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Summary of Jim Collins & William Lazier's BE 2.0
Summary of Jim Collins & William Lazier's BE 2.0
Summary of Jim Collins & William Lazier's BE 2.0
Ebook67 pages49 minutes

Summary of Jim Collins & William Lazier's BE 2.0

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Get the Summary of Jim Collins & William Lazier's BE 2.0 in 20 minutes. Please note: This is a summary & not the original book. Original book introduction: Beyond Entrepreneurship left a definitive mark on the business community, influencing the young pioneers who were, at that time, creating the technology revolution that was birthing in Silicon Valley. Decades later, successive generations of entrepreneurs still turn to the strategies outlined in Beyond Entrepreneurship to answer the most pressing business questions.

BE 2.0 is a new and improved version of the book that Jim Collins and Bill Lazier wrote years ago. In BE 2.0, Jim Collins honors his mentor, Bill Lazier, who passed away in 2005, and reexamines the original text of Beyond Entrepreneurship with his 2020 perspective.

PublisherIRB Media
Release dateDec 7, 2021
Summary of Jim Collins & William Lazier's BE 2.0

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    Book preview

    Summary of Jim Collins & William Lazier's BE 2.0 - IRB Media

    Insights on Jim Collins and Bill Lazier's BE 20 Beyond Entrepreneurship 20


    Insights from Chapter 1

    Insights from Chapter 2

    Insights from Chapter 3

    Insights from Chapter 4

    Insights from Chapter 5

    Insights from Chapter 6

    Insights from Chapter 7

    Insights from Chapter 8

    Insights from Chapter 9

    Insights from Chapter 10

    Insights from Chapter 1


    The author wanted to create a new edition of his book, Beyond Entrepreneurship, to extend the legacy of his late partner, Bill Lazier, and to honor and extend the legacy of the greatest mentor in his life, who had shaped him greatly.

    Insights from Chapter 2


    The author was a student of Bill’s, and when the latter was unexpectedly fired, he recommended the author to take over his class.


    Bill placed a huge responsibility on the young author’s shoulders - he trusted him and believed in him. However, he warned him that he would perform at his best when it mattered most.


    Bill’s success didn’t come from his business ventures, however. It came from his influence on others, both through his words and his actions.


    Bill was also generous with his time, helping out others with their problems. He was so full of energy that it never seemed to affect him, even after receiving the Nobel Prize.


    Bill left his secure job as a CPA to pursue his entrepreneurial dream, and he successfully built a company that provided financial advice to small businesses. He eventually resigned from his company to pursue his dream full time.


    The author and his wife made the Thelma and Louise decision to quit their jobs and become full-time entrepreneurs.


    Bill’s advice was to never let your guard down, even with those you trust the most. There’s always the potential of them betraying your trust, and you don’t want to be vulnerable like that.


    Bill and his wife, Janice, mentored many people over the years, and Bill expected those he mentored to return the favor by investing in others. While he benefited greatly from their relationship, he wanted to ensure that his mentees benefited as well.


    Bill was a great teacher, and one of his lessons was that money is not the only measure of success. It’s about who you are and how you conduct yourself.


    Bill taught him that living to one’s core values is usually inconvenient, sometimes costly, and always demanding. But you must constantly self-correct, like a ship at sea guided by a constellation of stars.


    Bill’s philosophy was that if you didn’t love what you were doing, you shouldn’t do it. Life is too short to not enjoy it.


    The Paradox of Facing Your mortality can help you live a better life. It can make you appreciate what you have, and it can make you want to make a difference.

    Insights from Chapter 3


    Steve Jobs, the founder of Apple, wanted to make sure that his company would continue to deliver high-quality products after his death. To do so, he

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