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Remain Alert: Science Fiction Stories
Remain Alert: Science Fiction Stories
Remain Alert: Science Fiction Stories
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Remain Alert: Science Fiction Stories

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Lesson #1 in intergalactic mixology: VIPs take it floated, not stirred. 


Explore the farthest reaches of the galaxy in Kate Sheeran Swed's newest collection of science fiction stories. 


  • In "Chosen," an intergenerational spaceship returns to Earth after disaster strikes;
  • in "Ugly Earthling," an ambitious chef attempts to fry her way across the universe; 
  • and in "It's All Fun and Games Until Someone Usurps the Galaxy," a Supreme Galactic Emperor takes on an ambitious building project under dubious circumstances.


Absurdity and tragedy commingle in tales where space travel is run-of-the-mill, time can be recovered, and second chances hold the key to survival. 

Release dateFeb 14, 2022
Remain Alert: Science Fiction Stories

Kate Sheeran Swed

Kate Sheeran Swed loves hot chocolate, plastic dinosaurs, and airplane tickets. She has trekked along the Inca Trail to Macchu Picchu, hiked on the Mýrdalsjökull glacier in Iceland, and climbed the ruins of Masada to watch the sunrise over the Dead Sea. After growing up in New Hampshire, she completed degrees in music at the University of Maine and Ithaca College, then moved to New York City. She currently lives in New York’s capital region with her husband and son, and two cats who were named after movie dogs (Benji and Beethoven). Her stories have appeared or are forthcoming in the Young Explorer’s Adventure Guide Volume 5, Electric Spec, Daily Science Fiction, and Andromeda Spaceways. She holds an MFA in Fiction from Pacific University. You can find her on Instagram @katesheeranswed.

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    Remain Alert - Kate Sheeran Swed

    Remain Alert




    Spells & Spaceships press logo of a spaceship

    Copyright © 2022 by Kate Sheeran Swed

    All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

    This book is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.

    Remain Alert and Have a Safe Day originally appeared in Word Riot

    Chosen originally appeared in Fireside Fiction

    Ugly Earthling originally appeared in Electric Spec

    It’s All Fun and Games Until Someone Usurps the Galaxy originally appeared in Tricked : An Anthology of Short Fiction

    Cover by GoOnWrite


    Free Stuff!


    Remain Alert and Have a Safe Day


    Ugly Earthling



    It’s All Fun and Games Until Someone Usurps the Galaxy

    Also By Kate Sheeran Swed

    About the Author


    Visit to get a free story collection!



    I enjoy writing short fiction. Not so much because writing short helps me hone my craft — though it definitely does have that effect. And not because the finishing energy of a short piece hypes me up after a few weeks spent on a novel, though it can do that, too.

    No, I like short fiction because it lets me be very, very weird.

    If you’ve read my novels, you know I like to put my weird hat on. Assassins buying cacti, interworld immigrants with a taste for smoothies, mad scientists in bunny slippers. All that. But Douglas Adams and Catherynne M. Valente aside, it’s difficult to maintain that kind of wackiness throughout a full novel.

    And honestly, I don’t think I’d enjoy sustaining it through a full novel. It’s not for me.

    A short story, though. A short story can be as weird as it wants to be.

    For the weirdest stories in this collection, I recommend Ugly Earthling and It’s All Fun and Games Until Someone Usurps the Galaxy (which is long enough that I feel comfortable calling it a novelette).

    Short fiction also lets me dip my toes into the darker part of my fears, as you’ll see with Chosen. That’s a special story to me — it’s a take on the very first short story I ever wrote, back in high school, after playing hide and seek on a playground in the middle of the night with some friends. (It was probably more like 10pm, but it felt like the middle of the night for straight-laced teenaged me.)

    It’s a brand new version, of course, but it reminds me of that night so viscerally. Even though my friends and I were not (thankfully) on a failed interstellar mission.

    Short fiction allows me to be weird and wacky, sad and fearful, and occasionally experimental, to include lists and second-person narratives, and to try things I might otherwise hesitate to write.

    I hope you enjoy the stories I’ve put together in Remain Alert.



    Descend. Choose a spot on the baking sheet to await the hot breath of charging dragons. They will probably be your salvation, but have not ruled out the possibility of broiling you alive.

    Breathe. Through your mouth.

    Breathe. If sparks invade your vision, step back from the yellow line. Dip your head between your knees. A stranger may offer you a sip of her drink. Take one.

    Do not, under any circumstances, question the nature of the liquid running down the walls. It is coffee.

    When the dragon arrives late, as dragons are wont to do, follow the crowd of pit stains into the welcoming icebox of its belly.

    If the dragon is suffering from gastrointestinal distress, you may find yourself riding in a sauna. Exchange agonized glances with fellow sufferers. It is too late to repent, or choose another car. Close your eyes. Clench your fists.

    Do not, under any circumstances, question why your hand sticks to the pole. It is jam.

    When you reach the station, become a raindrop. Allow the sea to wash you up the stairs and onto the street, where castles glint in the sun.

    The ground may roar beneath your feet.

    Keep walking, until you find a green patch to nestle your toes.



    My friend Andy’s perched on the back of his friend Gabe’s couch, and I can tell from the way he’s pulling on his ear that he’s formulating a speech. The others don’t notice because they’re watching the blippy vid feed Andy’s other friend, Lora, patched in from Earth, where a guy in a plaid coat is saying words like refugees and quarantine before some other guy in another plaid coat takes the screen to suggest we shouldn’t be allowed to land at all.

    Leave them in orbit and they’ll be dead in a year, the interviewer pushes, pretending to defend us. His hair shines like one of the beetles that took down our crops in Year 20.

    Plaid Jacket’s response is full of words like choices and consequences.

    All I know is, we made no choice. We’ve been heading back to Earth almost as long as we’ve been alive. We don’t remember the stars in our parents’ eyes—we’ve only ever seen the reflection of a planet they thought we’d never touch.

    Mom was one of the few people on board who never seemed to mind the change in plan. Beatrice, she used to say, drawing out the syllables of my name like I was some kind of Greek goddess, wait until you smell rain.

    Before the interviewer can respond to the Earthen dudes who basically want to murder us, Andy flips off the vid.

    And now, he says, and I can practically see the speech gelling in his brain, hardening into something delectable and strange, on the eve of our deliverance or doom, four prodigal wanderers shall engage in a battle of hide and seek.

    Andy does not half-ass his speeches.

    Gabe hops up beside Andy so fast that his flop of brown curls goes airborne for a second. He’s tall in that muscular, wiry way, his

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