory virus.

    Anyone who can say so without reservation is either lying to you or misinformed. Either way, they do not deserve your trust, whether that be family, friend, or doctor.

    Use this revealingly difficult time as an opportunity to have a moment of insight into that person’s character.

    The amount of evidence against the masking of children is enormous and can no longer be ignored. Face masks are not safe for the general population. Face masks are not effective in the prevention of the transmission of a respiratory virus. They are most certainly not safe and effective for our children. Face masks for this purpose are experimental, and the experiment on children, as well as the rest of the population, must stop.

    1.) Primarily, 75% of the people who open this book want a list of the harm caused by face masks, so I will give that list to you. Please turn to page 137 to see that list of ways children can be harmed by a face mask.

    For more on any of these topics, see the latter two-thirds of the book.

    The first one-third of the book is on topics of philosophy around face masking, and the latter two-thirds of the book is on topics of hard science around face masking.

    2.) Thump this book on a desk or podium to prove a point.

    This book is not a short book. It is made of a size and heft that make it easy and useful to thump on the desk of a bureaucrat to emphasize a point. It is also made for podium thumping. Thumping your Kindle or iPad on the podium just does not carry the same impact.

    3.) Skim this book, do not read it beginning to end.

    The table of contents is outlined to be clear and to be easily read by you. The index is the same. Each chapter title is written to be clear — no mystery about what is contained therein.

    4.) Each chapter can stand on its own.

    There is, consequently, some redundancy around the main point of the book: masks are not safe, masks are not effective, masks are not to be worn by the general population, least of all your children.

    With that in mind, my suggestion to you: skim the chapter titles and read those chapters that interest you.

    5.) Each chapter title tells you what that chapter is about.

    Memetics is the study of viral ideas. Quick, clear ideas are the in-demand hallmark of this era in which we live — an era so filled with noise and so little signal, so much data and so little wisdom, so much deceit and so little truth.

    Some people get that. Such people are hungry for signal and not noise, wisdom and not data. Each chapter title is meant to be that.

    6.) This is an easy, quick read.

    It is a long book, with complicated subject matter, laid out for you to read as deeply as you wish. Those who pick it up for two minutes, ten minutes, or ten hours will each get something out of it.

    The days since mid-March 2020 have not only brought the most perverse experimentation and neglect to the mainstream of society, it has been done on our most sensitive and precious members of society: our children.

    The level of experimentation is sick and rises to what generations, even in the barbaric past, would have deemed child abuse and which I am confident generations of the future will look upon during this twisted age as.

    Nothing can be said that justifies this behavior visited upon children.

    World War II remains, in memory, as a time of great wrong. Even trusted officials were involved in such wrong — military and civilian alike. Among them were doctors, doctors widely trusted by many. On June 2, 1948, the Doctors Trials at Nuremberg came to a conclusion with the hanging of the doctors found guilty of atrocities perpetrated over years on their fellow man.

    The medical experimentation of World War II that led, in part, to the Nuremberg Codes, were a thing many believed had been put behind us.

    They had not. Twisted medical experimentation on innocents continues. 2020 is proof of that.

    The blame does not stop with officials, however. Public officials are not in charge of our homes. Public officials are not in charge of our families.

    Shame on every one of you parents who obeyed and masked your children, and shame on each of you who did not ask the hard questions before masking your child.

    If you did mask your children in the past, the good news is, you never have to do that again. I am here to help you make sure that barbaric tradition stays in the past, where it belongs.

    Thousands have used my work to never wear a face mask again, not for any reason. I have video tutorials that are available free of charge to those who sign up to, and I have a bestselling book Face Masks in One Lesson, which guides you through the process of never wearing a face mask again. It will answer almost any question you can think of on how to stop wearing a face mask. Buy it now and by the time you are five pages into that book, you will want to thank me.

    As an additional resource, you can always write me at [email protected] with any questions you may have.

    Really, what it comes down to, though, is resolving to never wear a face mask again and then following through on that.

    Again, face masks are a total lie. Anyone, at the time this book went to press, was either mistaken, a liar, or both, if they were claiming that face masks were safe and effective.

    Face masks are not safe. Face masks are not effective. Face masks are experimental.

    After a quick note about the importance of courage, I will begin addressing how Face Masks Hurt Kids with information starting from there: the unsafe, ineffective, experimental face mask debacle of 2020 and 2021.

    May a shift in opinion occur so quickly, against mask mandates, that this book becomes unnecessary the moment it hits the printing press.

    May that face mask debacle of 2020 and 2021, forever be a part of our past, a shameful moment that we never repeat. May that sentiment be so culturally pervasive that anyone who dares wear a mask, be seen as a dangerous extremist unable to admit how wrong it all was and undeserving of any role of power or influence, least of all in the lives of our children.

    I work day and night to bring us to that better place.

    Will you join me?

    Allan Stevo

    August 15, 2021

    Rock Snake Lake

    Near Swallow Cliff, California

    Face Masks & Courage: Is Family Your Excuse For Cowardice, Or Is Family Your Motivation For Standing Upright?

    Parents used to stand up in life FOR THE BENEFIT of their kids. They realized that no matter how much money they left their kids, the inheritance of freedom is worth so much more to a child than the dollars and cents a parent could leave behind.

    Today, so many parents make their child an excuse for why they refuse to stand up in life. They say they are keeping their lips zipped BECAUSE of their child. They are doing it BECAUSE of their child they say.

    That is not okay.

    There is the story of a Kentucky soccer coach who refused to go masked and refused to enforce the mask. He did not keep quiet because of his daughter. She was on his team. He refused to let her or anyone else wear masks on the field. He stood up because of his daughter. He lost his coveted position as a result.

    But because of his courage, he is also the father of the only soccer player in his county who played without a mask through 2020.

    There is a father who wrote me from Arizona who did not back down from his values because of his kids. No, he doubled down. When the lockdowns began, this decorated teacher did not put on a mask or mask his two sons. Instead, he quit his job, pulled his two sons out of school and now homeschools them, which is a far more nurturing environment for all three of them. 2020 was a last straw for him, and I bet a blessing in disguise. Who better to rear a child than a parent?

    These are heroes of 2020 — not the 16-year-old Trader Joe’s bag boy yelling at his 60-year-old elders to mask up, emboldened by the unhealthy public health dictates and the trillion dollar media machine that wants to sell us all manner of bad ideas.

    These parents are the leaders of 2020 — not the chattering classes who go on guilt-filled tirades in the media, trying to get regular folks to do the most irregular and unnatural things. That would include placing a ten-cent polypropylene mask from Wuhan on their children’s faces and calling that normal. It would include letting a child be put on house arrest and calling that lockdown normal. It would include letting the public health bureaucrats know that every weird experiment on their child, that a bureaucrat could possibly come up with, is an experiment that family will willingly sacrifice their youngest and most precious to.

    Those things are not normal.

    We are experimenting on our children. We are subjecting our most precious members of society to experimentation that is demonstrably neither safe nor effective.

    You tell your child everything that he needs to know about you in a moment like this. Your words mean so little. Your actions say it all.

    This is a book chock-full of science, but more importantly it is a book about virtue. If you cannot be courageous in the moments that really matter, then you have no virtue.

    All other virtue depends on your ability to walk through life courageously. It is at such moments that your worth to those around you is shown. All your talk of virtue means nothing if your own sense of duty and courage do not undergird that virtue and move you to action.

    For this reason, courage has been called the greatest of virtues, for upon courage, all other virtues rest.

    I call on you, dear reader, to be as courageous as possible in a moment like this, to err on the side of courage, to err on the side of valor, to err on the side of bravery.

    This moment needs that of you. The people around you need that of you.

    If you cannot give that, and give that 110%, then you owe those around you the honesty of letting them know that, so that they, at least, can realize that you are not the protector in their lives that they can count on at a moment like this, to be there when all else goes wrong. At least then, they have the clarity to realize that they must step up and protect themselves. At least then, they will not walk alongside you thinking that you have this under control. At least then, they will not be left delusionally thinking that you are watching out for them no matter what.

    You can, at least, do them that favor of providing that clarity.

    If you choose to walk through this important moment in time as a coward, everyone from the 8-month-olds to the 108-year-olds in your life deserve to know that from you.

    The face mask signals exactly that to the world, but your loved ones may not see your cowardice as clearly. As loved ones, they are prone to have more faith in you and may give you the benefit of the doubt. As quickly as possible, you owe them that hard dose of reality that says I will not be your protector. You are on your own in this fight. My actions may even prove me as a friend to your enemy. I may be someone whose cowardice rubs off on you, undermines your sense of decency, and corrupts your values.

    Reality is harsh, and reality is what they need from you now more than ever.

    History presents decisive moments. Such decisive moments are looked back on as a moment when everything was able to go so right or in which everything could go so wrong. We are living through a moment like that. The next century of human history may very well be built on the actions taken by individuals in the months ahead.

    Act now, for soon that opportunity will have passed.

    If you choose to walk through such a decisive moment as a coward, those placed under your stewardship, at least, deserve the honesty of being told that you will not be there for them.

    They deserve that much.

    It is my hope that you can give them so much more, but perhaps not everyone has that ability at their disposal to look such a moment in the face and stand up tall.

    I would not know.

    I have many flaws, but cowardice is not one of them.

    I refuse to let cowards around me.

    I would rather surround myself with those who disagree with me on 75% of issues, but who I know have courage, than to surround myself with those who agree with me 95% and are filled with cowardice.

    A coward you can never depend on.

    His 95% agreement is in his words alone, but when placed under pressure, you can be certain that he will no longer agree with you 95% of the time. His actions will communicate everything you need to know about him.

    The days that have followed since the Ides of March 2020, have told us who the cowards are and who the upright are. Hardly could I have asked for a better gift than the wisdom these days have brought into my life, as the most vocal and outspoken about the topic of virtue cowered.

    It quickly became evident who they were. As painful as that realization may have been, that clarity about who was cowardly and who was courageous has truly been a blessing in my life.

    It is just a face mask, is something only a coward or a weasel would say to you. It is just a face mask, is something that will only be said by someone looking to downplay the role of courage, the role of bravery, the role of valor, the role of wisdom in the world, someone looking to convince you of an agenda that provides you with no benefit.

    A face mask says so much. It says nearly everything you need to know about a person. Because if they will cower, their words are worth so little. If all they need is the right reason in order to acquiesce to the unwise, then their wisdom means so little.

    I do not care if a man agrees with me, but I care if he is steel-spined enough for his actions to match his words.

    Give me a table full of men who agree with me about just a little, but whose actions match their words, and I will trade them for an entire army of the most doctrinaire who lack courage. I will trade them for an entire free state full of the most doctrinaire who lack courage. I will trade them for an entire country full of the most doctrinaire who lack courage.

    What will you be?

    Will you be a person of faith? A person of values? A person of boundaries? A person of courage?

    Or will you be a person of fear? A person of preference? A person obedient and flexible to the world? A person of cowardice?

    The choice is yours, but you do not have to say a word. You tell the world everything it needs to know about you when you put a mask on your face.

    A Note On So-Called Fact Checkers

    Future generations will look upon this book and realize what times we live in today, for a book chapter like this to even have to be written.

    Virtually every chapter in this book has material that can be searched for on a search engine and will produce top results that lead directly to so-called fact checking websites. If so-called fact checking websites are the top returns, that is almost a guarantee that the topic is politically controversial and offends some powerful interest.

    The major internet search engines likely to produce these inferior results are Bing, Google, Yahoo, Swiss Cows, Qwant, Yippy, Internet Archive, Search Encrypt, Gibiru, Verizon’s One Search, Start Page, and Duck Duck Go. Some of these search engines concern themselves with privacy, but produce very bad results, often censored. These results are often not based on the smart and effective algorithm Google was built on, but which produce the results that someone else wants you to see instead. The original Google algorithm was based on the exact opposite concept — showing you the results you want to see. Google has strayed a great distance from its original vision, and even small, scrappy search engines have followed along by providing censored results.

    While the so-called fact checkers, likely see themselves as doing sincere and legitimate work, they come from a dishonest starting point — some likely without even realizing it.

    Truth-seeking inquiry must begin without a predetermined result in mind other than seeking the truth. Our society is not built upon that process. Our government and legal system, so dominant in society, are not built upon that process. Our educational system is not built upon that process, and that process is not commonly a part of daily life.

    Instead, the very opposite takes place: a search for supporting evidence is pursued under the desire to prove a predetermined point. A search for truth is nowhere involved in such a process. Truth only comes into play as a word applied superficially at the end of the process to help add validity to the claim being made.

    This is the equivalent of Daily Planet editor, Perry White, telling his reporters, Clark Kent and Lois Lane, Write an article for me saying that last night’s fire did not take place last night, rather than Go cover the fire that we are getting reports from.

    While so-called fact checking websites are far more subtle in their dishonesty, such an egregious example is akin to the process that takes place at so-called fact checking websites.

    As such, it can be no surprise that so-called fact checking websites can have articles supporting total falsehoods and often do. Overwhelmingly, that is what exists on so-called fact checking websites. Such websites often have accurate data that is presented, or spun, in such a way that renders the results inaccurate.

    Despite their overwhelming inaccuracy, they also provide a useful purpose, though quite limited in scope. When such articles contain links, oftentimes, one need only click on those links as a researcher to find quality evidence that entirely debunks that so-called fact checker who cites it.

    Additionally, so-called fact checking websites can be useful for writers, like myself, seeking to identify, in advance, what narratives will be used to attack the results of truthful inquiry and address those ahead of time.

    So-called fact checking websites often come with a headline labelling a specific detail true or untrue, often in salacious and well-marketed ways. While such websites have usefulness, my experience with such headlines — the part of the article most intended to be read and which most people read — is that they are inaccurate 90 to 95% of the time for so-called fact checking articles that I have read.

    Given this trend, it is no surprise to me that the topic of virtually every chapter in this book has been debunked or will be debunked by such websites.

    The savvy reader knows this and understands the lack of truthful inquiry that takes place at such websites and throughout the media and society.

    Popularity, or lack thereof, does not make truth any more or less accurate. Search engine rank does not make truth any more or less accurate. Appearance as a media talking point does not make truth any more or less accurate. In fact, quite the opposite is more likely to be the case. Truth is unlikely to appear in a media talking point. Half-truth or outright deceit is far more likely to appear there — a condemnable detail of the era in which we live.

    As bold truth seekers rise up in greater number and replace those who make a living dispensing lies, such a state of affairs will come to be remedied. That state of affairs may also return one day if truth seekers let down their guard.

    Such is the way of the world in this period and in all of history. I ask you, dear reader, to do your part, to be diligent about that, and to as often as possible, seek to identify the truth rather than to identify evidence in support of a point you aim to prove.

    That is at the heart of the scientific method. That is at the heart of rational inquiry. Each of us must be comfortable re-examining our own views and holding them up to scrutiny to see if they ring true.

    The narrative of the safe and effective face mask does not ring true. Despite that, public health professionals have been slow to address that policy. This indicates a disinterest in the scientific method and a disinterest in rational inquiry. This behavior demonstrates defense of science or the protection of health cannot, at this point, be said to play any role in the mask policies of 2020 and beyond.


    Reason 1: The CDC Says Face Masks Do Not Work

    The US Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has an estimated 15,000 people in its workforce; some 88 of them work on Emerging Infectious Diseases,¹ a highly regarded, peer-reviewed journal of epidemiology, published by the CDC.

    April 3, 2020 — CDC Face Mask Order 

    On April 3, 2020, the CDC announced that everyone should wear face masks, wash their hands, and clean surfaces in order to prevent the spread of Covid-19.²

    CDC 4/3/20: Wear Masks To Fight Covid 

    On April 3, 2020, the CDC advised, Everyone should wear a cloth face cover when they have to go out in public, for example to the grocery store or to pick up other necessities.² Private and governmental policies across the US and internationally were crafted according to this statement.

    CDC 4/3/20: Wash Hands To Fight Covid 

    On April 3, 2020, the CDC advised, Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds especially after you have been in a public place, or after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.²

    CDC 4/3/20: Clean Surfaces To Fight Covid 

    On April 3, 2020, the CDC advised, Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces daily. This includes tables, doorknobs, light switches, countertops, handles, desks, phones, keyboards, toilets, faucets, and sinks.²

    May 2020 — Researchers Prove the Opposite 

    May 2020, Jingyi Xiao, an epidemiologist from the University of Hong Kong, and her colleagues, ran a paper entitled Nonpharmaceutical Measures for Pandemic Influenza in Nonhealthcare Settings — Personal Protective and Environmental Measures³ at the CDC’s journal of epidemiology, Emerging Infectious Diseases. In this paper they sought to separate myth from reality and to demonstrate what data-driven measures can be helpful in preventing the spread of Covid-19. Xiao’s research in the peer-reviewed CDC journal specializing on this topic, showed the opposite of the April 3, 2020, statements from the CDC to be true.

    Superior Methodology 

    Xiao’s efforts began with more diligent and rigorous methodology than recent reviewers who came before: We searched 4 databases³ (Medline, PubMed, EMBASE, and CENTRAL) for literature in all languages. We aimed to identify randomized controlled trials (RCTs) of each measure for laboratory-confirmed influenza outcomes for each of the measures because RCTs provide the highest quality of evidence.

    Throughout 2020, it has been easy for low-quality Covid research to get published and then circulated through the media, entirely out of context. This has been detrimental in a time when high quality and dependable information would be most useful in the protection of life and livelihood in 2020. Consequently, Xiao does not treat every study the same. Randomized controlled trials with laboratory confirmed outcomes were the standard their review of the literature sought. Rather than cherry-picking the studies with fashionable results, they sought truth and quality over political correctness and assessed the gold standard studies. Not surprisingly, in doing so, Xiao produced the exact opposite results of what you would find from Fox News, The New York Times, Google, or their many clones.

    Xiao, unsurprisingly, reports what researchers of randomized controlled trials with laboratory-confirmed outcomes have long known:

    Although mechanistic studies support the potential effect of hand hygiene or face masks, evidence from 14 randomized controlled trials of these measures did not support a substantial effect on transmission of laboratory-confirmed influenza. We similarly found limited evidence on the effectiveness of improved hygiene and environmental cleaning. We identified several major knowledge gaps requiring further research, most fundamentally an improved characterization of the modes of person-to-person transmission.³

    You read that right:

    1.) It does not matter if you sanitize surfaces;

    2.) It does not matter if you wash your hands;

    3.) Masks do not work.

    CDC Journal 5/1/20: Sanitizing Surfaces Does Not Protect Against Covid³

    Sanitizing surfaces is effective for the prevention of gastrointestinal illnesses, but it does not protect from Covid. Xiao writes:³

    Although we found no evidence that surface and object cleaning could reduce influenza transmission, this measure does have an established impact on prevention of other infectious diseases.

    CDC Journal 5/1/20: Washing Your Hands Does Not Protect Against Covid³

    Similarly, hand washing is useful for the prevention of gastrointestinal illness, but the laboratory-confirmed, randomized controlled trials show that it is not useful in the prevention of Covid. Xiao writes:³

    Hand hygiene is a widely used intervention and has been shown to effectively reduce the transmission of gastrointestinal infections and respiratory infections. However, in our systematic review, updating the findings of Wong et al.⁴ we did not find evidence of a major effect of hand hygiene on laboratory-confirmed influenza virus transmission. Nevertheless, hand hygiene might be included in influenza pandemic plans as part of general hygiene and infection prevention.

    CDC Journal 5/1/20: Masks Do Not Work³

    Face masks might help prevent the spread of some infections, but there is no proof that they work with Covid-19 or influenza. Xiao writes:³

    We did not find evidence that surgical-type face masks are effective in reducing laboratory-confirmed influenza transmission, either when worn by infected persons (source control) or by persons in the general community to reduce their susceptibility. However, as with hand hygiene, face masks might be able to reduce the transmission of other infections and therefore have value in an influenza pandemic when healthcare resources are stretched.

    CDC Journal 5/1/20: Face Masks Do Not Work When Worn By The

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