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Undaunted: Daring to Do What God Calls You to Do
Undaunted: Daring to Do What God Calls You to Do
Undaunted: Daring to Do What God Calls You to Do
Ebook257 pages5 hours

Undaunted: Daring to Do What God Calls You to Do

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Embrace your identity as God's beloved, step out of your own brokenness, and bring hope to a darkened world.

You have a calling to fulfill. Are you ready to take the risk of moving past your past to fulfill it? Christine Caine faced hurdles that seemed insurmountable--abuse, abandonment, and the loss of a child. Yet she decided to answer God's call on her life no matter where it would lead her. Many times, the only thing that kept her going was knowing that she was God's beloved. She was God's chosen. Secure in those truths, she moved beyond her pain so she could live the adventure of bringing God's light and love to others around the world.

In this updated and expanded edition of her bestselling book, Undaunted, Christine challenges you to embrace the reality of God's love so you can speak it to others as you live out your own unique calling. As Christine writes, "Love like Christ's can lift you out of betrayal and hurt. It can deliver you from any mess. Love like that can release you from every prison of fear and confusion. And love like God's can fill you up till it spills out of you, and you have to speak about it, share it, spread it around."

You already have all you need to bring hope to others. With additional biblical teaching, new stories, and a new epilogue, this updated and expanded edition of Undaunted will awaken you to how God wants to work through you and in you as you dare to become who God created you to be.

Also available: Undaunted student edition, video curriculum, and study guide.

PublisherThomas Nelson
Release dateMay 7, 2019

Christine Caine

Christine Caine is a speaker, activist, and bestselling author. She and her husband, Nick, founded the A21 Campaign, an anti–human trafficking organization. They also founded Propel Women, an initiative that is dedicated to coming alongside women all over the globe to activate their God-given purpose. You can tune into Christine's weekly podcast, Equip & Empower, or her TBN television program to be encouraged with the hope of Jesus wherever you are. To learn more about Christine, visit

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    Undaunted - Christine Caine


    In 2018, Nick and I, and our team, celebrated the ten-year anniversary of A21, our global anti–human trafficking organization. When I first wrote this book, we had only just started. We knew God had called us to make a difference, so with one office and a handful of team members, we began. We had no real idea what we were doing or how to move forward most days, but we did have passion, commitment, a willingness to learn, and much-needed undaunted faith. We approached each day doing the only thing we knew to do—get up, pray with a holy desperation, put one foot in front of the other, and trust God to make a way and direct our paths. We researched, we asked questions, and we stumbled along, often taking two steps forward only to take three steps back. When we encountered one seemingly impossible obstacle after another, we felt like giving up, and yet, by God’s grace and strength, we kept going—one day at a time, one step at a time, to rescue one life at a time. It really has always been about the one. We have always wanted to do our part to help abolish slavery everywhere, forever.

    Since then, so much has changed, and we have grown and expanded our reach around the globe. When I originally wrote this book, I thought I understood undaunted faith and I felt I had a lot to say, but since then, I have learned so much more. I have been stretched, challenged, and changed in ways I never thought possible, and my faith has grown. As a result, I felt compelled to revise this book and expand it.

    I have loved reliving so many details, rewriting the stories to include more, and even adding new ones that will inspire you to step into your God-given purpose. We are living in such challenging days, when there is so much chaos, division, pain, confusion, and suffering in our world, that if we are to be the witnesses God has called us to be in our generation, then we will need to step into the future undaunted.

    Inside these pages is a message for every single one of us. So turn the page and start reading. I believe you will be inspired to live undaunted.



    Chapter 1


    Why didn’t you come sooner? If what you are telling me is true, if what you say about your God is true, then where were you? Sonia demanded. Her voice, which had been rich with a beautiful Russian accent minutes before, had grown thick with emotion, almost taut from a simmering rage, and it pierced my heart: Where have you been?"

    Sitting in a circle of young women who recently had been rescued from sex trafficking, who had been used and abused in vile ways, forced to grow much older than their years, I had hoped to encourage them and show them genuine love. But my words, which seemed to penetrate their hearts only moments ago and give them a glimpse of God’s unconditional love and mercy, were being thrown right back at me in one explosive blow after another. Sonia had just been the bravest in the room, brave enough to confront me, to voice what they all were thinking.

    Why didn’t you come sooner? she insisted. It was a raw and honest question that deserved a substantive answer.

    Staring back at her, feeling the pressure of the moment, I leaned into the heart of God for the answer. I searched for how to respond to her, for how to answer all of them. While I waited, while they waited, no one moved. No one uttered a word. No one took their eyes off me. And I felt that her heartbreaking cry for an answer would reverberate in my head forever.

    Why didn’t you come sooner?

    As I looked into her eyes, I could see all the anguish they exposed, and my desperation to answer her softened into feelings of compassion I had never known. I shuddered at all she had shared, a nineteen-year-old trapped in a room for one year, forced to service at least twenty-five men every day. Wrecked by her pain, I could see so many more of the young women I’d met, women just like Sonia. All their stories of being poor, starving, unable to feed or protect their families flooded my thoughts. They were easy prey for the traffickers who had exploited their vulnerabilities. I remembered so many of them, depressed, suicidal, desperate to end their suffering. I remembered the children I’d met, languishing and dying from malnutrition, many sold into slavery sometimes as early as their toddler years. Their faces blurred together—hundreds, thousands, millions. Too many to count. Too many to see clearly. They melded into an ocean of floating faces, bobbing in and out of focus. Hazy. Distorted. In a depth of suffering, loneliness, need, despondency, and hopelessness I’d never known. And then they were sinking, and I could hear their cries until they were so faint that they were no more.

    Why didn’t I come sooner? How can I possibly help Sonia forgive, be healed, and be restored to a life that God wants to give her? Jesus, help me. How should I answer her?


    When I arrived in Greece twenty-four hours before, it wasn’t the Greece that I remembered from my honeymoon fourteen years earlier. There were no stunning, whitewashed buildings, no lapis-blue tile rooftops. There was no festive music. No outdoor market with vendors selling freshly pressed olive oil, mouthwatering feta cheese, or fresh cantaloupe.

    Instead I found the Greece of March 2010 still reeling from the 2008 financial crisis that had struck the world. Affected by the plummeting of the US market, all of Europe had entered a recession, and Greece had suffered the most.¹ Now the streets were empty, black, and wet. Even the crystal-blue Aegean Sea seemed to reflect the dismal state of affairs. Driving past the port, staring at the cold sea, watching it thrash about, I could feel how the fear of economic collapse had changed everything, and I couldn’t help but wonder, Is this how they see it? Their lives? Their futures?

    They were fourteen young women, mostly Eastern European, who had been rescued by A21. Young women who were mere schoolgirls when they were lured from their homes in the Ukraine, Bulgaria, Georgia, Albania, Romania, Russia, Uzbekistan, and even an African nation. Sixteen-, seventeen-, eighteen-year-olds. Girls who should have been giggling about music and basketball games, worrying about what to wear to school, not how to survive being held captive as slaves.

    In a home in a part of Greece I’d never known, I had come to visit them, encourage them, and remind them that they were safe. But when I met with them, it seemed that all I had done was stir up the horrors of their pain. One by one, they braved telling me of unspeakable shame and agony, of unfathomable evil done to them.

    Nadia was the first to tell me her story. She recounted how she had been raised in a village in Georgia during a time of war and deprivation. Her family possessed an abundance of love but not food. Poverty consumed them. For years, Nadia lived on dreams—dreams of escaping hunger, dreams of a world far away from the ravaged village, dreams of becoming a nurse. If she were a nurse, she explained, like the ones she saw dressing the wounds of soldiers in her village, she could get away. She could travel and see a beautiful world, a world in which she would have a helpful role to play.

    But girls in poor Georgian villages did not go to school beyond second grade. They needed to learn only how to cook and clean, not read and write. In their culture, no man would want to marry a woman more educated than he. She was expected to marry, keep house, bear children, and depend on her husband for everything.

    Nadia, an obedient daughter who desperately wanted to please her parents, tried to push aside her secret dreams. Yet embers still burned in her heart.

    So just three weeks before her seventeenth birthday, when a man approached her group of friends at their bus stop and told them of opportunities to work in Greece, those embers couldn’t help but glow brighter. The man told them that Greece was beautiful and that the people prospered there. He said there were many good-paying jobs for waitresses, hairdressers, and shop assistants. He said there were jobs just waiting for nurses. He somehow knew exactly what to say.

    The man gave her a brochure and invited her to a meeting the following Friday evening, where he would provide all of the details.

    For the next week, Nadia was blinded by the light of opportunity. Her dreams suddenly seemed so possible, so attainable. So on Friday, she arrived early at the village community hall and found a seat in the front row. Several dozen other girls trickled in after her, filling the room with their excited chatter. Some men, including the one who had given Nadia a brochure, introduced themselves as agents and gave a compelling presentation of the opportunities in Greece. They promised a bright future. They passed out paperwork for obtaining passports and work visas and patiently helped the girls fill out the forms.

    Nadia left the community hall overflowing with hope. She ran home to tell her parents about her amazing chance to start a new life. Not only could she get an education and training as a nurse and live her dream of helping others, she could also soon send money home to her entire family.

    Her parents were concerned, though. Greece was so far away. They didn’t know these men or whether they could be trusted. But her compelling passion ignited the embers of hope in their hearts. Perhaps their daughter would be able to get ahead as they never had. Perhaps she could find a profession and earn a good income. She could be their key to new lives too.

    After much discussion, they reluctantly agreed to let her go, even draining all their accounts, selling what they could, and borrowing what was necessary to scrape together the fee Nadia needed to pay the hiring agents for her passage to Greece. Her dreams of happiness, success, and newfound prosperity became their dreams too.

    A week later, when Nadia waved goodbye to her parents, she had no idea she might never see them again.

    Landing at the airport in Greece, Nadia was met by a woman from the hiring agency who spoke no Russian. Nadia spoke no Greek. But despite the language challenges and ensuing confusion, Nadia apprehensively went with the woman to an apartment building, where she was shown a room that was supposed to be hers. Then the woman left Nadia to unpack and settle in.

    But within minutes, her world unraveled and a nightmare unfolded. Several men rushed in and locked the door behind them. They beat and raped Nadia repeatedly. She tried to fight back. She screamed for help until her vocal cords could no longer make a sound. And for every protest she voiced, for every scream she uttered, she received even more abuse, more torture.

    Confused, scared, ashamed, in pain, and broken, Nadia retreated internally into a dark, deep place that would take her years to escape.

    For the next two weeks, the beatings and rape continued, until there was nothing left of the girl and her dreams, until the girl she once was surrendered to a cruel force she couldn’t fight.

    That’s when the agents told Nadia about her new job—the one they’d schemed for her all along. It wasn’t in a hospital. It wasn’t in a restaurant. It wasn’t in a store. It was in a brothel. Her new life was to be a sex slave. If you do not do as we tell you, we will kill your family, they said.

    For Nadia, it was enough. By then she was convinced that these people were so evil that they would make good on their threat. They had taken her papers, including her passport. She didn’t speak Greek. She had no idea where she was. Even if she somehow found a way to escape, where would she go? She knew she wouldn’t make it far, let alone all the way back to Georgia. She was utterly alone, though the men she had believed were hiring agents surrounded her twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. When they weren’t in her room, they stood guard outside her door and sent in a constant flow of customers with whom she was forced to perform unmentionable acts—up to forty times a day.

    No longer sure there was a God in heaven—because why would he have allowed this to happen?—Nadia pleaded with God anyway. Let me die, she prayed over and over. Let me die. Oblivion would be better than this. The trauma and the horror continued to pull her deeper and deeper and deeper into utter despair. And as hopelessness settled in, all the embers of her dreams were snuffed out. There was no hope of ever returning to a life with her family, to things familiar and free.

    But one day, when a guard left her room, he forgot to lock the window. Though her room was on the third floor of the apartment building, Nadia scrambled onto the balcony. Maybe, if I am lucky, the impact will kill me. Oh, God, she prayed, let the nightmare end.

    She jumped.

    A woman who was passing by saw Nadia throw herself from the third-story balcony and crash onto the pavement. Horrified, she ran to Nadia, who, miraculously, was uninjured.

    As the woman fretted over Nadia, asking her if she was all right, Nadia was amazed that she understood. Had she died? Was she in heaven? No. It was a miracle. The woman was real. And she spoke Russian! She wanted to help Nadia. Quickly Nadia told her the nightmare that she’d been living.

    The woman pulled Nadia up from the pavement and rushed her to the police station. There the police took her statement, and then they moved her to a secure location to protect her. Soon she was put in contact with our A21 team.


    One by one that March afternoon, the girls around me shared their stories, all versions of Nadia’s nightmare. Most had been raised in impoverished, formerly communist Eastern European nations. Each had come to Greece expecting legitimate employment. All had brought with them hope to do something more with their lives than their parents had ever thought possible. But all of their tender, youthful dreams had been stolen and shattered.

    What shook me most was the realization that, for each of these young women whom I spoke to that day, there were millions of others still trapped in slavery, millions of women whose unspeakable pain remained shrouded in secrecy. Millions of women suffering in silence. Somewhere.

    When Maria told her story, she described how she and more than fifty other young women had come to Greece in a shipping container.

    Wait, I interrupted. Do you mean you were contained in a ship? I thought that I’d misunderstood or that something had been lost in translation.

    Maria repeated: she and more than fifty other young women were brought to Greece in a shipping container.

    A container loaded onto a ship? Like the one that a moving company was going to use to ship my household goods to our new home? A box? I pressed. A container used to carry personal and commercial goods, not people?

    That’s right, Maria assured me—a box, a container put onto a ship. When she and the other girls arrived at the port the day of their departure, just like Nadia and her friends, they thought they were traveling to good-paying jobs in a land of opportunity. Instead they were greeted by hiring agents who said that there had been complications with their paperwork and that they had only one choice: travel by container or lose their deposits and any opportunity to work abroad. Make the voyage in a shipping container or turn around and go home.

    Our families had given everything they owned to pay for our passage, Maria said.

    So one by one, bewildered and frightened, the girls entered the container. When the last girl was inside, the door was slammed shut and they heard a lock clang against the metal. They sat fearfully frozen in the darkness.

    Then the bubble broke! The bubble broke! Maria exclaimed.

    What bubble?

    The air filter, she explained, that allowed oxygen to circulate in the container. It stopped working, and the inside of the cramped box suddenly became a suffocating coffin.

    I gasped, imagining the oxygen being rapidly depleted, the heat building, the women gulping for air in complete darkness.

    The journey in the sealed container was gruesome. Half the girls died early on from lack of oxygen. The other half, the stronger ones, teetered on the edge of death. They had nowhere to sit but in their own vomit and feces, since they were forced to relieve themselves on the container’s floor.

    When the men at port opened the container, Maria said, they recoiled, appalled by the smell of death, decay, and excrement.

    One of the dead was Anna, Maria’s best friend. Anna had died an excruciating death, suffocating as if buried alive. Anna was real, Maria insisted to me that day. Anna had existed. And Anna must be remembered.

    The hiring agents preferred to forget. More interested in quickly getting what they referred to as their shipped goods from the dockyard, they hustled the remaining girls to small apartments nearby, where, like Nadia, the girls were repeatedly raped and beaten.

    Before sunrise one morning, Maria said, after she had lost all sense of time, the girls were loaded into small rubber boats and taken across the Mediterranean Sea to a Greek island. This was the first time they realized that their voyage had not even taken them to Greece. They had been brutalized in Turkey. None of the agents had kept their promises.

    In the boat, Maria felt a surge of hope. The Greek Coast Guard was doing a routine check that morning—unusual for that hour, Maria later learned. She hoped that, unlike the crew on the docks, the Coast Guard could not be bribed to turn a blind eye. Maria’s captors showed signs of panic. Though Maria was freezing, deprived of sleep and food, broken, and in shock, her hope grew. Rescue! Justice! Once caught, the traffickers would face a lengthy imprisonment.

    And for that reason, these men would do anything to avoid being caught.

    They began throwing the girls overboard.

    Only a few of the thirty or so girls—those who had been strong enough to survive the deadly voyage in the shipping container—escaped drowning that day.

    Those few were spared because they were able to be hidden among their captors when the Coast Guard came aboard. When the boat finally arrived in Athens, the girls were taken to a brothel, where the nightmare of the Turkish apartment continued. Daily, Maria and the others were forced to participate in unspeakable encounters with dozens of men. Maria sank deeper into despair, wishing that she too had suffocated in the container or drowned in the Mediterranean Sea.

    The horror continued for weeks. Or maybe it was months. Maria wasn’t sure anymore. But one day, anti-trafficking authorities, responding to a tip, raided the brothel. Maria and other girls were herded into the back of what appeared to be a police van. Were they being rescued? If hiring agents could be evil, couldn’t police be as well? Uncertain and broken, Maria didn’t get her hopes up when she and a dozen other girls were raced to another apartment building. Police rushed them inside, where they waited in fear and resignation. But instead of beatings and rape, they were given rest, food, water,

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